Week 1

Please place your week 1 posts here


  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    This weeks schedule:

    Duration: 53 min.

    5 minute warmup walk
    Run 10 min/walk 1 min Repeat x 4
    5 minute cooldown walk
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Good luck!
  • albali
    albali Posts: 225 Member
    I just did W1D1! I did walk for more like two or three minutes, but I managed all four lots of 10 minutes running! Woo hoo! Due to lack of daylight (!) and other commitments, I can only run twice a week (Thursdays and at the weekend) so I may not make very fast progress, but never mind. Bring on the weekend for W1D2! Good luck everyone!
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    Week 1 seemed to go smoothly for me (with the exception of my first try at W1D3, wherein I just felt awful, and quit after 20 mins/2 miles...but I did it again two days later).

    I'm running inside on the treadmill again, mostly because it's been sorta rainy and icky here. And cold. It's been cold. I need to figure out optimal running clothing for this weather...which will probably involve searching out a lightweight run jacket, which I don't currently own.

    Anyways, I just got a GPS watch, which is motivation to take my runs outside! Which will be good, because I'm finding the treadmill difficult. I sweat a lot in the little cardio room that we have at my gym, and it's a hassle mopping sweat from my face every few seconds (I also wear glasses and watch cooking shows on my phone when I'm on the tread, so as to distract me from the fact that I'm running in place... so wiping sweat with glasses on sucks).

    Anyways... looking forward to Week 2! I might have something weird going on with my hip though, so I'm going to get that checked out before I do too much more running. :(
  • ProudMomoftwo
    B210K Week 1 Day 1 will start Monday for me.
    I am excited and hope the weather holds out for me.
    Supposed to get rain and possible snow this weekend.

    I have run 38 min nonstop before so I am feeling optimistic about W1D1.
    Will map out a bigger loop this weekend to accommodate B210K this weekend.

    Can't wait to hear how all of you are doing with it...

    Keep pushing forward...

  • TexasNana41
    TexasNana41 Posts: 114 Member
    Well there's good news and there's bad news. The good news is that I started B210K today and got in a good workout. The bad news is it was NOT pretty. I've run at least 39 minutes without stopping before so I'm not sure why I found today so difficult. I'm either coming down with something or I've just hit a wall of some sort. Or...I discovered that the main reason my speed is so slow is that my stride is too short. The GPS I downloaded with the app I'm using shows your pace, and by lengthening my stride I was taking serious time off. The downside may have been how I felt. So I may take 2 weeks to do this first week and concentrate on lengthening my stride.
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Well there's good news and there's bad news. The good news is that I started B210K today and got in a good workout. The bad news is it was NOT pretty. I've run at least 39 minutes without stopping before so I'm not sure why I found today so difficult. I'm either coming down with something or I've just hit a wall of some sort. Or...I discovered that the main reason my speed is so slow is that my stride is too short. The GPS I downloaded with the app I'm using shows your pace, and by lengthening my stride I was taking serious time off. The downside may have been how I felt. So I may take 2 weeks to do this first week and concentrate on lengthening my stride.
    Good job getting through it.
    I honestly believe, like in C25K, the rest will come.
    Good days and not so good days...just keep putting that one foot in front of the other.
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    I have 'tested" W1D1 a couple of times, and am starting officially tomorrow. The takeaway is, I figured out which features I liked on the app and which I needed to turn off. I also learned which music tracks worked or needed to be deleted. Most important, I realized that my favorite routes ( that I used for C25K) are not going to work as they are way too short and am trying to find something better. There are no real trails around here and I want to stay off the busier roads. I am going to start a new route tomorrow. I have been doing the programme at a very slow pace as this was just a trial run. I will kick it up a notch for the official start and see how that goes. So far, it seems a little easy, but I'm sure as the weeks go on it will get tougher. Good luck everyone!
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Week 1 Day 1 complete. No aches or pains, no breathlessness, no worries! Phew!!
  • TexasNana41
    TexasNana41 Posts: 114 Member
    Congrats to everyone for getting through the first of the week!
  • MinnesotaManimal
    MinnesotaManimal Posts: 642 Member
    Nice to have this bit of motivation to run, week 1 day 1 complete.
  • aimsterct
    aimsterct Posts: 37 Member
    I did W1D1 last week when I was fighting a cold. Got through it but it really was hard and so I had to wait until today to try again. Today was so much better. I didn't really feel winded until the third 10 min...and that is likely because that's where the hills are on my route. I actually ran during some of the cool down, and felt like I could have gone further. What a difference! Overall the run felt good. I didn't push any speed barriers since I knew I was going for duration, but my 53 minutes brought me in just under 4 miles.

    Like one of the other posters, I'm getting a little concerned as to where I'm going to do my runs. The trail we have nearby is 2.7 miles round trip....doubling that isn't really an option for me quite yet, so I'm going to have to run the neighborhoods until I get further along. Today that was OK but I can see I'm going to probably get bored with that in a few weeks.

    I didn't think I was ready for B210K yet but now I am really glad I am starting this. I am so surprised at how great the run felt.
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    Ran in the pouring rain today. Oddly enough, it was great as I tend to get really hot when I run and it helped keep me cool. B210K is turning out to be a very enjoyable programme. Good luck everyone with your first week:)
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Week 1 Day 1 complete. No aches or pains, no breathlessness, no worries! Phew!!

  • ProudMomoftwo
    Nice to have this bit of motivation to run, week 1 day 1 complete.

  • ProudMomoftwo
    I did W1D1 last week when I was fighting a cold. Got through it but it really was hard and so I had to wait until today to try again. Today was so much better. I didn't really feel winded until the third 10 min...and that is likely because that's where the hills are on my route. I actually ran during some of the cool down, and felt like I could have gone further. What a difference! Overall the run felt good. I didn't push any speed barriers since I knew I was going for duration, but my 53 minutes brought me in just under 4 miles.

    Like one of the other posters, I'm getting a little concerned as to where I'm going to do my runs. The trail we have nearby is 2.7 miles round trip....doubling that isn't really an option for me quite yet, so I'm going to have to run the neighborhoods until I get further along. Today that was OK but I can see I'm going to probably get bored with that in a few weeks.

    I didn't think I was ready for B210K yet but now I am really glad I am starting this. I am so surprised at how great the run felt.

  • ProudMomoftwo
    Only 23 degrees out this AM so we layered up and headed out.
    My 13yo daughter is doing this with me ( like she did the C25K program with me ).
    She didn't want to get out in the cold today....
    She was in a bit of a 'mood' also...
    The first 10 min run is the toughest for me - mostly because of the stiffness in my calves and the dreaded UPhill climb.
    The road is still torn up so we had to bypass that and still keep our distance so we wouldn't run out of room in our loop. It went well though.
    We took 2 mins between intervals instead of just the one and did great.
    The 3rd and last interval went off without a hitch. Feeling good by then and like we were going to DO IT.
    The forecast said only 30 % chance of snow today.
    On the last interval, we started to see the flurries.
    The only thing that was cold on us was our cheeks. Otherwise, I think we did well layering up just right.
    When we were stretching out afterward, my daughter said " we did good today mom ".
    ( high fives all around ). Her mood improved the longer we went so by the time we got home - she was her sweet self again.

    Keep pushing forward...
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Ran in the pouring rain today. Oddly enough, it was great as I tend to get really hot when I run and it helped keep me cool. B210K is turning out to be a very enjoyable programme. Good luck everyone with your first week:)

    Wonderful job!
  • geeksrule
    geeksrule Posts: 143 Member
    Congrats to everyone who has posted today!!! I'm going to just keep going on from where I am W3D3 coming up - but will keep checking in for advice and support!!!

    Have fun out there!!!
  • geeksrule
    geeksrule Posts: 143 Member
    Only 23 degrees out this AM so we layered up and headed out.
    My 13yo daughter is doing this with me ( like she did the C25K program with me ).
    She didn't want to get out in the cold today....
    She was in a bit of a 'mood' also...
    The first 10 min run is the toughest for me - mostly because of the stiffness in my calves and the dreaded UPhill climb.
    The road is still torn up so we had to bypass that and still keep our distance so we wouldn't run out of room in our loop. It went well though.
    We took 2 mins between intervals instead of just the one and did great.
    The 3rd and last interval went off without a hitch. Feeling good by then and like we were going to DO IT.
    The forecast said only 30 % chance of snow today.
    On the last interval, we started to see the flurries.
    The only thing that was cold on us was our cheeks. Otherwise, I think we did well layering up just right.
    When we were stretching out afterward, my daughter said " we did good today mom ".
    ( high fives all around ). Her mood improved the longer we went so by the time we got home - she was her sweet self again.

    Keep pushing forward...

    Proud of you for getting your daughter out with you - I wish I could get mine going with me. Also, I found for the cold on your cheeks - I have a Buff - you can use it as a hat/neck warmer/or it wraps around the neck up over your cheeks and head - your local ski shops/outdoor stores should have them - less bulky than scarves!!