Introduce yourself



  • sashatranett
    hello everyone! my name is Sasha, ive been on the site for about 2 days, and i love everything about it! i love the tools, resources, and ESPECIALLY the people. its just a great supportive place. my current weight is 389, my highest was 407. i plan on just cutting out JUNK and moving my body more. losing weight is one good decision at a time, it took me a long time to realize that. i like to support people in their journey, and i think support is what i was really lacking in my previous attempts to lose weight. i think that people in this group will need it a lot more since we will be on this journey longer than others will. being overweight and being self conscious is one thing, but even when you go to a place where EVERYONE is trying to lose weight and you're STILL one of the biggest people around, its kinda heart-wrenching. but only for a second! although there are people here with only 20 pounds to lose or they just want to gain muscle, we're all here to support each other because we all have a common goal. feel free to add me! i plan on being an active member and actually keeping in touch with everyone here and supporting them along their path :)
    Hello! I'm Maria, I live in Mexico. I want to really get my act together this time losing weight. I've tried so many times and failed and gone back to fat, but I know this time I can do it, with God's help, a good nutritionist (check, I've got her! :) ) and a good support system (my family, friends and my new friends on this group!!!) I'm 313 lbs (142.1kg) pounds now, this is about the highest I've been and at least as high as I was when I got my lapband a long time ago. The lapband did it's job and I went down to about 198lbs (90kg), I felt fabulous, beautiful and sexy, unfortunately I found a way to "trick" the lapband (and myself) and gained most of the weight back. Last year the band had to be removed and here I am now with the last 30 lbs I've gained and willing to give it another try, the rational way (i.e. shutting my mouth to the food I should not eat).
    I will try to be a friend and support as many of you as I can. I know I'll meet fabulous people here and I know that I will learn a lot about you (and me) on this journey!!!
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    welcome welcome to all the new faces!! lots of great people in this group as you will find out!
  • morethanlbs
    Hi all,

    I'm Michelle, currently weighing in at 379. I have been heavy since my preteen years when I began battling depression. I am struggling with this weight, as it is the most I've ever weighed. Looking for some support, and some non-patronizing accountability. Feel free to add me and comment away! Also, I have been leading a very sedentary lifestyle, any tips to get moving? It's harder to do at this size and I would love some advice from people who can actually relate lol.
  • divalivious
    divalivious Posts: 213 Member
    Hello I'm Becca. Sort of been on MFP for awhile but did the sign up and snoop and then tucked it away for awhile. Then tried it out and slipped off for a bit and well the last 6 weeks I would say been more focused.
    Like most struggled with weight my whole life dont think I have ever been under 200lbs as an adult so that is a major goal of mine to have that first number be a 1 would be so amazing. Right now I am focused on that first number being a 2. I am getting there right cw is 321.
    Been doing water aerobics twice a week and walking near every day. I have signed up for a few challenges on here this month and been finding them very motivating and loved seeing the challenges with this group.
    Now I am off to snoop some more posts.
    Have a great morning everyone :)
  • drago207
    drago207 Posts: 4
    Hi All! My name is denise. I have been approximately 165 pounds through my 20s, but due to laziness and complications with thyroid cancer my weight shot up to 347 pounds in two years. Yes, two years. I considered surgery and jumped through all the hoops involved with preparing for that, but I really want to see if I can do this using mfp with the support of others in a similar situation. I am now down to 310 pounds, and hoping to be back at my original weight within 2 years. I'm trying to set a realistic goal so I don't set myself up for failure. I can't wait to regain an active lifestyle and to be able to keep up with my daughter, and my friends and family! All your photos and stories are so encouraging, thank you all!
  • goalgal55
    Hi all. Thanks for being so open. I'm really shy about being on here ... I'm just coming to terms with my actual, well, size.

    I've been avoiding it for years, but now I have a 3 year old niece and I have to travel to see her. And getting on a plane just sucks! I dread it. Fitting in the seat. Having to ask for a belt extender. It's embarrassing.

    So, it's nice to be amongst "my people" here. Thanks.
  • gbrewste
    gbrewste Posts: 2

    My name is Geoff and I just weighed in at 323.4 pounds today. I am 6' 5" tall, and I just started exercising again today. I had successfully made it down to 295 pounds about 2 years ago, and then with the start of some personal problems, I stopped the dieting and exercise. I really felt good then, and I want to feel that good and even better again. I had been working out twice a day and could feel and see my body getting stronger and more lean. I actually felt bad when I couldn't work out.

    I am married (although currently going through a trial separation) and next month it will be 19 years. I hope we can get back together before our 20th. Keeping my fingers crossed. We have two kids, both boys, ages 27 (came with the marriage) and almost 18. The younger one is graduating from high school next month.

    I am also a Christian and go to church every Sunday, and I love teaching Sunday School to first graders. Strangely enough, I often play Goliath. :)

    I work at a large public University in a state in the midwest that begins with the letter I (eye). I am an Instructional Technologist, and if anyone has ever used the Learning Management system, Moodle, feel free to ask me question of you need help; I have been running it for almost 4 years.

    My weight gets in the way of doing many activities that I like to do, chiefly playing basketball. When I dropped the weight a couple of years ago, I could play 3 pick-up games in a row before I started to get tired; now, I can barely make it through one game to 11. I also just don't like looking at my body. I know that God made me the way I am, and I have not taken very good care of myself lately; I overeat (especially chips and cookies) and have not been very active. I want to change, and I need prayer and encouragement.

    Thanks for reading; ask me anything.

  • music_bird
    I'm Jamie and I started at 311lbs. This is the biggest I've ever been and it freaked me out when I found out, but I'm ready to change.
  • sheddingme
    Wow, SO encouraging to see others who weigh as much as I do. In my little world, I am the largest of my friends and family and in my "circle". I just joined today and really have no clue what I am doing (lol), so I would appreciate any tips/help/encouragement as possible. As I looked through the posts on this discussion alone, I found myself filled with hope again as I have seen some of your stories and weight loss so far.

    I hope to get to know some of you and hopefully, we can encourage each other on this journey :)
  • sheddingme
    BTW, I am 350 lbs., 36 years old, mom of two amazing boys, and ready to shred lots of me! :)
  • dorothyharden
    dorothyharden Posts: 6 Member
    good luck Destiny you are on the right path if you are recording and monitoring your caloric intake!:flowerforyou
  • dorothyharden
    dorothyharden Posts: 6 Member

    I have just started a journey to lose this extra weight. I currently weigh in at around 340lbs and am looking forward to slowly dropping around 2 lbs a week by decreasing my calories and increasing my activity. Hopefully it will be as easy as it sounds!
  • tiffanic83
    Howdy :) I am tiffani and I am here to keep myself accountable to finally stay on track! I have always made attempts (including surgery) but start to fail and give up. So back on the wagon as they say!
  • robynatk
    robynatk Posts: 38
    I am soo glad I found this group! I am a mom to a very active 4yr old boy. Last summer was my highest weight (that I knew of, I hadnt weighed myself in 2 yrs beforehand) which was 321. I joined a weight loss challenge and was down to 299, I was soo excited! I became pregnant and kept eating healthy, only to lose our child in a miscarraige. After that, I didnt really care.I was drinking 2liters of mt. dew a day. Some people like the booze...I like the sugar and caffeine! Ha ha! My friend started talking about losing weight, and I realized that I needed to be healthy if we want another child. So 2 weeks ago I weighed myself...218.....ugh. 2 weeks and 6lbs down, so thats pretty exciting. I do have my bad going to a buffet, I am getting better though. I am looking forward to being active in this group~feel free to add me, my diary is open.
  • AmbyrJayde
    AmbyrJayde Posts: 257 Member
    hi, my name is Amber I just joined this group so thought I"d say hi. I'm 25 years old and its been about 8 years since I was under 300lbs. i'm losing I topped the scales at 380 in Jan of last year, down to 322 now. I'm tired of being big, never been anything but big though. Its a scary thought but yeah :D
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    Hi. When I started this journey I was 312 pounds. I am 5'4" and 32 years old. I have always been big, but this is the biggest I've been. I've been a part of MFP for a while now, but for first months/years it was when I was getting really off track and I used it to get back on track, well to quit gaining. I have been logging consistently for over 40 days now, and don't see myself stopping anytime soon. So far I'm down 6 pounds. Hopefully soon I will see the 200's again.
  • BeautifulKristen
    Hi my name is Kristen and I am 5ft3 and 310 pounds.. Well don't know if I am truely that anymore because I don't have a scale it broke from me standing on it with my cat because I wanted to see how much she weighed lol

    I am looking for new friends that I can inspire and have them inspire me and also motivation. And also keep upto date with our food habits. I will only accept friend requests that tell me why they wanna add me and only if your journal is open. I would like to see what everyone is eating :-)..
  • bearjr30
    bearjr30 Posts: 19
    Hey name is christy and i am 5ft, 2in and i weigh over 430 pounds...i am only 34 to young to die...i am desperate to loose weight without surgery...i found this site a week ago...and i started dieting goal is to stay under 1800 calories...i am doing quite well..and doing yourself fitness on the playstation low impact weight loss aerobics for 14 minutes and over...i take lots of breaks..but getting better everyday..i am trying to exercise with this tape every day. i don't do much else involved in walking or anything. i clean the house a little sitting doing dishes...but i am not able to do a lot...i know i have a long ways to go..i have been fighting mom passed away in march..and i was extremely close to her. i still live at home with my dad...we miss her so much...but life is getting easier everyday..and loosing weight is making me feel better to...if anyone needs any encouragement i will be glad to give it..i am not shy...i am looking for loosing weight buddies right now...i am sure glad i found this group..i was beginning to wonder that there was no one out there as big i was..most people on here only have to loose 100 pounds or so..before they meet there goal..i would feel awesome if i only had to loose that much weight...well i will talk to ya later christy...
  • samandlucysmum
    Hi, my name is Mel, and I weigh 337 lb at 5' 4"