Stage 1



  • BetterWithAge
    I found the abs easy at first also but don't worry Jen, it get's harder :) At first I was doing 20 prone jackknifes, but now that i'm upping my weight for the other exercises, I struggle to finish the 15 because I'm more wiped out at that point.

    I discovered ths yesterday :)
  • aregensb
    aregensb Posts: 239 Member
    I found the abs easy at first also but don't worry Jen, it get's harder :) At first I was doing 20 prone jackknifes, but now that i'm upping my weight for the other exercises, I struggle to finish the 15 because I'm more wiped out at that point.

    I discovered ths yesterday :)

    I noticed the same thing. I would crank out 15 prone jackknifes with no problem in the beginning. As time went on though, I started getting really tired and by the end of the set just kind of clumsily falling sideways off the ball (rather than rolling back on my feet).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    I'm more anxious about having to do 2 x 60 second planks in Stage 2!!

    I'm getting close. I'm at about 45 seconds right now.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I can see the tiredness thing becoming an issue- I can usually just about do 60 sec planks, but my shoulders shake, so i doubt i'll manage it at the end of these sessions! My shoulders are pretty pathetic, but that's why i'm here.

    Hope i don't start falling off the ball in this stage 1- might have to pad my hard tiled floor!

    I really hurt today. Quads esp. Not sure whether to reduce weights next time, or suck it up and keep trying. I'll see if it affect my ability to do workout A tomorrow.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Jenlwb- I can only speak for myself here but I've found the first workouts are the toughest in terms of muscle pain/ fatigue. I may still be sore but never as much as the first time so you may do just fine next time at the same weight.

    As for the swiss ball, I always clear a large path around it...just in case! I think a bunch of us agree we are less than graceful on those things.

    I just finished up week 3 and my appetite has been out of control this week. I had already upped my calories a couple of months before I began NROL4W and I thought at least at the beginning of this program, my needs would be similar to what I needed for the program I had previously been doing. I'm nervous to go up in cals again.
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    Today is my FIRST day and I'm a little nervous, not going to lie.

    According to book my calories should be 2020 on non workouts and 22 something on workout days. Since I"m trying to lose weight and just can't wrap my mind around that much food I have my calories on here set to 1750 and trying to get 150 grams of protein in (my body weight is 168).

    I'm also reallly nervous because although I belong to the gym and feel comfortable there, i'm only on the cardio side I dont' know where anything is on the weight side, so I'm sure I'll be asking for a LOT of help today. And carrying my book with me, so I'm sure I'll look like a total nerd.

    Any last minute words of wisdom???
  • aregensb
    aregensb Posts: 239 Member
    Don't worry about looking nerdy! I'm on Stage 3 and I still carry my book around with me at the gym just in case I want to reference it. Actually, gym-goers and trainers alike at my gym have seen me with the book and asked me about the program. The trainers think it's pretty cool that I'm doing heavy weights because they say they don't see many women doing squats, deadlifts, etc.

    If you feel nervous about the weight section, maybe you can ask one of the gym staff to give you a tour of that section. I made an appointment with one of the trainers (it was free) to get a tour myself when I was starting Stage 1. He was very helpful and informative and was also very good about answering all my questions.

    Don't worry about not being familiar with that section! You will be soon enough. :wink:
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    , so I'm sure I'll look like a total nerd.

    Any last minute words of wisdom???

    Nerdy's good :wink:

    Have you considered going with the recommended cals for a couple of weeks and then reassessing? I'll be doing that for the 1st four weeks, but then mine's only 1660 on non-workout days. Somedays I workout just so i can eat more...!
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    I figured I'd do the upped calories for 4 weeks and see where I'm at. I've been overweight for so long an extra month won't kill me. I also will still be doing my zumba twice a week so...I'm not stressed about that.
  • aregensb
    aregensb Posts: 239 Member
    Not that anyone's body or experiences are alike, but for the first four weeks, I upped my calories from about 1500 to 2000 on nonworkout days and 2300 on workout days. I didn't gain any weight - I stayed the same. But I did lose inches!

    I knocked down my calories by 300 (1800/2100) a short while ago because I want to lose more fat but honestly... I don't think it's really going to help anything and I'm thinking of going back to 2000/2300 since I didn't gain any weight. I think I took the 300 calories off simply because I wanted to see faster fat loss results. I think it's just going to take patience and perseverance.

    I also keep thinking back to in the book when it's said that you have to keep fueling your body properly to most efficiently gain muscle and I worry that by dropping my calories by 300, I'm sabotaging myself. So there's another reason for bumping it back up to 2000/2300.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    I went from about 1600-1700 to about 2000. I don't weigh myself but my measurements haven't gone up from the increase. However, my overall energy went up and my workouts became more productive. I'm just scared to step it up again so soon. You're right about feeding my muscles. I just have to unlearn years of conditioned thinking that I need to eat less. I realize now, through the book and these forums this is why in the past when I would start a heavy lifting program I would stall out and was constantly fatigued.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello fellow lifters!!! Glad to hear everyone is doing so well. Welcome cgrout and jenlwb!!!!

    I did 6B today. Three more weeks and I am moving on to stage 2. I am definitely feeling stronger. The shoulder presses with 20lb DB were brutal!!!! LOL But managed to do all sets and reps. Might try 22.5 next time, especially since it will be less reps. I am doing stationary lunges with 22.5lb DB, less wobbly and can focus more on form and feeling it on my butt more than the regular lunge. As far as eating, I am definitely eating better quality foods, more protein than usual, etc but I have found myself eating 100-200 cals under my goal. I am still feeling good with that so I am not worried too much about it right now. The scale moved down a little so I feel good. :drinker: I also look and feel "thinner" "smaller". :wink:

    cgrout, you are doing the right thing. It is trial and error, it wont hurt to try and see what happens. :flowerforyou:

    Take care!! :flowerforyou:
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    Finished my first workout today!!! Was dripping sweat when I was done, but it felt GOOD. I'm excited to keep going!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    I did 115 lbs with my squats, today.

    I did 90 lbs. with my deadlifts, today.

    I did 30 lb. DB (each hand) with my front lunges, today.

    Oh, and I STILL cannot do push-ups on the floor, lol. But, I'm getting close. (At the 30 degree angle, still.)

    I cannot do a chin-up or a pull-up.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Nice, beeps!

    I'm impressed especially by the lunges. My balance on lunges is what kills me, it's always been a weak exercise for me. Especially reverse lunges.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Wow Beeps, that's amazing!

    Does everyone do the lunges (stage 1B) properly, or do many of you do them static? I really struggled with pushing back to start position but could do it with a higher weight as static i reckon. Is that cheating?! I know my form would be better too if i did that.

    Alf, glad to hear it's working for you :drinker:
  • aregensb
    aregensb Posts: 239 Member
    Does everyone do the lunges (stage 1B) properly, or do many of you do them static?
    I did not do static lunges for Stage 1. I think that moving back to the starting position each time also works your core muscles, which is a trend you'll find throughout these workouts. May as well build that strength and get used to it now. :smile:

    You will do static lunges in Stage 2. My advice is to do the regular lunges now with the heaviest weight you can manage and concentrate on that core stability.

    @beeps: great job girl! :smile: I'm also making it a goal of mine to do a pull up. I'm still at 45 degree push ups too. I did 30 degrees for Stage 1 but realized I wasn't going down all the way so... back to the drawing board!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    I just find this journey so hilarious! Some parts of me *are* strong! Some parts, not-so-much. And, the weaker parts are NOT catching up to the strong as much as I'd like, lol.

    I wasn't doing the lunges right, in the beginning of Stage 1, either. But, one of the things I am working on is the "power" piece (or "intensity") of some of the moves. So, for example, today when I was doing push-ups, I wasn't just doing down, up, down, up. I was going down and then pushing up as FAST/HARD as I could. Pause. Down and then up as FAST/HARD as I could. Working on that "power" really DOES work different muscles. I really noticed it in the reverse push-ups. Starting under the bar with my chest touching it and then going down and the UP as fast/hard as I could. I pooped out after only 5 of those!
  • aregensb
    aregensb Posts: 239 Member
    I think I'm going to have to try some of these reverse push ups...
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I did 1B3 today and felt really good! I'm feeling better about my form and adding weight steadily. Like someone else said though, there are parts of me that are stronger and other parts..well, not so much! :P

    My dead lifts are up to 80 pounds and my shoulder presses I got to 22.5 today. My lunges are kind of sad but I'm content to work my way up because my knees have given me issues for quite awhile. I'm being extremely careful about any of the exercises that could stress my knees but have found that since I am paying such careful attention they're feeling stronger and stronger and hurting less. I'm also making sure I use my hard foam roller and discovered I have knots in my thigh muscles! Oh man do those hurt so good when I roll them! I can feel it in my knees when I do it so I'm sure that's been part of my problem. Anyway, everything I've read about knee strength says squats and lunges (properly done) can work miracles so I'm going with it. Right now I'm only at 15 pounds in each hand and my thighs about burst into flames today but I've made a little progress already.

    I'm really liking this program and I'm excited to see my progress in a few months!