Stage 7 Questions (the final countdown)



  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Where did everyone go?

    I'm currently taking a break.... have done one round on stage 7 but my hip flexors are screwed and I'm hurting pretty much everywhere so decided to rest before repeating. My first break in the whole program!

    Upped weights on my last workout though so pleased with that. Decided to measure my waist today - have lost another 1cm on the narrowest part and a whole inch off of the widest part! That might not sound like much but I started this with NO weight to lose and have actually gained 2kg overall since the start. Can't wait to do my measurements at the very end..... this last stage has made me really feel like I can see visible changes
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    so I had a lovely post that I thought made it to the thread but it's nowhere to be seen.

    I did #3 on Wednesday and a really tuff spin class yesterday. I have such DOMs today but I'm happy to say that I increased all my B lifts - up to 30 on the static lunges, 60 on the bent over rows, and 105 on the RDLs. Obviously not my max since I DL 135 when I'm doing 8 -12 reps but I'm happy that my endurance is obviously better this time around.

    I lift tomorrow, but with my trainer so it won't be one of these workouts - #4 on Monday and #5 on Wednesday.

    I think I'm eliminating SL from my potential programs. So now I'm undecided about NROLSupercharged, Wendler's 5-3-1, Nia Shanks or one designed by my trainer.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Great weights Sue!

    I started my stage 7 repeat today after a week off. L hip flexor still giving me grief - had to lower my step for the lunges but managed to keep weights and reps the same.

    Up to 55kg for my squats. Romanian Deadlifts also increased from 35kgs to 40kgs, although my grip only lasts 15 reps rather than 20. Was surprised about how exhausting the workout felt - was expecting it to be easier after a few days off. Was lifting every other day previously and thought that the rest would make me more energetic..... apparently not!! 5 more to go.........LOL
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Hey strangers! After taking several days off I FINALLY got workout 4 done this morning. I can't believe I got to stage 7 and started to fizzle out. I hope I'm back for good now though. I hope everyone is doing well!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hey Beck! Welcome back! It would be so insane not to finish now that you've made it to Stage 7!! Keep at it girl! <cheer cheer cheer>

    Last #4 done and dusted! I squatted 85# with good form, raised DB squats at 30#, OHP 20, 17.5, 15, step ups with 10 and BW and rocked the form though by the end I was really shaky, and #75 on inverted pull downs.

    I will not miss this stage!,
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Workout 5 done! Hoping to get this first round done on Saturday so I can bust out round 2 before moving on to supercharged!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Well done for getting to this point Beck, stage 7 is tough! I'm having to leave it longer between workouts due to injuries so have 4 more still left before I'm done. Still haven't decided what to do next :-/
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Last workout 5 done! I pushed 65 for both bench sets and 90 on the rows, upped on the static lunges, did better on my pushups, RDLs at 105 for 20 and pulled 55 on bent over rows. Oh and I did all 4 sets! Phew, my butt is sore!

    I am pretty sure I'm going to try out 5/3/1 for a little while. It's a really simple program and I can choose my own accessory work to go with the compound lifts.
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    I'm sorry, Jo:( injuries just plain suck!
    Sue...nice job! My hubby pushed me to do 3 arts of 65 bench presses last Thurs. ugh! Lol!

    I finished my first round of stage 7 today!! Woohoo! I can't believe I actually finished this program! Haha;) I'm gonna so another round so I won't move on for another 2 weeks but its so awesome to know I "officially" completed it?
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Last workout 5 done! I pushed 65 for both bench sets and 90 on the rows, upped on the static lunges, did better on my pushups, RDLs at 105 for 20 and pulled 55 on bent over rows. Oh and I did all 4 sets! Phew, my butt is sore!

    Great effort!!! Today I did my second workout 3. I PR'd my DL with 60kgs (132 lbs) for 6 reps.
    Did 90lbs for the RDLs as my grip gives out. So annoying as I feel that weight is barely doing anything to the intended muscles, I just can't hold the bar for that many reps. Grrrrrr. Oh, and my weird burst blood vessels were back - pretty sure it's the DLs that do it.

    Pushups all the same, bent over rows now at 22lbs (44 total) - that's hard. Sue.... your 55 - is that total or EACH??! I'm fine until rep 12..... then I struggle through 3 more for 15 - past that and form is shocking.

    Am modifying the lunges (lower weight/ step) due to dodgy hip flexor. That isn't improving :-(

    3 more to go! Which is awesome! Still no idea what to do next though :-/
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Yay, squat PR of 60kgs (132 lbs) x 6 today!

    Do your DL and squat weights match like mine?
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Yay, squat PR of 60kgs (132 lbs) x 6 today!

    Do your DL and squat weights match like mine?

    Not at all! My best squat is 90, my best DL is 150

    This has been a truly awful week for me. I had early morning commitments that have kept me from the gym and it's the ONLY time I can work out. Today, my alarm didn't go off so I missed it again! I will do #6 and be done with NROL4W tomorrow morning but that's all I can do this week - we are making a mad dash up to Maine for a b'day/going away party for my niece's stepdaughter. I will try to get something in, but doubt there will be much free time for anything.

    As if that's not bad enough, I have been craving - hungry all the time and trying hard to control my eating. Tonight Five Guys - and yes I had the fries too. Oy please get me out of this cycle quick!!

    Jo, congrats on the squat PR!! That's awesome!! And my 55 is total. I am using the short barbell instead of DBs

    Beck congrats on getting it done! Were you surprised that you could push 65? I was totally shocked! I was stuck at 50 for sooooo long!

    Rock on ladies!
  • feelgoodnic
    feelgoodnic Posts: 66 Member
    Yeah, so my last workout of Stage 7 was last Friday... and I woke up with a sore knee again so I had to skip it :( I was planning on taking the week off but I then decided to see if I could fit in the last workout. Unfortunately my knee didn't get any better so I went to a physiotherapist today to get it checked out. Turns out that my knee joint is rubbing against the cartilage which is in turn causing the muscles around the area to tighten. Apparently it's just the way I'm built and it would have happened no matter what exercise I was doing- running, weights, cycling, anything that puts pressure on the knee. That was kind of good to know, I was afraid it was happening because of bad form on my part but no, it's just my crappy knee!

    The bad news is, no more weights for me for the foreseeable future :( or intensive cycling, spinning, HIIT or running. Only corrective exercises, and weekly physio sessions. I'm a kind of bummed but oh well, not much I can do except try and correct it and hopefully get back to doing weights pain free eventually!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Oh no Nic :-( That sucks. I'd be sooooo frustrated. Hope the physio etc helps quickly.

    No NROLFW workouts for me today but am going to Pump class so that'll do. Had a bit of a mad week.
  • feelgoodnic
    feelgoodnic Posts: 66 Member
    Forgot to say Jo, congratulations on the squat PR! That's so impressive :) well done!
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Nic...I'm sorry:( That has to be frustrating.
    Jo..great job! And no, I canDL much more thati can squat! Hahahaha:)

    Finally got 7.2.2 in today! I had a couple of down days this week so I only lifted twice:/ Really aiming for 3 next week!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member

    7.2.5 done today.... no increases but wasn't aiming for them. Tbh, was in a terrible mood so just showing up was a success lol. Having one of those days where every spare second is accounted for by something on the to-do list. So better get off MFP as it's making me late!! Have a good week all xxxxxxxxxx
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    I got 7.2.3 in this am! Three more to go and I can officially be done! I should finish next Monday, which will be perfect since we're going on vacay next Wednesday! I'll take a week off and start supercharged!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woooohooooo! Go me ;-)

    And with a PR deadlift of 4 x 68kg (150lbs). That is now 1.3 x bodyweight - I'm going to aim for 2x!

    Come on girls, bring it home xxx

    P.S. I have ordered supercharged! ;-)
  • mdcoug
    mdcoug Posts: 397 Member
    Completed my first stage 7 workout this morning. Holy cow, that was hard! I've been working out at home, but I'm thinking I might try getting to the gym at least for 2 of the workouts per week, especially on squat days.