Stage 1



  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    I just did my first NROL Workout last night.

    I have a question on the back squat.

    All of the squat racks were used up and there was no smith machine so I just took a 25lb bar, carefully lifted the bar over my head and into the right position and proceeded with my back squat. I am assuming as I get into heavier lifting this will not be possible? Thoughts?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    I think you have the right idea, sarah. As the weights get heavier, the "hoisting" will get too difficult to safely move into back squat position.

    It's also okay to use DB to squat with, if the squat rack is alraedy taken. Although there are a number of good things to use a smith machine for, I'm not using it (at all) for squats because I think you aren't working ALL the muscles (and balance!) that an unassisted squat provides.

    Congrats on joining the NROL4W crowd!
  • GeorginaMcKee
    GeorginaMcKee Posts: 35 Member
    Hey everyone! I have found reading all this very helpful, thank you to you all for sharing your experiences. I have just a couple questions to make sure that I am on the right track.

    Today was my first day! Workout 1 A, went very fast compared to what I'm used to. i have been lifting on my own for years and am used to doing interval work btwn sets. I am nervous about upping calories, lowering cardio and doing such quick lifting routines. Do any of you have this experience too? Experienced lifters and runners who are adjusting to this plan? Today I didn't even sweat during the workout and I used good weight amounts for me. Thoughts?

    How do these special workouts work? Do I do 4 weeks of the a-b rotation and then do the special workouts 2 days in the 5th week? I guess I'm just confused on how that schedule works.

    I am slowly adding calories as it is hard for me (and many others I can see!) to truly feel ok with eating that much without gaining weight. I'm hoping for strength and less body fat, regardless of weight. I am scared of gaining inches though, I tend to bulk (i know, i know, but it's true in my past) up when i do heavy weights as I did in the Body For Life program a few years ago. But today is day 1...i'm looking forward to learning more and figuring out the above questions and continuing on!

    Thanks everyone.
  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 335 Member

    I am slowly adding calories as it is hard for me (and many others I can see!) to truly feel ok with eating that much without gaining weight. I'm hoping for strength and less body fat, regardless of weight.

    I was nervous about upping my calories too. Today marks a full 2 weeks at 1600 calories a day and I have been holding steady and maintaining... I'm not letting myself get discourage just yet though since I was on vacation for 4 days of those 2 weeks and was not lifting. I only have about 10-15 lbs left to lose so I know they will come off more slowly (or they're supposed to anyways lol) and I just keep trying to remind myself that it is the inches and body fat % losses that really count.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello everyone!!! :drinker:

    jljohnson, Yipee in wanting to become a Zumba instructor!!! :drinker: I love it. I got licensed in Oct 09. It is a lot more work than people think, at least for me. I always want to make sure I am following the Zumba formula, interval training routine. Then it is learning choreo or even choreographing some songs myself, etc. That can be very time consuming but it is oh so rewarding when your students love the workout and are also reaching their health and fitness goals.

    Sarah, welcome!!! I workout at home and dont have a barbell. I use DB for my squats.

    Am I the only one eating so much? I am actually eating a little under maintenance calories which are about 1950. I am eating 1900 on days that I workout. This week was the first week I ate about 1500 on my only non-workout day. So far I have been maintaining although I want to lose about 7lbs, the 7 I gained during the Holidays (Oct -Dec). Eating more doesnt really scare me as long as I am lifting heavy and doing cardio and I am eating clean. I know it really works in terms of maintaining, supporting your workouts and even losing weight when you reach a plateau. So for now I am going to keep eating this much and see what happens.

    Georgina, welcome!! :drinker: I understand your concern regarding the program. I too have lifted in the past following my own program or ChaLean Extreme, P90X, etc. What I like about this program is that it recommends only using the bigger muscles and not wasting time working the small muscles such as biceps, triceps, etc. So far I think this method really works the entire body without spending so much time working out. I also like how it progressively builds up the sets, etc. I am only on my 6th week but I can feel and see the difference. I also believe that the recommended way of eating, # of calories etc is a good one. For myself I will continue to try it and see what happens. I didnt want to make so many changes myself because I thought I wouldnt be following the program if I change it. I guess it is trial and error... If you are doing two workouts a week then it will take you about 8 wks to complete stage 1. You do each workout 8 times, please anyone correct me if I am wrong. Then you do the special workout. Stage 2 I believe is 4 weeks...

    Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • aregensb
    aregensb Posts: 239 Member
    alf, I eat about 1900 on my non workout days and about 2200 on my workout days... and I'm eating at a 300 calorie deficit to help burn some fat.
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    Alf & Are,

    I am supposed to be eating at 2000 (non workout) and 2300 (workout). I'm gradually bringing myself to that. I am eating around 1700-1900 right now. I didn't think the added calories would be a problem, but I am finding myself to be really full.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    I think you can trust the ingestion guidelines in NROL4W. Do the calculations and follow that formula.

    I'm supposed to have about 2,110calories on non-weight-lifting days and about 2,374 calories on lifting days. Because I want a small deficit (to lose fat), I'm eating 1,800 calories all the time. I was REALLY FULL at first, when I started that high. But, it's even-ed out, now. And, if I want *more* calories on lifting days (which hasn't really happened, yet) - I just grab another protein bar or a protein shake and that's another 150-200 calories right there.
  • aregensb
    aregensb Posts: 239 Member
    alf, I eat about 1900 on my non workout days and about 2200 on my workout days... and I'm eating at a 300 calorie deficit to help burn some fat.

    The 300 cal deficit is built in. Just to be clear, according to the calculations in the book, I'm supposed to be eating around 2100-2400.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    That's what I thought, for you, aregen - because you are about my height, so I knew you'd be close to me in terms of the calculations.

    I won't know, for a number of weeks, whether I have too large of a deficit. Will see!

    I'm aiming to lose 1/3-1/2 a lb. per week. Not very much, but it will make a difference over the course of a calendar year.
  • aregensb
    aregensb Posts: 239 Member
    I was doing 2100-2400 calories from November until the beginning of January, it's only recently that I took it down by 300 calories. I just want to experiment with it for a month or so and see if there's any difference. I still feel like I'm getting plenty to eat.

    And (one more thing!) I've been more concerned lately with trying to stay within my fat allowance than with calories. I have my macros set at about 40/30/30 (specifically 156g carbs, 165g protein, 61g fat) and I still go over on my fat every day. I could have 300 calories left and be over my fat allowance by 20g. It's very annoying.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Hi hope I can join in. I started at Stage 1 two weeks ago and just completed 4B. I have got so addicted to lifting heavy now, after years of putting it off and putting it off. I wish we were allowed to lift everyday!!

    Im eating maintenance calories and without exercise its 2170 and then I add on exercise calories that I burnt using my HRM. Because I'm a cardio junky I also do HIIT twice a week but make sure I have a full days rest also one a week.

    So glad you said it only takes 25 minutes. I was quite puzzled because in the book it mentions 60 minutes!!!!! I'm finding with a ten minute jog for warm up and then strength routine its taking about 35 mins altogether.

    My weight has actually gone up this week, but I've been naughty with calories so not surprised. Although I had a 2lb gain, only 1lb of that was fat, the rest must be water/muscle :happy:

    I'm 5ft 11 btw and trying to get my body fat down from 27 to at least 24%.
  • GeorginaMcKee
    GeorginaMcKee Posts: 35 Member
    I just finished my first S1 B workout. I need to lift more weight with my arms but my legs got a good burn. I'm just not used to only spending 30min in the gym. This time I did all the warm up sets too (forgot last time) so that added some time before the beginning of each new set. I did more than 8reps of abs...i'm an ab junky i guess:)

    I am not sure what my exact body fat % is, where can I go to get that done? I work out at Snap so there isn't staff there most of the time. Any ideas? And I weighed myself today and took some measurements. New scale at the gym so I'm going to use it as a starting point and not believe that I've lost 3lbs in 1.5wks. I'm not trusting enough to believe that 4 days of this would provide that kind of loss...patience and consistency will tell!

    Go get 'em girls!
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    Hi hope I can join in. I started at Stage 1 two weeks ago and just completed 4B. I have got so addicted to lifting heavy now, after years of putting it off and putting it off. I wish we were allowed to lift everyday!!

    Im eating maintenance calories and without exercise its 2170 and then I add on exercise calories that I burnt using my HRM. Because I'm a cardio junky I also do HIIT twice a week but make sure I have a full days rest also one a week.

    So glad you said it only takes 25 minutes. I was quite puzzled because in the book it mentions 60 minutes!!!!! I'm finding with a ten minute jog for warm up and then strength routine its taking about 35 mins altogether.

    My weight has actually gone up this week, but I've been naughty with calories so not surprised. Although I had a 2lb gain, only 1lb of that was fat, the rest must be water/muscle :happy:

    I'm 5ft 11 btw and trying to get my body fat down from 27 to at least 24%.

    I noticed that my weight was up a pound or two but this is my first week and I just completed my second workout, this might be water weight. I am finding myself to be too sore to do any cardio at this moment. I am hoping to add this in later, perhaps during stage 2. I am also trying to lower my BF %, from all the calculators I have used I am around 33-34%.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    So I hope this hasn't been asked before, I did have a read thru this whole thread. IF you're doing an exercise with 2 dumbells instead of 1 barbell (example, step-ups or the dumbell bent over row instead of the barbell bent over row), do you consider the total weight, or the individual of 1 dumbell? I don't suppose it matters that much... am i being a little too OCD?!
  • BetterWithAge
    So I hope this hasn't been asked before, I did have a read thru this whole thread. IF you're doing an exercise with 2 dumbells instead of 1 barbell (example, step-ups or the dumbell bent over row instead of the barbell bent over row), do you consider the total weight, or the individual of 1 dumbell? I don't suppose it matters that much... am i being a little too OCD?!

    In my log, I list them as a total weight since I am lifting them together. I think some people use the individual DB weIght, but it a matter of personal preference. :)
  • aregensb
    aregensb Posts: 239 Member
    I write down "20#/e" in my log which translates to me as "20 pounds,each hand." I do that just so I know exactly what I'm lifting. It doesn't really matter though, do whatever makes sense to you.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    I write down "20#/e" in my log which translates to me as "20 pounds,each hand." I do that just so I know exactly what I'm lifting. It doesn't really matter though, do whatever makes sense to you.

    I write down 15's which translates to 2 15# dumbbells. But I agree, use whatever notation works for you.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Thanks all. I did stage 1B for the first time. Man, wayyyy harder than workout A for me! Maybe i was pushing it with 20kg deadlift on 1st go. Dumbell shoulder presses suffered- i loaded the smallest weights on the little bars but dumbells still came out 5.5kg each- I only managed 10 reps! I don't want to switch to the barbie weights again :sad: And all the lunges with that same weight- well lets just say I'll feel it tomorrow!

    I'm finding the ab section very easy (as long as you can stay on a ball!) compared to the rest, so added a weight for crunches. And I don't have good abs.

    Off to soak in a hot bath :drinker:
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    I found the abs easy at first also but don't worry Jen, it get's harder :) At first I was doing 20 prone jackknifes, but now that i'm upping my weight for the other exercises, I struggle to finish the 15 because I'm more wiped out at that point.