2nd Trimester



  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    mpederson- I know how fun construction can be! We just finished our basement. Everything was finally back to normal... and then our water heater decided it wanted to leak all over and stop working. So we had to replace our water heater yesterday. Nothing like spending extra money that we don't have...

    sugarbabie- I felt same way for quite a while. I have three people I know on facebook who announced they are pregnant and due within days of me. Every on of them has a pretty significant bump. I don't have anything yet. My stomach looks bloated but definitely not like there's a baby in there! As long as the Dr. says your on track, I would say every body is just different. :)
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    mpederson- sorry you're having a rough day! Hope things get better. I'm sure the construction is frustrating.

    sugarbabie- I have the opposite problem lol I feel like i'm HUGE but like you, the dr says I'm right on track.

    Helen- Have fun tonight at your aqua exercises and with your friend. We have a baby monitor but its nothing fancy. I've heard of those movement mats but I don't know anyone who has one. Aren't they quite expensive? I guess its worth it for your peace of mind though

    myice- glad your appointment went well besides the incident beforehand. How scary! I'm almost 28 weeks and i've gained 19lbs. I was told that if you have a healthy BMI the ideal weight gain is 25-35lbs so that's what I've been aiming for.

    brunettewife- Glad you got to spend an extra week with your hubby. Hope everything is well while he's away. I haven't started working on our nursery at all either so don't feel bad!

    AFM- I've been busy trying to get everything ready for Miss Olivia's birthday on Saturday. Its hard to believe she's going to be 2! My eating has been okay and I've been trying to go on walks when the weather is nice, but sometimes (like today) its too windy! My hubby had to work this past weekend so I convinced my Dad to go to yard sales with me and we found a double stroller in pretty good shape for $25! I was so excited! Now at least for the rest of the year after #2 is born (and before it gets too cold) we'll be able to go for walks still, until Miss Olivia decides she's too big for the stroller.

    I'm 28 weeks tomorrow so I'll be making my way to the 3rd tri board. Good luck to you all and see you soon!

  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    My sister-in-law giggled at me today and said "I think you are soooooo nesting!" Last week I spent the whole week on the boys room, deep cleaning, buying and putting together the crib and dresser/changing table, putting together a jungle theme for both boys, and then painting.

    Today's dedicated to the bathroom. Bought paint and started that. And before I put everything back I'm going to make sure the floors are swept/mopped, etc. =) Tomorrow's the master bedroom, and thurs is the downstairs (which is already painted).

    Anyone else "nesting" yet?
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    oooohhhh kayyyyy what is happening to me.........I get my bathing suit on tonight for swim and take a look at my pasty white legs only to see a bunch of spider veins on my shin? :huh: Do those go away? Is this happening to anyone else? I'm up 20 lbs but I'm still a few pounds lighter than what I weighed at my heaviest. sigh....
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    My sister-in-law giggled at me today and said "I think you are soooooo nesting!" Last week I spent the whole week on the boys room, deep cleaning, buying and putting together the crib and dresser/changing table, putting together a jungle theme for both boys, and then painting.

    Today's dedicated to the bathroom. Bought paint and started that. And before I put everything back I'm going to make sure the floors are swept/mopped, etc. =) Tomorrow's the master bedroom, and thurs is the downstairs (which is already painted).

    Anyone else "nesting" yet?

    I sure am! We're remodeling a room into the nursery (so the house is full of dust) but I've picked the "theme" and already started hunting on craigslist and yard sales to outfit it. Found a full pack n' play and a swing (with all the bells and whistles) and am looking for the nursery set now. Hoping that the only thing I'll have to buy new will be the car seat!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Another ultrasound/check-up today...apparently it's possible to find out the sex at 15 weeks based on the angle of the phallus so I'm going to see if I can get an early estimation from the Doc! C'mon lil' kiddo, be an exhibitionist!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Destiny - Yay for the yard sale find! My neighbour is moving and has been having yard sales every few weekends. I was eye-ing a wagon, but the last time he had a yard sale we still hadn't even told our families about our pregnancy, so I didn't want to buy the wagon and end up with the neighbour knowing our news before our parents. There's an arena in our area that regularly holds sales for used childrens' stuff, so I'm hoping to get to the next one.

    mpederson - I developed spider veins at my previous job (I was a hiarstylist for 8 years) and unfortunately mine did not go away, even after leaving the job and losing 30lbs. :sad: I know there are leg vein treatments out there, could be something to ask your doc about?

    AFM - I met my OBGYN yesterday and she is wonderful! She's not concerned about my weight gain (8lbs by week 14) and said that because I'm "so slim" I'd be fine to gain 35 lbs. (I haven't been called "slim" or "tiny" in years, and I've been called both this week. I'm going to enjoy it while I still can!) I finally got to hear the heartbeat (for some reason we didn't at u/s) and it was pretty neat. I'm also "out" at work now. I told my boss/supervisor last week, and word is slowly making its way around the office. I think now that I'm at a point where it's no longer a secret, I'm starting to be more excited about it! Not that I wasn't excited before, but it was different when the only other person in the know was my husband.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Oh well I was wrong, no more u/s until 20 weeks *sigh* guess I'll just have to keep calling it "Kiddo" :laugh:

    I did get to hear the heartbeat though, at 144 so nice and normal.
  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    Hi girls! I am officially at 12 weeks today, so i'm switching forums from 1st trimester!
    A little about me...

    This is my first pregnancy and my bf and I are very excited about it.. twins run bigtime in my family, so we are anxious as well..
    I had my first appointment on tuesday only because I thought I was 10 weeks.. turns out i'm not hahaha.. I'm due november 15th

    Because the date is still a little bit of a mystery (cycle is not normal at all), we are going for an ultrasound on sunday.. good news is, we find out if there are two in there or one :tongue:

    My symptoms have not completely gone.. i'm still nauseated sometimes and have some pretty bad food aversions - especially towards turkey and chicken ugh.. I'm getting headaches lately, mostly when i'm tired. Other than that, I have good days, where I have tons of energy and feel great, but not too many of those this week.. Hoping it will get better sooner than later!

    How are everyone else's symptoms? Where are you all at in your pregnancy?
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member

    mperedson - Im the same as you up 20lb at about 21 weeks but havent gained weight since and 25 weeks now. I just jumped up from about 14lb to 20lb within a few weeks - It has settled down again now. My bump has popped out more etc. (changed my profile picci now too - sorry the toilet is in the background! lol). I have a few spider veins at the tops of my legs but I had them before I was pregnant - hopefully they wont get worse.

    Myriane - Hi and congrats - wow possible twins! Im 25 weeks pregnant with our first baby. Its getting exciting now as I have been buying bits and bobs etc and deciding what I like/need. I havent really had many symtoms. I wasnt sick or felt sick really. Prob just a bit more tired than normal but nothing major. I am trying to take it easier as dont want to over do it.

    Faughorn - Glad heart beat was normal etc. 20 weeks will fly by. You dont hear heart beat here (UK) until at least 16 weeks (after the first scan @ 12 weeks). We didnt find out the sex at our 20 week scan - decided to keep it a surprise. I have found it has stopped me buying things that I would have if I had know the sex, e.g outfits (just buying a week or so worth of whites/creams).

    AFM: Not much happening here. For once the sun is out! Hoping it lasts until the weekend and can get the garden sorted, plus housework etc. Its a UK bank holiday on Monday so Im off work - pleased for a long weekend. Next Thurs Im off the Paris to visit my best friend before Im too far on /big to want to fly. Luckily its only 1 hour 15 min flight so shold be ok. (Ive checked with midwife and she sees no problems). Just want to sort some travel insurance - just in case!

    Best get on.

    Helen 25 weeks
    Up 20lb

  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I'm nesting too, but I'm also late spring cleaning.. my hubby, God love him, is a catch all for random crap and has clutter EVERYWHERE. I've been finding about half a dozen tools in every room...even the bathroom! I started Tuesday, when he left for Chicago, but not only is it 'nesting', it's keeping my mind off of the fact he's not around 24/7. Besides, if it's just me at the house, who else is gonna clean?! Now's my chance to get rid of crap he'll never know was even here! I have Miranda's room emptied of the little things, like randomness crammed into the closet and dresser, now I gotta wait til the weekend when I have my brother come over to move the heavier items. Then, I'll decide on if I'm painting the whole room, a mural, or leaving it as is. At least the wall color is a neutral.

    Yesterday, I spent almost 3 hrs cleaning .. 45min on our insanely tiny bathroom (really, there's enough room to step out of the tub which puts you in front of the toilet, take one more side step and there's the sink)..scrubbed everything but the baseboards. Then after a snack and nap, I went to the kitchen...which is where I found the bulk of Nick's tools. But I've completely decluttered the kitchen, all that is left is cleaning out the pantry and fridge as needed.

    And today, I'm tackling the living room...At least the cleaning will keep me busy for the rest of the week. Then next week will be the start of the nursery, MIL is bringing over the crib and putting it together for me too :) I told Nick he may not reconize the house whenever he comes home!
    Ok, enough rambling on my end! Have a great day and weekend all!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I'm so jealous of all you nesters! I most certainly have not hit that point yet. I go through cleaning spurts but nothing too crazy. I've been keeping my eyes on craigslist and looking for sales for baby stuff. Has anyone had any luck getting things (like FaugHorn)?

    My gripe for the day- acne! Ugh- I have pimples on my chest, shoulders and neck. I've never had any problems before and now I seem to be getting something new every day! Not fun :(

    On a happier note, I got to hear the heartbeat again yesterday. Such an awesome thing! I'm still walking on sunshine.

    Faughorn- sorry you didn't get your u/s! Soon enough :)
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    So buys on craigslist:

    Nursery set, new, sellers are moving to Utah (convertible crib, changing table, and dresser) - $175
    Swing (with different settings and sounds) - $60
    Bathtub - $10
    Pack n' Play (with changing table and bassinet) - $90

    What next what next!
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    I'm almost 15 weeks and am (as of today) up 6/7 lbs...been garage sale-ing as well. We already have a daughter, but she was born in July and since this one's due in October I definitely need more newborn sweaters/jackets and pants. So for now, they're all neutral until I find out the gender- not til 20 weeks.
    Was pumped because last week I got a double stroller on Craigslist for 30 bucks- can't beat that! And this Saturday, I'm doing city-wide garage sales with my mom, aunt and cousin. Just wish I knew the gender...patience isn't my strongsuit!
    Glad to finally be in the 2nd and my FAVORITE trimester and feeling good...it's the best: You look pregnant, but not HUGE. You start to feel the baby move, move, move. AND I no longer feel sick/so tired. Ladies- make sure to enjoy this trimester:)
    Hope you're all doing well!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Thanks Jills! I'm trying to enjoy this as much as possible but it's still such an adjustment from my former social life! I'm also late to share the good news so our friends are just finding out about the baby.

    Good luck garage saling this weekend! There are a few I'm hoping to stop by too.

    Nice work Faughorn!
  • kateland
    kateland Posts: 160 Member
    Morning ladies. I'm new to this board....I'm 15w3days and over the last few days have jumped up 8 lbs. Most of it is water weight AND I am constipated, but by logging the last few days I have definitely gone over my calorie limit (but not 8 lbs worth). I expect the scale to come to its senses by Friday, but this week I am dedicated to tracking and watching the mayo, which has been in evidence recently. :)

    I was already overweight (maintained 210 for 3+ years, down from 300) before I got pregnant and have the Lap band; however, last week my band drained, so I'm essentially without its support in killing my hunger or portion size. The last few days I've been enjoying turkey hoagies (BREAD! OH MY GOD I MISSED YOU) and I'm reigning it in before I undo all the good I did.

    My husband and I have just joined a gym and I'm swimming for 45m - 1h every other day. Today I'll trot over there for some easy elliptical and some light weights to keep my body moving.

    Looking forward to chatting with you all!
  • kateland
    kateland Posts: 160 Member
    Jillsie - this is my first pregnancy and I had a rough first trimester - I feel AWESOME now, and HUMAN. my coffee aversion is gone (yay!) and I actually clean and cook now :) LOL. Yes, I feel wonderful. I also have a bump that's bloat plus baby, but I do not care, I wear my maternity gear with pride and can't wait to pop more. I haven't felt the little one move yet, but am SO excited to in the next few weeks! I can't even imagine what it's like having a human kicking you from the inside out :)
  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    No nesting for me yet. Maybe its because this is my 2nd but I don't have the nesting desire right now. We don't have anything to get really except clothes if this one is a boy. Our gender ultrasound is Wednesday, but we are sealing it up and announcing it on Saturday at our gender reveal party, so won't find out until then. Ahhh just a few more days! I think it's a boy, but the majority thinks its a girl, I could care less either way though.

    Sounds like everyone is doing great. I have "pregnancy hives" and it really sucks. They started on Saturday. Not really sure what triggered them. I have never had them before, but our bodies act all crazy on us when we are pregnant so who knows what caused it.

    Kateland- you're lucky your coffee aversion is gone. Mine is still there, HOWEVER, I am loving iced coffee. Can't stand it hot still, so weird.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hubby had a rough first week away due to the idiots he stayed with, thankfully a good family friend of ours got on the same job and they are currently staying in a hotel together. I did get to skype for the first time ever last night with him, felt good to see him. And naturally, my hormones kicked in as soon as we 'hung up'. My next doc appt is this Thursday, they gotta check the stitch (hard to believe I had the surgery a month ago!) to make sure it's doing it's job.

    Nesting wise, my house is officlally clutter free and I won't feel embarassed if I have a random drop in visit, yay! LOL! Also got the shelving unit, dresser and glider into Miranda's room. Hopefully the crib will follow this week. I still gotta paint the dresser and put on the new knobs. It's slowly looking like a nursery. That also got my hormones going...
    Have a great week everyone!
  • anastasiawildflower
    anastasiawildflower Posts: 197 Member
    I am not exactly new to this board but I am terrible at remembering to check it. I wish groups had notifications so I could keep up without stalking.

    I am 23 weeks 1 day today. I have had one u/s and tomorrow we have our second one. I didn't get into the OB until I hit 20 weeks because of an insurance screw up. We found out we're having a little dude and I couldn't be happier. They did say he seemed a little small and questioned me on dates, but I had a 28 day cycle and knew exactly the first day of last period so I'm thinking he's just measuring small. The only other concern was that my placenta was more of a bubble shape than the deflated balloon look. Has anyone else experienced this at all? I guess we will see tomorrow morning at our u/s. I've been super nervous about this babe, being our first, and just hoping everything is okay.

    I'm hoping to get better at checking this board more often! I sure would love to befriend some of you awesome ladies.