Stage 1



  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Not that anyone's body or experiences are alike, but for the first four weeks, I upped my calories from about 1500 to 2000 on nonworkout days and 2300 on workout days. I didn't gain any weight - I stayed the same. But I did lose inches!

    I knocked down my calories by 300 (1800/2100) a short while ago because I want to lose more fat but honestly... I don't think it's really going to help anything and I'm thinking of going back to 2000/2300 since I didn't gain any weight. I think I took the 300 calories off simply because I wanted to see faster fat loss results. I think it's just going to take patience and perseverance.

    I also keep thinking back to in the book when it's said that you have to keep fueling your body properly to most efficiently gain muscle and I worry that by dropping my calories by 300, I'm sabotaging myself. So there's another reason for bumping it back up to 2000/2300.
    [/^^^ this. I am on maintenance calories and even though I had 4 days where I was in huge 4 figure red numbers I got on the scales and I've dropped the 3lb gain I was showing on Monday. Wednesdays my official weigh day so I'll see whats happening. I do feel hungry about every 3-4 hours so I know my metabolism is working again:happy: If the weights the same Wednesday I may increase slightly also. My job is quite physical (Sports Therapist) and at the moment I don't add my treatment calories so I may start doing that. quote]
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    oops my quotes in the blue box above :grumble:
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    Hi ladies!

    I did Workout B7 yesterday,boy I was I wiped out yesterday. I'm going out to pick up some heavier plates for my barbell this afternoon.

    Hubby is going to build me a power rack to do my squats in our basement. We're planning to do some cleaning up,to make some room to put it. I'm so excited!
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Thank you for posting this thread. I'm beginning my first Stage 1, Workout A workout today. I'm very excited. I look forward to checking back here often. =)
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Hubby is going to build me a power rack to do my squats in our basement. We're planning to do some cleaning up,to make some room to put it. I'm so excited!

    How cool! I might have to ask for some tips, my hubby's pretty handy at making stuff, how do you go about making one of these? I have a workout bench with posts to hold the barbell during bench presses- it raises high enough for a squat rack, but I worry about its strength, esp once i start lifting serious weight. It looks a bit flimsy!

    And welcome myboysmommyx2!! Let us know what you think. I'm only 1 workout ahead of you, 1B kicked my butt :cry:
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    Hubby is going to build me a power rack to do my squats in our basement. We're planning to do some cleaning up,to make some room to put it. I'm so excited!

    How cool! I might have to ask for some tips, my hubby's pretty handy at making stuff, how do you go about making one of these? I have a workout bench with posts to hold the barbell during bench presses- it raises high enough for a squat rack, but I worry about its strength, esp once i start lifting serious weight. It looks a bit flimsy!

    And welcome myboysmommyx2!! Let us know what you think. I'm only 1 workout ahead of you, 1B kicked my butt :cry:

    Here is a link to a homemade power rack:

    You girls are going to think I'm weird,but at the present time...I am using my kitchen chairs as a rack for my barbell when I do squats. I put towels on the back of the chair,so I don't mess them up.Plus I put something heavy on the seats of the chairs so they don't move. My hubby keeps on telling me that it's not safe,so that' when he suggested making me a power rack.

    I'm not squatting all that heavy,about 65lbs..but want to go heavier of course.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member

    Wow! Thanks Shyloh. I didn't realise they were so huge. Wish i had a basement. Might have to stick to the weight bench until it collapses :wink:
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    OMG its so big!!!! My husband would kill me if I asked him to build that in his garage he already moans that my treadmill, fitness ball and weights take up more than enough room. At the moment I balance my bar on the tall freezer (which he also moans about being in the garage!!) which isn't ideal or safe I know. Might just be easier to get rid of the husband :laugh:
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    OMG its so big!!!! My husband would kill me if I asked him to build that in his garage he already moans that my treadmill, fitness ball and weights take up more than enough room. At the moment I balance my bar on the tall freezer (which he also moans about being in the garage!!) which isn't ideal or safe I know. Might just be easier to get rid of the husband :laugh:

    Just say that first sentence to your hubby over and over and he'll build you whatever you want! <evil grin>

    I bought mine was cheaper than buying the steel to make it! And since we found a used bench and weights in a local trading paper for WAAAAAAY cheap, I used the money I had planned to spend for weights on it. I absolutely could not live without it now!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    ....this is why I do my working-out at the gym....hubby (happily) can stay!
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member

    Wow! Thanks Shyloh. I didn't realise they were so huge. Wish i had a basement. Might have to stick to the weight bench until it collapses :wink:

    This one is big,but there are other versions that you can Google.

    Hubby has the steel pipes already,all we have to do is buy the lumber. I know it takes up space,but hubby is so afraid of me hurting myself,that's why we are making our own.
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    ....this is why I do my working-out at the gym....hubby (happily) can stay!

    I just prefer to do my workouts at home,that way I don't have to wait to use any of the equipment.

    We are going to go and price out the lumber as soon as we get our basement cleaned up.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    You girls are going to think I'm weird,but at the present time...I am using my kitchen chairs as a rack for my barbell when I do squats. I put towels on the back of the chair,so I don't mess them up.Plus I put something heavy on the seats of the chairs so they don't move. My hubby keeps on telling me that it's not safe,so that' when he suggested making me a power rack.

    I'm not squatting all that heavy,about 65lbs..but want to go heavier of course.

    I don't think that's weird, I think it's pretty clever. But good that your husband is going to make something more appropriate as you progress in weight.
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    So I really want to get help making sure that my form is right for my lunges, deadlift and squats. Is it ok to set up an appt with a personal trainer on a "non workout" day just to go through those ones? Maybe do lighter weights?
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    OMG its so big!!!! My husband would kill me if I asked him to build that in his garage he already moans that my treadmill, fitness ball and weights take up more than enough room. At the moment I balance my bar on the tall freezer (which he also moans about being in the garage!!) which isn't ideal or safe I know. Might just be easier to get rid of the husband :laugh:

    Just say that first sentence to your hubby over and over and he'll build you whatever you want! <evil grin>

    I bought mine was cheaper than buying the steel to make it! And since we found a used bench and weights in a local trading paper for WAAAAAAY cheap, I used the money I had planned to spend for weights on it. I absolutely could not live without it now!
    That made me splutter on my coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So funny!!!!!!!:laugh: :laugh:
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    cgrout that sounds a very good idea to me, go for it.

    Also think the chair idea is better than my freezer so will try that.

    I've only completed 4 workouts of A and B but certainly feeling better and fitter. I've had piriformis syndrome for months and this week have not had any discomfort from it, sure its because my piriformis is strengthening due to squats and lunges yeah should have done this years ago!!!!
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I'm not sure how you gals can do it with chairs as a squat rack, you must have to get down to pick the bar up. I have trouble doing it from my weight bench, and the posts come up to chest height! but the width is tricky, the posts are where my hands want to be, so when i put the bar back i tend to trap my hands. Therefore have to do it when hubby is around to assist :frown:

    I just did workout A for the 2nd time, and although i did as much weight as poss I really don't hurt today, just slight stiffness. Unlike workout B, which seems to kill my quads!

    Feeling soooo much more energetic, i think it must be the added protein. I never realised my old diet was so carb-reliant.

    Lift-on ladies!
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    I'm not sure how you gals can do it with chairs as a squat rack, you must have to get down to pick the bar up. I have trouble doing it from my weight bench, and the posts come up to chest height! but the width is tricky, the posts are where my hands want to be, so when i put the bar back i tend to trap my hands. Therefore have to do it when hubby is around to assist :frown:

    I just did workout A for the 2nd time, and although i did as much weight as poss I really don't hurt today, just slight stiffness. Unlike workout B, which seems to kill my quads!

    Feeling soooo much more energetic, i think it must be the added protein. I never realised my old diet was so carb-reliant.

    Lift-on ladies!

    The backs of my kitchen chairs are high enough that I can get underneath the bar,take a couple steps back and start my squats.

    I'm doing workout A7-Stage 1 this morning before we head out of town for the day!

    Have a good day ladies and lift heavy! Boo Yah!:smile:
  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 335 Member
    Im looking forward to 1B WO#6 tomorrow... Last time I was able to deadlift 85 lbs, but it was tough so I think I'm going to stick with that again - I still worry a bit about increasing the weight too quickly.

    Regarding the calorie ranges - I know the book recommends eating a certain amount on non workout days and a higher amount on your lifting days... my question is for those of you who also do a bit of cardio or other excercising in between your lifting days - do you still eat the lower amount (as suggested for "nonworkout" days)? or do you track & eat back your excercise calories on these days?