Week 1



  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    Good to see a revival of this thread. I completed C25K mid March and I've just been meandering along since then without any real structure to my runs, so following this programme over the next few weeks will be great. I'm considering registering for a 10K event in July but before that I'm doing a 5K on 5 May.

    WK1, D1 begins tomorrow.
  • mamakira
    mamakira Posts: 366
    Hi, so good to see there are other people out there doing the program. I started week 1 day 1 today. In the end it was looooooong. But I am very satisfied that I did it and can´t wait to go on with day 2. I am doing the time intervals, I will look at the miles later.
  • IreneAdler221
    IreneAdler221 Posts: 185 Member
    W1D1 was a success! I finished C25k in Oct. but got injured in Jan. I just now got to the point where I feel comfortable adding distance. Today went really well, I ran further than I've ever run before, over 4 miles! Excited to continue with the program.
  • mamakira
    mamakira Posts: 366
    My schedule got a bit messed up with the races on Thursday and Saturday. So I went back to week 1 today. My muscles were still a bit sore from Saturday but it went quite well. I really like intervals.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    That's similar to liking lunges. Admirable but wow. Of course, I like hills (except when I hate them).
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    I had hoped to begin week one about 3 weeks ago but it didn't happen. However, I completed D1 this morning and ran the 4 x 10 mins with 1 min walk in between, and of course the warm up/down walks. I'm motivated now to complete week 1 (and subsequent weeks) as I'm planning on doing a 10K in July.

    I trust others are managing to get through the days of week 1 ok.
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    Completed day 2, week 1 yesterday evening :happy:
  • mamakira
    mamakira Posts: 366
    Good job! And great you are in this group too. Are you planning any other races in the near future?
    After some really hot days it is chilly and rainy today. I hope the rain will stop so I can do day 3. Haven´t really followed the program for 2 weeks so I guess it will be hard.
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    Hi Mamakira,

    After successfully completing my first 5K on 5th May, I've decided to register for an evening 10K run in July. In October there's the Munich half marathon but I don't think I'll be ready for this. I may just do a further 10K, which may be my limit (for now anyway).

    What about yourself, have you any events in the near future?
  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    Hi everyone! I am just starting W7 of C25K and have decided to continue on to 10K once I finish C25K next week. Looking forward to joining you all - hopefully we can get a small group of folks to join in! I really enjoy knowing other people are on a similar training path.

    I don't plan to run any races or anything like that - I have done a couple 5Ks before. The races aren't really my thing, they make me nervous :] I just want to get in better shape and have better lung capacity and endurance. But maybe I'll change my mind once I start working up to 10K.

    Planning to start the 10K training app the first week of June. I'll definitely be posting here! (And I'm going to NYC that week, so I'm looking forward to running in Central Park! I am hoping my husband will join me - he is a better runner than me, but I'm definitely catching up to him!)
  • mamakira
    mamakira Posts: 366
    Hi Mamakira,

    After successfully completing my first 5K on 5th May, I've decided to register for an evening 10K run in July. In October there's the Munich half marathon but I don't think I'll be ready for this. I may just do a further 10K, which may be my limit (for now anyway).

    What about yourself, have you any events in the near future?

    Friends of mine and I are thinking about walking the London Shine half Marathon the 28th of September. ( http://shine.cancerresearchuk.org/on-the-night) But we have to plan it quickly.
    Other than that my next runs are planned for next year, Helsingborg Springtime 5k and Helsingborg Marathon the Marathon Relay with a team.(11k)

    Are you German? I am but live in Sweden now.
  • mamakira
    mamakira Posts: 366
    Welcome Anna418, so good to see new runners coming over from C25K and continuing the running journey. I am looking forward to read your posts.

    I didn´t run yesterday, I did a 12k walk instead. I liked it a lot.
  • FestivalDiva
    FestivalDiva Posts: 84 Member

    I've graduated from 5k program and excited about joining 10k program. Can you advise best plan I can use that will be my virtual coach and that I can use my own tunes to please? Ive got iphone. I used the NHS c25k podcasts before, but had to put up with the integrated tunes...I'm pretty excited as I've just signed up for my first ever race in 4 weeks -a local 5k run for Breast Cancer :tongue: thanks x
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    Phew, finally! I completed day 3 of week 1 today. Frustratingly, it took too long to complete mainly due to my kids being off school and just getting distracted with family life. I hope to move on to week 2 next week and get through it a bit quicker :smile:

    I'm considering entering my first 10K in July (completed a 5K beginning of May) but find myself just not able to commit. I've sat with my finger hovering over the "register" button with the online application form too many times. I don't know what keeps stopping me from committing. I suppose the worse that can happen is I end up walking most of the route.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I totally know how you feel. I signed up for one on June 1st. Which is Saturday. And I have all sorts of performance anxiety.

    I run 6 miles as a long run every week and I don't do so badly, but there's a world of difference between a 5k and a 10k (at least in my mind, sitting here, right now). I mean, anybody can do a 5k but only runners are going to sign up for a 10k. I've volunteered for them and, yes, people walk. Hell, I can even fake a plantar fascitis flare up or a side stitch, or something if I have to save face. But I feel nervous in a way I never have before.
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    Firstly, I've read many of your posts and I find them very interesting.

    Secondly, you will do great on Saturday. You've worked really hard to get where you are. I suppose pre-race nerves are part of the thrill. Good luck.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Right. So hit "register" and join me in the thrill of pre race nerves :)
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    Right. So hit "register" and join me in the thrill of pre race nerves :)

    Touché :smile:
  • mamakira
    mamakira Posts: 366
    Anne and Varda, you are both doing fantastic. I can just dream of doing 6miles as my long run. But I will get there, I am sure about this.
    Great for signing in for a 10k and good luck with it. Nerves is part of the game I guess and help you not to give up along the way.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Mamakira - you'll be there before you know it!