Introduce yourself



  • truejuliet21
    Hi I'm Elizabeth. I just join MFP today and was hoping to find friends. I'm so glad I found this group.
    I'm 26 years old And I 5'2 and my current weight is 316.
    I started to rapidly gain weight at the age of 13 and never stopped. When I was 17 I got preggo with my first child and I gained appx 90-100. After She was born I went into a depression and gain even more. When I met my husband I was around 250 and Got preggo again and gain more. So it has been a struggle. I am currently at the highest I have ever weighed and I would really just like to LIVE and be able to do normal things without being out of breathe. I want to be healthy for myself and for my girls.

    Current weight: 316
    Goal weight: 130-150
  • Bysshe
    Bysshe Posts: 428 Member
    Hello all the new people! (Not that I'm not new, been here 6 days, ish?) lol
    The challenges are great and a fun way to stay motivated! I hope everyone feels at home here!
  • cassiejo84
    cassiejo84 Posts: 49 Member
    Welcome, welcome!
  • DestinysPath
    DestinysPath Posts: 9 Member
    Welcome Everyone! I am so happy people are finding such commradery and support within this group! It would be nothing without you... litterally! I don't get in here as much as I should, but I now have the help of Katie! Thank you so much!! Lets Do This!!
  • mequinb
    Hi everyone! I'm Megan and just joined MFP today. After not looking at the scale for 2 months, at the Dr's I found out I'm at 322. Its gonna be a lot of work - but I am ready for the challenge!
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    Hi my name is Chrystal and I am 23, I am 319lbs. At my highest weight I weighed 340. I have been married for almost 4 years. And since I got married I gained over 100lbs... I want to lose this weight because I want to live a long life with my husband. I also want a chance to have children.

    On November 2nd 2005 I lost my dad to a heart attack at age 50
    On September 27th 2011 I lost my mom to liver failure do to complications of the gasteric bypass. She just turned 45.

    I don't want that for myself... I have been over weight all my life and I am so ready to get healthy and be happy.
  • amblee125
    amblee125 Posts: 92 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Brand new to the group so thought I should introduce myself. My name is Amber and I'm a newly divorced ALMOST 32 year old. The divorce has given me the motivation to finally do something about my weight and I'm doing okay so far! I started at 386 on December 5 and right now at 372. Oh and I live in Texas!

  • dawnkemp58
    dawnkemp58 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Dawn, and I am hoping this group will be great for me!

    I am over 300 lbs and have been since I have been 20 yrs old. I am now 53. At one point I was almost 450 lbs, and in 2002 I had bariatric surgery - lost about 150 lbs - and was under 300 for a month or so.. that is it.

    I struggle every day with weight problems, and due to the surgery- my diet is restricted - so I eat much the same foods daily.. another long story.

    So, long story short - I have kept off most of the weight I lost, but still have a long way to go. I find the older I get, the more it bothers me - especially with arthritis and other medical problems.

    On the personal side, I am married and have 3 dogs - they are my kids.

    I look forward to some of your challenges I see here, and I am in!

  • coffeegirl1998
    coffeegirl1998 Posts: 121 Member
    Hello my fellow MFPers!!! My name is Nicole and I am from South Georgia (USA). I am almost 32 years old and a single mother. I have stuggled with weight since being a tenn. I joined MFP over a year ago. I logged religiously for several months and it worked! I lost almost 50 pounds. Life got busy and hectic and I slacked off...and gained most of it back. Now, I am trying to be a better role model for my daughter (who has Type 1 Diabetes). I am currently at 338.4. I was 352 at my heaviest. My ultimate goal is to get down to around 175 and take it from there...I am so glad to have found this group. It looks totally fun! I don't have many current MFP friends (as most of mine have disappeared over the last year), so I am looking forward to meeting some new people! Feel free to send me an invite.

    WE CAN DO THIS!! Celebrate the small victories!!
  • nitepagan
    nitepagan Posts: 205 Member
    Hi, I am Steve from the great state of Maine. The older I got, the more the weight would creep onto me. So, I am finally trying to get rid of some of it. I started out at 315, and working toward 280. Not sure if I will make it, I have eaten my allotment for the day and am still hungry, looks like today, I won't meet my goal. Well tomorrow is a new day, Always remember that if you don't meet your goal on one day, you have another chance tomorrow. Just keep trying until you achieve your goal.
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,426 Member
    loser friends wanted and needed!!!!
    I'm new to MFP, I am 48 year old mom, I have no idea how much I weigh, but I know it is well over 300 pounds. Have to wait to find a scale that goes that high. Please add me as a friend if you want to be a loser friend with me.
  • crogers9189
    crogers9189 Posts: 41 Member
    Hello my name is Connie I am a married mother of 2 wild little boys and will be 31 years old in just a few days and at the beginning of my journey in October I weighted 347 lbs. With lots and lots of hard work I am now 317 lbs. I started working out with a trainer and doing group exercise classes! I have yet to master my eating habits, but I work on it every day!
  • awaterbaby
    awaterbaby Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. My name is Debbie. 391 lbs, 5' 10, married, no children and absolutely feel like this is the best chance I've been given or found to finally kick this weight issue in the butt once and for all.
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 378 Member
    Hi! I'm Sheryl, I just turned 49, married/divorced/etc. remarried and mom to a girl that's 10. I'm 5'3" if I stand up tall :wink: I started at 297 (but had boycotted using a scale for so long, I was likely over that at some point). I started the road to getting healthier in July 2011 after a miserable plane trip. Funny how a little anger can get me motivated!

    I like to think I'm an upbeat person and that "honey works better than vinegar", so feel free to friend me if you like!

  • neverlost
    neverlost Posts: 121 Member
    I'm going to join you all. You seem like a great bunch. I started with MFP and eating somewhat better on 1/17/12. I have lost 8 lbs so far. So many to go but one pound at a time, right? My youngest child recently turned 5 and I have been over 300 lbs since he was born. Something clicked inside me, finally, and its time to find myself again. I am looking forward to the journey ahead and have enjoyed it so far. Feel free to add me.

    SW: 341
    CW: 332
    GW: 150
  • tra11
    tra11 Posts: 2
    Hi all...

    I think it's time I stop trying to do this on my own. At the beginning of the year, I stepped on the scale as I'd made this year my year to find me. And I cried when the number on the scale registered in at over 300 lbs. I knew that I'd been walking really close to that number, always being somewhere around the 280s for the past two years. But when I saw 306.8, I wanted to lock myself away forever. I also finally opened up to my best friend about how this made me feel and we made a pact to be healthier. She's a lot smaller than me though and she's lives really far away from me. Tomorrow will mark 1 month since I started using MFP, and I've since gone from 306.8 to 297.2. It's been so hard for me to stay on track. There are days when I'd much rather give up and come to terms with who I've become, but I know this isn't me. I want to live life, but being overweight for most of my life has hindered me from doing that.

    I'm hoping that, with the support I can get from a group of people who understand exactly where I'm coming from, I can finally find the real me I know who is hiding underneath all this weight.

    I pray God guides us through all of this.

    Also, please feel free to add me :) I look forward to working with and supporting all of you on our journey :)
  • llollis
    Hey y'all

    My name is Lisa I am 48 and started out at 337 and have lost 14lbs. I have a long way to go to my goal weight of 150-135, I would love to have you guys as friends please add me as we go through this journey together. :glasses:
  • staceyrella
    My name is Stacey. It took me 5 years to lose 90 lbs. I topped out at 410. Now I am about 320 and have been looking for friends for support. I am a housewife and mother to one child. He is six years old. I also homeschool. We are trying hard, my husband and I to lose weight. We want to possibly conceive a child next year. I want to reverse my type 2 dietbetes as well as lower my blood pressure. My goal is to have a healthy lifestyle.
  • LouisAA1978
    my name is louis i have a 5 year old that is the spitting image of me and that scares me to death so 3 weeks ago i started to diet and joined a gym i was at 347 when i started i can only remember one time in my adult life that i was under 300 but that will soon change
  • thinmintme
    thinmintme Posts: 63 Member
    Hi. My name's Lisa. I've been overweight all my life. I started having serious body image and eating problems later in high school. Struggled for the longest of times with purging, restricting and spiraling depression because of it. It's taken a long time and lots of hard work but I'm no longer engaging in those dangerous activities.
    I want to lose weight, all of this weight and my UGW is 130#.
    I want to gain lean muscle mass and garner a love for exercise. I want higher energy levels and less anxiety around food and people.
    It'll be a long journey but I'm willing to embark on it. I've no time left for serious setbacks.
    Things I've had to work on lately: moderation, letting myself indulge to avoid binges even when the indulgence made me anxious.

    I struggle daily with my body image and self worth. I try to see the bigger picture, no pun intended, but it's difficult at times.
    I'd be happy to add some more friends and be able to support others in their endeavors.