Introduce yourself



  • susannahcooks
    susannahcooks Posts: 293 Member
    Hi I'm Susannah. At my heaviest I was 380, I'm down now to 338 (Had let it creep up previously back to 350, so now back on the wagon). I'm 40 - 2 years divorced, no kids. Thinking its time to be back on the dating wagon, but the thought of trying to meet somebody who might look at ME and not get distracted by the weight is .. well its daunting to say the least. Time to do this for health (time to get off blood pressure medicine) but getting in control of my eating habits and remembering that I am in control of my life is a good step towards being ready to face the dating world of first impressions. I'm so glad to see there are so many here that have actually done it (lost 100+ pounds and kept it off) and so many that are as highly motivated as I am. What am I looking for by joining this group? More cheerleaders and allies. And someone to know how frustrating it is to plateau and is truly genuine when they say "hang in there, I know it's rough but it will be worth it" - and folks to trade lifestyle tips and recipes and exercise tips. I'm a big cook (hence my nickname) so I'm enjoying finding new things I can make at home that are within my diet choices. :blushing:
  • Hi, my name is Pam. I have used mpf before for a few weeks but strayed away. Never joined a group before, but I am glad I found this one. I currently weigh 363# at 5'10" tall. I have been on a roller coaster since high school, I lose some then I gain even more. I have severe osteoarthritis and just returned home from surgery. I had the 2 bones in my foot fused together. Recovery will be slow. Exercise is slow but I have cut my calorie intake to between 1200 and 1600. I know I need much more help than that so any advice, inspiration, friends will be eagerly and greatly appreciated. Thank you. Pam
  • cyberskirt
    cyberskirt Posts: 218

    I'm 32. Everyone else in my family is thin, I'm the odd.. or rather 'fat' one out. Over the years I kept talking about going on a diet, exercise... but I am really... really... really lazy. I tried it for a while back in 2008 and made some progress, not much and basically quit. Then I broke my leg and trashed my ankle.

    At the beginning of March I woke up and looked in the mirror and finally did what I said I would do. I joined a Gym, got a personal trainer and on March 13th I actually truly began. It really hit home when I was with my trainer. I stepped on a scale and saw a number that was far beyond my worst nightmare. That was it.

    I logged into MFP and began really paying attention to what I was putting in me.

    I was not going to resort to surgery. That was all I knew. My mom had brought it up, as if that was an actual option, but I heard too many bad things about surgery. I knew I had it in my to do this, I knew that my problem was my lack of exercise and my lack of control when eating.

    I started this with 243 pounds to lose.. and I may need a lot of help to keep me on track.
  • TammyG39
    TammyG39 Posts: 34
    Hi everyone.. Tammy here, 45, and 315.

    I really started utilizing MFP in Jan 2012 and am amazed at calorie contents in some foods! I have PCOS which makes losing weight exceptionally hard, but I am determined to get down to 235. I am not trying to be a size 10, but to be thin enough and healthy enough to be able to enjoy life. Skydive, parasail, roller coasters, ziplines, airplane seats, concert seats, small bathrooms, walking up stairs without sweating, just some of my goals.

    Looking for others to hold me accountable as well as hopefully find someone in Charlotte that can be a local boost as well!

    Feel free to add me!
  • SwtKittN
    SwtKittN Posts: 176 Member
    Hey ^-^ My name's Deb, I am going to be 30 in afew weeks. Starting weight 471.2, current weight 415.2 (my ticker only shows current year) I made a googledoc of my weight loss journey so far :

    I have a westie named Peaches that I walk with everyday for the past month now. I've given up pop/beef/pork and world of warcraft for lent :laugh: If anyone here wants to add me feel free :) Always looking to give and receive more support. I'm from Indiana past 12 years too :D Formerly Michigan :( I liked it better there!
  • eatherhey
    eatherhey Posts: 147 Member
    Hey there ^^ My name is Heather, I have about 200 pounds to lose! I'm also on Run Keeper
  • Hi Everyone, I am Anna and I am 47 and weigh 343 lbs. I have yo yo dieted for years and really want to live a healthy life to enjoy watching my grandchildren grow up. I have a boyfriend who is 13 years younger than I and I dont want people to think he is dating his mother. I really need and am asking for people who can push me and make me feel confident in my work.
    Congrats to everyone who have been doing this for so long and have lost over 50 lbs...or more I envey you all very much!
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Bob and I'm 35, right before I got married 12 years ago I got a horrible injury in the army and used it as an excuse to not workout and gained a lot of weight. When I hit 400lbs I decided to do something and yo yo dieted a bit and then just started going to they gym and then someone at the gym showed me this site. I've been here for around a year, with only one relapse to not tracking.
  • TammyG39
    TammyG39 Posts: 34
    Hi Everyone, I am Anna and I am 47 and weigh 343 lbs. I have yo yo dieted for years and really want to live a healthy life to enjoy watching my grandchildren grow up. I have a boyfriend who is 13 years younger than I and I dont want people to think he is dating his mother. I really need and am asking for people who can push me and make me feel confident in my work.
    Congrats to everyone who have been doing this for so long and have lost over 50 lbs...or more I envey you all very much!

    lol, my boyfriend is 8 yrs younger than me, so I understand completely!
  • Hey everyone! My names Harmony. I'm a 25 year old full time student/wife. I'm new to the site and loving it =) I'm currently sitting at 352 lbs. I have Epilepsy and the medication has helped attributed to my weight gain. However, now that I'm weaning off my medication finally due to me being seizure free for many years, I now feel more in control again.

    I'm really glad to be part of this group and need all the support I can get. This is a big change in my life and having people who understand what I'm going through, is really helping me.
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    Hey everyone! My names Harmony. I'm a 25 year old full time student/wife. I'm new to the site and loving it =) I'm currently sitting at 352 lbs. I have Epilepsy and the medication has helped attributed to my weight gain. However, now that I'm weaning off my medication finally due to me being seizure free for many years, I now feel more in control again.

    I'm really glad to be part of this group and need all the support I can get. This is a big change in my life and having people who understand what I'm going through, is really helping me.

    Hi Harmony! Welcome. If you use this site as it is meant to be used and are honest in your logging you will be successful. I started at 380# and am now at 310 pounds. I am proof that it can work. Sending a friend request now.
  • Zeii
    Zeii Posts: 89 Member
    Hi, i'm Melanie, I am 33 years old and currently weighing in at 324.5, down from 335.

    I have been a member of MFP for years but i'm really just coming back after 3 years of slacking and being in a bad relationship where we just enabled eachother to sit around, do nothing and eat junk.

    The last time I used MFP to lose weight I went from 316 to 285. I really want to get under 300 again...
  • Hi, I'm Katie. I'm 23 and 355... I'm currently working on getting to a healthy weight. I've lost about 10lbs so far and feel better than ever. I've been married for almost 4 years now, and we badly want to have kids, but no luck so far. Hopefully with weight loss that will help (plus I mean, no one really wants to be over weight and prego, no matter how badly I want a child!). I'm definitely looking to add some friends on here and keep myself accountable and motivated to keep tracking daily! I'm more determined than ever right now, and I'm so excited for the day I'm back out of the 300's (and then, hopefully out of the 200's too!)!
  • rachelannes1609
    rachelannes1609 Posts: 2 Member
    So glad to find others with lots to lose.
    I'm Rachel and from Aberdeenshire, Scotland
    SW - 392lbs - Jan 2012
    CW - 340lbs - April 2012
  • dkmount721
    dkmount721 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello there my name is Keith. I weigh 342 lbs as of today. I am the largest and unhealthiest I have ever been. Sedentary lifestyle and horrible diet coupled with my laziness have led to this. I am about 5 months away from being a first time father and have decided to get it together.
  • susannahcooks
    susannahcooks Posts: 293 Member
    Hi welcome new folks!

    I just completed week 5 with 18 pounds off. only oh.. a year and a few months to til goal! (Laugh). Hope I'll see you all at the finish line :)
  • leighannwilliams
    leighannwilliams Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all I'm Leigh Ann and I weight in around 370 on a good day! I have a 3 year old son, and a GREAT husband. We are both overweight (he's not as overweight as I am..), and we are both ready to be healthy. Life gets hard. We go to my inlaws house and they fix good food! GOOD GOOD food. I just have to remember I can measure it and eat my portion and fill up on veggies instead of the bad stuff! Add me to your friends so we can help eachother!!
  • sweetg150
    sweetg150 Posts: 17
    Hi everyone, I am Tracy. I started out at 307.8 March 6 and down to 301. I did slack for a 1 1/2 week, but I am over that and I am ready to lose some weigh. I am the mother of 2 girls, one is 6 years old and loves to run and be active, like her dad and the other is 20 months. She loves to play, but she is more like me, loves soda, chips, cookies. So part of my change is teaching my family that eating healthy is just as yummy as eating crap.
  • WalkingRita
    WalkingRita Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, Im Rita. Looking for some support to get this baby weight and more off. I had my beauitful son Dec 2011. I am @ my highest 383lbs and I cant seem to get my butt into gear. I have tired WW in the past but money has always gotten in the way. So Im trying this and so far i really like the set up. Hoping this will be the thing for me.
  • Bethikinz
    Bethikinz Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone

    My name is Beth. I'm 41 and currently 338 lbs, down from 359 in February. About 7 years ago I lost 100 lbs on WW, but gained it all back over time. I really need to get the weight off and keep it off. I have 4 kids to keep up with. They deserve a mom who isn't bogged down with health problems. So it's time to do something. I'm on the list for weight loss surgery, but it will probably be several more months before that happens. In the meantime I want to make healthy lifestyle changes. I've been exercising more, and eating healthier, but it's certainly not perfect. Easter was hard....all that chocolate! Anyhoo...that's me.