2nd Trimester



  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Here's a great link saying what fish we ladies should and should not eat during pregnancy =)

  • JLatham325
    JLatham325 Posts: 105 Member
    Anapai- I know exactly how you feel with worrying. This is my first, and everyone’s comments of how small I am is really starting to freak me out. Girls that are as far long as I am (22 weeks) have a wayyy bigger, more pronounced bump than I do. I still just look a little bloated. So I’m worried that my baby isn’t growing like she should or that something is wrong. And I’ve already had my anatomy scan about 4 weeks ago and the tech didn’t mention anything was wrong, but then again she didn’t talk much at all. So I don’t know, I’m just worried because I don’t seem to be progressing as much as everyone else, yet I’ve gained 20 pounds so far but it’s all gone to my thighs and butt, no belly.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Anapai- I know exactly how you feel with worrying. This is my first, and everyone’s comments of how small I am is really starting to freak me out. Girls that are as far long as I am (22 weeks) have a wayyy bigger, more pronounced bump than I do. I still just look a little bloated. So I’m worried that my baby isn’t growing like she should or that something is wrong. And I’ve already had my anatomy scan about 4 weeks ago and the tech didn’t mention anything was wrong, but then again she didn’t talk much at all. So I don’t know, I’m just worried because I don’t seem to be progressing as much as everyone else, yet I’ve gained 20 pounds so far but it’s all gone to my thighs and butt, no belly.

    Not sure how tall you are but taller women tend to have smaller bellies because theirs more vertical space for the baby to expand into. Found out the weight that goes to the thighs and butt is used to fuel breastfeeding so (hopefully) it all goes away relatively quickly when that starts after the birth!

    I'm at 15 1/2 weeks and have put on 7lbs and just sort of look thick in the middle, not an obvious bump of any kind yet (I'm 5'9")
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm 14.5wks now and still sick. :frown: This is my 3rd pregnancy and the worst. With my first I was sick until 14wks and then suddently it just stopped and I felt great, with my second I was never sick and don't remember throwing up but a few times. Both of them were boys. This time I am still throwing up morning and usually at night as well. I really, really pray it goes away soon because I don't think I can handle this throughout my pregnancy, but I know I just might have to.

    Anyway, we'll be finding out the sex in about 5wks. This is our last baby so I'm excited to find out if I will have all boys or not and will get to invision our family complete. :heart:
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    I had to go back for another ultrasound yesterday because they wanted to remeasure the placenta. The tech said it was measuring fine but I see my doctor at the end of the week anyways so I suppose I'll find out. BUT the tech said she could say with a lot more confidence this time that it's a boy! It was also a better experience for me because I did get to see more of the baby and watch him move around alot AND feel it at the same time. She changed my due date to August 25th from the 31st so I then got a bit scared and asked if it was too big already. She just laughed and said no. My husband has had a boy name picked out for ages already, Caleb Zennon. Zennon is a family name and his middle name as well. I'd really love to start nesting too but my dad came back up and started reno'ing again! Love him to bits but he doesn't think of the clean up afterwards.....didin't cover a thing even though I left old sheets out for him! It looks like a flour mill in my house. sigh.....

    I'm at 23 w and change now and still barrel shaped as well.....just starting to stick out past my boobs now but I've got a short torso so it takes up my whole midsection.

    Spring is finally here :flowerforyou: have a good week!
  • Brandy715
    Brandy715 Posts: 74 Member
    HI Ladies!

    I hope everyone is having a fantastic week. Nothing to exciting to report here. Baby Mason is doing great! Go back to the dr. on Wednesday for the glucose test :( - Not really looking forward to it- I have heard a lot of horror stores about it making you sick or tasting bad!

    Latest news with me- we have FINALLY registered for stuff. That is very overwhelming experience! It is amazing how much there is out there these days! Also have my old roommate painting a mural on the nursery walls! It is turning out so great- can't wait to see it finished!

    One thing that is kind of odd that I have been experiencing is crazy chapped lips! I use chap stick all the time but it does not seem to help nor does the amount of water I drink make a difference. Is anyone else having this problem? I am in South Carolina- so it is not cold weather either!

    Anyone have any tricks for back pain? My upper back hurts so bad sometimes I can't breathe. I hate the idea of taking pain med. for it too!

    Have a great week!
    13 lbs gained
  • anastasiawildflower
    anastasiawildflower Posts: 197 Member
    Thank you for the reassurance. We had the second ultrasound today to make sure the placenta wasn't problematic. Baby seems to be healthy and growing just fine, they're just a little concerned about the shape of it (think travel neck pillow), but they don't see anything wrong with the baby. This was a huge sigh of relief. Lentil (what we're calling him) is small but it doesn't seem to be affected by the placenta. I was a 6lb 7oz baby and born at 38 weeks, so maybe it is familial. There is still debate over the due date. The last u/s, they peg him as 10 days younger than we expected, but now he is looking about 7 days younger. For the doctor's that's good enough.

    xosugarbabie05ox- As nervous as I am, I have told myself that it isn't worth stressing over until the doctor's tell me I need to. I stress pretty easy so keeping a calm mind has been a little challenging. I'm just learning more than ever, just how individual pregnancy is. Savor your little bump, unless otherwise noted.

    FaugHorn- I wish I were nice and tall! I'm only barely 5'4" with a short torso. I think it's mostly because it is my first. I'm still measuring normal with the classic measuring tape across belly method.

    BusyPK- I'm so sorry you're still getting sick. Hopefully it will drop off soon. I'm sure you know all the tricks in the book but the GinGins candies really helped me. But either way, how exciting to get to envision your whole little family! That has to be really exciting.

    mpederson- So glad your u/s was more reassuring. The kicking part is so crazy to see and feel at the same time. I love your husband's choice in a boy name. Calebs are always awesome in my experience.

    Brandy715- Good luck on the glucose test. I have mine next Tuesday and I'm not excited either. I will be excited once it is over and done with.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Heading out for my 2nd trimester bloodwork screening, at least this will be a quick appointment!
  • misslouisiana
    misslouisiana Posts: 37 Member
    Just checking in. I will be 25 weeks tomorrow, however I feel like I am 30 already. My belly is already huge but I think it's because it is my 3rd pregnancy. Do any of you feel bigger than normal.

    My eating has gotten a little better and I'm drinking more water. My appetite has gone down ( Weird). It's hard to exercise outdoors right now since it has been in the 90s, so I'm trying to look for other options.

    I hope you ladies are doing well and enjoying your pregnancy.
  • JLatham325
    JLatham325 Posts: 105 Member
    Well I woke up at 5am this morning with some spotting, which of course freaked me out. The boyfriend and I didn't engage in any intimacy last night so it's not that. I called my doctor this morning and of course she just said "Call me if it gets worse" and I wanted to scream "No, see me now, I will pay for the peace of mind!" ughh worrying like this is driving me nuts, I just want them to check me out and tell me what's going on, spotting in the 2nd trimester for no apparent reason is not ok with me.

    Anyways, other than that I got brave and stepped on the scale this morning, 22weeks 5 days and up 18 pounds :( My own fault, my eating habits are still not under control.
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    sugarbaby - you look so cute in your picture!!!! Try to stop being so hard on yourself, just do the best you can! I stopped weighing myself everyother day, it was driving me crazy.
    I also experienced some spotting this week, nothing major, just light pink discharge but it was unexpected. I have an appointment on Friday so I'm going to try to not think about it anymore than I have to. Like we don't have enough to worry about already!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    sugarbabie - I think you look great! Each woman carries differently, so I wouldn't worry about how you look vs. how your friends look. Plus, maybe smaller belly = less chance of stretch marks? I was frightened after seeing my friend's 38 week belly the other day, really hoping I don't get any! I hope everything is okay with the spotting, keep us posted!

    Faughorn - I'm also 5'9", about 15 1/2 weeks and was up 8 lbs at the doc's last week. I look thick in the middle, too, with a slight pooch under my belly button. I'm home for a visit this week and nobody can tell I'm pregnant, had to show my jeans held up with a hair elastic to prove I've gained weight since I last saw them at xmas!

    Finally caved in and bought 1 pair of maternity pants for work, and picked up a couple of t-shirts at Old Navy. My fave gym shirt is getting snug around the middle, and the others are getting to be a bit too short now that I'm thicker in the middle and my boobs are massive. Still holding out on the jeans, the hair elastic is working for one pair, and I have another pair of "pull on denim" that I can probably get about another month or two out of (bought them pre-weight loss).

    Home for a visit for the week, and it's so nice to have time with family and friends and time away from the office! The one thing I don't like about coming home, though, is that the air pressure is different and it rains more, so I've had a wicked headache for 3 days.:sick: I know my docs have said Tylenol is okay, but I really don't want to take anything, and I never found it was a drug that worked for me anyway, I was always an ibuprofen taker. We had dinner at my in-laws place tonight and it was a *kitten* show, as usual. MIL kept giving my nephew chocolates after BIL/SIL told her not to, especially since my nephew was misbehaving. FIL looked over at me and said, "This is your future!" to which I said "No way!". I've been watching and learning since my nephew was born 5 years ago, and I will not tolerate the b/s BIL/SIL put up with when it comes to the power struggle with the in-laws (particularly MIL). They're constantly undermining and questioning their parenting efforts, and I think the lack of support from the in-laws is a bit of a contributing factor as to why my nephew/niece are so poorly behaved when they're at MIL/FIL's house. BIL/SIL say "no" to something, in-laws immediately question them or say "yes", right after being told that it's not their decision. Ugh. So frustrating. My friends know I can go on about my in-laws forever, so I'll stop now. They're nice, but..... :grumble:
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    jls/faughorn- I'm in a similar boat. I'm 5'10" and have put on about 4/5 lbs so far. I have the same pooch as you jls- just a little bit under my belly button. It feels like it should be bigger based on how my pants are fitting! (or should I say how they are not fitting!) Nobody can tell I'm pregnant either, unless they can tell and nobody is being honest with me haha!

    sugarbabie- My sister's in law stretch marks terrified me. She gained tons of weight and hasn't lost any of it 4 years later... I guess that eases my mind a little. She's not active and I am. I have started using belly butter though. Every mom I know has told me it's never too early to start!

    As for clothes, I bought some maternity shirts at a garage sale this weekend. I'm still squeezing in to my favorite jeans. They fit great in the legs... not so much in the mid section. I'm in denial of switching over because I love to wear tall heels and my jeans are perfect for them!

    jls- good luck with the inlaws. My MIL has never really liked me (I forced her son to live in sin...blah blah blah) But now I'm carrying her grandbaby. She never asks how I'm feeling just constantly reminds me to take care of HER grandchild and to stop doing anything that would hurt the baby. She also told me how tacky I am for helping plan my own baby shower... I'm one of the first of my friends to have a baby- nobody really knows what they're doing. I love helping and planning but how dare I be involved in my own party. Boo to her!

    So I have finally caved and decided to tell my boss. I have a meeting with him tomorrow morning to share the good news. I'm not really sure what to expect. I work in a "man's world" so it should be interesting the comments I get.

    I hope everyone else is feeling well. I have a full appetite :) But I've also been having some pretty rough times mentally. I go through ups and downs. I had a mini-meltdown Tuesday night because I felt and looked fat. My poor husband didn't know what to say or do.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Well that was a pointless appointment. All they did was make me wait 45min after my scheduled appt time to weigh me, take my blood pressure, listen to her heartbeat and tell me to not gain this much this time next month.. Eff you. I go back in two weeks for the glucose test which is when they'll check my stitch then to make sure everything is holding together..
  • JLatham325
    JLatham325 Posts: 105 Member
    Hey there everyone!

    jls- I feel your pain with the in-laws. Although my boyfriend and I are not married, his family is very involved and calls me often now that I'm pregnant, and they are a very strong italian catholic family so I get ALOT of unwanted advice on the pregnancy and how I should raise her once she's here, and his mother wants to stay at our house when the baby comes while I'm on Maternity Leave... that's where I drew the line lol Thanks but no thanks lady lol

    BeckyJill7- I WISH atleast one pair of my pre-pregnancy jeans still fit, even with a hair-tye, all of my weight gain seems to have just settled on my thighs and butt so my jeans won't go up past my knees lol So I have a breakdown just about everytime that I'm getting dressed to see friends because I feel so sloppy and large, but I try to stay active to make myself feel better. Good luck with your boss! Let us know how it goes!

    AFM- I went to my doctor yesterday afternoon after I had some spotting and everything checked out ok, my placenta is in normal position, cervix is closed, baby's heartbeat is a strong 154, etc. So she just instructed me to try to take it easy (no sex or exercise for a few days), but she did say that I could walk so I may go for a walk after work since I haven't in a few days.
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    Just had my 2nd appointment- just to hear the heartbeat and that was about it! Scheduled my ultrasound for June 7th (when I'm almost 20 weeks), and we will be hopefully (if baby cooperates) having our gender reveal Pink/Blue Party on the 9th! I'm excited. Although, I had a dream the other night that it was a boy, so I'm going with that.

    BeckyJill- using the lotion is good- but I think a lot of it is just hereditary. I wasn't very religious with my applying of the cocoa butter, and yet I was blessed with no stretch marks!! But I'm sure fitness/staying healthy has something to do with it as well.

    I know what you all mean about in-laws!! My mother-in-law is a huge help, but she can still be a bit trying at times. I don't know how many times she gives my daughter candy when I've asked her not to. We stand up to her a lot, but sometimes we just have to pick our battles.

    Alright- I have to go. I'm excited cause my Dr gave me the ok to go golfing- we are leaving this evening for an overnight golf trip. Hope everyone has a good weekend!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    My mom is springing for a 16 week gender ultrasound! I go tonight at 8pm, hope to find out what the little kiddo is, if it isn't clear then they'll let me go back for free later to find out.
  • speedyme
    speedyme Posts: 86 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I haven't been on in a while but happy to see everyone is doing well! At about 8 weeks i started putting on a pound a week and happy to say in the last 6 weeks, i've only gained 2 lbs, yay me! The way i was trending i was gonna be one big momma. I'm finally feeling the baby kick all the time, hubby is yet to feel it though but i'm sure in the next coulple weeks he will. He asked me to discribe what it felt like and not knowing what to say, i said poke the inside of your cheek with your tongue. It's kinds like that but not really at all! hehehe! How do you discribe something like that? So i said poke your belly, that's as close to explaining what it's like that i could come up with.

    We haven't started buying anything for the nursary yet. We are just so busy right now, i think we will wait till July. My son plays football and that usually goes 3 nights a week plus one day on the weekend but they get the month of July off.

    Anyone with big plans for the summer? We won't be going far, just visiting some relatives. I'll be heavily pregnant come summer so not sure I want to be to far away from my creature comforts! I'm already feeling pressure in belly, waddling at times and frequent urination but still have 17 weeks to go! It seems to be flying by now but dreading the heat of summer, when i'm usually basking in it.

    Anyways, have a great weekend!

    23w 3d
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    My mom is springing for a 16 week gender ultrasound! I go tonight at 8pm, hope to find out what the little kiddo is, if it isn't clear then they'll let me go back for free later to find out.

    Found out that we're having a boy! Then my mom went a little nuts at the yard sales this weekend purchasing boy clothes :bigsmile: It was so neat getting to see him in 3D moving around! Now we can call him by his name instead of saying "it" the whole time :laugh:
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hello ladies. I thought it was time to join this group, I'm 13w5d. My name is Kiley, I'm 28 and this will be our first child! We had an ultrasound last week, and everything looked good, the heart beat was 163. I go again at the end of the month to see the doctor for the first time, and then hopefully in a month or less I will get an ultrasound to see the baby's gender! I was fairly lucky in the first trimester, just was really tired but no major morning sickness. I am to the awkward point now where I feel fat and most of my pants are tight but I'm not "showing" yet. I've gained about 4-5lbs but it's all belly! I'm sure that will come soon enough, I'm just glad I have a bit more energy now because I really need to finish grad school before I have this baby! But it's difficult when I can't sleep very well, hopefully that doesn't get any worse.