2nd Trimester



  • speedyme
    speedyme Posts: 86 Member
    Hey ladies,
    And a very happy Friday to you all! Today is extra special for me as it's my daughters 13th birthday! I can't believe I'm going to do this all over again after a 13 year gap! Quick question - (this may sound silly!) as it's such a long time ago will my body 'remember' what to do during birth from last time or will it be like starting all over again?
    Well my healthy eating is going down the drain later - no doubt I'll not be able to say no to birthday cake and all things scrumptious!
    Have a wonderful weekend everyone,
    Take it easy :) xxx

    Hey Sas! I'm in the same boat as you. My youngest is 14 just this January, i also have a 16 year old and my oldest will be 23 this April. Talk about starting from scratch, only had 4 more years to go and then they would have all been gone or off to college. I wouldn't have it any other way though, i love the idea of a big family and my new hubby doesn't have any so it will be fun watching him experience it all again for the first time.

    I'm not sure about the body remembering but i would think it would. I remember the pain (never forgot it) and you don't get any high fives for having baby naturally so it's an epidural all the way for me! After having 3 babies without drugs, there is no way it will do it again.

    It's funny, this time around so much of this pregnancy is familiar but so much isn't. There is also so much more information out there that i know way more this time around then i did with the other 3!

    Well have a great weekend!
  • JLatham325
    JLatham325 Posts: 105 Member
    kerrbear79- I've been aiming for maintanance calories (and eating back exercise calories), but on the weekends I don't log/count so that's when I usually go overboard. I need to get in the habit of counting on the weekends and eating better because my weight has crept up on me big time! But I was told by my doctor to do maintanance in the 1st tri, add 150 calories in the 2nd tri, and add another 150 (so 300 above maint. altogether) in the 3rd trimester. But everyone is different and so is ever doctor. I'm so jealous of your gender reveal party! I love that idea, but I was too eager to let everyone know that I was having a girl, so I called eveyone as soon as I walked out of the doctor's office after the scan lol

    AFM- I weighed myself for the first time in a few weeks this morning... ughh.. hate the scale with a passion lol I'm 20 weeks today, and I'm up 15 pounds altogether. Which apparently is "ahead of schedule" by about 4 pounds. But I gained 10 pounds of it all in the first trimester. I'm still working out (weights and cardio) 5-6 days a week, but my eating has been full of junk I admit. Hopefully I'll get the hang of this soon, and learn not to give in to all my cookie/snowball/pancake/chip/pastry cravings lol all carbs.

    Anyway, I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    kerrbear79- I've been aiming for maintanance calories (and eating back exercise calories), but on the weekends I don't log/count so that's when I usually go overboard. I need to get in the habit of counting on the weekends and eating better because my weight has crept up on me big time! But I was told by my doctor to do maintanance in the 1st tri, add 150 calories in the 2nd tri, and add another 150 (so 300 above maint. altogether) in the 3rd trimester. But everyone is different and so is ever doctor. I'm so jealous of your gender reveal party! I love that idea, but I was too eager to let everyone know that I was having a girl, so I called eveyone as soon as I walked out of the doctor's office after the scan lol

    Thanks! Hmmm that is an interesting way that i've never heard with the adding 150 for 2nd then the other 150 for 3rd. See there are so many ways i've heard it's hard to know which way is the right way for me. I don't go back to dr. until 5/9 but I'll ask him for sure. BTW this is my 2nd, so that is why we are doing the party. Trust me with my 1st, I was just like you, soooo excited it was a girl that I was calling people walking out of the ultrasound lol. My "worry" this time is I won't be able to not ask what it is. We are wanting to have the tech not tell us, just write it down & seal it in an envelope, then we take that envelope to a baker to make a cake. Then at the party we find out at the same time as our family when we cut into it to see either blue or pink!
  • JLatham325
    JLatham325 Posts: 105 Member

    Thanks! Hmmm that is an interesting way that i've never heard with the adding 150 for 2nd then the other 150 for 3rd. See there are so many ways i've heard it's hard to know which way is the right way for me. I don't go back to dr. until 5/9 but I'll ask him for sure. BTW this is my 2nd, so that is why we are doing the party. Trust me with my 1st, I was just like you, soooo excited it was a girl that I was calling people walking out of the ultrasound lol. My "worry" this time is I won't be able to not ask what it is. We are wanting to have the tech not tell us, just write it down & seal it in an envelope, then we take that envelope to a baker to make a cake. Then at the party we find out at the same time as our family when we cut into it to see either blue or pink!

    That's an awesome idea!!
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    Hey Ladies- I'm new to the group too- will be 13 weeks this weekend with my second!

    Sugarbabie- that's what we are doing- a "Pink or Blue Party". Each guest must wear pink if they think it's a girl, and blue if they think it's a boy! I'm excited to all find out together. My first time we just blabbed to everyone:) My husband would like to be surprised, so this is a nice compromise I think!

    Excited to be in the 2nd trimester, and even more excited that my m/s is gone and I'm feeling like "me" again. I didn't gain that much this time the first tri- only 3-4 lbs because I felt so sick the whole time. But now that I'm feeling better, I'm sure that will change! Still working out 4 days a week though- I'm determined to look cute in a maternity bathing suit this summer- lol!
  • jasha13
    jasha13 Posts: 28 Member
    13 weeks! closing out that 1st trimester, but not feeling better yet! hoping soon...
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Welcome to all the new ladies! I'm excited to get to know you for the next couple weeks til I move to the 3rd tri board.

    Kerrbear- I love the idea of a gender reveal party. We were boring this time around, we just had our toddler daughter give our parents pink suckers that said "its a girl" to tell them. But I made her a cute shirt that said "I'm going to bee (with a picture of a bee) a big sister" when we told them I was pregnant and everyone thought that was pretty cute.

    Sas- hope your daughter enjoyed her birthday!

    Brandy- thats exciting you found some furniture! its such a relief to start feeling prepared. I should have told you this a while ago but the reason I think I'm going to have gestational diabetes is because I had it with my first pregnancy and they say for the most part its something that will come back every pregnancy. But I lost a lot of pre-pregnancy weight before I got pregnant this time so my fingers are crossed! We'll do the test in a couple weeks.

    Kelley- Thanks so much for the response! Did you order your cover online? Hope you're enjoying the 3rd tri!

    AFM- Olivia got another stomach bug!!!!! Ughhhh so over it. I woke up to the sounds of her throwing up at 3 am Thursday morning and she had spells of vomit up until yesterday. She has actually eaten a little real food today so I'm hopeful she's done. Third bug this year! Also, I finally got a laptop this weekend! I'm excited to be able to use a computer more often then Olivia's nap time, if I'm not busy doing something else! The little one in my belly is getting so much more active! DH can feel her pretty regularly now, too. I've noticed that if I'm sitting up straight (like in a chair or driving) I start feeling like my insides are getting squished and I need to be at more of an angle. Anyone else? Last pregnancy I was working full time so mostly on my feet and so i don't remember that being an issue. Anyway, hope you all are having a great weekend!

  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Welcome to all the new 2nd tri ladies!

    Had a good but kinda stressful weekend out of town with family. Love 'um to death but 6 dogs plus 7 kids and my hormones was not fun times! Plus my hubby found out he may have another job but it's for 3 months about 5hrs away which means he will be living there for that tme and only come home every other weekend. It's not a for sure yet, we'll get more details tomorrow but that put him ending the job a few weeks before my due date. I would not make a good military wife as we've never been apart for more than 5days straight before. And that was just once. I can't imagine how much more difficult it will be while pregnant. I hope he does get it though, it seems like the money will be worth it and it could turn into a 2yr job (he's contruction so his jobs aren't but for a few weeks to a few months at a time). However, that means that we all move if it goes longer. Lots of mixed emotions on it all. I found this all out Friday night after I had left him for the weekend and found out this job my start as early as this coming Tuesday. *sigh*
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Hi Speedyme,
    Yes I agree with everything, there's SO much more information available now, it's amazing! It IS very daunting to think we're starting from scratch all over again after so many years but like you I have a new hubby who has no children of his own so it's a very exciting time for us all.

    I ate FAR too much ALL weekend so I've been to the shops and stocked up on fruit, veg, chicken and salmon for the week ahead and determined to stick to it come hell or high water! Chocolate cake and carb overload the entire weekend and I'm feeling really FAT today! Everything I wear is TIGHT now and I don't want to go up anther size in clothes!

    Have a great week ladies, keep safe & take care xxx
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member

    Brandy - Glad you found your crib and dresser. Have you gone for a particular colour or anything? We have furniture in baby room which is pine so keeping that and going to get a cot to match. Prob going to wait until June (due 14 August) (my MIL & FIL are buying us it). We have a moses basket for the first month or 2 (which we are borrowing from my brother).

    Sas - How was your daughters birthday? Did everyone enjoy it? How are you feeling this week?

    Faughorn - Hi and contrs on 2nd Tri. Glad you are feeling well. So far I have been great - no sickness, or any problems really - I hope it continues.

    Kerrbear79 - Hi and congrats on 2nd Tri too - Im still eating maintenance (Im 24 weeks) plus exercise cals. Im often a little over but I often just guess the cals - so I just have an approx for the day (dont want to go crazy with it)

    Sugarbabie - I was up about 7lb at 16 weeks and now at 24 weeks im up 20lb! I havent done anything differently so hopefully it will balance out. We dont get weighed throughout pregnancy here (UK) so I just weigh myself every now and again to see the damage!

    Jillsie11 - Like the sound of your blue and pink outfits. We didnt find out the sex - decided to keep as a surprise. Not many of my friends have found out before baby was born - think its about 50:50 here or people find out and dont tell anyone else.

    Jashal3 - Welcom - ope you are feeling better.

    Destiny - Sorry to hear about Olivia - how old is she? Hope you dont catch it too. I cant feel alot of movement at the mo (week 24) just bits here and there. I dont feel it is squashed unless I have tight clothes on. Give it a few weeks though!

    Bru - 6 dogs and 7 kids ! defo stress! I can imgine mixed emotions with hubby job. Hopefully all will work out.

    Catch you later.
    Helen 24 weeks (up 20lb!)
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Speedyme,
    Yes I agree with everything, there's SO much more information available now, it's amazing! It IS very daunting to think we're starting from scratch all over again after so many years but like you I have a new hubby who has no children of his own so it's a very exciting time for us all.

    I ate FAR too much ALL weekend so I've been to the shops and stocked up on fruit, veg, chicken and salmon for the week ahead and determined to stick to it come hell or high water! Chocolate cake and carb overload the entire weekend and I'm feeling really FAT today! Everything I wear is TIGHT now and I don't want to go up anther size in clothes!

    Have a great week ladies, keep safe & take care xxx

    I know the feeling - you will feel fine in a day or so. x
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Hey Helen,
    Daughter's birthday was fab thank you hun..... as anticipated I ate FAR too much cake and carried on into Saturday!
    You're braver than me weighing yourself - I'm not going to do that for a couple of weeks after I've been walking properly again for a bit..... I'm HUGE!
    Have a fab Monday xxx
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hey Helen,
    Daughter's birthday was fab thank you hun..... as anticipated I ate FAR too much cake and carried on into Saturday!
    You're braver than me weighing yourself - I'm not going to do that for a couple of weeks after I've been walking properly again for a bit..... I'm HUGE!
    Have a fab Monday xxx

    Huge....my foot!!!!! You defo arent huge in profile picci. I have been weighing every few weeks and I record it on here - its hard to see the Ibs 'to lose' going up! But hopefully will see it dropping down again one day!
  • Mandya0503
    Mandya0503 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi everyone! New to this group (just found you all today). I'm about 17 weeks, due 10/3/12 with my 2nd child. Looking forward to getting some good tips and support to try and stay healthy this pregnancy. Happy Monday!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Ok, I'm gonna remind myself now to breathe, but hubby is starting a new construction job for the next 3 months, yay, great he's working. But it's in Indiana (we live in IL) which is about 6hrs away. He's gotta live out of a hotel (or camper if his parents let him use it) and will only be able to come home every other weekend. I don't know how military spouses can do it. I guess they know what to expect being military, but hell, Nick and I have only been apart for no more than 5 days apart straight and that was once. We've been together almost 10yrs and I know 3 months wouldn't normally be an issue, but I'm due in the beginning of August (maybe even mid July) and going through this part of pregnancy without him is going to be insanely hard. He starts Wednesday...THIS Wednesday. I'm a sobbing, blubbering mess. Aside from not being with him, I gotta now figure out how to get everything ready before we have Miranda, yeah, he'll be home 2 weekends a month, but I don't expect him to do work around the house since he'll be working 50-60hrs a week as it is. This is gonna be the longest summer. :*(
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    OMG! I feel for you! Hang in there sweetheart xxxx
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Just got my results back from the 1st trimester genetic screening and good news! I have the lowest possible percentage of having the three tested conditions 1:10,000! That's certainly a relief, it's good to just know. Still getting the second trimester screening as well. I'm a planner and don't really leave anything to chance.

    I think the three conditions are Downs, Tay Sachs, and Spina Bifida
  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    Just got my results back from the 1st trimester genetic screening and good news! I have the lowest possible percentage of having the three tested conditions 1:10,000! That's certainly a relief, it's good to just know. Still getting the second trimester screening as well. I'm a planner and don't really leave anything to chance.

    I think the three conditions are Downs, Tay Sachs, and Spina Bifida

    Glad to hear! We chose not to do any screening last time or this time. I am way too much of a worrier and if there was a slight risk or percentage I would be a mess! However, if either of us had any genetic conditions in our families then we would be screening for those.
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Faughorn- Congrats! Such a relief, I'm sure

    Brunettewife- *hugs!!!* I feel for ya! Off and on from August- December of last year and non stop since the new year my hubby has worked a 12 days on 2 days off schedule and it kills me!!!!! I appreciate that he gets to come home every night, but he usually gets home, eats dinner, then falls asleep by 8 pm. Do you have family near by that can help out while he's gone? I'll be keeping you in my thoughts! Hope everything works out!

    Hope the rest of you are having a good week!

    AFM- 3D Ultrasound this morning! I couldn't find a babysitter so I thought the only solution I could think of was to strap Miss Olivia in her stroller while I was up on the table getting scanned. That didn't go over too well, she got restless after about 90 seconds. We didn't get too many good shots, baby girl #2 is head down and already getting squished! We got a couple good pictures of her little feet and hands, but her little face was pretty smashed.

    27 weeks tomorrow!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Just got my results back from the 1st trimester genetic screening and good news! I have the lowest possible percentage of having the three tested conditions 1:10,000! That's certainly a relief, it's good to just know. Still getting the second trimester screening as well. I'm a planner and don't really leave anything to chance.

    I think the three conditions are Downs, Tay Sachs, and Spina Bifida

    Glad to hear! We chose not to do any screening last time or this time. I am way too much of a worrier and if there was a slight risk or percentage I would be a mess! However, if either of us had any genetic conditions in our families then we would be screening for those.

    Part of my side of the family was adopted and my husband has no idea about his father's family history so we thought this would definitely be the safest path!