Stage 1



  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I'm pretty pleased with myself today. There were a load of men in the free weights area and I just walked in there, grabbed a bar, loaded it with weights, did my deadlifts and left. I'm getting braver :laugh:

    I went back to the Olympic bar with weights on today. I definitely needed the challenge. I do need to stick with this until I've got my form right. it's not quite to failure but I'm more worried about my back and not killing it than the weights. The deadlift is the one that scares me the most.
    As for the rest of it. I'm pretty happy where my weight are right now. Most of them are to failure (or close to) so I'm going to stick with them for the moment. Okay maybe not. :bigsmile: Like usual I'm probably going to up the weight on the last set.
    Deadlift = 35kg, Shoulder press = 12kg (6 each hand). Lunge = 8kg (4 each hand). Lat Pulldown = 26kg.

    On the lunges I'm having to alternate the legs on the last set. Do you think that's bad?

    I'm also not getting lifting gloves. I want to increase my grip strength, just like he did in the book.

    Well done with the weight room attitude!!

    Have i been doing it wrong? I thought the book meant to alternate the lunge legs anyway. For the step ups I do the sets separate for each leg, but with lunges i alternate.

    I use gloves, don't feel they affect my grip strength. I still have trouble hanging on to 10kg each hang for lunges/step ups :cry:


    And no you haven't I just grabbed my book and checked they should be done on alternate legs unlike the step ups. I think I was getting my wires crossed there. :blushing:
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    So I'm halfway done, just finished 4B today.

    My deadlift went up 15 lbs from last time, to 85, super excited!
    Lunges went up to 25 lb dumbells.
    Lost some ground on the lat pulldowns, couldn't complete all my reps with 60.
    I don't know how to make the swiss ball crunch any harder, I'm already doing 20 reps a set with a 25 lb plate.

    Question for you re: lunges and step ups. Are you doing two sets per leg or just one?
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    I do however many for each leg so yeah...i'm at 3 sets per leg.

    i did my lunges with no weights last time so I could get all the way down. I'll start trying to add weights back up.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    I'm pretty pleased with myself today. There were a load of men in the free weights area and I just walked in there, grabbed a bar, loaded it with weights, did my deadlifts and left. I'm getting braver :laugh:

    Question for you re: lunges and step ups. Are you doing two sets per leg or just one?

    That's the spirit - you show 'em!

    Badger - you are lifting some serious weight there. How long have you been lifting? Re; lunges & step ups - I'm doing two sets per leg for lunges and one set for step ups. I was confused by the wording in the book for step ups, but logically I would have thought it would be the same, i.e. two sets per leg. Must force myself next time, unless someone can (please) convince me

    EDITED to say Badger, I read kilograms for pounds! Thought you were a professional. You are still really strong!

    This evening was my 2nd Workout B, and I upped the weights. My deadlift was a meagre 23.5kg, and I went literally to failure on the shoulder press with 6kg x 2; I could only manage 12 reps in the 2nd set. Lunges were difficult at a higher weight, but still finding the swiss ball crunches relatively easy. Did them with hands behind head holding 5kg. Does anyone think there's a danger of increasing the size of the abdominals doing this? It's one place where I don't want to bulk - have enough bulk there already. :grumble:
  • alexandria412
    alexandria412 Posts: 177 Member
    I don't know how to make the swiss ball crunch any harder, I'm already doing 20 reps a set with a 25 lb plate.

    I know it says not to eff with the program too much, but I've stopped doing the swiss ball crunches and do the jackknife exercises instead.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    I do however many for each leg so yeah...i'm at 3 sets per leg.

    i did my lunges with no weights last time so I could get all the way down. I'll start trying to add weights back up.

    Totally forgot I'm onto three sets starting wednesday! I'm excited about this.

    Even though I went up on my weights I still left the gym feeling like I barely worked out. I mean, I was certainly huffing and puffing the whole time, but by the end I was kind of "that's it? I don't feel exhausted"
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I do however many for each leg so yeah...i'm at 3 sets per leg.

    i did my lunges with no weights last time so I could get all the way down. I'll start trying to add weights back up.

    Totally forgot I'm onto three sets starting wednesday! I'm excited about this.

    Even though I went up on my weights I still left the gym feeling like I barely worked out. I mean, I was certainly huffing and puffing the whole time, but by the end I was kind of "that's it? I don't feel exhausted"

    I feel like that. I work hard in there but afterwards I feel like I could do it all again. It must be working though, I am getting stronger. I'm trying to focus on that.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I'm pretty pleased with myself today. There were a load of men in the free weights area and I just walked in there, grabbed a bar, loaded it with weights, did my deadlifts and left. I'm getting braver :laugh:

    Way to go, and it wasn't not using gloves, it was not using straps.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    WOA2 done. First, let me apologize for my previous naiveté regarding this program because it rocks!!
    I did my first set of squats using the rack instead of the Smith Machine. I got up to 15lbs on the bar and made some of the guys look twice. I guess their not used to seeing chicks "lift for real." Can't wait until there is serious weight on the bar.
    Seated row was at 60 lbs (wish there were steps in between, the next step is 75)
    I did my first set of Full Push-ups. (no more knees) And my step ups are at 35lbs.
    Pretty cool night in all:bigsmile:
  • wendyapple
    wendyapple Posts: 323 Member
    i did week 2A today, upped the squat 10lbs to 40, still can't do pushups (i think i did a total of 9), 50 on the row, 15 dumbells on the step ups, and 3 sets of jacknives. actually, i did 3 sets of everything, and will go down to 2 once my form and strength improves and i feel like it takes fewer reps to get a bit of burn. nothing's been particularly hellish aside from the pushups, but that might be a previous shoulder injury from a few years back. i'm checking in with the surgeon next week for x-rays to make sure i'm not doing anything bad to it. would definitely like to add people who are around the same stage as me to keep track of progress together.

    i like this program a lot, and just joined a new gym. my old one had no barbells and a challenging room-setup situation in terms of getting steps and balls. so this is good. wednesday will be 2B, then i guess 3A on friday. 30ish minutes of cardio tues/thurs/saturday, and sunday is off. :D
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all,

    Yes Miss Maggie, there are other "over 50's" out here. I'm 53 too. I am in my second week of stage one and loving it. I've been lifting weights using a program the trainer at our gym set up for me and varying that routine based on reading & my own ideas. I like having the book to follow - we shall see how things look come summer. I'm aiming for a beautiful back!

    Thanks for the posts about form and the links to other information.

    Be strong!

  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Hey everyone! I just joined the group and I just started this program. I did Workout 1A yesterday in Phase 1. It was definitely interesting and I spent some time trying to figure out what weights to use and such.

    I just had a question for all of you that are used to Phase 1 workouts:

    For the squats, are you doing them with a barbell on your back or holding dumbells? I used a 40 lb barbell last night but I looked in the book and the page for just "squat" didn't mention any weights at all and barbell squats was on the next page.

    I'm also using a medicine ball so far for the step ups, I think I had the 10 lb one. Are you using something like that, or holding dumbells or something?

    Thanks for the help! I'm super excited for this program. I had built up some muscle last spring, weight my lowest ever and had a smaller waist. Now I've put about 7 pounds back on and lost my nice muscle mass, so I'm trying to get it back (and then some!).
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    For the squats, are you doing them with a barbell on your back or holding dumbells? I used a 40 lb barbell last night but I looked in the book and the page for just "squat" didn't mention any weights at all and barbell squats was on the next page.

    I think the page 157 squat thing is an intro to all the types. I use a barbell, most people here seem to, unless they are without, in which case they use dumbells. Of course dumbells can be pretty hard to hang on to once they get heavy!

    I did 8A last night, and pushed myself a little too far with the squats, 32kg, just about made it, but my a** is killing me today!
    I progressed from hands on the bottom stair to the floor for my push ups on the last set- miracle!

    Didn't get further than 10kg per side on bent over rows or step ups, but that's ok for a final weight as far as i'm concerned.

    Hope i can manage 8B tomorrow, then i'm done bar the amraps.

    Still loving it!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I think the page 157 squat thing is an intro to all the types. I use a barbell, most people here seem to, unless they are without, in which case they use dumbells. Of course dumbells can be pretty hard to hang on to once they get heavy!

    Ok, thanks! That's what I figured too. I'm not a newbie to strength training, I've just been out of it for a while since I stopped paying a personal trainer in Nov. (they're not cheap! and I just bought a condo). I was planning to get over to the squat rack, but both were occupied by guys who camped out there for 45 minutes. I have to go to the gym after work, so around 6pm the weight section is super crowded. I at least managed to grab a weight bench yesterday and did everything but the seated rows at it. My pushups aren't on the floor yet, but the bench is about a foot off the ground so that's a good start!
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    Hey everyone! I just joined the group and I just started this program. I did Workout 1A yesterday in Phase 1. It was definitely interesting and I spent some time trying to figure out what weights to use and such.

    I just had a question for all of you that are used to Phase 1 workouts:

    For the squats, are you doing them with a barbell on your back or holding dumbells? I used a 40 lb barbell last night but I looked in the book and the page for just "squat" didn't mention any weights at all and barbell squats was on the next page.

    I'm also using a medicine ball so far for the step ups, I think I had the 10 lb one. Are you using something like that, or holding dumbells or something?

    Thanks for the help! I'm super excited for this program. I had built up some muscle last spring, weight my lowest ever and had a smaller waist. Now I've put about 7 pounds back on and lost my nice muscle mass, so I'm trying to get it back (and then some!).

    Im using a barbell without the smith machine. Probably go to a smith when I lift anything over 40 kilos and Im using dumbells for the step ups as pictured in the book :).
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Yes, finally, I have some aching muscles this evening, after yesterday's workout B. Triceps are hurting and some muscles in my back that I didnt even know I had. This can only be 'a good thing'.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Sounds like a good thing Maggie!

    I just did 8B, despite my aching butt. Was really good! Didn't quite manage 8kg on the shoulder presses, (only 6 reps), but 7kg wasn't a struggle this time. And just for fun i picked up my old 3kg pretty green barbie weights and tried a few, i felt like i was holding kittens!!!!
    My 16kg deadlift warm up was easily flung around, when 6 weeks ago i remember asking hubby to help me put it up on the squat rack!

    Can't wait to come back with full results after the amraps.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Sounds like a good thing Maggie!

    I just did 8B, despite my aching butt. Was really good! Didn't quite manage 8kg on the shoulder presses, (only 6 reps), but 7kg wasn't a struggle this time. And just for fun i picked up my old 3kg pretty green barbie weights and tried a few, i felt like i was holding kittens!!!!
    My 16kg deadlift warm up was easily flung around, when 6 weeks ago i remember asking hubby to help me put it up on the squat rack!

    Can't wait to come back with full results after the amraps.

    You're doing really well Jen - I can't wait for your full results either!

    I've done 3A tonight, and got confused; I repeated both of the 1st superset exercises - completely forgot to do alternate sets, twice! Am using the barbell for squats now though, having told partner he has to function as a squat rack.

    I'm also confusing myself about calories; I have a fitbit and a HRM, and can't work out whether to count this that and the other in the NROL4W calorie allowance. The scale is going in the wrong direction at the moment, but I know I'm supposed to go with it, so I'm trying not to react.

    Hey ho.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I did A6 today.
    I braved the squat rack again today :laugh: Not hard when there's only one man in there. That at least was a relief, especially since my shoulders really hate me after the last set of shoulder presses. They're sore and putting the bar on my shoulders was really ****ing painful. I forgot a towel so I couldn't even use that. However I knew it was short term pain and carried on and put another 5 kg on my weight for squats. I'm sticking at 35kg for next time until I get my form back.
    I still can't do a proper push up and they're still to failure on the one from the knees. I am so going to be able to do one full push up soon. I so am.
    The seated rows are okay, I think I lose my form on the last two but since the sets go down a few reps I might be okay pushing it for the last set at a higher weight. The jacknifes are killing me. I get unstable the more I do.
    The step ups worry me. I know I could be carrying more (I'm at 8kg each hand) but my grip isn't good enough. I need to go through the books and look for alternatives to make it harder.

    So that was my day. How did you all get along?
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    B3 - Lunges are killing me! I keep loosing my balance. Walking lunges are easier, I can get some momentum going. Any helpful hints? I'm focussing on keeping my hips level and my head up. Posture, posture, posture.