2nd Trimester



  • amberwebb79
    amberwebb79 Posts: 113 Member

    This is my first pregnancy, and I am a chronic stone former. I've had 4 surgeries for removal in the past. I fully expect to have more stones form during my pregnancy. Because I have a history of stones I'll be watched. But I'm pretty sure one is doing its thing in my right kidney right now. Unfortunately, while pregnant all they can do is treat any pain and monitor your kidney function. If the stone starts blocking too much, they will then consider the risk of surgery. As long as the dose of pain medication is not overly high there is not as much risk to the baby. It is definitely better to be on top of the pain then running to the ER for relief, the meds they give you there are much stronger.

    Do you know what size the stone is? The smaller it is the more likely it is to pass on its own. Have they discussed activity with you? Some doctors will prefer that you limit your activity to prevent passing, others will encourage activity to encourage it to pass.

    Like I said, I've had tons. Feel free to message me if you have questions or concerns.

    Thanks for the input. The pain has passed relatively quickly. I'd been having some other pain before that, so they think I was already passing it pretty well when I went in. It wasn't very big, not sure what size exactly. Just a random occurrence. I have no history of stones, and don't eat or drink much of the foods that cause them.

    I'm feeling so much better now, but having a slight reaction to the antibiotics. No surprise, I don't do well with medication. They gave me Tylenol 3, with codeine for the pain, but I didn't take any of it. They said to keep it anyway, in case I wake up at 2am in a lot of pain.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Sorry about the kidney stones, and I know UTIs are horrid! hope you get to feeling better soon! I will be 15 weeks on Wednesday and I can tell a big difference in my energy. Although now instead of being exhausted, I seem to get sleepy more often, but not nearly as bad as with the first trimester! I think I finally see a little bump and am very excited! I gave in over the weekend to maternity pants and they are awesome...never going back! I have an appointment Friday, first time seeing the doctor. I know they will check the heartbeat and my uterus. Anyone else know what else they will do at this appointment?
  • tinyjourney
    tinyjourney Posts: 198 Member
    Amber, just let me know if you have any questions! Hopefully this is your first and last!

    Chicky- I'm glad to hear about your energy returning at 15 weeks. I'm right behind you (15w on Thursday) and I'm exhausted! I can't sleep for anything, I'm waking up to pee all the time, bloated with gas, waking up with headaches, and just no energy. I want that gone!

    Yesterday my husband and I went to the OB for an early gender screening. They offer it for $75 between weeks 14-16 for those who just can't wait to find out. I went at 14w4days. And we are having a GIRL! We really wanted a little boy to start, but we are getting more and more excited for a girl. We went yesterday and picked up a cute blanket to start the nursery theme and a coming home outfit. Her name will be Gabrielle Rose (my middle name, if it was a boy it would have DH's middle name). All of our family is very excited, it is the first girl on both sides.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Sorry about the kidney stones, and I know UTIs are horrid! hope you get to feeling better soon! I will be 15 weeks on Wednesday and I can tell a big difference in my energy. Although now instead of being exhausted, I seem to get sleepy more often, but not nearly as bad as with the first trimester! I think I finally see a little bump and am very excited! I gave in over the weekend to maternity pants and they are awesome...never going back! I have an appointment Friday, first time seeing the doctor. I know they will check the heartbeat and my uterus. Anyone else know what else they will do at this appointment?

    My first appointment I had a full gynecological exam and blood test. I had my OBGYN appointment at 8 weeks though, by 15 weeks I had already had one genetic screening and two ultrasounds so maybe they just wrap all those up for you? Not sure what your insurance covers.
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    chickybuns- My first app't was the same as FaugHorn's along with the option of having genetic screening by that point. (I opted not to have the testing) Make sure you write down any questions you have- I forgot all of mine when I got in the exam room.

    amber- I react really poorly to meds too so I hope you feel better soon. I feel like I've been on an uphill battle against a UTI for the past month. I cannot drink enough water! I feel the constant need to pee but only go a few drops- luckily- no pain.

    I'm 17 weeks 2 days and my energy is back. I stayed up until 11 last night- a huge accomplishment! I'm also feeling motivated to work out and get some housework done.

    I went shopping for maternity pants last night- I failed pretty horribly. I only went to JC Penney and Motherhood. Neither place had black slacks that fit well. Motherhood's were super bunchy and huge in the butt and JCP's were just not flattering. I don't want to spend too much money but I'm thinking I'll be shopping at the Gap online.
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Oh and tinyjourney- congrats on your baby girl!! I will get to schedule my next u/s on May 30. I'm pretty excited to find out what we're having :)
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    BeckyJill- Old Navy has cute maternity clothes online as well- and a bit cheaper than the Gap:)
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Amber, just let me know if you have any questions! Hopefully this is your first and last!

    Chicky- I'm glad to hear about your energy returning at 15 weeks. I'm right behind you (15w on Thursday) and I'm exhausted! I can't sleep for anything, I'm waking up to pee all the time, bloated with gas, waking up with headaches, and just no energy. I want that gone!

    Yesterday my husband and I went to the OB for an early gender screening. They offer it for $75 between weeks 14-16 for those who just can't wait to find out. I went at 14w4days. And we are having a GIRL! We really wanted a little boy to start, but we are getting more and more excited for a girl. We went yesterday and picked up a cute blanket to start the nursery theme and a coming home outfit. Her name will be Gabrielle Rose (my middle name, if it was a boy it would have DH's middle name). All of our family is very excited, it is the first girl on both sides.

    Congratulations on your baby girl! We are going to find out with an early 3d/4d scan in 10 days!...I can't wait!
  • JLatham325
    JLatham325 Posts: 105 Member
    Jillsie11- I'm actually wearing Old Navy maternity black pants right now :) They are comfy, but they look good, and they are adjustable to fit through my trimesters.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Just letting you gals know I just found 3 pairs of maternity pants at Goodwill and paid less than $14 for all of them. I think 1 was from Old Navy and one from target, and not sure about the other one, but I'm set now!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I'm hitting up Goodwill today after work- wish me luck! I will definitely be needing shorts this weekend!

    I'm hoping for some good garage sales this weekend too. :)
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    When have other people been able to feel the movement of the baby? I can already feel him but my husband is anxious to feel him move from the outside. I'm trying to figure out how long that will take :)
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    I felt my first baby at around 16 weeks, and this one at about 12/13...Hubby prolly won't be able to feel it til sometime around 20 if I remember right. He just has to be patient!;)
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I swear I felt a little around 12 weeks, but have noticed more lately at 15 weeks. I'm pretty sure it's the baby, because it is something I have never felt before. Looking forward to feeling it more as I progress!
  • JLatham325
    JLatham325 Posts: 105 Member
    I felt my baby kick around 20 weeks or so, now at 25 weeks she’s in full force and SOOOO active all day
  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    I don't remember with my 1st when I started feeling kicks but with this one it was around 14 weeks when I started getting the popcorn popping/butterflies, & now at 18 weeks they are more like kicks. Not sure if you know the position of your placenta but that can make a difference. With my 1st I had an anterior placenta, which prevented me from being able to feel the kicks early on. I can't remember exactly when it was but it took forever & then they were always faint. This time I have a posterior placenta & like I said starting feeling the sensations at 14 weeks. The position of the placenta doesn't affect the pregnancy though.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I've been feeling him for several weeks (somewhere around Week 14 or so I first started) but was wondering about when my husband will get to feel him from the outside :smile:
  • speedyme
    speedyme Posts: 86 Member
    I didn't start feeling my LO until 23 1/2 weeks and hubby felt first kick at just over 24 weeks. My Placenta is measuring 2-3 weeks bigger and i have lots of amniotic fluid, so it took longer.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I had my first appointment with the doctor today. They did a pap, and checked for heart beat. It was 152 and there were no concerns. I go back in 4 weeks to see the doctor again and for an ultrasound!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    I *think* I'm starting to feel a bit of movement now in my 17th week. Little flutters now and then, especially a few minutes after eating. Baby likes food, just like its momma! :laugh: