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Stage 2



  • ethieman
    ethieman Posts: 99 Member
    Hello all of you lovely ladies! I just finished Stage 1 today and am really excited to be beginning Stage 2!!! I've been lurking on the boards, but never posted, so I'm planning on being a bit more active on here. Figure it will be less lonely than going it alone! Anyways, any advice/warnings going into Stage 2? Stage 1 went swimmingly for me!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I just started stage 2 this past week. I found that it's a little more tricky, involving more balance, etc. Allow yourself more time on Workout B days, there are more moves and there is 15 minutes HIIT following the workout.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Hey there everybody! Wow what a stage 2 it has been! I had a small non-related NROL4W NSV, and took almost 2 minutes off my 5K time, and on top of that I have lost 3 inches total, 3 pounds total, and about 2% body fat! Here are my end stats for S2WA:

    FSPP: Bar => 50 lbs
    Step ups: 20 lbs no change
    Dumbell one-point rows: 10 lbs => 15 lbs
    Static Lunges: BW => 8 lbs
    Push ups: Declined (my coordination just isn't there for the T push ups)
    Planks: 60 sec => 75 sec
    Cable Horizontal Wood Chops: 30 lbs => 60 lbs (and the 60 was by accident today, I thought I had it set to 45 until half way through and said screw it lol)

    I will be back on Friday to post my results for workout B. I am going to combine the AMAP workout next Tuesday as I will not have a change to get to the gym to split them next Friday. After all, Mud Fest is next week end! Time to get muddy!
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    I just started stage 2 this past week. I found that it's a little more tricky, involving more balance, etc. Allow yourself more time on Workout B days, there are more moves and there is 15 minutes HIIT following the workout.
    Thanks for the advice - I start Workout 2 at the weekend.
  • amanda_gent
    amanda_gent Posts: 174 Member
    I finished stage 2 yesterday and am actually sad to see it go! I started out uneasy about it and ended up loving it because it took a lot more focus and balance. The HIIT at the end of workout B was a great addition, though I didn't always look forward to it because I already do spin classes 2-3 times per week, but I can get through 15 minutes of anything!

    My progress was as follows:

    Workout A
    Front Squat Push Press 30# barbell --> 40# barbell
    Step Up 30# bb --> 40# bb
    DB one-point row 20# ieach hand -->25# db each hand
    Static lunge, rear foot elevated 20#bb -->40#bb
    T-push up 10# -- >12#
    Plank 60 secs --> 1:30 secs
    Cable horizontal wood-chop 2 plates (unsure of weight) --> 3 plates

    Workout B
    Wide Grip Deadlift from Box 95# --> 100#
    Bulgarian Split Squats 30#bb --> 40# bb
    Underhand Grip Lat Pulldown 60# --> 72#
    Reverse Lunge from Box with Forward Reach 10# --> 12#
    Dumbbell Prone Cuban Snatch 8# --> 12#
    Swiss Ball Crunches -- 25# -- 35#

    The ab work was the easiest for me because I've already been focusing on that area for a long time, including doing planks at home (I can do 2:30 min at home if I haven't done anything else) and the Prone Cuban Snatch was my least favorite, as it just felt awkward and I wasn't very good at it. :)

    I have learned that I absolutely LOVE squats.

    Now, off to familiarize myself with Stage 3 and get to it tomorrow!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates the dumbbell prone cuban snatch. I'm having a hard time with just 5 pound dumbbells. My shoulders do not like that rotation.
  • artbkward
    artbkward Posts: 238 Member
    Hello Stage 2ers! I have my first Stage 2, Workout B tonight. I'm kind of looking forward to it but kinda nervous because I'm awfully sore from the A workout still. I'm anxious to try some of these moves that people keep talking about namely the Cuban snatch.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Well stage 2 is complete. All I have left are the AMRAP workouts and then it is off to stage 3.

    Here are the stats for S2WB:

    Wide grip Deadlift from Box: 85 lbs> 95 lbs
    Bulgarian Split Squats: Body Weight > 10 lbs
    Under-hand Lat Pulldowns: 75 lbs > 90lbs
    Reverse Lunge from Box: 5 lbs > 15 lbs
    Declice Sit ups: 25 lb > no change in weight but increased decline
    Reverse Sit ups:10 > 15
    Lateral Flexion: Version 1 > Version 3 10 each
    Prone Cobra: 60 sec to 75 sec

    I did this alongside running 4 days a week and here are the body changes during stage 2:

    Starting body Stats:

    Weight: 151 lbs
    Neck: 13.5 inches
    Waist: 32.5 inches
    Hips: 38.0 inches
    Body fat%: 31.7%

    Ending Body Stats:

    Weight: 148 lbs
    Neck: 13 inches
    Waist: 31 inches
    Hips: 37 inches
    Body Fat%: 29.2%

    Over all from start of NROL (Feb 5th) until now I have lost 13 lbs, 5 inches and 7% body fat.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
  • Nefetete
    Nefetete Posts: 343 Member
    Hi everyone, new to this tread. I will be finishing stage 1 on Monday so started looking at the different exercises in detail for stage 2. I have some questions and could use help.

    1) front squats look challenging but I am more worries about the push/press. Any advise? Did u use the Olympic bar or started lower weight?

    2) for the DB one point row, book mentions doing half reps so a full set would be 5 reps with the left leg and then switch to 5 reps with the right leg. That would count as one set correct.?

    3) for the wide grip DL did u start with the same weight as u ended DL from stage one. I will finish stage 1 with DL 120#.

    4) what's the diff between the static lunge, rear leg elevated & the Bulgarian split squat. Looks exactly the same. :huh:

    Thanks all in advance and I apologize if those questions were asked before :blushing:
  • Nefetete
    Nefetete Posts: 343 Member
    @ rduhlir congrats and amazing results not just for stage 2 but overall with New Rules
  • Luvs_Rage_Phish
    Luvs_Rage_Phish Posts: 87 Member
    Hi everyone, new to this tread. I will be finishing stage 1 on Monday so started looking at the different exercises in detail for stage 2. I have some questions and could use help.

    1) front squats look challenging but I am more worries about the push/press. Any advise? Did u use the Olympic bar or started lower weight?

    2) for the DB one point row, book mentions doing half reps so a full set would be 5 reps with the left leg and then switch to 5 reps with the right leg. That would count as one set correct.?

    3) for the wide grip DL did u start with the same weight as u ended DL from stage one. I will finish stage 1 with DL 120#.

    4) what's the diff between the static lunge, rear leg elevated & the Bulgarian split squat. Looks exactly the same. :huh:

    Thanks all in advance and I apologize if those questions were asked before :blushing:

    Just did my first stage 2 workout.

    1. I started with the olympic bar for the push press. It was hard but doable. Not sure how quickly I'll be able to add weight though.
    2. Correct.
    3. I haven't dont the wide grip dl yet so I'll le you know.... but I imagine you can't start at the same weight since the exercise is harder to do but we'll see.
    4. the static lunch is with a low step and you keep the static foot on the ball of the toe and have weights to your side. THe split squat is a higher step, your foot is top of foot down on the step and you hold a weight at the chest.
  • Luvs_Rage_Phish
    Luvs_Rage_Phish Posts: 87 Member
    BTW - just did my first stage 2.... holy **** that was hard.
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    Inspiring results posted here.
    Nefetete - thanks for asking those questions - I was thinking the same!
    Luvs Rage Phi - thanks for the responses - how did you get on with the prone cuban snatch as that one looks complicated and I have no idea what weight to use!
  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    Finally finished stage two on Friday after about ten days away from the gym thanks to work :-(

    No massive gains in terms of increases in weight which frustrated me a bit but the difference in the toning of my thighs is awesome!
    I have always had horrible cellulite on the front of my thighs just about my knees which really puts me off shorts and anything above the knee that I can't wear tights with. Well... It is gone!! I actually can't believe it! Def a reasonable amount of fat still to go tho!

    Onwards to stage 3!!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    1) front squats look challenging but I am more worries about the push/press. Any advise? Did u use the Olympic bar or started lower weight?
    For the Push Press, I started with a bar olympic bar, but I did not do bend my wrists back so much because it would end up hurting really, really bad. I ended up following the video that is posted on the FSPP thread and did them that way.
    3) for the wide grip DL did u start with the same weight as u ended DL from stage one. I will finish stage 1 with DL 120#.
    I dropped down 5 pounds and then went back up in weight.
    4) what's the diff between the static lunge, rear leg elevated & the Bulgarian split squat. Looks exactly the same.
    It is all about foot placement.
  • Nefetete
    Nefetete Posts: 343 Member
    Thanks ladies :flowerforyou:

    @ rduhlir, where is the FSPP thread.
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    Just finished workout A for the first time. I felt like a total beginner again - experimenting with weights like at the start of Stage 1! The squat/push press (thrusters) was just too tough for me with the olympic bar and I had to drop the weight to 15kg, but my shoulders have always been weak. Strange though as I was overhead pressing 11kg (just!) and the squat movement helps so maybe I'll be able to increase quickly as my form improves. I was super wobbly on one leg in the one-point row which was interesting and found the static lunges killers - I dropped the weight slightly for these too. For those without access to a gym, you might be interested that the swissball with a weight alternative to woodchoppers worked really well for me - I really felt my abs in this one.

    Workout B next (well, in a couple of days) - not looking forward to those intervals with tired legs!