Getting Started



  • Babieseverywhere
    Babieseverywhere Posts: 311 Member
    Just marking my place.
  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    I'm sure this has probably been asked, but I can't see the answer on a quick flick through and can't be bothered to trawl through everything....

    It's my first day LOL. So when I walk into the gym how do I pick a weight to start with? Do I just go along the rack and try each weight and stop when I get to a pair that feel heavy? ummm, how heavy should they feel?

    I know it's a stupid question, but should they be easy to pick up so I know I can get all 15 reps in or should it feel like an effort just to pick them up so I know I'm really working to get some reps in?

    I think 1A it's only the step ups and bent over row, then in 1B it's the dead lift which is possibly the most scary thought I have ever had!!!!

  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    Just ordered the book.. I have this book on my kindle but the workout sheets are too small to read and I can't copy them. It's also ridiculous to try to find explanations of excercises So I'm getting this tomorrow and planning on starting on Stage one as soon as possible. Is there a website that I could print out the work out sheets from?
  • curlygirly80
    bump so I can read when I get home
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    So I'm about to start the program (tomorrow! and the next workout will hopefully be Monday). My concern is this: I will be working out in the weight room of my building. I'll be alone down there most likely. I won't have anyone to check my form and I'll need to teach myself how to use the machines. Has anyone else done this with absolutely no help (no trainers, gym staff, husbands, etc.)? Am I going to be doing something dangerous? There are mirrors around so I can check my form that way...

    andreabrights I am in the same boat as you - although with mirrors and lots of looking on you tube for tips, I am only doing 2 workouts a week as I still want to keep on running and i have a running partner and we run 3 times a week. Anyway I started last week so this morning did my second workout B and think I am getting better at the moves. and am amazed that I have increased the weights on all the sets and I thought I started off with pretty big weights last week, ie I was struggling to finish all the reps in set 2 at my chosen weight but this time increased the weight and managed all but one rep - the lat pull down final rep was beyond me.

    anyway great to find a group of fellow lifters for a bit of support. Today was the first time there was someone else in the gym, I usually have it all to myself and I refused to be phased and just pretended I knew exactly what I was doing and seemed to work. At least he didn't try to stop me and tell me I was doing it all wrong!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I'm sure this has probably been asked, but I can't see the answer on a quick flick through and can't be bothered to trawl through everything....

    It's my first day LOL. So when I walk into the gym how do I pick a weight to start with? Do I just go along the rack and try each weight and stop when I get to a pair that feel heavy? ummm, how heavy should they feel?

    I know it's a stupid question, but should they be easy to pick up so I know I can get all 15 reps in or should it feel like an effort just to pick them up so I know I'm really working to get some reps in?

    I think 1A it's only the step ups and bent over row, then in 1B it's the dead lift which is possibly the most scary thought I have ever had!!!!


    That's pretty much what I did. I started too light. You can lift way more than you think you can. The only set that I didn't do as much as I thought I could was the shoulder presses. I totally suck at those, even now at the end of Stage 1.

    Try one, if it's too easy to do the reps, add more weight. If it's too heavy reduce the weight. Form is very important, it prevents injury and maximizes results. Better form, lighter weight is the best choice. Always challenge yourself - by your third set you should be thinking OMG I can't do another one. Then do 1 more if you can!

    Good luck! You will be amazed how quickly your body starts changing!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Finally plucked up the courage to walk into the gym with my printed workout spreadsheet, plus photocopies of the moves for STage 1, put them in front of the poor unsuspecting trainee instructor who was expecting to design a workout for me and say 'this is what I want you to show me'.

    And it was easy. It was late evening so there were few people in the gym, they have a great new weight room downstairs (sadly the lat-pulldown machine is upstairs), and he showed me everything I needed without passing judgement.

    no excuses left now!!!!!!

    have taken measurements and just photos left to take and we're off!!!

    How is it working for you????

    well, following my initial walk-around with the trainer I then took an extended break due to 2nd/3rd degree burns on my hand from a climbing accident. By the time I got back to the weight room I had forgotten a lot of it but have carried on carefully.

    I have now completed 3 workouts of each A and B (I am on a twice a week programme, 3 if possible) but not sure how its going. I STUPIDLY STUPIDLY just weighed myself and have put on a couple of lbs. I now have to tell myself it's water weight from last night and that I am probably losing inches. I am not going to let myself take measurements until the end of stage 1.

    I am eating roughly by the books recommendations (except for last weekends blowout :/ ) so adding a set 200 calories for a day I workout.

    I AM lifting heavier weights on squats and deadlifts, but finding it a struggle to finish things like barbell rows. I feel like maybe I ought to lower the weight there and maybe I'm just rushing things. I also struggle with the step-ups as I can never quite find the right height step. Are we supposed to be almost trying to get our leading leg to bend to 45 degrees? Right now I'm terrified of falling off the step as I wobble on it so much!!!

    I do feel sore in some of my muscles, so assume that SOMETHING must be going on. Now I have the trauma of having to work away Monday to Friday so have to find another gym there. I think I might get a trainer to check my form again to make sure I'm heading in the right direction. I mention NROL to my normal gym and they have never heard of it.
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    Ok I haven't got the 'book' yet Hopefully today But I have the kindle version and want to start this tonight. I'm trying to plan but I'm on Stage 1, Workout A (Workouts 1-4 of 9) I can't find where Squat has WO 1,2,3, 4 ?? Than Supersents Alternating Push up and Seated Row Each of these have WO' 1,2,3, 4? C Steups supersets with Prone jackknife WO 1,2, 3, 4,

    Maybe it will be clearer when I get the book; but can anyboday explain the diffences in WO 1, 2,3, 4 are they just a different version of the same thing?
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Ok I haven't got the 'book' yet Hopefully today But I have the kindle version and want to start this tonight. I'm trying to plan but I'm on Stage 1, Workout A (Workouts 1-4 of 9) I can't find where Squat has WO 1,2,3, 4 ?? Than Supersents Alternating Push up and Seated Row Each of these have WO' 1,2,3, 4? C Steups supersets with Prone jackknife WO 1,2, 3, 4,

    Maybe it will be clearer when I get the book; but can anyboday explain the diffences in WO 1, 2,3, 4 are they just a different version of the same thing?

    workout A is one complete workout. Workout A 1 is the first time you do that workout, workout A 2 the second time, eg. the next week or however often you are doing them
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    Ok I get it I was planning every other day So Today (Thurs I'd start with WO 1 Squat 2 sets 15 reps... Superset of Push up/ Seated row WO 1 2 sets 15 rep each and than Super set Step up / Prone Jackknife WO 1 2 sets 15 reps each Than... Saturday would be the same but it's considered WO 2 Monday Same but considered WO 3 Wed Same but considered WO 4 I get it I'm assuming the weight is what can go up than I can do that.. Thanks so much !!!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Ok I get it I was planning every other day So Today (Thurs I'd start with WO 1 Squat 2 sets 15 reps... Superset of Push up/ Seated row WO 1 2 sets 15 rep each and than Super set Step up / Prone Jackknife WO 1 2 sets 15 reps each Than... Saturday would be the same but it's considered WO 2 Monday Same but considered WO 3 Wed Same but considered WO 4 I get it I'm assuming the weight is what can go up than I can do that.. Thanks so much !!!

    yes and no.

    You would do workout A on thursday as described. This would be workout 1 (or A1). Saturday would be workout B - ie. deadlifts, lunges etc. This would be workout 1 of B so workout B1.

    Monday would be the second time you did workout A so workout 2 ( A2) and so on.

    The whole set of workouts in Stage 1 (alternating A and B) should take about 6 weeks if you are doing 3 workouts a week

    Hope that helps!!!
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    OK so I go the book yesterday and have read most of it. I'll be looking to start the workouts at the end of September when I get back from my 2 week holiday across the pond in South Carolina :D
    Could someone kindly send me the workout spreadsheet (jsextrasmoothy at gmail dot com) ;-)
    Many thanks in advance.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    OK so I go the book yesterday and have read most of it. I'll be looking to start the workouts at the end of September when I get back from my 2 week holiday across the pond in South Carolina :D
    Could someone kindly send me the workout spreadsheet (jsextrasmoothy at gmail dot com) ;-)
    Many thanks in advance.

    I use the logs available on - sign up for a free account, then click the NROL4W link at the top of the page. You can download all the stages at once or one stage at a time, etc.
  • farabovepearls
    farabovepearls Posts: 28 Member
    Finally plucked up the courage to walk into the gym with my printed workout spreadsheet, plus photocopies of the moves for STage 1, put them in front of the poor unsuspecting trainee instructor who was expecting to design a workout for me and say 'this is what I want you to show me'.

    And it was easy. It was late evening so there were few people in the gym, they have a great new weight room downstairs (sadly the lat-pulldown machine is upstairs), and he showed me everything I needed without passing judgement.

    no excuses left now!!!!!!

    have taken measurements and just photos left to take and we're off!!!

    You've encouraged me to do the same as you...bring the copies and ask the trainer to show my how to do it. I had been debating because I didn't want to seem silly :) But if you did it...I will too :) I start on Monday...but I'm going to the gym tomorrow morning to ask the trainer where everything is.
    Thank you for inspiring me :)!!
    Lets do this!!!
  • SueSlick
    SueSlick Posts: 268 Member
    After reading through some of these posts, now I'm really confused!
    I see where some of you mentioned that you got through the work-outs in like 30 minutes...that was my first clue that I messed up. I just finished stage 1 A and it took me 2 hours, because I did all the work-outs on the page! Damn I'm really gonna be sore tomorrow! But if I only do 2 sets of 15 reps for each of the 5 exercises listed, that doesn't seem like enough either. Clearly, I don't get it.
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    This thread really has helped me. I was so confused wondering how I was supposed to start it, but now I get it.
    I can't start till next month (I need to get the all clear from the doctor first, but I'm so excited to start :D
  • follmer20
    follmer20 Posts: 129 Member
    Getting the book tomorrow! Ready to start it.
  • Fitorbust73
    Fitorbust73 Posts: 80 Member
  • nannabannana
    Just started strength training @ 3 wks ago. Wish I had earlier but I had to get the book from library to read . Now I am ordering it. I love strenth training.I started at GYM but I am going to be following each thread.
    Thank you so much for the post:)