Stage 1



  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Yay, I've finished stage 1!! Before i move over to the stage 2 section, I'll share my results, in case anyone's interested:

    AMRAP 50 reps/18kg
    FINAL 32kg

    Push ups:
    AMRAP 30, hands on 3rd stair
    FINAL on the floor!!

    Dumbell bent over row:
    AMRAP 30/6kg each side
    FINAL 10kg each side

    Step ups:
    AMRAP 30 each leg/6kg each side
    FINAL 10kg each side

    Prone Jacknives:
    AMRAP 30

    AMRAP 60 reps/20kg
    FINAL 36kg

    Shoulder presses:
    AMRAP 18 reps/6kg
    FINAL 7kg each side

    AMRAP 47 rep 4kg total
    FINAL 9kg total

    AMRAP 30 each leg/6kg each side
    FINAL 10kg each side

    Crunches on the ball:
    AMRAP 35 reps/3kg on chest
    FINAL 5kg outstretched

    I haven't weighed or measured, as it's TOM, so feeling bloated! Feeling about the same but with some muscle, so that's good.
    Pleased with the improvements, except the shoulder presses. Although I started at 6kg a side, i was only managing about 9 reps instead of 15, so should have started lower. Reaching 10 reps of 7kg was a major triumph, as were my last set of pushups- proper ones on the floor! it's possible.

    The pullovers and the bent over rows were instead of the cable exercises (none at home). Not as effective, but...

    I enjoyed the AMRAPs, thought it worth doing, but had to take more than 60 secs between sets, or i'd have had an asthma attack...

    Stage 2 on weds, then in a week i'm away for 8 days.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I go by what's in the book. So I'm currently on 10 reps and three sets (for most things). I do each set to failure. So if on the first set of ten I don't fail I'll up the weight on the second set and the same for the third set of 10.
    Where are you on the plan?

    I'm on workout 7 so a little ahead of you. I always try to do all my sets to failure, unless my form fails. So if I can do more and I haven't got the form I'll stay at it until I get the form right. As soon as the form is right, I up the weights.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Yay, I've finished stage 1!! Before i move over to the stage 2 section, I'll share my results, in case anyone's interested:

    AMRAP 50 reps/18kg
    FINAL 32kg

    Push ups:
    AMRAP 30, hands on 3rd stair
    FINAL on the floor!!

    Dumbell bent over row:
    AMRAP 30/6kg each side
    FINAL 10kg each side

    Step ups:
    AMRAP 30 each leg/6kg each side
    FINAL 10kg each side

    Prone Jacknives:
    AMRAP 30

    AMRAP 60 reps/20kg
    FINAL 36kg

    Shoulder presses:
    AMRAP 18 reps/6kg
    FINAL 7kg each side

    AMRAP 47 rep 4kg total
    FINAL 9kg total

    AMRAP 30 each leg/6kg each side
    FINAL 10kg each side

    Crunches on the ball:
    AMRAP 35 reps/3kg on chest
    FINAL 5kg outstretched

    I haven't weighed or measured, as it's TOM, so feeling bloated! Feeling about the same but with some muscle, so that's good.
    Pleased with the improvements, except the shoulder presses. Although I started at 6kg a side, i was only managing about 9 reps instead of 15, so should have started lower. Reaching 10 reps of 7kg was a major triumph, as were my last set of pushups- proper ones on the floor! it's possible.

    The pullovers and the bent over rows were instead of the cable exercises (none at home). Not as effective, but...

    I enjoyed the AMRAPs, thought it worth doing, but had to take more than 60 secs between sets, or i'd have had an asthma attack...

    Stage 2 on weds, then in a week i'm away for 8 days.

    Well done!
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    It's been a month now since I started this. I'm a week behind in the book because I had to take a week off after the first two weeks. I'm really excited and scared about Stage 2. Especially as I can't get all the equipment together for the sets, some of it is at opposite sides of the gym. *sigh*

    However results are good so far, I put on a in the first week of the programme but over the past two weeks that's slowly been going down. That's with me eating more that at the start since I'm freaking hungry all the time. I've also lost inches so I'm happy with that. I won't post my final totals until the end of stage 1.

    I just need to remember to take a towel with me for the squats. It gets painful whenever I up the weight. I'm squatting at 40 kg now. That blows my mind. I've also raised the step to compensate for my lack of grip strength. I had to lower it to get my from right but at the lower level and with 8kg weights in each hand it just wasn't a challenge. Now I'm back on the really high steps and really concentrating on form. The prone jacknifes are annoying me because the ball keeps rolling down my legs in about 10 reps and it's then under my feet rather than my knees and I have to stop and reposition it.
  • molissep
    molissep Posts: 452 Member
    hey sarah, i'm starting today as well. i work out at night so i haven't done my workout yet. i'm going to send you a friend request, maybe we can help eachother out along the way!
  • molissep
    molissep Posts: 452 Member
    i was just setting up my log for tonight with the workouts and i'm a bit confused. what kind of squat are we supposed to start with? bodyweight? dumbell? squat rack? i've been doing squats with 8 lb weights so i was going to move to the squat rack tonight. any suggestions??
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Yay, I've finished stage 1!! Before i move over to the stage 2 section, I'll share my results, in case anyone's interested:

    AMRAP 50 reps/18kg
    FINAL 32kg

    Push ups:
    AMRAP 30, hands on 3rd stair
    FINAL on the floor!!

    Dumbell bent over row:
    AMRAP 30/6kg each side
    FINAL 10kg each side

    Step ups:
    AMRAP 30 each leg/6kg each side
    FINAL 10kg each side

    Prone Jacknives:
    AMRAP 30

    AMRAP 60 reps/20kg
    FINAL 36kg

    Shoulder presses:
    AMRAP 18 reps/6kg
    FINAL 7kg each side

    AMRAP 47 rep 4kg total
    FINAL 9kg total

    AMRAP 30 each leg/6kg each side
    FINAL 10kg each side

    Crunches on the ball:
    AMRAP 35 reps/3kg on chest
    FINAL 5kg outstretched

    I haven't weighed or measured, as it's TOM, so feeling bloated! Feeling about the same but with some muscle, so that's good.
    Pleased with the improvements, except the shoulder presses. Although I started at 6kg a side, i was only managing about 9 reps instead of 15, so should have started lower. Reaching 10 reps of 7kg was a major triumph, as were my last set of pushups- proper ones on the floor! it's possible.

    The pullovers and the bent over rows were instead of the cable exercises (none at home). Not as effective, but...

    I enjoyed the AMRAPs, thought it worth doing, but had to take more than 60 secs between sets, or i'd have had an asthma attack...

    Stage 2 on weds, then in a week i'm away for 8 days.

    CONGRATULATIONS! That's brilliant work Jen - clear improvements all the way. I'll be very interested to hear the results of the weighing and measuring. But, boo hoo, I'll miss you from Stage 1. Will you pop back sometimes to say hello? xx
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Thanks Maggie! You know where to find me :wink:

    Molissep- go for the barbell from the rack if you have it. It's the first one in the squat section of the book. Try to get as low as you can!
  • molissep
    molissep Posts: 452 Member
    thanks that's what i was planning on doing, just wasn't sure! i'm working on @ss to grass lol
  • amandacochran15
    Just started reading the book and am ready to begin. I am trying to map out my schedule and am completely confused. I don't understand in Stage 1, the workout 1 and 2, 3 and 4... and so on. Am I supposed to start (A) doing 2 sets of 15 squats for the first week and then 2 sets of 15 pushup and seated row for the first week... and so on? And then the next week is 3 and 4? I am compleyely lost.
  • molissep
    molissep Posts: 452 Member
    amanda - i just read the book over the weekend and i'm starting today so feel free to add me and we can help each other out!

    from what i understand, 1 means workout 1, 2 means workout 2 and so on. so today i am doing the sets and reps that correspond with workout 1 (wherever it says 1...i don't have the book in front of me right now) and then i'm going to pick two moves to do for amrap.

    does that help?
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Just started reading the book and am ready to begin. I am trying to map out my schedule and am completely confused. I don't understand in Stage 1, the workout 1 and 2, 3 and 4... and so on. Am I supposed to start (A) doing 2 sets of 15 squats for the first week and then 2 sets of 15 pushup and seated row for the first week... and so on? And then the next week is 3 and 4? I am compleyely lost.

    Amanda, you're not alone, we've all been there. See these links for help:

    You do A and B eight times each, alternating A and B. The Reps go down as you go. The excel file shows it best (the 2nd link)

    Good luck!
  • Hannekve
    Hannekve Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone :smile:

    I started this today, did 1A and it felt good. The muscle soreness is already presenting itself, I think that's a good sign! It was a bad day at my gym though, so I'm proud of myself for getting it all done. It was very crowded, and all the regular benches that I planned to use for push-ups were taken apart for maintenance... One of the seated row machines were missing the little stick that holds the weights, so there was only one available. Also, both squat racks were taken when I came in, I ended up changing the order of the exercises a little bit, B's first, than A, because I was a bit pressed for time today. Finally, I had to go grab a step from the cardio room, because there weren't any in the strength area.

    Anyway, I'm really excited about this journey now! I had good food today too, no junk. :smile: Keep up the good work guys!
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Just did 7A - managed 37.5 KG squat today. REALLY want to manage 40KG (88lb) by the end of Stage 1 (that's the plan anyway!).

    3 x 15 Jacknife Prones nearly killed me by the last rep though I had a face like e beetroot:embarassed:
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Yay, I've finished stage 1!! Before i move over to the stage 2 section, I'll share my results, in case anyone's interested:

    AMRAP 50 reps/18kg
    FINAL 32kg

    Push ups:
    AMRAP 30, hands on 3rd stair
    FINAL on the floor!!

    Dumbell bent over row:
    AMRAP 30/6kg each side
    FINAL 10kg each side

    Step ups:
    AMRAP 30 each leg/6kg each side
    FINAL 10kg each side

    Prone Jacknives:
    AMRAP 30

    AMRAP 60 reps/20kg
    FINAL 36kg

    Shoulder presses:
    AMRAP 18 reps/6kg
    FINAL 7kg each side

    AMRAP 47 rep 4kg total
    FINAL 9kg total

    AMRAP 30 each leg/6kg each side
    FINAL 10kg each side

    Crunches on the ball:
    AMRAP 35 reps/3kg on chest
    FINAL 5kg outstretched

    Wow well done Jen- that's brilliant, very inspiring for me with only a few workouts left in the Stage. I kind of don't want it to end!
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Does anyone else find resting the bar on thier shoulders while squatting painful?
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Does anyone else find resting the bar on thier shoulders while squatting painful?

    Yes - but they have these black cushiony things to wrap around it at my gym, see if u can see one lying around anywhere.
  • amandacochran15
    Just started reading the book and am ready to begin. I am trying to map out my schedule and am completely confused. I don't understand in Stage 1, the workout 1 and 2, 3 and 4... and so on. Am I supposed to start (A) doing 2 sets of 15 squats for the first week and then 2 sets of 15 pushup and seated row for the first week... and so on? And then the next week is 3 and 4? I am compleyely lost.

    Amanda, you're not alone, we've all been there. See these links for help:

    You do A and B eight times each, alternating A and B. The Reps go down as you go. The excel file shows it best (the 2nd link)

    Good luck!

    So the only thing that is off on this... when i write out the schedue on paper... if i do 3 workouts a week, it brings me to 5 weeks total and one workout left over...
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    So the only thing that is off on this... when i write out the schedue on paper... if i do 3 workouts a week, it brings me to 5 weeks total and one workout left over...

    Sounds right to me:
    week 1 A-B-A
    week 2 B-A-B
    week 3 A-B-A
    week 4 B-A-B
    week 5 A-B-A
    week 6 B

    Didn't bother me, because i do shifts and my weeks are all over the place! Doesn't have to be exact, just don't workout on 2 consecutive days, you need a rest day.
  • Kelekat
    Kelekat Posts: 174 Member
    I'm going to be doing my third workout today.

    Before I found NROL4W, I made the mistake of investing in a personal trainer at L.A. Fitness--one of those contracts they make it impossible to get out of.

    I have an appointment with him today that I made before I started this program. So instead of working out yesterday, I shifted my workout to today. I'm thinking that perhaps he can help me with my form.

    However, when I went in last Friday with my book, he took one look at it and sneered, "Oh, they've changed the rules and nobody bothered to tell me?" He didn't even want to look at it. If this is going to be his attitude, I don't think this is going to work out too well....