Stage 1



  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I am doing B6 today, can't wait until I get to workouts 7 and 8 and can try my heaviest weights yet?

    Can I just ask about the seated Rows, I am using a cable machine and sitting on a swiss ball whilst doing it as they don't seem to have the row machine where you can put your feet etc The weights on the machine don't seem to go up as high as on the other machines- is this right? I think I am up to 10.5 KG and it doesn't seem like loads. I noticed some of you are doing bent over rows instead- is this a suggested alternative?

    Also someone mentioned doing step ups with the ball- how on earth do you do that??!

    This is what I have managed so far:

    Deadlift: 24 Kg
    Shoulder Press: Two 6 Kg dumbells
    Wide Lat: 27.7 Kg
    Lunge: Two 7 Kg dumbells
    Barbell Squat: 35 Kg
    Row: 10.5 Kg
    Step Up: 5 tiered Step with two 7 Kg Dumbells
    Push Up: Full Military Press Up 3 x 10
    Crunches: 3 x 10 (can do more but doing as directed by book)
    Jacknife Prone: 3 x 10
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I am doing B6 today, can't wait until I get to workouts 7 and 8 and can try my heaviest weights yet?
    I feel the same way.
    Can I just ask about the seated Rows, I am using a cable machine and sitting on a swiss ball whilst doing it as they don't seem to have the row machine where you can put your feet etc The weights on the machine don't seem to go up as high as on the other machines- is this right? I think I am up to 10.5 KG and it doesn't seem like loads. I noticed some of you are doing bent over rows instead- is this a suggested alternative?

    Yes it's in the book. I'd love to try it on the ball. I didn't notice anyone talking about that. Sadly where that machine is in my gym it's already in the way for people trying to get to the rowing machines.
    Also someone mentioned doing step ups with the ball- how on earth do you do that??!

    0-o Good question
    This is what I have managed so far:

    Deadlift: 24 Kg
    Shoulder Press: Two 6 Kg dumbells
    Wide Lat: 27.7 Kg
    Lunge: Two 7 Kg dumbells
    Barbell Squat: 35 Kg
    Row: 10.5 Kg
    Step Up: 5 tiered Step with two 7 Kg Dumbells
    Push Up: Full Military Press Up 3 x 10
    Crunches: 3 x 10 (can do more but doing as directed by book)
    Jacknife Prone: 3 x 10

    That's brilliant. Well done.
    Very jealous about the press ups. I can't even do one at the moment.
  • Kelekat
    Kelekat Posts: 174 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I just started Stage one with my first workout last night. I feel it a bit, but not like I generally do after a normal gym workout. I want to follow this program--I've been counting calories and alternating lifting with cardio for six weeks now and all I've done is bounce the same five pounds around, up--down--up--down--and now, back up again. It's frustrating.

    So I've upped my calorie intake and I've started this workout. Is the beginning supposed to feel as if you're not doing enough? Can you up the repetions or sets? I mean, I was sweating at the end last night, but the workout seemed so short.

    I'd appreciate input. I'm about at the end of my weight loss rope because of the lack of any real achievements on this journey so far.

  • melainemelaine
    melainemelaine Posts: 127 Member
    I've started on Sunday with level 1 workout A and thought, wooop, that was easy, until I woke up on Monday with a really nice muscle ache everywhere.
    It's the same after Wednesdays B, I will go back tomorrow evening I think., I made myself a proper book with all the workouts, binded it and now take it to the gym, so I can log everything, make comments, etc. Really enjoying the workouts so far and the structure. The weightroom is not that scary as well, I really had to just go in, then I was fine.

    Looking forward to seeing some results, I can definitely feel it working for me.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Can I just ask about the seated Rows, I am using a cable machine and sitting on a swiss ball whilst doing it as they don't seem to have the row machine where you can put your feet etc The weights on the machine don't seem to go up as high as on the other machines- is this right? I think I am up to 10.5 KG and it doesn't seem like loads. I noticed some of you are doing bent over rows instead- is this a suggested alternative?

    Keira, the alternative in the book for the seated rows is the pullover- i do that at home. But it seems more of a tricep thing to me. bent over rows are in workout A anyway.

    Some good numbers there!
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    bent over rows are in workout A anyway.

    OMG are they!? I must have completely missed that!!

    I thought A was this-

    Push Ups
    Seated Row
    Step Ups
    Jackknife on Swiss Ball

    and B has 5 exercises too- how have I not noticed bent over rows I must be blind???
  • laurarpa
    laurarpa Posts: 244 Member
    bent over rows are in workout A anyway.

    OMG are they!? I must have completely missed that!!

    I thought A was this-

    Push Ups
    Seated Row
    Step Ups
    Jackknife on Swiss Ball

    and B has 5 exercises too- how have I not noticed bent over rows I must be blind???

    The bent over row is workout A - it's the sub for seated row. So if you have the machine you do the seated row.

    The pullover is the sub for wide grip lat pulldown in workout B.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    OMG are they!? I must have completely missed that!!

    I thought A was this-

    Push Ups
    Seated Row
    Step Ups
    Jackknife on Swiss Ball

    and B has 5 exercises too- how have I not noticed bent over rows I must be blind???

    Sorry my bad. I thought the bent over rows were standard, but it's the substitution i'm doing.

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    So I'm used to doing my Zumba class on Wednesdays after my regular workout (not enough sections of the class being offered just yet). Well... Not really able to pull that off. Don't think I'll be doing that again, ouchie. Than again, I ate like garbage, so I felt like garbage. B2, not my best work.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Well I switched to the squat rack for my squats last night and OOOOOOW. I did what I had done on the baby bar but that bar was a LOT lighter! How much does a bar weigh in kg? Because now I understand why people add it!
  • LoveLiveLift
    LoveLiveLift Posts: 459 Member
    Well I switched to the squat rack for my squats last night and OOOOOOW. I did what I had done on the baby bar but that bar was a LOT lighter! How much does a bar weigh in kg? Because now I understand why people add it!

    The Olympic bar weighs about 20.45 kg. I know I add it!!
  • wendyapple
    wendyapple Posts: 323 Member
    Gaaaaahhh I am still having a nightmare with the dumbell shoulder presses. After SIX workout Bs, I've barely progressed. I started with 6kg per side, only managed around 10 reps right from the start. This time I added wrist weights to make it about 6.7kg per side, but still struggled! The only difference is i'm only supposed to do 10 reps now. all the other moves are increasing nicely.

    Help me lifters, you're my only hope!!

    Just like you I'm not having fun with them. I have to go up 1kg in the gym to move up and I can barely do three at 7kg. I've decided that when I'm getting into the 3 sets, I'll do the first two at 6 kg and then do the last set at 7kg or visa versa.
    We all have our weaknesses, mine are push-ups, just not progressing at all. My shoulders are also different strengths my right shoulder is weaker to my left (due to chronic injury) so I press lop-sided, left arm flies up, right one struggles behind lol

    same here, i'm making backwards progress on shoulder presses, not sure my form is correct on them, finding that my neck tendons start protruding as i'm pressing, which just looks scary. went from 15 reps on 12lbs, to 6 reps on 15lbs. i'm not sure how to get the 12 reps. and pushups....oh how they mock me.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    same here, i'm making backwards progress on shoulder presses, not sure my form is correct on them, finding that my neck tendons start protruding as i'm pressing, which just looks scary. went from 15 reps on 12lbs, to 6 reps on 15lbs. i'm not sure how to get the 12 reps. and pushups....oh how they mock me.

    That may feel like backwards progress but it's not. Your arm muscles are smaller (obviously) compared to your leg/ glute muscles. A 3 or 5 lb increase is an exponentially greater increase for your arms to lift than your legs/ glutes. You did increase weight, the reps will catch up.

    You could lift the 15's for as many reps as you can do and finish the proscribed reps with the 12's. So when you failed at 6 reps, finish the set with 6 more with the 12lb, or even 10lb or 8lb.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Eeek! Strange things are happening to my forearms! My skin seems to be ageing rapidly - becoming like crepe paper, like an older woman - and my veins are really starting to protrude. I'm guessing I'm losing fat there, which is odd because they were always the skinniest part of me, unless anyone has any other theories?
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    So I've upped my calorie intake and I've started this workout. Is the beginning supposed to feel as if you're not doing enough? Can you up the repetions or sets? I mean, I was sweating at the end last night, but the workout seemed so short.

    I'd appreciate input. I'm about at the end of my weight loss rope because of the lack of any real achievements on this journey so far.


    It's really weird but yes. I often walk out of the gym feeling like I've done nothing. It really does feel like cheating.
    However if you do every exercise close to or to failure (so as heavy as you can) then you really start to see the results. I am amazed at how much I am currently able to lift and I'm only on week 4.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    same here, i'm making backwards progress on shoulder presses, not sure my form is correct on them, finding that my neck tendons start protruding as i'm pressing, which just looks scary. went from 15 reps on 12lbs, to 6 reps on 15lbs. i'm not sure how to get the 12 reps. and pushups....oh how they mock me.

    That may feel like backwards progress but it's not. Your arm muscles are smaller (obviously) compared to your leg/ glute muscles. A 3 or 5 lb increase is an exponentially greater increase for your arms to lift than your legs/ glutes. You did increase weight, the reps will catch up.

    You could lift the 15's for as many reps as you can do and finish the proscribed reps with the 12's. So when you failed at 6 reps, finish the set with 6 more with the 12lb, or even 10lb or 8lb.

    This is such a good thing to remember. I've only gone up 1kg on my shoulder presses and thinking like this shows that's not a bad thing.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    same here, i'm making backwards progress on shoulder presses, not sure my form is correct on them, finding that my neck tendons start protruding as i'm pressing, which just looks scary. went from 15 reps on 12lbs, to 6 reps on 15lbs. i'm not sure how to get the 12 reps. and pushups....oh how they mock me.

    That may feel like backwards progress but it's not. Your arm muscles are smaller (obviously) compared to your leg/ glute muscles. A 3 or 5 lb increase is an exponentially greater increase for your arms to lift than your legs/ glutes. You did increase weight, the reps will catch up.

    You could lift the 15's for as many reps as you can do and finish the proscribed reps with the 12's. So when you failed at 6 reps, finish the set with 6 more with the 12lb, or even 10lb or 8lb.

    Exactly, if you go up 2kg on a 20kg squat, that's 10%, but if you go up 2kg on your 12kg (6kg per arm) shoulder press dumbells, that's 16% increase on much smaller muscles!!

    I used 1lb wrist weights to supplement 6kg dumbells (to 6.5kg) when i couldn't manage all the reps at 7kg. Thanks to all the advice on here, I can now manage 7kg a side. I stagger my feet a little one further forward than the other, and don't drop my elbows too far (like the pic in the book). Sometimes I yell things....
  • Kelekat
    Kelekat Posts: 174 Member
    So I've upped my calorie intake and I've started this workout. Is the beginning supposed to feel as if you're not doing enough? Can you up the repetions or sets? I mean, I was sweating at the end last night, but the workout seemed so short.

    I'd appreciate input. I'm about at the end of my weight loss rope because of the lack of any real achievements on this journey so far.


    It's really weird but yes. I often walk out of the gym feeling like I've done nothing. It really does feel like cheating.
    However if you do every exercise close to or to failure (so as heavy as you can) then you really start to see the results. I am amazed at how much I am currently able to lift and I'm only on week 4.

    So do you do two reps or do you do enough reps until you can't lift any more? I'm confused.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    So I've upped my calorie intake and I've started this workout. Is the beginning supposed to feel as if you're not doing enough? Can you up the repetions or sets? I mean, I was sweating at the end last night, but the workout seemed so short.

    I'd appreciate input. I'm about at the end of my weight loss rope because of the lack of any real achievements on this journey so far.


    It's really weird but yes. I often walk out of the gym feeling like I've done nothing. It really does feel like cheating.
    However if you do every exercise close to or to failure (so as heavy as you can) then you really start to see the results. I am amazed at how much I am currently able to lift and I'm only on week 4.

    So do you do two reps or do you do enough reps until you can't lift any more? I'm confused.

    My understanding is that you lift heavy enough that you can't lift more than the stated number of reps, so if workout 2 says 15 reps and workout 3 says 12 reps, you go up a notch on the weight when you move to workout 3. Then you repeat the exercise, so you do 2 sets of 12 reps at the higher rate. Not sure I'm making sense though!
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    So do you do two reps or do you do enough reps until you can't lift any more? I'm confused.

    My understanding is that you lift heavy enough that you can't lift more than the stated number of reps, so if workout 2 says 15 reps and workout 3 says 12 reps, you go up a notch on the weight when you move to workout 3. Then you repeat the exercise, so you do 2 sets of 12 reps at the higher rate. Not sure I'm making sense though!

    The goal should be to lift a weight that will allow you to lift the number of proscribed reps but the last ones should be a struggle.

    For example: 2 sets of 12 reps you can lift 15's and complete all 12 reps. Your next session, you feel you'd like to increase the weight so you try for 2 sets of 12 reps using 20's. That's a pretty big increase in weight and you can't do the full 12 reps, you can only do 6 before your arms give out or your form falls apart. You could stop the set at the 6 reps or you could then pick up a lighter weight and try to get a few more reps. The goal for the next session would be to try to get the full 12 reps in with the 20's. (I think either choice is fine but probably finishing the set with the lower weight will help you progress faster.)

    Does that help?