Week 1



  • TexasNana41
    TexasNana41 Posts: 114 Member
    I am SO relieved! Tonight went much better than last Saturday! I ate a little more earlier in the day and put my phone/GPS in my pocket and didn't look at my pace or time until I was on the last 10 minutes and just took it easy. It looks like everyone is doing great!
    Geeksrule - I haven't even looked to see what Week 3 is like, but I know it's not easy! Great job!
    Proud Mom - Way to go!
    Beesareyellow - I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who likes to run in the rain. Pouring rain not so much, but I love a drizzle.
    Aimster - Good luck figuring out your route. I run through the neighborhood all the time and it does get a bit old after a while. But it sure is convenient
    Nick - Good job!
    Russell - Thanks for the advice to take it out slower. I think it's amazing that you're already at a point where you aren't even breathless after the run. Great work!
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    Congrats to everyone on your progress!!! :)

    I agree with Bees and TexasNana - running in the rain is quite lovely. I did so last night (after buying a nice, lightweight wind/rain shell and a cap to keep my glasses from getting too wet), and it was just fantastic.

    The not-so-fantastic part is this: my right knee swelled up like an easter egg after my run last night, for no apparent reason. I know I felt a couple of slight twinges in it last night, but nothing really painful or I would have stopped. Went to the doc today (for that, and my hip issues) and he said I have bursitis in my hip (and a tight IT-band) and maybe bursitis or torn meniscus in my knee. Got the knee X-rayed, so I should hear back in the next few days. In the meanwhile, he prescribed antiinflammatories, and I'm icing the knee every chance I get.

    I'm super bummed about all this. It means I probably won't get to run my next race (on Saturday); it's just a little 5k in a Santa Suit (lol), but I was looking forward to it. I might walk it, if I'm not in condition to run. It also means I'll have to backbench to B210K for a bit. Looking forward to hearing about your progressions in the meantime!
  • TexasNana41
    TexasNana41 Posts: 114 Member
    The not-so-fantastic part is this: my right knee swelled up like an easter egg after my run last night, for no apparent reason. I know I felt a couple of slight twinges in it last night, but nothing really painful or I would have stopped. Went to the doc today (for that, and my hip issues) and he said I have bursitis in my hip (and a tight IT-band) and maybe bursitis or torn meniscus in my knee. Got the knee X-rayed, so I should hear back in the next few days. In the meanwhile, he prescribed antiinflammatories, and I'm icing the knee every chance I get.

    The above is a quote from astrongersteph. My knee is fine. I'm not sure what I did to make it show up like this.

    Oh no!! You must be so frustrated! I hope it's not painful and that you recover quickly. And by all means, don't let the Santa suit go to waste! Go and have fun walking if it turns out that the knee is something serious enough to keep you from running.
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Hi all!

    So, I was going to start week 1 yesterday, but for whatever reason, I ran out of time- I'm also doing turbo fire, and finding that quite a gruelling schedule to fit 6 workouts into 5 days, so yesterday TF took priority. (it was also bitingly cold yesterday morning!).

    So tuesday has been my first day, I don't know about anyone else here, but I'm a first thing in the morning runner- if I don't get up and get out, I'll usually talk myself out of it! Which was probably part of the reason I didn't start yesterday if I'm being honest!

    I was worried about my route, but eventually just decided to do my c25k route, which is very boring- out of our estate and up to the ring road then along the ring road until I get the half way alert, at which point I turn round and go back the way I came! I long to do some more adventurous and scenic running, but I think until I'm more used to this programme, this route will do. It's quite flat and being on a ring road means that you're quite far away from traffic, at 8 in the morning, there's no one else running / walking / cycling, and because I've been doing it a while, I 'know' roughly where my markers are.

    Enjoyed my run- first 10 minute running interval defo the toughest (whoever put that on here, I agree!), feel like I haven't got my rhythm yet! Can't wait to do day 2!

    Good luck everyone for the rest of week 1!
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Week 1 Day 2 complete, well sort of. I didn't feel like stopping every 10 minutes today so I just kept on going instead. 44 minutes/4.73 miles later and I ran out of circuit so had to stop. Hadn't been watching the pace/speed, as advised by my coach (and mirrored by Terrie above), just tried to keep going at a steady pace. Imagine my surprise and delight when I checked the stats at the end and found that my average speed was actually 6mph. A shame in a way that I ran out of road, as I'd have been tempted to go for 6.2 miles/10K but also a good thing as I'd probably have injured myself again by pushing it too hard.

    Roll on Thursday!!
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Only 23 degrees out this AM so we layered up and headed out.
    My 13yo daughter is doing this with me ( like she did the C25K program with me ).
    She didn't want to get out in the cold today....
    She was in a bit of a 'mood' also...
    The first 10 min run is the toughest for me - mostly because of the stiffness in my calves and the dreaded UPhill climb.
    The road is still torn up so we had to bypass that and still keep our distance so we wouldn't run out of room in our loop. It went well though.
    We took 2 mins between intervals instead of just the one and did great.
    The 3rd and last interval went off without a hitch. Feeling good by then and like we were going to DO IT.
    The forecast said only 30 % chance of snow today.
    On the last interval, we started to see the flurries.
    The only thing that was cold on us was our cheeks. Otherwise, I think we did well layering up just right.
    When we were stretching out afterward, my daughter said " we did good today mom ".
    ( high fives all around ). Her mood improved the longer we went so by the time we got home - she was her sweet self again.

    Keep pushing forward...

    Proud of you for getting your daughter out with you - I wish I could get mine going with me. Also, I found for the cold on your cheeks - I have a Buff - you can use it as a hat/neck warmer/or it wraps around the neck up over your cheeks and head - your local ski shops/outdoor stores should have them - less bulky than scarves!!

    Thanks Geeks - I have a couple of 'gators' that I think we will see if they work first before buying something else.
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Congrats to everyone on your progress!!! :)

    I agree with Bees and TexasNana - running in the rain is quite lovely. I did so last night (after buying a nice, lightweight wind/rain shell and a cap to keep my glasses from getting too wet), and it was just fantastic.

    The not-so-fantastic part is this: my right knee swelled up like an easter egg after my run last night, for no apparent reason. I know I felt a couple of slight twinges in it last night, but nothing really painful or I would have stopped. Went to the doc today (for that, and my hip issues) and he said I have bursitis in my hip (and a tight IT-band) and maybe bursitis or torn meniscus in my knee. Got the knee X-rayed, so I should hear back in the next few days. In the meanwhile, he prescribed antiinflammatories, and I'm icing the knee every chance I get.

    I'm super bummed about all this. It means I probably won't get to run my next race (on Saturday); it's just a little 5k in a Santa Suit (lol), but I was looking forward to it. I might walk it, if I'm not in condition to run. It also means I'll have to backbench to B210K for a bit. Looking forward to hearing about your progressions in the meantime!

    Too bad about the knee and the hip issues.
    Praying you heal quickly and completely.
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Hi all!

    So, I was going to start week 1 yesterday, but for whatever reason, I ran out of time- I'm also doing turbo fire, and finding that quite a gruelling schedule to fit 6 workouts into 5 days, so yesterday TF took priority. (it was also bitingly cold yesterday morning!).

    So tuesday has been my first day, I don't know about anyone else here, but I'm a first thing in the morning runner- if I don't get up and get out, I'll usually talk myself out of it! Which was probably part of the reason I didn't start yesterday if I'm being honest!

    I was worried about my route, but eventually just decided to do my c25k route, which is very boring- out of our estate and up to the ring road then along the ring road until I get the half way alert, at which point I turn round and go back the way I came! I long to do some more adventurous and scenic running, but I think until I'm more used to this programme, this route will do. It's quite flat and being on a ring road means that you're quite far away from traffic, at 8 in the morning, there's no one else running / walking / cycling, and because I've been doing it a while, I 'know' roughly where my markers are.

    Enjoyed my run- first 10 minute running interval defo the toughest (whoever put that on here, I agree!), feel like I haven't got my rhythm yet! Can't wait to do day 2!

    Good luck everyone for the rest of week 1!

    I am a first thing in the AM runner also.
    No school buses, no traffic -people rushing off to work, streets are quiet for the occasional dog and it's peaceful.
    I also tend to talk myself out of it if I don't do it first thing. I get busy doing other things and it gets shoved to the back burner.
    I am glad to hear someone else struggles with that first 10 min interval. Was starting to think I was strange.
    I too am still doing my C25K route/loop. I like the loop but it is going to get too short by next week so I need to get on the ball and add more to it. I am thinking about shooting out towards the city Park to wrap around the lake. That or shoot across the busy street in town to wrap around the high school track before looping toward home.
    Might have to walk both to see which I like best and why.
    I know taking it to the Park ( at a brisk walk ) and around the lake is 45min one way. Should be plenty long - I would think.
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Week 1 Day 2 complete, well sort of. I didn't feel like stopping every 10 minutes today so I just kept on going instead. 44 minutes/4.73 miles later and I ran out of circuit so had to stop. Hadn't been watching the pace/speed, as advised by my coach (and mirrored by Terrie above), just tried to keep going at a steady pace. Imagine my surprise and delight when I checked the stats at the end and found that my average speed was actually 6mph. A shame in a way that I ran out of road, as I'd have been tempted to go for 6.2 miles/10K but also a good thing as I'd probably have injured myself again by pushing it too hard.

    Roll on Thursday!!
    That is amazing Russell!!
    I did that once with C25K - actually ran out of road and still felt like I could have gone more.
    A real confidence booster though.
  • jessilyn76
    jessilyn76 Posts: 532 Member
    Okay, it's honesty time. I've had five bad days. Days that have started out really good and ended up really bad. Five days with no running or excercise for that matter. Five days of feeling like crap. Today, unlike most times when I have started to slip back to my old habits, I said, enough is enough. I ate consciously and came home early from work and completed week 1 day 3 of B210K. It didn't feel great today.......getting through it was a feat of mind over matter, but I finished and I feel a little better. I'm going to repeat day 3 on Thursday, but it's full speed ahead from here on out.
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Okay, it's honesty time. I've had five bad days. Days that have started out really good and ended up really bad. Five days with no running or excercise for that matter. Five days of feeling like crap. Today, unlike most times when I have started to slip back to my old habits, I said, enough is enough. I ate consciously and came home early from work and completed week 1 day 3 of B210K. It didn't feel great today.......getting through it was a feat of mind over matter, but I finished and I feel a little better. I'm going to repeat day 3 on Thursday, but it's full speed ahead from here on out.
    Sorry you have had a tough go of it lately.
    Glad you are being honest and taking control.
    Were you sick ( i know i have been battling some sinus and some others have had colds ) ??
    Good for you getting your B210K in today even though it was rough.
    Keep pushing forward.
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    I did the first run!!!! It was awesome! I did around 6km even! The last 5minutes of the final 10min interval was extra challenging but I managed and I felt great.
    Way to go all!
    I hope the injuries and tough days let up for those of you having them!! I'm hoping my ankle injury doesn't return.
  • TexasNana41
    TexasNana41 Posts: 114 Member
    Okay, it's honesty time. I've had five bad days. Days that have started out really good and ended up really bad. Five days with no running or excercise for that matter. Five days of feeling like crap. Today, unlike most times when I have started to slip back to my old habits, I said, enough is enough. I ate consciously and came home early from work and completed week 1 day 3 of B210K. It didn't feel great today.......getting through it was a feat of mind over matter, but I finished and I feel a little better. I'm going to repeat day 3 on Thursday, but it's full speed ahead from here on out.
    It doesn't always feel great when I go out either, but knowing that I finished anyway (there were a couple of days when I didn't manage to run as much as I was supposed to) still leaves me thinking that I've really accomplished something. It's like you've conquered something and THAT feels great!
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    So true-some days are not going to be as good as others, and sometimes you'll have a bunch of bad days together, so be happy with what you DO accomplish instead of focusing ont he bad stuff. Good luck!
    Okay, it's honesty time. I've had five bad days. Days that have started out really good and ended up really bad. Five days with no running or excercise for that matter. Five days of feeling like crap. Today, unlike most times when I have started to slip back to my old habits, I said, enough is enough. I ate consciously and came home early from work and completed week 1 day 3 of B210K. It didn't feel great today.......getting through it was a feat of mind over matter, but I finished and I feel a little better. I'm going to repeat day 3 on Thursday, but it's full speed ahead from here on out.
    It doesn't always feel great when I go out either, but knowing that I finished anyway (there were a couple of days when I didn't manage to run as much as I was supposed to) still leaves me thinking that I've really accomplished something. It's like you've conquered something and THAT feels great!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    I did day 2 today, lovely crisp morning.

    I changed my route and ran through a nicer estate than the Skid Row I normally go through- less dog muck, broken glass, scrap metal etc! Ended up running further than yesterday and reached my half way point outside my favourite church in Worcestershire! Much more hilly route though, and I'm not sure if I was to stick with that route how long the footpath lasts out for on the other side of the village! Main disadvatage was that I was much closer to the main road, which is busy that time of day, I got quite a bit of side winds from passing traffic. Otherwise, I think it will be a route I do again. Interesting how I ran further but burned less calories! Thought I would have burned more because of the hills, but maybe I just slowed my pace?!
  • ProudMomoftwo
    I did day 2 today, lovely crisp morning.

    I changed my route and ran through a nicer estate than the Skid Row I normally go through- less dog muck, broken glass, scrap metal etc! Ended up running further than yesterday and reached my half way point outside my favourite church in Worcestershire! Much more hilly route though, and I'm not sure if I was to stick with that route how long the footpath lasts out for on the other side of the village! Main disadvatage was that I was much closer to the main road, which is busy that time of day, I got quite a bit of side winds from passing traffic. Otherwise, I think it will be a route I do again. Interesting how I ran further but burned less calories! Thought I would have burned more because of the hills, but maybe I just slowed my pace?!

    Glad you mixed up your route some.
    Scary stuff that Skid Row - not much that is nice to look at.
    Our route is hilly too - uphill until we get into town and then it gets flat for awhile.
    Good thing about that is once we get past the halfway point...its downhill after that which helps my pace...lol.
    Great about running farther.
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    Day one of week 1 for me! As ever for me, no idea of the pace but I really wish I'd read the forum first, as went too fast and struggled a bit - I know for next time that's the main thing :-)

    I run in an oblong, two laps for C25K now I've abandoned the beach (too blowy and cold!) and struggled one side of the oblong due to the wind - B210K put me on another lap so I kind of zig zagged back through the streets so I didn't have to have the wind face on for the last 10 mins, I may well have flunked otherwise! Very pleased with myself though, and big high fives to everyone - we're all doing great! :-) Off to Endomondo for me to get planning!

    (Oh, I'll also probably take longer to complete. Ladies running club probably won't go to 10k as there are a couple of girls with injuries, but I enjoy it so will keep going. So my week normally be Running Club one session B210K two sessions :-)
  • aimsterct
    aimsterct Posts: 37 Member

    (Oh, I'll also probably take longer to complete. Ladies running club probably won't go to 10k as there are a couple of girls with injuries, but I enjoy it so will keep going. So my week normally be Running Club one session B210K two sessions :-)

    I think it's going to take me longer too. It's harder for me to find days where I have that full hour plus to commit to the runs. The half hours of C25K were easier to squeeze in.

    Also, I was SORE after my first two runs in B210K....anyone else experience this? The first one I didn't stretch a lot and I thought it might be that but this last one I did a lot of stretches after....and I was still feeling it a day later. So I'm trying to really give my body some rest time (I did yoga today to try and loosen up before my next run tomorrow). I'm seeing some of my MFP pals doing double runs in b210K....and I am astounded by that. Hats off to you ladies! I am struggling just to do the singles.
  • ProudMomoftwo
    B210K Week 1 Day 2 - COMPLETE!!

    It was just TOO DANG COLD to run this morning ( temp was 16 with a wind chill of 9 ! :noway: ).
    I don't think I have enough layers for that. Brrrr!!
    Would look like the Michelin Man trying to run in all the layers it would take...lol.

    After school, we took off for our run. The temps got up to a balmy 35 degrees....:laugh: but I will take it over the teens.

    The first 2 intervals were killer. I just couldn't seem to hit my groove. My breathing was off. My calves wouldn't stop screaming.
    The 3rd interval was a good one and I was thankful.
    The last interval was back to being a killer but I was pushing myself to go faster today so that might be why.
    My daughter said, "gosh mom...zoom - zoom!! " :laugh:
    We had some laughs at that and some horse-play.
    Overall I am happy b/c we got it done and we did it faster than ever.

    Keep pushing forward...
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    It was -1C today when I set out, so along with my gloves, I decided to wear a tuque (hat) as well. Big mistake! Halfway through, my head was over heating, but since I didn't want to carry the tuque, I kept it on and suffered, lol! Then at almost the halfway point, I had the overwhelming urge too pee- sorry for the TMI :) There is a Mega Center just off my route and I made a bee -line to the WalMart as fast as my feet would carry me to use the facilities. I got quite a few odd looks, let me tell you! That's the last time I have a huge mug of coffee right before a run! Otherwise, it was a great run and I am finding that running in cold weather is not all bad after all.