Stage 1



  • Par8hed4life
    Par8hed4life Posts: 104 Member
    Hey Ladies! I am so very happy I found this forum and this book!
    I started Stage one just two days ago. Today I did Excercise B1-MY LEGS ARE FRIED!!!!!!!!!
    I know my upper body and abs are sore too, but I can't feel that over the soreness in my legs!

    I know this is going to be difficult and oh so rewarding!!!!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Seems like for the first part of stage 1 I was permanently hungry, but now I've moved on to permanently sleepy! So tired I can hardly think ... need to be in bed by 9pm this evening or I will collapse wherever I happen to be at the time. There must be some seismic changes going on with me. Hope it's all worth it!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Seems like for the first part of stage 1 I was permanently hungry, but now I've moved on to permanently sleepy! So tired I can hardly think ... need to be in bed by 9pm this evening or I will collapse wherever I happen to be at the time. There must be some seismic changes going on with me. Hope it's all worth it!

    I've been really sleepy to the last week and a half, plus I had some things going on where I wasn't getting my usual 8 hours of sleep a night. Definitely makes the workouts harder when I'm not well rested. I'm still hungry a lot too... haha. I just need my body to adjust to all this, it's still only Week 3 for me. Workout 4B is tomorrow.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Seems like for the first part of stage 1 I was permanently hungry, but now I've moved on to permanently sleepy! So tired I can hardly think ... need to be in bed by 9pm this evening or I will collapse wherever I happen to be at the time. There must be some seismic changes going on with me. Hope it's all worth it!

    I'm so glad it's not just me. I've only done 4 workouts, but I am constantly starving, which makes staying in my calorie range very difficult.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member

    Yesterday's workout was

    Dead lifts 45lbs, then 50 lbs.
    Pullup machine (set on 118, not sure what that is)
    shoulder press 15 lbs (I stood on a bosu ball for instability)
    lunges 15 lbs. These are difficult for me to do, but the weight part seems insignificant.
    ab curls

    I'm not sore most days either. I'll leave the gym feeling a little stiff, but then I'm not sore the next day Like I would expect to be. I think the higher doses of protein is helping with that. (repairing the muscles so that they don't hurt as much) It's a theory. I was finally sore today because I pushed my weight to the limit last night on WO A6. I was squatting 95# on the rack (90 on the Smith and 90 on the rack are NOT the same 90, as I discovered), step-ups with 25# plates, and 75 on the seated row.

    Also workout B calls for push-ups, not pull-ups :)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    my lats are sore!

    I think i might have finally found the correct weight on the lat pulldowns (120). just 90 # more and i should (theoretically) being able to start doing pull ups. i'm not ambitious enough to try for that at the end of this stage, but definitely i should be there in stage 2 since the underhand grip is way easier for me than the wide grip
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to this group and i just started NROL this week. Did B1 today and oh man, I was shaky and a bit nauseous feeling toward the end (mostly shaky though). I hate lunges. I hate them even more with weights in my hands. I am starting a bit on the "lower" end of my abilities because I hurt my right traps about five weeks okay which caused me to be out of commission for a month (with regards to lifting). I had just started a second round of the Chalean Extreme program and I was determined to really push my weights (lift at least what Chalene was lifting). I think I was a little too optimistic...LOL! Anyway...I'm looking forward to the results I hope to achieve in this program. The only thing I'm questioning for me right now is the diet. Only because I've been doing IF (intermittent fasting) for about five weeks and eating 40% protein, 30% carbs, 30% fat during the week while enjoying two spike days over the weekend. I was getting a little out of control on the spike I'm switching it up to have only one spike day and slightly more calories each day to help compensate for the lifting hunger. I still have quite a bit of bodyfat to I'm not comfortable eating at maintenance or a surplus right now.
    Anyway...I'm not doing much for cardio right now. I'd much prefer lifting over cardio any day...although Turbo Fire/ Turbo Jam is fun. I'm just a little burned out on all that right now. Within the last few weeks my hubby and i have put together a home gym, courtesy of some amazing deals found on Craigslist and garage sales. So NO EXCUSES, I've got everything I need to make this body ripped!! :D
  • Kelekat
    Kelekat Posts: 174 Member
    Love, LOVE my new trainer! He put me through a hard workout tonight--his own to start--but he took my NROL4W book home with him so that we can work the program starting Saturday.He likes lifting heavy and he's encouraging me to do so. This is going to work out just fine, I do believe.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Love, LOVE my new trainer! He put me through a hard workout tonight--his own to start--but he took my NROL4W book home with him so that we can work the program starting Saturday.He likes lifting heavy and he's encouraging me to do so. This is going to work out just fine, I do believe.

    That sounds great! A trainer who will do reading for you at home is one to hang on to!
  • LoveLiveLift
    LoveLiveLift Posts: 459 Member
    Love, LOVE my new trainer! He put me through a hard workout tonight--his own to start--but he took my NROL4W book home with him so that we can work the program starting Saturday.He likes lifting heavy and he's encouraging me to do so. This is going to work out just fine, I do believe.

    That's awesome! I'm glad you were able to speak to someone and get a new trainer. It sounds like he'll be great.
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    Love, LOVE my new trainer! He put me through a hard workout tonight--his own to start--but he took my NROL4W book home with him so that we can work the program starting Saturday.He likes lifting heavy and he's encouraging me to do so. This is going to work out just fine, I do believe.
    Whoo hoo! Sounds like the beginning of a great relationship to me :-)
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    I'm seconding all those who are STARVING and TIRED. I just finished up my second week of Stage 1. I'm hungry and tired ALL THE TIME- lol! I've decided that starting tomorrow, I'm upping to the maintenance suggested in book. Very nervous to take the big step, but excited at the same time!
  • Kelekat
    Kelekat Posts: 174 Member
    I'm hoping that this is the beginning of something good.

    I've found that so many of these trainers at L.A. Fitness, 24 Hour Fitness, etc., are so full of themselves that they cannot fathom that their way is not the only way.

    This trainer DOES believe in lifting heavy with fewer reps, which already puts him ahead of the game (the last one wanted me doing light weights and 15-20 reps--ugh).

    So, if he takes my desire to work the NROL4W by the book seriously, I'll know that he's the ONE!
  • Kelekat
    Kelekat Posts: 174 Member
    I'm seconding all those who are STARVING and TIRED. I just finished up my second week of Stage 1. I'm hungry and tired ALL THE TIME- lol! I've decided that starting tomorrow, I'm upping to the maintenance suggested in book. Very nervous to take the big step, but excited at the same time!

    Are you losing weight now on whatever calorie level you're on? Gaining muscle?

    My calories are set at 1410--I always eat back my exercise calories on lifting days (which puts me at over 1600). I don't feel hungry at all--as a matter of fact, sometimes it's difficult to eat them all.

    Also, I have my intake set at:

    Protein - 30%
    Fat - 30%
    Carbs - 40%

    and I find it difficult to find enough low calories protein sources.

    I have about 30 pounds of sheer fat to lose, so upping my calories even more makes me really nervous.
  • ecrogers4
    ecrogers4 Posts: 90 Member
    LOL... my lunch bag shrunk! (Or... I'm just packing WAY more food now because I'm STARVING ALL THE TIME!!!)

    NROL4W (and the Primal Blueprint) have completely BROKEN my negative relationship with food!!!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I'm seconding all those who are STARVING and TIRED. I just finished up my second week of Stage 1. I'm hungry and tired ALL THE TIME- lol! I've decided that starting tomorrow, I'm upping to the maintenance suggested in book. Very nervous to take the big step, but excited at the same time!

    I'm already eating at maintenance and starving. 1800 on nonworkout days and 2060 on workout days are my limits, but I've been closer to 2000 and 2200 because I'm starving and can't resist. It doesn't help the it's TOM and I'm craving major sweets! Can't wait until that is over. Yesterday I was back at where I started and this morning I was down half a pound.

    Did workout 3A today and was finally struggling a bit with my squats at 90 lbs. I think I need to get a real step box or something also. I've been using a folding chair and realized this morning that my leg is at more than a 90 degree when up on the chair, which makes pulling myself up without pushing off my second leg pretty difficult.
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    I'm seconding all those who are STARVING and TIRED. I just finished up my second week of Stage 1. I'm hungry and tired ALL THE TIME- lol! I've decided that starting tomorrow, I'm upping to the maintenance suggested in book. Very nervous to take the big step, but excited at the same time!

    Are you losing weight now on whatever calorie level you're on? Gaining muscle?

    My calories are set at 1410--I always eat back my exercise calories on lifting days (which puts me at over 1600). I don't feel hungry at all--as a matter of fact, sometimes it's difficult to eat them all.

    Also, I have my intake set at:

    Protein - 30%
    Fat - 30%
    Carbs - 40%

    and I find it difficult to find enough low calories protein sources.

    I have about 30 pounds of sheer fat to lose, so upping my calories even more makes me really nervous.

    I'm actually at almost exactly the same weight that I was when I began. I fluctuate so much, its hard to tell? I'm not sure about gaining muscle- I hope so ;-) HOWEVER, I can tell a definite difference in my hip/waist area and my pants are already feeling looser.
    I told myself this morning that I do not plan on climbing back on the scale until I'm at least done with Stage 1. I'm going to really try to pay attention to my body and the cues it provides. I truly do think that the reason I'm so tired is because I'm not giving my body the fuel it needs to get through this program. I can EASILY chow through 2000 cals/day :-) I'm pretty close to my goal weight- within a couple lbs, so I'm not gonna sweat it too much.
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    I'm seconding all those who are STARVING and TIRED. I just finished up my second week of Stage 1. I'm hungry and tired ALL THE TIME- lol! I've decided that starting tomorrow, I'm upping to the maintenance suggested in book. Very nervous to take the big step, but excited at the same time!

    I'm already eating at maintenance and starving. 1800 on nonworkout days and 2060 on workout days are my limits, but I've been closer to 2000 and 2200 because I'm starving and can't resist. It doesn't help the it's TOM and I'm craving major sweets! Can't wait until that is over. Yesterday I was back at where I started and this morning I was down half a pound.

    Did workout 3A today and was finally struggling a bit with my squats at 90 lbs. I think I need to get a real step box or something also. I've been using a folding chair and realized this morning that my leg is at more than a 90 degree when up on the chair, which makes pulling myself up without pushing off my second leg pretty difficult.

    Sounds like the higher cal intake is doing your body good!
  • jingoace
    jingoace Posts: 219 Member
    NROLFW - Stage 1 Workout B - 1st time. Had a hard time with the deadlift - dumbbell single leg variety cuz I'm not stable on single leg...but got them done. Had MAJOR difficulty with the Lunges - my knees both crunch & I have limited ROM, so used a chair to balance & no weights. No problems with anything using upper body - the pulldowns & overhead lifts were fairly easy & no prob w/abdominal crunches.

    This is interesting so far.... now I rest for the weekend & start back with A on mon, B on weds, then A again on friday.
    :) J
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member

    My calories are set at 1410--I always eat back my exercise calories on lifting days (which puts me at over 1600). I don't feel hungry at all--as a matter of fact, sometimes it's difficult to eat them all.

    Also, I have my intake set at:

    Protein - 30%
    Fat - 30%
    Carbs - 40%

    and I find it difficult to find enough low calories protein sources.

    I just increased my calories to 1500 (but won't freak if I eat 1600) from 1400 cals during the week (I spike hard once a week). I've got my intake at 40% protein and I have no problem getting in 140 (or more) grams of protein each day, so getting in 30% is doable. I found that by planning my day AHEAD of time (either the morning of, or day before if you need to), I can be sure to hit my protein goal. I'm also keeping my carbs at 30% so that's a bit lower than most people eat. That's where I find I have to be a little more creative. ;o)

    Anyway, all of this to say - start at a site like - search her low-carb meals (they will be mostly meat/poultry dishes) and find what looks good to you. Figure out what you want to make for dinner and log that...then work in your lunch (and breakfast, if you eat breakfast - I do not). Because I eat so much protein, I plan for a protein shake as a snack or post-workout snack to get an extra 24-30 grams of protein each day. I love Gaspari Myofusion or Trutein's shakes (chocolate peanut butter is awesome as is cinnabun).

    I like to add a salad to my dinners, when possible, to get some extra veggies and fiber in. Oh, and I should mention - when I make the skinnytaste meals, I tend to double the recipe because my husband and I are both eating higher protein (and we have a couple kids to feed too). So when I log my "servings" - I input all the stuff I used into MFP's recipe builder and figure out my servings that way (based on protein count, usually). I try to consume at least 50+ g of protein at lunch and then again at dinner.

    Some of my family's favorite skinnytaste meals thus far are:
    Chicken Rollatini with zucchini and mozzarella
    Healthy baked chicken nuggets
    Tuna salad in wraps (although I'll eat mine on bread when possible!)
    Swedish meatballs
    Baked chicken parmesan
    Chicken and mushrooms in garlic white wine sauce
    Crockpot chicken taco chili

    Also, I love making turkey meatloaf "muffins" - I don't follow the skinnytaste version, rather Jamie Eason has a GREAT recipe if you google it. You can make it with ground turkey or ground chicken (I've done both, both are good). I use old fashioned oats instead of quick cooking (I think I get a bit more fiber and protein this way, but I could be wrong). They are great to make and then grab a few at a time on the run for lunch or plan dinner around. I make a batch and my husband and I eat them for lunch for two days.

    Allrecipes has a great slow-cooker turkey chili - I think if you search Laura's slow cooker chili it should come up. LOVE that one.

    Another favorite for good protein - for breakfast or if you ever do breakfast at dinner - breakfast burritos with eggs/whites and low-carb high-fiber tortillas. I chop up some turkey sausage and throw that in there with the scrambled eggs, shredded cheese, and some veggies - it's delicious.

    Sorry, I know you didn't ask for recipes, but I also know how frustrating it can be to try to get in more protein from food sources rather than supplements. :D