Tell us about your Leslie Sansone Walk today!



  • KelleFlr
    KelleFlr Posts: 142
    Frustrated... didn't get to Leslie's DVD's over the weekend... ran errands all over Sat with hubby then home in time to start cooking dinner. Sunday had church, served with the kids in the morning, home by 1 pm, laundry dishes and other domestic goddess things, then dinner made, then back to church until 8pm., home, tuck the kids in.. then hubby wanted some of my time hanging out with him.
    Monday I had an MRI on my shoulder - claustrophobic - so they gave me valium , had that at 7 am and It was probably close to 4 pm before the dizzies wore off... then spent the next 2 hours in the kitching cooking 3 different meals for hubby for the week. (he takes dinner to work so he can warm it up while he is on the road)
    Now Tues, had plans, even had my work out clothes on... spent the day on math with my son, another day shot... yeesh.
    I may have to work out after I put sis on the bus and start my son's day at 10 am instead of 9 am and I can work out from 9 - 10.
    Thanks for letting me vent.
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member

    Thanks for letting me vent.


    Today was 3 super fat burning miles with weights. I definitely get a burn for my buck (45 min 459 calories!)
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I did a lot of walking today. This morning before the kids got up I did 1 mile of her Family Walk and her 1 mile Cardio Slimdown. Then this afternoon I did all 5 miles of her 5 Really Big Miles DVD. Whew!
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    This morning before the kids got up I did miles 1 and 2 of Walk Slim: 5 Really Big Miles and later in the morning I did the two mile Family Walk with my 5 year old (she has afternoon Kindergarten and Tues/Thursdays are the days we can stay in the first half of the day because my younger daughter doesn't have preschool those mornings). I'm definitely going to do at least mile 3 of Walk Slim once I get my little guy down for his nap and I'll go from there if I want to push past that point.

    I hope everyone is having a great day!
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Did two more miles while my son napped! Woo hoo! :)
  • mledford311
    I've been doing the 5 really big miles for almost a week, it , and it is kicking my butt, and I love it! I really hope I can stick with it I wanna be skinny again!
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I've been doing the 5 really big miles for almost a week, it , and it is kicking my butt, and I love it! I really hope I can stick with it I wanna be skinny again!

    Hi there! I'm glad to see someone else posting on here... I was beginning to think I was alone and didn't post my LS workout yesterday. :) 5 Really Big Miles is great!! Yesterday I got the 5 Mile Fat Burning Walk and I liked it even better... it is 5 12 minute miles and each ends with a two minute boost of jogging. Great workout and it went by pretty fast! Yesterday I did that and 3 other miles with her On Demand for a total of 8 miles. Today so far I did a Two Mile Walk and a 1 Mile walk with her DVD's and depending how early we get back from a birthday party this afternoon I may try to squeeze in more later. I want to be skinny again too! :)
  • KelleFlr
    KelleFlr Posts: 142
    I haven't posted daily with my walks, but I have done Wed, Thur and Friday this week... made my first goal of 3x a week. Didn't get to it today, helped hubby hang lights all around the house and get the yard decorations up. Took a friend to our church for some 'shopping' for her family. (our church gets toys, clothes, etc and makes a 'mall' out of our gym for those in need to shop for free and we offer wrapping)... after I took her to lunch... then home to help hubby.... and in between take care of my sick daughter.... she just kept telling me ... I don't feel good mommy.... poor thing. Been making her hot tea and cuddling.... so no work out today....
    Have it on my agenda for tomorrow though.
    Been alternating between 4 fast miles, and the 4 mile super challenge.
    Kicked my butt yesterday, just felt really out of energy but did my best to keep up, just didn't get after it high intensity like I did the day before. Not sure what that's about.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Yesterday was a busy day so I only got a three mile in early morning. Did good with my calorie limits at least even with going out to Dave and Busters with the family for lunch. This morning I was super tired and struggled to get up at 5:30 when that alarm went off. Forced myself up and walking but only did 2 miles. I'm planning to do at least another two miles when my son naps later but maybe more. Dinner out with the girls tonight so I could use a few extra calories to pad my allowance... ;)
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I did the two mile Brisk walk this morning and the 3 Three Fast Miles DVD this afternoon. I have a new favorite...that three fast mile one is terrific!!! Think I will do that in the mornings for awhile and see how I do. It really gets your heart rate up but it was very enjoyable the whole way through.
  • KelleFlr
    KelleFlr Posts: 142
    I did the 3 mile advanced walk yesterday from the 4 Fast Mile dvd. I liked it. I usually do the 4 mile, but was curious.
    Was goind to do a 3 mi and some pilates dvd's today but pulled my back this morning and it is in major spasm. Seeing the chiro this afternoon... hope to get back to it in a few days. Can hardly move or breath.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I did the 3 mile advanced walk yesterday from the 4 Fast Mile dvd. I liked it. I usually do the 4 mile, but was curious.
    Was goind to do a 3 mi and some pilates dvd's today but pulled my back this morning and it is in major spasm. Seeing the chiro this afternoon... hope to get back to it in a few days. Can hardly move or breath.

    Oh no! :( Feel better!!
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I did the first three miles of the 5 Mile Fat burning walk this morning. Cut short because my three year old woke up way earlier than normal. I just finished the Three Fast Miles while my son naps. The hubby is out of town on business tonight so I am considering doing the walk/jog when the kids go to bed later (making up for the Pizza Hut we are ordering for dinner).
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Slept in a little this morning because my husband is out of town and I didn't have him waking early to go to the gym as my motivation to get my butt out of bed. But, still fit in the 4 Mile Super Challenge before the kids woke up. Hoping to do at least a 3 mile walk at nap.
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Today was 3 super fat burning miles with weights. I definitely get a burn for my buck (45 min 459 calories!)

    Funny, I did this same workout today but only burned 401 calories..what's up with that??
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I did Three Fast Miles this morning and hoped to get in a decent afternoon workout but thanks to some car problems it really didn't happen. I did fit in a 12 minute mile workout with Leslie right before I got my daughter off the school bus and a 15 minute mile while she ate her snack. Done for the day. Date night with the hubby. At least I burned off enough calories to treat myself to a glass or wine or two!
  • thisfathasgot2go
    thisfathasgot2go Posts: 13 Member
    For the last two days I have completed the WALK AWAY YOUR STRESS - 2 mile (30 minute) DVD as I am getting back into exercising and losing weight. I like her DVD's.
  • fergalf
    fergalf Posts: 6 Member
    Today My plans are:smile: to do 3 miles of the 5 Really Big Miles! I really like that one. I like all of her DVD's she is very encouraging and very uplifting.
  • Rosomom
    Rosomom Posts: 11 Member
    I've never done one of these workouts until yesterday! I love to walk/jog outside but have really fallen off the wagon in the last 6 months. These seem to be perfect for me! I did the first 2 miles of the Ultimate Collection. It's the only one I have right now. Researching some others to order right now....
  • princessf1
    princessf1 Posts: 495 Member
    Good Morning!

    I just found this group and joined!:flowerforyou:

    I am a serious Leslie addict and have 15 of her DVD's. LOL I lost 35 lbs last year walking with Leslie and would like to lose another 20-25 this year.

    Unfortunately I gained about 2.5 lbs in December but I'm not worried about it. Today I started the 21 day Eat, Walk, Lose super challenge. Anyone else doing this??

    My walk today was the 2 Mile, walk off breakfast.

    Looking forward to walking with you all every day!!