Stage 1



  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I get the same Maggie, I just imagine the looks I'll get when I pick them up and throw them through the window :devil:

    As for the weights, that's pretty much exactly what I started with, except i hurt after 1B the first time. If it feels like you could do lots more reps I think that means definitely up the weights next time. You're pretty strong!
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    I've also finished my first Stage 1 workout B. I'm not aching at all, and I'm thinking maybe I'm not lifting high enough weights. My deadlift was 20kg and my shoulder presses were with 5kg x 2; used 5kg for the other stuff too. Is that OK for starters or should I be pushing myself more, I wonder?

    On another matter, I'm pretty fed up about my colleagues' reactions. I used to get the comments that will be familiar to a lot of you: "you don't need to lose weight", "you're too thin" etc (I am truly not!), but now that I'm lifting it's even worse: People either laugh in my face, or make reference to Arnie. Grrrrrrrr!


    I dont notice it till the day after and the day after that although this week Ive noticed it since Tuesday and it hasnt gone away lol and Im an experienced lifter. Maybe certain workouts are different for people?

    I too would get comments from men asking how much I would bench press OMG as if Im ever gonna press as much as them at thier heaviest lift. What is up with that!

    Thanks to the poster for the link too by the way :) Much appreciated
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I've also finished my first Stage 1 workout B. I'm not aching at all, and I'm thinking maybe I'm not lifting high enough weights. My deadlift was 20kg and my shoulder presses were with 5kg x 2; used 5kg for the other stuff too. Is that OK for starters or should I be pushing myself more, I wonder?

    On another matter, I'm pretty fed up about my colleagues' reactions. I used to get the comments that will be familiar to a lot of you: "you don't need to lose weight", "you're too thin" etc (I am truly not!), but now that I'm lifting it's even worse: People either laugh in my face, or make reference to Arnie. Grrrrrrrr!

    I'm only lifting at 25 kg on the deadlift. I'm being more careful with this one because if you get it wrong it's gonna kill your back. Maybe have a double check of your form at 20 and then move up to 25 and watch yourself very carefully again. I know when I tried to use the Olympic bar and 10kg of weights (lowest I can go in my gym) my form was very off.

    I'm also pushing myself to almost failure on the shoulder presses and even with that I don't feel it as much as I think I should. So you may be okay using the weights you are.
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    About the Lunges.....I've been using 20 lb dumbells thus far but I think I'm ready to up the weight. However this is going to start getting awfully heavy for my arms. Anyone done them with a barbell instead?

    My forearms are what's burning (and grip). I've also thought about putting dumbells on my shoulders. I feel like I get enough forearm work from other stuff.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I used to hold my dumbells on my shoulders for lunges/squats when my arms got tired for other programs before i got the barbell. It works! I have a feeling a barbell for lunges would cause balance issues, for me at least, i have enough trouble staying upright with dumbells.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Just did Workout A for the third time. I couldn't go up with squats but I did go lower in my squats. Struggled still with the 45 degree push up (and feel like SUCH a *kitten* doing it against a wall) but everything else increased. Hopefully can get to 25kg for squats soon.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I'm also pushing myself to almost failure on the shoulder presses and even with that I don't feel it as much as I think I should. So you may be okay using the weights you are.

    Me too, I finally achieved 7kg each side for the shoulder presses (easier with 8 reps!) and could barely finish it, but don't hurt the next day even when i reach failure like that.

    I'm now having the grip problem with 10kg a side for the lunges, barely made it, but really don't want to use the barbell, too much to trip over in my workout area if I wobble with the bar. Will have to look into grip strength exercises.
  • alexandria412
    alexandria412 Posts: 177 Member
    I also feel like a total weenie for doing my inclined pushups. I think it was Jen who mentioned doing them on her stairs, which is a great idea. Not as many people in the stairwell as in the gym, although I'll probably get glances.
    About the Lunges.....I've been using 20 lb dumbells thus far but I think I'm ready to up the weight. However this is going to start getting awfully heavy for my arms. Anyone done them with a barbell instead?

    Maybe you could try using barbell plates? Those at my gym have little cut-out holes that make them easy to handle.
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    Damn! My shoulder trapezius muscle is hurting It feels like a pulled muscle. I did workout b this morning and felt great. It all of a sudden started hurting this afternoon. Luckily I have cardio tomorrow and rest the next day. I hope it is one of those fluke things and nothing serious.
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    Prone Jack Knifes just did my first lot today as I was chicken to do them Monday but I needed to stop being a wuss and woman up! lol

    Not quite ready to extend down to my shins (possibly next week) so I went a bit higher as far as rolling back and forth goes and I quite enjoyed it lol cant wait to see what is sore tomorrow hehe

    Have a great day ladies
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    It may not matter that you aren't sore the day (or two) after lifting. That really isn't "the test". However, if you are NOT lifting to "failure" (meaning: you could NOT do even one more rep!), then I suggest you are NOT lifting heavy enough and you NEED to go heavier.

    Some people don't get sore muscles (for numerous reasons) - so you cannot let that be your judge. But, everybody *knows* whether or not you, yourself, are putting out MAXIMUM effort during your lifts....and lifting to FATIGUE muscles.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I'm not lifting to fatigue but I'm not far off it. The last two reps my muscles are burning and I'm struggling.

    The weights I'm using at the gym for squats and dead lifts are pre loaded bars. And about 5kg difference. I tried to go from the 20kg bar to the 25kg bar but I couldn't get it over my head! I did do the deeper squat (to parallel. It's hard for me to do that let alone *kitten* to grass) so the burn was harder.

    I can only do prone jackknife from shins, does anyone else have the issue of slippage from sweat? I'm debating wether to take a pair of long pants that can go over my shorts for those two exercises.

    I managed to get the step up to 10kg bells and a raiser and still wasnt struggling! Up I go again!
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Lozze, give it a try with the long pants. I find mine is ok cos the surface of the ball feels a bit tacky so sticks to my legs, but also works with long pants. And doing it from shins is good! Your squats def sounds limited by the lack of squat rack. Those of us at home have improvised them from various furniture / weight benches, but i doubt you could pull that off in the gym. Could someone help you get the bar up and down?

    Vicky, I'm glad you gave it a shot, the hard part is over! And don't be surprised if you fall off, we all do it....

    I'm supposed to wait 2 days now before my next session, but struggling, I'm so close to the end, only 8A&B and AMRAP to go. Will glad to have a change and move on to level 2.

    I'm considering postponing the week off for another couple of weeks when I have a week's hols (maybe skiing if I'm lucky). The guy in the book seems to think the week off can be flexible, so do you reckon that would be ok? Or is skiing not really a week off?!
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Oops double post!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    It may not matter that you aren't sore the day (or two) after lifting. That really isn't "the test". However, if you are NOT lifting to "failure" (meaning: you could NOT do even one more rep!), then I suggest you are NOT lifting heavy enough and you NEED to go heavier.

    Some people don't get sore muscles (for numerous reasons) - so you cannot let that be your judge. But, everybody *knows* whether or not you, yourself, are putting out MAXIMUM effort during your lifts....and lifting to FATIGUE muscles.

    Yep, that's what I thought, thanks. I'm doing my second Workout A this evening, so I'll go for failure!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Lozze, give it a try with the long pants. I find mine is ok cos the surface of the ball feels a bit tacky so sticks to my legs, but also works with long pants. And doing it from shins is good! Your squats def sounds limited by the lack of squat rack. Those of us at home have improvised them from various furniture / weight benches, but i doubt you could pull that off in the gym. Could someone help you get the bar up and down?

    Vicky, I'm glad you gave it a shot, the hard part is over! And don't be surprised if you fall off, we all do it....

    I'm supposed to wait 2 days now before my next session, but struggling, I'm so close to the end, only 8A&B and AMRAP to go. Will glad to have a change and move on to level 2.

    I'm considering postponing the week off for another couple of weeks when I have a week's hols (maybe skiing if I'm lucky). The guy in the book seems to think the week off can be flexible, so do you reckon that would be ok? Or is skiing not really a week off?!

    As I'm obviously no expert, my opinion is ever so humble. But it sounds like a good plan to me to use the skiing week as your week off. Skiing is more akin to cardio than lifting isn't it?
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    The weights I'm using at the gym for squats and dead lifts are pre loaded bars. And about 5kg difference. I tried to go from the 20kg bar to the 25kg bar but I couldn't get it over my head! I did do the deeper squat (to parallel. It's hard for me to do that let alone *kitten* to grass) so the burn was harder.

    I was having the same issue with this. I can barely get the pre loaded 20kg bar over my head.
    Thankfully we do have a squat rack. Just the one though, so currently my biggest challenge is time. If I go on my lunch break, I pretty much will not get them done at all due to the wait for them. It seems to be quieter at around 9 am.
    I can only do prone jackknife from shins, does anyone else have the issue of slippage from sweat? I'm debating wether to take a pair of long pants that can go over my shorts for those two exercises.

    I always have long sweat pants on so it's not an issue for me. I'd say take some.

    Because of that I managed do squats at 30kg today. They were hard but not quite to failure. I think I load it at 35kg next time.
    I'm still finding the push ups so hard. I'm going the girly (from the knees) ones as there isn't really a surface to do incline ones on and I tried to do a 'proper' one today and fell flat on my face. Thankfully no one saw that happen.
    Same thing with the seated row, I can just about get the last one done and I think for the next set I'm going to concentrate on form.
    Since I've lowered the step my from is better, I think the thing that's going to let me down on there is my grip. I'm currently using 8kg dumbbells but it's my hands and not my legs that are giving way.

    One question how do you guys load the bar for the deadlift? I could load it in the squat rack but it's really awkwardly positioned to get the bar out of there. There's a bench right in front of it. Am I going to look like a right idiot putting the plates on while the bar is on the floor?
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Lozze, give it a try with the long pants. I find mine is ok cos the surface of the ball feels a bit tacky so sticks to my legs, but also works with long pants. And doing it from shins is good! Your squats def sounds limited by the lack of squat rack. Those of us at home have improvised them from various furniture / weight benches, but i doubt you could pull that off in the gym. Could someone help you get the bar up and down?

    Am I stupid if I admit using the squat rack never occurred to me? I think I'm going to have to take the long pants. I can use them just for the last parts.
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    Hi everyone!

    This seems like a really supportive group and this is exactly what I need because I get bored easily.

    I will be starting NRoL4W next week. I began the program a couple years ago and got to Stage 3 and stopped. I didn't measure but I did notice a huge change in my body while doing. So, I am back at it again and this time, I will take my measurements. As far as diet, I am eating 2000 cal per day (gross) and following 35/30/35 c/p/f. I do better with a little less carbs than 40%. I am excited to be doing this wonderful program again. I know it will be hard because I'm starting all over again.

    I look forward to taking this journey with you all.
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    Lozze, give it a try with the long pants. I find mine is ok cos the surface of the ball feels a bit tacky so sticks to my legs, but also works with long pants. And doing it from shins is good! Your squats def sounds limited by the lack of squat rack. Those of us at home have improvised them from various furniture / weight benches, but i doubt you could pull that off in the gym. Could someone help you get the bar up and down?

    Vicky, I'm glad you gave it a shot, the hard part is over! And don't be surprised if you fall off, we all do it....

    I'm supposed to wait 2 days now before my next session, but struggling, I'm so close to the end, only 8A&B and AMRAP to go. Will glad to have a change and move on to level 2.

    I'm considering postponing the week off for another couple of weeks when I have a week's hols (maybe skiing if I'm lucky). The guy in the book seems to think the week off can be flexible, so do you reckon that would be ok? Or is skiing not really a week off?!
    Thanks Jen, cant say Im looking forward to falling off lol

    Very sore in the ab area today which is great. Got a game of softball today thats my cardio for the day. Need a rest.

    Have a great weekend everyone :)