Stage 1



  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    kmorris, my opinion on your post is that if you do what you are suggesting, that's fine, but it isn't NROL4W. That's all....if you want to do the NROL4W program, then it isn't quite the way you have broken out your work-outs, or your meal-planning. If it's working for you, GREAT! But, one of the reasons I came to NROL4W was because it was a PROGRAM that, if followed, has demonstrated results for women. And, many of those women who succeeded to lose body fat % and gain muscle happen to be posters right here on mfp!! So, the SUPPORT for participating in the NORL4W program is HUGE.
    Okay? So what do you propose Beeps2011? I have NROL on my Kindle, and honestly having the hardest time finding the information on calorie intake. I posted to get feedback from the posters on this group, and to state what I was currently doing. But I'm very open to making changes if thats what it takes.
  • LoveLiveLift
    LoveLiveLift Posts: 459 Member
    kmorris, my opinion on your post is that if you do what you are suggesting, that's fine, but it isn't NROL4W. That's all....if you want to do the NROL4W program, then it isn't quite the way you have broken out your work-outs, or your meal-planning. If it's working for you, GREAT! But, one of the reasons I came to NROL4W was because it was a PROGRAM that, if followed, has demonstrated results for women. And, many of those women who succeeded to lose body fat % and gain muscle happen to be posters right here on mfp!! So, the SUPPORT for participating in the NORL4W program is HUGE.
    Okay? So what do you propose Beeps2011? I have NROL on my Kindle, and honestly having the hardest time finding the information on calorie intake. I posted to get feedback from the posters on this group, and to state what I was currently doing. But I'm very open to making changes if thats what it takes.

    Do you eat back your exercise cals with your current intake? You may have said that in your earlier post, but I couldn't quite remember. If you're looking to lose body fat and gain muscle, it's beneficial to eat more. I can try to help you figure out the calorie goals, if you would like.

    I don't follow the diet plan in the book, per say, but I do eat between 1800-2600 most days. The 1800 is on my non-workout days and 2500 is on my half-marathon training long run days.

    Also, I would suggest not doing HIIT as a warm-up. I usually do something light to warm up and then I do my heavier cardio or HIIT after. HIIT is meant to be so intense that you are wiped out after and then it may be harder to lift. Adding HIIT after the workout would be fine.

    I hope that helped some. :smile:
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Phew! I'm exhausted! Just done workout 6A, and managed to lift 86lbs on the squats, and do 3 sets of 12 prone jackknifes (pike). My partner is off the hook as I have found two robust chairs that can function as a squat rack - hurrah!

    @kmorris, if you give us your height and weight, we can easily work out your calorie needs for you. Apologies if you've already given that information.

    Oh, and your age please.
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    Thanks sooo much for the offer of help guys! I seriously need to go out and buy the hard copy of the book too- buying on the Kindle was a huge mistake :-(

    Okay, so here are my stats:
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    Thanks sooo much for the offer of help guys! I seriously need to go out and buy the hard copy of the book- buying on the Kindle was a huge mistake :-(

    Okay, so here are my stats:

    Ooops! lol

    Here's my stats for real this time:

    Height: 5.5
    CW: 127

    I normally do eat my exercise cals back on workout days, because I'm normally a ravenous beast and can't get enough to eat. The only reason I eat only 1480 on non-workout days is because I normally enjoy a spke (cheat) day once a week where I don't track at all. In the past, this has really helped me stay on course when I have one day/week that I can just let loose. But if ppl think this is a bad idea, then I can try to resist- lol.

    beckdubs- I'm thinking your right- maybe I'll leave the HIIT for after my lifting. What kind of light warmup do you normally do? I work out at home, and don't have access to gym equipment.

    Thanks again :-)
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Thanks sooo much for the offer of help guys! I seriously need to go out and buy the hard copy of the book- buying on the Kindle was a huge mistake :-(

    Okay, so here are my stats:

    Ooops! lol

    Here's my stats for real this time:

    Height: 5.5
    CW: 127

    I normally do eat my exercise cals back on workout days, because I'm normally a ravenous beast and can't get enough to eat. The only reason I eat only 1480 on non-workout days is because I normally enjoy a spke (cheat) day once a week where I don't track at all. In the past, this has really helped me stay on course when I have one day/week that I can just let loose. But if ppl think this is a bad idea, then I can try to resist- lol.

    beckdubs- I'm thinking your right- maybe I'll leave the HIIT for after my lifting. What kind of light warmup do you normally do? I work out at home, and don't have access to gym equipment.

    Thanks again :-)

    No worries. Here you go:

    No workout day: 1937
    Active workout day: 2180 (I think this means the NROL4W workout - anything extra such as cardio, eat your extra calories)
    Strenuous work & workout day: 2422 (this is for construction workers and the like!)

    Is that a surprise?
  • Kelekat
    Kelekat Posts: 174 Member
    A few things.

    Some folks might remember that I had a set to with my trainer. He refuses to train me as long as I insist on doing NROL4W, expecting me to come crawling back when I fail at this. Well, last night I decided I'd had enough and I went over his head. His boss was extremely unhappy with his attitude. She decided to put me with a different trainer and told me, "We're not only here to train you, we're here to support you as well. If this is the workout you want to do, then it's our job to help you do it to the best of your ability."

    I'm set to start training with a new trainer tomorrow. According to the boss lady, "he likes to lift heavy."

    Secondly, my calories are still set at 1410--on all days. I eat back my exercise calories as well. I really seem to have a difficult time eating more than that, so if someone would run the numbers for me, I'd be grateful. I started NROL4W a little over 2 weeks ago, upping my calories at that time from 1200 to the 1410 and I've lost nearly five pounds in that time and I just completed Stage 1, B-4. Before, I spent 6 weeks at 1200, bouncing the first five pounds from 173-168 around while the aforementioned trainer told me to be patient.

    So a question--am I limiting my weight loss by limiting my calories to 1410 plus exercise? Many days, I don't quite get there--instead averaging about 1375-1400, even with a protein shake.

    Age: 53
    Height: 5'9"
    CW: 163

    I would be grateful for any input.
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm new to this group and was looking for a little guidance. On page 68 of the book, it's advised to calculate maintenance level and stick with it for four weeks. I know my TDEE, but is maintenance level the same thing or is this something different? I've played around with some of the exercises, but want to get a fresh start on Monday. I'm excited!
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    Thanks sooo much for the offer of help guys! I seriously need to go out and buy the hard copy of the book- buying on the Kindle was a huge mistake :-(

    Okay, so here are my stats:

    Ooops! lol

    Here's my stats for real this time:

    Height: 5.5
    CW: 127

    I normally do eat my exercise cals back on workout days, because I'm normally a ravenous beast and can't get enough to eat. The only reason I eat only 1480 on non-workout days is because I normally enjoy a spke (cheat) day once a week where I don't track at all. In the past, this has really helped me stay on course when I have one day/week that I can just let loose. But if ppl think this is a bad idea, then I can try to resist- lol.

    beckdubs- I'm thinking your right- maybe I'll leave the HIIT for after my lifting. What kind of light warmup do you normally do? I work out at home, and don't have access to gym equipment.

    Thanks again :-)

    No worries. Here you go:

    No workout day: 1937
    Active workout day: 2180 (I think this means the NROL4W workout - anything extra such as cardio, eat your extra calories)
    Strenuous work & workout day: 2422 (this is for construction workers and the like!)

    Is that a surprise?

    Oh boy! To be completely honest, that many cals/day sounds awesome :-) I'm nervous to make the change, but definitely willing to do what it takes to make sure I'm successful with this program!
    Thanks for figuring that out for me :-) I'm still really hoping I get to keep my cheat day????? LOL
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    @kelekat- Thank goodness you're getting a new trainer. He definitely sounds like he needs an attitude adjustment. I wish I could see his face when he sees you in a couple months throwing around those heavy weights ;-)
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    A few things.

    Some folks might remember that I had a set to with my trainer. He refuses to train me as long as I insist on doing NROL4W, expecting me to come crawling back when I fail at this. Well, last night I decided I'd had enough and I went over his head. His boss was extremely unhappy with his attitude. She decided to put me with a different trainer and told me, "We're not only here to train you, we're here to support you as well. If this is the workout you want to do, then it's our job to help you do it to the best of your ability."

    I'm set to start training with a new trainer tomorrow. According to the boss lady, "he likes to lift heavy."

    Secondly, my calories are still set at 1410--on all days. I eat back my exercise calories as well. I really seem to have a difficult time eating more than that, so if someone would run the numbers for me, I'd be grateful. I started NROL4W a little over 2 weeks ago, upping my calories at that time from 1200 to the 1410 and I've lost nearly five pounds in that time and I just completed Stage 1, B-4. Before, I spent 6 weeks at 1200, bouncing the first five pounds from 173-168 around while the aforementioned trainer told me to be patient.

    So a question--am I limiting my weight loss by limiting my calories to 1410 plus exercise? Many days, I don't quite get there--instead averaging about 1375-1400, even with a protein shake.

    Age: 53
    Height: 5'9"
    CW: 163

    I would be grateful for any input.

    Well done for getting a change of trainer!

    If you are going to be following the NROL4W, I don't think you will be able to build muscle (and hence icnrease your metabolism) unless you eat more.

    According to the charts in the book, your calories intake should be as follows:

    No workout day: 1856
    Active workout day: 2121
    Strenuous work & workout day: 2386

    I hope this helps. I'm really jealous, BTW, as I'm about 200 calories a day lower than you!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    @kmorris - just go with the flow and enjoy those extra calories. If you are like me, when you start to lift really heavy, your body will start demanding the extra anyway. And this way every day will seem like a spike day!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    @ Beeps - thanks for the input. The recent treats aren't something usual, just some special occasions and that TOM (I always crave chocolate and I figure once a month won't hurt!)
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm new to this group and was looking for a little guidance. On page 68 of the book, it's advised to calculate maintenance level and stick with it for four weeks. I know my TDEE, but is maintenance level the same thing or is this something different? I've played around with some of the exercises, but want to get a fresh start on Monday. I'm excited!

    Sorry, I'm not too sure about the difference. After some initial indecision about using my fitbit etc, I decided just to go with the calories as recommended in the book - to calculate your maintenance level see pages 63-65. I don't eat back my weightlifting calories (it's in the calculation), but if I do any cardio I eat those calories.

    Good luck for Monday!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm new to this group and was looking for a little guidance. On page 68 of the book, it's advised to calculate maintenance level and stick with it for four weeks. I know my TDEE, but is maintenance level the same thing or is this something different? I've played around with some of the exercises, but want to get a fresh start on Monday. I'm excited!

    TDEE is the total expenditure of calories you've burned in a day. In theory, to maintain you would eat the same number of calories - this means you would not gain or lose the any weight over a period of time. So yes, if you were eating at maintenance, you would eat your TDEE amount.
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    TDEE is the total expenditure of calories you've burned in a day. In theory, to maintain you would eat the same number of calories - this means you would not gain or lose the any weight over a period of time. So yes, if you were eating at maintenance, you would eat your TDEE amount.

    Thank you! Then I'll follow the author's recommendation to eat at maintenance level for four weeks, then adjust accordingly.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Hi There
    Brand new to NROLFW. Read the book over the last few days & am processing as much as my little brain can handle! :)

    Day 1 (A) of NROLFW - only took about 20 minutes to do today - almost seems "trite"?
    I am using 3# & 5# dumbbells to start, cuz that is what I have.
    Step-ups Lunge were difficult. Could not balance on just one foot...needed both for stability at top & bottom.
    Jackknife - used my couch instead of a ball. Difficulty level high for me.

    And, away we go...
    :) J

    i have the same problem with step ups and lunges. i just realized i dont have this problem when i'm barefoot, so i'm planning on buying vibrams or something like those to wear on lift days

    hamstring feels back to normal and i did my workout :smile:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Good morning all!

    I'm nearly halfway through Phase 1, just workout 4B tomorrow and I'll be at that point.

    I decided to be adventurous and challenge myself with the squats. So I loaded up the squat rack with 95 lbs including the bar and I managed to do 2 sets! I surprised myself, I just need to work on my form a bit, I'm leaning a bit too far foward I believe. I can definitely tell my upper body is getting stronger, pushups on my toes aren't nearly as hard as they used to be.

    As for the food discussion that's been going on, it's definitely important. I'm awesome with food during the week... and I've been terrible on the weekends. The end result: I haven't lost any weight and the scale keeps bouncing between 155-158 in the mornings. It frustrates me because I know I can make better choices and I don't. So I'm really going to try to focus on healthier eating, especially when I'm not preparing my own meals. I do feel better eating more calorie though. My plan tells me to eat 1950 or so on workout days and 1650 or so on off days, that's with the 300 calories deducted for "fat loss" like the book says. I've gotten the scale as low at 155, but then I screw it all up on the weekends. Just goes to show that no matter how much you work out, it won't do a damn thing if you don't eat right too.
  • shellimus
    shellimus Posts: 158 Member
    Okay, I have a question. (I am not new to lifting weights.) I am not sore so far. I feel like I am lifting as much as I can safely do correctly...but no soreness... any suggestions?

    Yesterday's workout was

    Dead lifts 45lbs, then 50 lbs.
    Pullup machine (set on 118, not sure what that is)
    shoulder press 15 lbs (I stood on a bosu ball for instability)
    lunges 15 lbs. These are difficult for me to do, but the weight part seems insignificant.
    ab curls
  • Kelekat
    Kelekat Posts: 174 Member
    A few things.

    Some folks might remember that I had a set to with my trainer. He refuses to train me as long as I insist on doing NROL4W, expecting me to come crawling back when I fail at this. Well, last night I decided I'd had enough and I went over his head. His boss was extremely unhappy with his attitude. She decided to put me with a different trainer and told me, "We're not only here to train you, we're here to support you as well. If this is the workout you want to do, then it's our job to help you do it to the best of your ability."

    I'm set to start training with a new trainer tomorrow. According to the boss lady, "he likes to lift heavy."

    Secondly, my calories are still set at 1410--on all days. I eat back my exercise calories as well. I really seem to have a difficult time eating more than that, so if someone would run the numbers for me, I'd be grateful. I started NROL4W a little over 2 weeks ago, upping my calories at that time from 1200 to the 1410 and I've lost nearly five pounds in that time and I just completed Stage 1, B-4. Before, I spent 6 weeks at 1200, bouncing the first five pounds from 173-168 around while the aforementioned trainer told me to be patient.

    So a question--am I limiting my weight loss by limiting my calories to 1410 plus exercise? Many days, I don't quite get there--instead averaging about 1375-1400, even with a protein shake.

    Age: 53
    Height: 5'9"
    CW: 163

    I would be grateful for any input.

    Well done for getting a change of trainer!

    If you are going to be following the NROL4W, I don't think you will be able to build muscle (and hence icnrease your metabolism) unless you eat more.

    According to the charts in the book, your calories intake should be as follows:

    No workout day: 1856
    Active workout day: 2121
    Strenuous work & workout day: 2386

    I hope this helps. I'm really jealous, BTW, as I'm about 200 calories a day lower than you!

    Wow, that's a lot of food. I have a difficult time polishing off my 1410 plus exercise calories (which leads me to wonder how I ever became 30 pounds overweight to begin with).

    How do you accomplish eating that much food?