Stage 1



  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Sunday is my next day to do the A workout, so I'll give the pikes a go.

    Another question:
    in the book, they say when you go for a higher weight/harder variation you should just do as many as you can even if it's 10 and not the full amount. Does this mean you arent supposed to stop and take breaks while doing a set? For instance, my last set of push ups my feet were elevated on a bosu ball. I could do the first 8 fine. Then I needed to stop for a bit (less than 60 seconds) to push through the last 7. I did the last 7, but was I supposed to stop at 8?

    i have this mental thing about not seeing stuff unfinished when it comes to working out
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Thanks @samntha14, for your empathy!
    And now I just remembered that my before and after pictures were on my computer and lost forever. Man that sucks! Remember to back up your pics folks. At least all the family shots were on my husband's computer.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    (forgot the quote, I really need to get better at this LOL) I also started with 5lbs-10lbs DBs for just about everything. I was slowly adding weight for about a month before staring this program so when I officially started this program I was able to use the Olympic barbell right off.
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    @MissMaggie...I'm always happy to feel the soreness; it means I'm getting stronger. I don't strive for that whole "2nd day after starting 30DS" crippled kinda soreness. But if I've been sitting for a while, then get up and feel some complaints from various body parts, I always smile because my workout wasn't wasted.

    Thank you!! The 30DS sore was CRAZY!! I couldn't even sit in the bathroom without using the wall!! lol
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    I guess I am more fortunate for only being sore mostly in my arms. I realized that I can handle 20lb dumbbells just fine!!!!! I will do Stage 1 B2 on Sunday and see how the 20lbs and I do...wish me luck
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Squat 33.5 kg (73.7 lbs) x 3
    Push-ups 10 x 3 on the flat (Yessss!)
    Seated row 12 kg (26.4 lbs) each x 3
    Step-ups 12 kg each x 3
    Jackknife 12 kg each x 3

    Maggie are you doing the bent over row as substitute for the seated row?

    Those numbers are INCREDIBLE by the way, and your arms are fabulously defined, all that food and hard work are paying off big time!!

    Steve's going to have to start lifting to keep us his position as squat rack :tongue:
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member

    Maggie are you doing the bent over row as substitute for the seated row?


    Yep, the bent over row. Is that what you did?
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Yep, the bent over row. Is that what you did?

    Yeah, I quite like that one. Also stage 2 has the same thing on 1 leg and i was surprised i didn't have to drop the weight much!
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Hi all, I've just finished the book this morning and I'm planning to start with stage 1 tomorrow. I'm curious with the squat, do most people start with the plain squat or the barbell squat? I'm quite comfortable doing squats with dumbbells for added weight, but I've never tried with the barbell. Thanks!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Hi all, I've just finished the book this morning and I'm planning to start with stage 1 tomorrow. I'm curious with the squat, do most people start with the plain squat or the barbell squat? I'm quite comfortable doing squats with dumbbells for added weight, but I've never tried with the barbell. Thanks!

    If you are used to squats I think you will be fine with the barbell. If I could do it, you certainly can. Go for it!
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    7A is in the books. I'm a bad girl, I'm breaking the rules the last two workouts. I do squats and deadlifts on both workouts. :bigsmile:

    Squat was comfortable at 85lbs, will have to go up next time, so excited about that.
    Deadlift, now apparently I wasn't doing them properly, I wasn't pulling up the bar against my leg the whole way. Today I did them properly and ouchy shins! I was good at 95 lbs so going to try breaking 100 next time.
    Seated row is now up to 80
    Pushups are on the floor as always
    Step ups, used a step stool this time instead of the bench and it helped me hit the target muscles much better. I think the bench was just too high for my frame.
    Jackknives: I did pikes today! Got all 15 on set one, but only 9 and 8 on set 2 and 3 respectively. I think my muscles were completely done by then. Am I weird that I feel the jackknives and pikes more in my hips than in my abs?

    I left feeling exhausted, it was great. I'm on schedule to complete Stage 1 on friday (super exciting), so I have to start researching all the exercises for Stage 2 this week as well in order to prep.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    I forgot to add, I've made enormous progress in the last week on my lifts, and I think that is due to changing my shoes. I was wearing regular cross trainers but read on Mark Rippletoe's Starting Strength website that he discourages them. Reason being that any shoe with a gel, foam, air etc heel absorbs a great deal of the power you would be pushing into the floor for your lifts. One of the shoes he recommended were cheap Converse Chuck Taylors, they have no padding etc in the heel, just a flat shoe. I got a pair and tried it out. What a difference in my ability to lift. I was truly shocked.
  • wendyapple
    wendyapple Posts: 323 Member
    Just as a general question, what amount of weights did everyone start out with?

    i just did 4B and my weights were:

    Squats 45 lbs
    Seated row 75 lbs
    Step up 20 lbs each hand
    Deadlift 65 lbs
    Shoulder Press 12.5 lbs
    Lat Pulldown 75 lbs
    Lunge 22.5 lbs each hand
    jacknife: shooting for 3 sets of 20
    swiss ball: 3 sets of 25 with a 20lb dumbell at my forehead.
  • wendyapple
    wendyapple Posts: 323 Member
    oh and pushups. i'm averaging sets of 10-8-7 using the squat bar at its lowest setting. they're my achilles heel.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    watched some youtube vids by mark rippetoe on squat form. i think my squat form at first was looking too much like my deadlift. i think ive got them straight.

    today i took a little wider stance and NO KNEE PAIN. i definitely need to work on flexibility in my ankle joint in order to get deeper squats.

    and i did the pike variation for the jackknives. those are EVIL :noway: but i'm finally feeling like that exercise is challenging enough for me. if i ever decided to torture people for a living, jacknife pikey thingies would be in my bag of baddies
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    and i did the pike variation for the jackknives. those are EVIL :noway: but i'm finally feeling like that exercise is challenging enough for me. if i ever decided to torture people for a living, jacknife pikey thingies would be in my bag of baddies

    ROFL!! Exactly what I was saying! And I did those by accident, and thought the whole time that I was some kind of weenie cause I couldn't do the full set.
  • molissep
    molissep Posts: 452 Member
    i give you ladies a lot of credit for tackling the pikes! i'm scared to death i'm going to fall on my head just doing the jacknives lol. maybe once i have more strength i'll feel better about it :smile:
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    So I did the 3rd workout today, but didn't have a stability ball for the first workout. Those jackknives are insane! They look so easy in the pictures!
  • Kattarra
    Kattarra Posts: 190 Member
    I did my first workout this morning (stage 1 workout A) and quite enjoyed it. I have already been doing some of these moves the last month with my PT but this is my first time doing squats with the bar. I added some interval cardio at the end because I have already been doing that also, just did 20 minutes. I'm going to complete stage 1 then meet with my trainer for a body fat test.
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    So I did the 3rd workout today, but didn't have a stability ball for the first workout. Those jackknives are insane! They look so easy in the pictures!

    Yeah, you just haven't lived until you've done a face-plant off the ball for the amusement of your husband and sons! Hehe!

    Way to stick with it!