Stage 1



  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm about to start my second week of the program and so far I'm loving it. The scale went down a bit on Friday, but it's back up again after a wedding this weekend. I did 3 workouts last week and I'm going to do 2 this week (my weekend is occupied with my sister visiting me).

    So far I've managed to graduate to using a squat rack and I was able to squat with 60lbs on Friday! I surprised even myself. I also invested in some lifting gloves that came over the weekend, I'm hoping that helps. It is really painful to grip the rough metal weights and stuff.

    I've found that holding smaller kettlebells work great for the step ups and lunges. They're the easiest to hold on to and I can go a bit heavier with them. I was lunging with 20lb kettlebells in each hand and 10lb ones for step ups.

    Quick question: When it shifts from 15 reps to 12 reps, did you try to increase the weight you're using? I figured since it's less reps, it might be a good opportunity to try to move up with the weight I use. I'm doing the second Workout B today, so on Thursday I'll be moving to workout 3 and reps of 12.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    I'm going to be doing my third workout today.

    Before I found NROL4W, I made the mistake of investing in a personal trainer at L.A. Fitness--one of those contracts they make it impossible to get out of.

    I have an appointment with him today that I made before I started this program. So instead of working out yesterday, I shifted my workout to today. I'm thinking that perhaps he can help me with my form.

    However, when I went in last Friday with my book, he took one look at it and sneered, "Oh, they've changed the rules and nobody bothered to tell me?" He didn't even want to look at it. If this is going to be his attitude, I don't think this is going to work out too well....

    What an *kitten*.

    Demand a different trainer or go to him to design a cardio workout, a HIIT routine, whatever. If he's going to be a jerk about the lifting and steer you toward the machines, tell him you don't want his assistance in strength training, just cardio.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    interesting reaction from the trainer. i honestly think many trainers dont do a lot of outside reading except for what's in men's magazines.

    the first time i did NROL didnt think to photocopy the pages so I was taking the book with me. Most of the trainers at my gym (my old gym) would scoff and roll their eyes (even though they hadnt heard of it?). i pretty much assumed that they thought it was some fluffy book. there was only 1 trainer who gave me the thumbs up from the beginning. after awhile a few of the ones who were first scoffing were like "damn you lifting all that? is that what that book is about?".

    @00trayn : yes, you should increase your weight or choose a harder variation when the reps decrease. in body building, the less repetitions you do in a set, the closer you should be lifting your absolute max weight.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I've found that holding smaller kettlebells work great for the step ups and lunges. They're the easiest to hold on to and I can go a bit heavier with them. I was lunging with 20lb kettlebells in each hand and 10lb ones for step ups.

    OMG that's such a good idea. So stealing that!
    Does anyone else find resting the bar on thier shoulders while squatting painful?

    Yes - but they have these black cushiony things to wrap around it at my gym, see if u can see one lying around anywhere.

    Unfortunatley not. I'm at a really cheap gym. It's the selling point of the gym. It's basic and does what I need but extras like that are non existent. I really need to remember to take a towel with me.
  • Kelekat
    Kelekat Posts: 174 Member
    Well, it just about as I thought it would.

    The trainer got really pissy with me and started demanding I explain the entirety of the program to him. I tried to explain to him that while I have skimmed the entire book, I am focusing right now on Stage 1--trying to make sure I get it right.

    I offered to let him look at the book--he declined. Said that I really didn't need him if I wasn't going to follow his program. I said, "Look. I've been struggling for nearly six weeks with a stagnant weight loss and no real gains. I started this program a week ago, upped my calories from the 1200 you had me eating, and I've lost two pounds. I think this is worth pursuing."

    I asked him to help me with my form on the squats--that mollified him a bit and he did seem a bit impressed to see me increase the weight on exercises we had previously done, but he left me before the end of my workout and told me to let him know when I was ready to start our sessions again.

    Looks like I'm on my own.....and wasting $90 a month for nothing.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    sounds like the trainer doesnt like the competition. that sucks. oh well, doesnt sound like you're missing much.

    and i'm assuming the $90 a month is for the gym itself? i wouldnt see it as being for nothing, you still have access to the gym and all that sweet equipment. if you cant find a trainer to show you proper form, then look online on youtube for videos to watch on form, and practice at home without weight
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Hi everyone! I just finished my first week of Stage 1 NROL4W. I was going to just lurk here for awhile longer, but what the hell.

    At first I found the workouts really easy and felt like I wasn't doing enough. I'm used to doing ~35 minutes of cardio, then ~ 1 hr using the weight machines (I didn't know). But then came the soreness. I no longer feel like the workouts are too easy.

    Lunges are seriously kicking my *kitten*. I never knew one simple movement could cause so much soreness. I'm trudging through though, and as I'm working my overnight shift tonight, I'm practicing my lunges without weights and it's starting to hurt a little less.

    I've also had a couple debacles. I still haven't been able to do a proper barbell deadlift. Everytime, there is a crowd of men around the barbells, occupying them. I'm either short on time, or I get impatient. First time, I did my deadlifts with barbells. Second time, I ended up using a pulley weight located close to the ground, but it really wasn't the same thing. I think maybe I have to get to the gym at midnight to properly do the deadlifts.

    The first time I tried the Lat Pulldown, the machine is too tall for me. So I had to climb to reach the bar to pull it down to my height to get in position. Except that didn't work as planned. The bar pulled me up with it and I was dangling ~2 feet in the air laughing to myself until I let go. The funniest part was all the people trying to act as if nothing happened. Second time I was prepared.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Hi everyone! I just finished my first week of Stage 1 NROL4W. I was going to just lurk here for awhile longer, but what the hell.

    At first I found the workouts really easy and felt like I wasn't doing enough. I'm used to doing ~35 minutes of cardio, then ~ 1 hr using the weight machines (I didn't know). But then came the soreness. I no longer feel like the workouts are too easy.

    Lunges are seriously kicking my *kitten*. I never knew one simple movement could cause so much soreness. I'm trudging through though, and as I'm working my overnight shift tonight, I'm practicing my lunges without weights and it's starting to hurt a little less.

    I've also had a couple debacles. I still haven't been able to do a proper barbell deadlift. Everytime, there is a crowd of men around the barbells, occupying them. I'm either short on time, or I get impatient. First time, I did my deadlifts with barbells. Second time, I ended up using a pulley weight located close to the ground, but it really wasn't the same thing. I think maybe I have to get to the gym at midnight to properly do the deadlifts.

    The first time I tried the Lat Pulldown, the machine is too tall for me. So I had to climb to reach the bar to pull it down to my height to get in position. Except that didn't work as planned. The bar pulled me up with it and I was dangling ~2 feet in the air laughing to myself until I let go. The funniest part was all the people trying to act as if nothing happened. Second time I was prepared.

    Welcome Elisabat. You poor thing! It does sound funny, but I hope you know I am laughing with you not at you! Hope you will find plenty of support here to make up for those barbell-hogging men at the gym!
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I've also had a couple debacles. I still haven't been able to do a proper barbell deadlift. Everytime, there is a crowd of men around the barbells, occupying them. I'm either short on time, or I get impatient. First time, I did my deadlifts with barbells. Second time, I ended up using a pulley weight located close to the ground, but it really wasn't the same thing. I think maybe I have to get to the gym at midnight to properly do the deadlifts.

    The first time I tried the Lat Pulldown, the machine is too tall for me. So I had to climb to reach the bar to pull it down to my height to get in position. Except that didn't work as planned. The bar pulled me up with it and I was dangling ~2 feet in the air laughing to myself until I let go. The funniest part was all the people trying to act as if nothing happened. Second time I was prepared.

    Welcome Elisabat. You poor thing! It does sound funny, but I hope you know I am laughing with you not at you! Hope you will find plenty of support here to make up for those barbell-hogging men at the gym!
    Oh it was hilarious! I'm still laughing about it and it was a week ago. It was almost cartoonish. And thanks for the welcome :smile:

    Damn, too late to edit the first post. It should say I did the first deadlifts with dumbbells.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Hi everyone! I just finished my first week of Stage 1 NROL4W. I was going to just lurk here for awhile longer, but what the hell.

    At first I found the workouts really easy and felt like I wasn't doing enough. I'm used to doing ~35 minutes of cardio, then ~ 1 hr using the weight machines (I didn't know). But then came the soreness. I no longer feel like the workouts are too easy.

    Lunges are seriously kicking my *kitten*. I never knew one simple movement could cause so much soreness. I'm trudging through though, and as I'm working my overnight shift tonight, I'm practicing my lunges without weights and it's starting to hurt a little less.

    I've also had a couple debacles. I still haven't been able to do a proper barbell deadlift. Everytime, there is a crowd of men around the barbells, occupying them. I'm either short on time, or I get impatient. First time, I did my deadlifts with barbells. Second time, I ended up using a pulley weight located close to the ground, but it really wasn't the same thing. I think maybe I have to get to the gym at midnight to properly do the deadlifts.

    The first time I tried the Lat Pulldown, the machine is too tall for me. So I had to climb to reach the bar to pull it down to my height to get in position. Except that didn't work as planned. The bar pulled me up with it and I was dangling ~2 feet in the air laughing to myself until I let go. The funniest part was all the people trying to act as if nothing happened. Second time I was prepared.


    I know how you feel about the lateral pulldowns. I haven't quite had that happen but I do have to use a step to change the bar on it and I have to stand on my tiptoes to grab it before I can sit down.

    As for the deadlifts, I'm in the same boat. I really don't have a lot of time when I'm in the gym. So I get impatient too.
    As far as getting it done, I just had to suck it up and get in there. They've been in general friendly and a little confused at seeing a woman in there, lol
  • Kelekat
    Kelekat Posts: 174 Member
    Actually, the $90 amonth is the training contract I foolishly signed before I realized that I could be my own personal trainer with the right program. I can't get out of it for a year.

    The gym membership is $40 a month and worth every penny,
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Ah yes, the lat pulldowns!

    I can't reach the bar either.

    Yesterday I had to get one of the "tall guys" in the gym to change the bar for me. You know, they really don't mind talking to the little old ladies now and then. The sweet kid even showed me how to set it a bit lower so that I don't have to stand up to grab the bar when I start my set.

    I was so excited I managed to do two sets of 12 at 60. Neither the kid or I know if that's lbs or kgs!

    Today's a rest day and tomorrow I start the fun part - 3 sets of 10. Weird to say this about a workout, but I'm looking forward to it!
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    Okay, been lurking a while reading through all these posts and finally decided to post my own comment :-). It looks like everyone is doing such a great job staying committed and working through their own individual kinks of this program. I love reading everyone's advice/comments/feedback!
    Tomorrow, I will doing Workout 3 of Stage 1, and I am LOVING it so far. Working out from home with limited equipment, so been trying to make some modifications (thank you to those who have posted those ;-)!

    Just as a general question, what amount of weights did everyone start out with?
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Just as a general question, what amount of weights did everyone start out with?

    mine are listed on the last page (7), starting and finishing.
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    Just as a general question, what amount of weights did everyone start out with?

    mine are listed on the last page (7), starting and finishing.
    Looks like you're doing a phenomenal job! Kudos to you!!!!
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    How is everyone doing their calorie intake? I'm still trying to figure it all out :-)

    I think I'm going to have to break down and head out to buy the actual hardcopy. Downloaded it to my Kindle, which I think may have been a mistake since I can't quickly refer back or forward to information.
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Yeah, def get hardcopy...the spine is already broken on mine from referring to it so much!

    I've run a 300+ cal /day surplus, PLUS exercise cals (per HRM, even tho they say it isn't accurate for strength training, i feel it's as good an estimate as any.) I've done this since I started in November, and my net weight gain is 3.5 pounds across 3 months. I'm okay with that.

    I plan to start "cutting" April 1st; reducing to around a 150 cal/day deficit to trim some BF% before bikini season. Not really any science to it, I don't guess. I agonized over eating enough to build muscle, but not enough to gain fat. There is no real magic formula...I just felt right with this way, and so far, it's working.

    Good luck deciding on your "right way"! Hope this helps!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    AAAaaaaaggggghhhhh! My computer crashed and the helpline guy advised a factory defaults restore. Completely forgot to back up my training log, so guess what? It's gone! I really couldn't remember the weights I'd been on, so I just had to use trial and error to guess at them all. I was to the point of failure on most things, but still finding the crunches way too easy. Otherwise was as follows (workout B):

    deadlifts 30 kg (66lbs) + bar
    shoulder press 7.5 kg (16.5lbs) + bars
    pullover (for lat pulldown) 5kg (11lbs) + bars
    lunge 7.5 kg (16.5lbs) + bars TOO EASY
    SB crunches 7.5 kg (16.5lbs) + bar held on chest WAY TOO EASY

    This was workout 4. I'll have to go through the whole trial and error thing again for A on Friday.

    Note to self: Sometimes a notebook is better.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Just as a general question, what amount of weights did everyone start out with?

    these were the weights for the very first workouts
    squat- 85
    pushups : full/straight legged
    seated row: 120
    step ups 45 on the absolute highest box height i should be on
    deadlift :80
    DB shoulder press :25 pounds left 20 pounds right (i have an issue with my right rotator cuff hence the difference)
    wide lat pull pulldown :95
    DB lunge :17.5 lb dumbbells in each hand
    swiss ball crunch :10 lb plate

    calorie wise i'm not following the book's advice since it's not really valid for those of us with a significant amount of weight to lose. i eat anywhere from 1600-2200 calories depending on how i'm feeling on a particular day. my bmr is 1600 and i'm losing an average of 2 lbs a week
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    Just finished 6B.

    Last time I was struggling with an 85 lb deadlift, today I did 95 no problems, super happy about that! My goal was to break 100 by the end of this stage and I think I'll get there.

    Because I felt like a badas$ after that, I decided to throw in some squats, just for kicks. After my warmup sets, I tried 85 lbs (on Monday i was at 75) and managed 3 sets of 5. Didn't really care about the reps because it's not official squat day.

    Lat pulldowns FINALLY progressed from 60 to 65, and lunges are more comfortable getting right down with 25 lb dumbells.

    I hope I feel it tomorrow!