Stage 7 Questions (the final countdown)



  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Js- yay on the healing hand!!! Glad to hear it!!

    It seems 3 sets is all I can squeak out too no matter the workout. I do too really like step ups besides how long it takes me to complete them. Nice job on the perfect form Js!!!!

    Sue- nice work on 5!!!

    I will be moving onto Supercharge. I'm on 7.2 and hoping to do it tomorrow. My book is suppose to be Monday. Ill take the week to read it and then start it the following week.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I'm in love with step-ups too! I'm not perfect with them yet, but I'm so so so much better than before. I still feel myself push off a bit, especially as I fatigue but I've been doing get ups to try to improve that and I take stairs x2 and try no to push off there either.

    I will say, this stage ain't no joke, but I'm absolutely lovin' it, 20 reps and all!
  • feelgoodnic
    feelgoodnic Posts: 66 Member
    Oh boy! I've skipped ahead to this stage (I'd like to revisit Stage 6 when I've dropped a bit more weight, but for now cutting fat is my main goal) and I can tell fun times are head. My *kitten* was thoroughly kicked by the first workout and I only did 15 reps for each exercise!

    My back squat today was 30kg, it's something I need to work on I think.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    ARGH!! I finished workout 6 today! PR on my deadlifts - 125, and really did well on the step ups I thought. Not perfect but much better and in better control.

    I'm going to repeat 7 before making a decision about what I'm doing next.

    Rock on ladies!
  • feelgoodnic
    feelgoodnic Posts: 66 Member
    Congrats on the PR suelegal! That's an impressive number!

    Workout 2 was today, these really are intense, I was covered in sweat and had a bright red tomato face by the time I finished, but it feels good at the same time! I'd never done an incline bench press before so I was a bit self conscious, did 2 sets of 22.5kg x 8 and was struggling towards the end.

    After workout 1 I was having major DOMS in my abs and thighs... guess those squats really do work your core!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    First stage 7 workout today - whoa those lunges kicked my butt (or hip flexor to be precise!). Feels weird going lighter for more reps now..... good to be here though :-)
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    First workout for me too! It kicked my *kitten*! I had to take a longer break than i intended on between 6 & 7 so I'm hoping that's the reason.'re so right. Maybe that's why it sucked so much more. I was trying to stay at the same weights I've been using but doing 3x as many reps. Haha....that makes me feel a little better!
  • feelgoodnic
    feelgoodnic Posts: 66 Member
    I had to drop my weights a little to get all the reps in, and even at that I could only do 15 reps. I'm trying to increase by 1 rep every workout so I should be at 20 by the end. Is anyone else planning on doing this stage twice (for 12 total workouts)? I'm hoping to because I want to figure out what I'm going to do next! I just ordered a copy of Supercharged so I'm looking forward to reading that.

    Today was workout 3, did two sets of 8 x 50kg (110lbs) for my deadlift which I was quite happy with. My deadlift has increased so much quicker than my squat, I really have some work to do on that. I HATE lunges, so 4 sets of 16 today just made me want to puke. I was planning on doing 37.5kg for my romanian deadlift but forgot to put on the 5kg plates so at the end I realised I was only lifting 32.5kg... duh. I think that was a better number though as I was struggling towards the end.

    This stage is definitely kicking my *kitten* but I'm loving every minute of it!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I will defo be repeating, haven't started to look at where to go next lol. Maybe I need to look into supercharged, although I've heard about stronglifts 5 x 5 also. Be good to find something that helps me increase my weights further.
  • feelgoodnic
    feelgoodnic Posts: 66 Member
    I'm considering Stronglifts as well, there's a lot of things about it that appeal to me. I like squats/deadlifts/rows and it looks like it would also take a little less than the 1.5 hours I sometimes need for a NROLFW workout! I'll see how Stage 7 goes and have a think about it.
  • LuvtheCubs
    LuvtheCubs Posts: 161 Member
    Yesterday did my first workout in stage 7. It got tough towards the end. I thought of cutting it short and only doing three sets but I cowboyed up and did all 4. I enjoyed it but definitely am sore today. Looking forward to 7b tomorrow.
  • LuvtheCubs
    LuvtheCubs Posts: 161 Member
    First stage 7 workout today - whoa those lunges kicked my butt (or hip flexor to be precise!). Feels weird going lighter for more reps now..... good to be here though :-)

    I'm with you on the hip flexor s. I try to really stretch them out but they are really sore today.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Did 7.2 today.... ugh. Freakin' pulldowns are back. After stage 6 I am developing a hatred, lol.

    Also, annoyingly, I have pulled something in my forearm..... affecting my grip on heavier weights. Did most ok but 4th set on everything I went lighter. Pretty chuffed I cranked out all the step ups..... I'm doing a total of 80 on each leg, is that right?

    First bench with a bar too - I look/ feel so weedy with my teeny plates - can only do 23kg :-/ But that is up from my dumbbell benches which were 10kg each (so 20kg). Think I prefer the first workout to this second one, even with the lunges!
  • feelgoodnic
    feelgoodnic Posts: 66 Member
    Ha, jo_marnes, I'm in a similar position! I felt so weedy with my 22.5kg bench. My dumb bell benches were also at 10kg each. I kept trying to do 12.5kg but could never get more than 3 reps or so, it was really annoying that there's no 'in between' weight I could use, from 10kg upwards the increments are in 2.5kg instead of just 1kg. It felt good to move on from that using the barbell. That sucks about your arm! Hopefully it'll be okay soon.

    So today is a rest day and my next lifting day is Sunday, I'm actually super excited to get back in the gym. I miss weightlifting when I'm not doing it! I never thought I'd be the kind of person who'd look forward to going to the gym. That said, it's Workout 3, so I'll be doing both back squats AND 4 sets of dumbbell squats... my thighs are going to be burning for sure.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I don't look ahead.... too scared, haha. I've got #3 next but won't be until Tues as am away this weekend. Probably good as I am already hurting from earlier lol. Glad to hear someone is the same as me..... here's to getting stronger together! I do miss lifting when I haven't done it for a bit. As much as I'm in pain right now, I also enjoy the aches.... been a while since I felt like I REALLY worked my body hard. Good to get a reminder now and then :-)
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    I'm trying to talk myself into lifting today. I'm SO sore. I don't think I've been this sore since stage 1! Ha! It's mostly my quats, rear and hammies so I could probably survive the second workout with only 2 leg moves....

    Also, I'll def be doing two rounds before I move on to Supercharged!
  • LuvtheCubs
    LuvtheCubs Posts: 161 Member
    Second lift session for this stage today. Didn't seem as bad as the first workout. I'll see how I feel tomorrow though. My son went with me to the gym. Made the workout go faster having a lifting partner. I probably enjoyed having him there more than he enjoyed being there though!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Everyone seems to be doing good...soreness and all.

    Between the 4th and this week, my lifting has been slacking. I'm on my 2nd round of stage 7 and next up is 7.3- was trying to get it into night but it seems like that probably isn't going to happen. Baby still isn't sleeping yet. It would be so much better if I could move my workouts to morning but I'm just not that motivated in the morning to get up that much earlier before work.

    Received my Supercharged book- need to finish reading so I can start it soon.

    I bet having a workout buddy does make it go faster :))

    Yep, 80 on each leg seems right. That's a hell of lot when you think about it!!! LoL
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Oh man, my body is broken after workout 3! Hip flexors.... oh. my. gosh. My left arm has shat itself and I'm not even able to grip the bar past 8 reps (deadlifts). It's not the weight, its just my hand can't grasp it.... had similar issues last week and despite a 4 day rest it doesn't appear to have fixed itself :-(

    Dread to think what I'll be like tomorrow. Not sure if I'll be managing the 3 sessions a week I've been doing in previous stages. V frustrating! Although.... good to be sore in some ways.

    Pleased with the first set of deadlifts - 53kg which was my heaviest before... and has been a while since I did those! Still did all the lunges although the bad arm meant I had to do the 4th set no weights.... so I did 25 reps instead to feel the burn! Hope everyone else is doing well xxx
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I didn't use the bar for bench, though I probably should. I guess this time through I'll bench downstairs in the cage. I can set i up so if I need to drop it I can.

    Yesterday I knew I didn't have time to do a full workout so I just did my own thing - SLDLs at 135, a PR for me so I'm pretty happy! Today, spinning
    Tomorrow, I think I will repeat #1 since I didn't get even 3 sets last Friday.

    I too am looking at Supercharged Becky & Makin ( I say that as I type and smell BACON!) but I also was looking at Nita

    Jo, you should check that injury out. Talk to a doc!

    Oh how I wish I had a workout buddy!