Stage 1



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,977 Member
    I've never tracked iron....but I'm eating significantly less red meat on NROL4W than ordinary. So, I am *now* tracking.

    (And, of course, as soon as you change 1 darn thing in your 'settings', mfp pops your ratio to something OTHER than the 40/30/30 that I WANT......grrrrrrr)
  • aregensb
    aregensb Posts: 239 Member
    I just wish we could track more. I don't have room for more! I'm tracking carbs, fat, protein, fiber, and sodium. :cry:

    I tend to look at my nutrients on the mfp app though and I can see iron intake from there.
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    I was glad that the ipod app showed me so many nutrients bc that's where I learned that my iron levels were very low-- even eating meat at most meals! I don't know how anyone does it without supplements, which I now take. Iron + my protein shake. I wish I could get all my nutrients from real food, but alas. The brand of iron I use (Megafood) says it's 100% whole food nutrients, but then says it "bioavailable FoodState iron in a gentle non-binding form." That doesn't sound like anything in my cupboard.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    I wish I could get all my nutrients from real food, but alas. The brand of iron I use (Megafood) says it's 100% whole food nutrients, but then says it "bioavailable FoodState iron in a gentle non-binding form." That doesn't sound like anything in my cupboard.

    lol, that last sentence made me laugh. As far as iron supplements go though, seems like you made a pretty good choice. Some of the less gentle ones can make you constipated which of course is no fun and no help if you want a flatter tummy. I'm the same and really wish I could get everything I need just from the foods I eat, but it's so hard, especially if you don't have time to cook everyday and sometimes have to eat pre-made stuff.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Thank you ladies for your comments. Low iron/anemia runs in the family. My mom and sister suffer from it. I know I will start getting better soon. I also went to see my Gyn and I have several fibroids which are causing a lot of bleeding during my there you have it!! Of course I tend to get anemic!!! :grumble: :noway: My Dr is going to put me on Mirena to decrease the bleeding. I really hope it works and I dont have side effects, I am really tired of these heavy periods.

    I am doing my second workout tomorrow morning. I decided to rest today after my 4 crazy Zumba classes this week. My eating has been really good this week. The weekend is coming and going out to a birthday party at a restaurant/bar tomorrow night, yikes!!!! I really hope I make good choices, I normally do but when I go to this particular place I cannot resist the chocolate macaroon martini. It is soooo yummy!!!! :laugh: I havent had one in at least 6 mos, I dont go there often. There will be some dancing there so maybe I can afford the treat. :wink:

    Have a great one ladies!!! :flowerforyou:
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    alf, have you had kids? I have the Mirena, and quite like it.

    Kelsey, I agree it's hard to get enough from food. Most of my food is home cooked and it STILL seems impossible!

    Just back from doing 8 intervals of Tabata. WOW! Hard. Awesome. Quick! I found a great ipod app that helped simplify. It's called...wait for it!... Tabata Timer.

    Days like this confuse me. In terms of which calories to go for, is this a workout day or a nonworkout day? I'm not sure if Lou was referring to lifting days versus non-lifting days, or if HIIT counts. Anyone?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,977 Member
    grapenut - that's the second time "tabata" has been mentioned, to me, this week....I've never HEARD of it before!

    I'm not sure what NROL4W says about the "eating back exercise calories" thing...and I've leant my book to a gf!

    But, my practice (through January, anyway), is to eat ALL of my maintenance calories and to TRY and eat back my exercise calories, too. I'm really trying to rev up my metabolism, accept that the "scale" is going to show an increase (either from calories or water-retention due to heavy lifting) - and then figure out February when it comes.
  • aregensb
    aregensb Posts: 239 Member
    I've never heard of Tabata before. I have been trying to do more interval training though, maybe I can check it out.

    Also, I've always eaten my calories back as much as I can. Honestly, the days I work out, I'm way hungry anyway so it tends to be pretty easy.
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    I've never heard of Tabata before. I have been trying to do more interval training though, maybe I can check it out.

    Me either....I'm going to do some reading on it. Starting here:
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    I've never heard of Tabata before. I have been trying to do more interval training though, maybe I can check it out.

    Me either....I'm going to do some reading on it. Starting here:

    Carrie, thanks for posting, I'm interested to read this! I just read the abstract and then part of the intro and I'm taken aback. The abstract sounds rather professional and scientific and then the 1st sent of the paper is "In recent years, training and the Internets have become interval crazy.Everybody wants to do nothing but interval training all the damn time." Funny!

    Looks like useful info. Will read thoroughly after dinner.
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    I have a Tabata workout called Amy Dixons' Breathless Body. It's about 50 minutes long and kicks my butt!

    But I love it! I am drenched with sweat after I'm done. I literally have to wipe my floor off from all the sweat dripping from me.

    Here is the link to her site,you can see a Youtube video clip of the dvd:

    As you can see there are three different levels to each tabata drill....
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello everyone! I lifted on Saturday and again this morning. Yeah for that!!! :drinker: My eating this weekend, pretty horrendous to my standards! :grumble: Ate out twice on Sat plus went out and had a few drinks. Then yesterday had wine at home and didnt eat that great at home. And again today, no alcohol at least, but didnt eat great either. Need to get back on track!!!!! What sets me back is mostly the diet and not exercise. Yikes!!!! I feel so bloated now...Ugh!

    Take care!! :flowerforyou:
  • LoveLiveLift
    LoveLiveLift Posts: 459 Member
    Just started today! Did Stage 1, Workout A today. My gym only has a Smith machine, so I'm doing my squats in that. I tried to use lower weights so I could focus on proper form. I love it already, and I can't wait to do the next workout!
  • beckie4442

    I've also been doing deadlift with straight legs (that's the one I always learned), is this not right? I'm at work so I'm going to have to look at the book when I get home.

    You're going to do your back in if you pick a heavy weight up with straight legs, please google how to deadlift, that's what I did and watched it over and over again until I thought i'd got it. Plus I take a photocopy of the page just to check it's right.
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member

    I've also been doing deadlift with straight legs (that's the one I always learned), is this not right? I'm at work so I'm going to have to look at the book when I get home.

    You're going to do your back in if you pick a heavy weight up with straight legs, please google how to deadlift, that's what I did and watched it over and over again until I thought i'd got it. Plus I take a photocopy of the page just to check it's right.

    That's actually a legitimate version. I learned that one first through Nike Training Club, and NRoL has it categorized as the Romanian Deadlift on p 168.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!! Started workout 5 this morning, 3 sets!!! Ugh, the deadlift discussion!!! I am not sure either I am doing it right. To me the one shown in the book and videos are so much like squats, cannot really tell the difference. Arent deadlifts supposed to work the glutes and hamstrings? I too prefer the romanian deadlift for that, not completely with straight locked knees though. I bend my knees some. I havent been doing the romanian since starting this program but that is the one I prefer and I am not totally sure I am doing the deadlift properly. I dont use a barbell since I workout at home and only have DB.

    Diet: finding it hard to eat all the protein I need to be eating (30%) unless I supplement with protein drinks and bars. Any suggestions?

    Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Just checkin in...

    Completed Stage 1 (B) workout 2 last night, which means I have 4 solid workouts behind me now.

    I curse the person that invented lunges! Curses! I've always been ok with them in the past, doing them holding two 15# weights is a whole 'nuther story. I felt things happening in my butt that I've never felt before and it felt like my left leg (hamstring?) was going to give out on

    Here are a few newbie-ish questions:

    Are the majority of you doing 2 or 3 sets of each (not including the special)
    When recording weight for exercises in which you hold two weights (i.e. step up, lunges) do you record the pound of weight you used, or the combined weight of both weights?

    Aside from making the most of each workout, I'm still working on improving my macros (no easy feat, but I'm getting better). Also, I concentrate on my form.

    One more question for those that have blazed this trail ahead of me - how soon before you started to either see or feel a difference? I am dying to drop my body fat % and really hope that this helps with that.

    Thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Just started today! Did Stage 1, Workout A today. My gym only has a Smith machine, so I'm doing my squats in that. I tried to use lower weights so I could focus on proper form. I love it already, and I can't wait to do the next workout!
    I'm so sorry you only have access to a Smith machine. If you do any research on lifting you will learn that you should NEVER use a Smith machine. They limit your range of motion and put your body into unnatural positions which greatly increases your chance of injury and pain. I thought all gyms had a barbell and weight plates.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Ah, the deadlift question comes up again. When I started the program I was doing the straight leg version (that's what I had always done) but just switched to the Romanian deadlift this week (well, Monday). I kept the weight the same (80 lbs.) and my god, my legs and back hurt MUCH worse today compared to before when I did the straight leg. They hurt so much in fact that I am postponing by Wednesday workout to tomorrow. I need to let me body heal I'm afraid I'm going to do some damage. Now on to some other questions...

    I curse the person that invented lunges! Curses! I've always been ok with them in the past, doing them holding two 15# weights is a whole 'nuther story. I felt things happening in my butt that I've never felt before and it felt like my left leg (hamstring?) was going to give out on

    Agreeded. Also hate lunges, but they work, so that's why I keep doing them.
    Are the majority of you doing 2 or 3 sets of each (not including the special)
    When recording weight for exercises in which you hold two weights (i.e. step up, lunges) do you record the pound of weight you used, or the combined weight of both weights?
    I always do three sets if I have time. In the earlier part of stage 1, I did two sets sometimes, but only when I was pressed for time. I'm in the second half of stage 1 now, so I always do three sets (that's what the book says).

    For your second question, I record the weight in each hand. So for example, if I have a 10 pound barbell in each hand, I write "10/12" for 10 pounds and 12 reps. I think you should just do whatever works for you though and be consistent. As long as you're consistent, you'll be able to chart your progress easily later on. I know that I always use dumbells for this exercise, so that's another reason why I write it that way. Some people might be using a barbell, or alternate between barbells and dumbbells depending on what equipment they have available, so that's a consideration also.
    One more question for those that have blazed this trail ahead of me - how soon before you started to either see or feel a difference? I am dying to drop my body fat % and really hope that this helps with that.
    After about a month I could see a difference (biceps, hello! more toned legs, yes!). I could feel a difference in strength after only about three weeks. The scale isn't moving (up or down) and I don't really look a whole lot different yet (my clothes fit about the same), but to be honest, I could do better with my eating. Hopefully you'll start seeing some progress soon!
    Diet: finding it hard to eat all the protein I need to be eating (30%) unless I supplement with protein drinks and bars. Any suggestions?

    I've been having trouble with this also, as I don't eat meat everyday. I just ordered protein powder today so I can start mixing with my oatmeal in the morning, which I also hope will help with cravings later in the day. I did a lot of reearch first and decided on this one:
    It doesn't have any artificial sweetners (most brands do), no gluten, very lo-carb, and only 80 calories for 20 grams of protein. If you order on Amazon the shipping is free right now. Nutrabio is a good brand too, but more expensive.

    Apparently because it's flavorless, many people mix with pancake mix, smoothies, and other things without changing the taste or consistency. So to me, it seems like a good way to get more protein in the food you're already eating without having to eat a bar or shake. Once it arrives I'll taste it and report back...
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    If you do any research on lifting you will learn that you should NEVER use a Smith machine.

    I just noticed this. The first time I used the regular free weights, but the second time I used the Smith. Reason being there is only ONE of each at my LA Fitness and all of the he-men tend to keep the free barbell tied up the great majority of the time. The Smith it typically open.