3rd Trimester



  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Born at 6:19am
    8lb .5oz
    20.5 inches!

    Congrats! He is adorable :)
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Anyone else finding it increasingly difficult to eat healthy at this stage??? I find myself just wanting fast food, candy or chips. Healthy food just does not seem appealing AT ALL

    Yes, I am with you. I am still trying to fit in fruits and veggies, but it's like I can't resist all the good-tasting bad sweets and fast food. And I've been drinking too much soda too! And I don't really care, I'm just going to keep trying to get in veggies and fruit and try my best to resist cravings....but that hasn't been happening :)

    Me too... except I'm to the point where I don't want to eat anything. I feel like I'm back in the first tri and have to force myself to eat. So when I do... those Snickers are doing the trick. Oopsie- I guess I don't really care at this point. I was due Sunday so I figure I'm on borrowed baby time- eat what I want, while I can...

    On a happier note, I lost my mucous plug this morning. Some progress is better than no progress!!!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Born at 6:19am
    8lb .5oz
    20.5 inches!

    congrats! he's adorable!! i can hardly wait until i have my little boy!! everytime i see baby pics, they just melt my heart and make me more anxious! lol
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Anyone else finding it increasingly difficult to eat healthy at this stage??? I find myself just wanting fast food, candy or chips. Healthy food just does not seem appealing AT ALL

    Yes, I am with you. I am still trying to fit in fruits and veggies, but it's like I can't resist all the good-tasting bad sweets and fast food. And I've been drinking too much soda too! And I don't really care, I'm just going to keep trying to get in veggies and fruit and try my best to resist cravings....but that hasn't been happening :)

    Me too... except I'm to the point where I don't want to eat anything. I feel like I'm back in the first tri and have to force myself to eat. So when I do... those Snickers are doing the trick. Oopsie- I guess I don't really care at this point. I was due Sunday so I figure I'm on borrowed baby time- eat what I want, while I can...

    On a happier note, I lost my mucous plug this morning. Some progress is better than no progress!!!

    Yeah!!!! Maybe it will be anytime now :)
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Anyone else finding it increasingly difficult to eat healthy at this stage??? I find myself just wanting fast food, candy or chips. Healthy food just does not seem appealing AT ALL

    Yes, I am with you. I am still trying to fit in fruits and veggies, but it's like I can't resist all the good-tasting bad sweets and fast food. And I've been drinking too much soda too! And I don't really care, I'm just going to keep trying to get in veggies and fruit and try my best to resist cravings....but that hasn't been happening :)

    Me too... except I'm to the point where I don't want to eat anything. I feel like I'm back in the first tri and have to force myself to eat. So when I do... those Snickers are doing the trick. Oopsie- I guess I don't really care at this point. I was due Sunday so I figure I'm on borrowed baby time- eat what I want, while I can...

    On a happier note, I lost my mucous plug this morning. Some progress is better than no progress!!!

    That's a great sign, hopefully within the next few days!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Not sure how you all do it. I am waking up at least three times during the night which is making my days horrible because I stay tired. After working all day I go home to make dinner and clean up after everyone by the time I get to sit down it is 7pm or later. How do you find the time or the energy to exercise right now I am so tired I can barely type. I know tomorrow I will get a workout in with trick or treating, but I am ready for bed now. I am also having problems with muskoskeletal stretching. It has to do with how I am carrying this baby and it is causing my pelvis to shift it makes my pelvic area hurt constantly and it becomes worse when my bladder is full to a point where walking can be fun (I usually hobble). I know I am complaining I am just wondering how those of you get through the day and are still in such high spirits.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Me too... except I'm to the point where I don't want to eat anything. I feel like I'm back in the first tri and have to force myself to eat. So when I do... those Snickers are doing the trick. Oopsie- I guess I don't really care at this point. I was due Sunday so I figure I'm on borrowed baby time- eat what I want, while I can...

    On a happier note, I lost my mucous plug this morning. Some progress is better than no progress!!!

    I feel like I haven't been eating as well since leaving work a few weeks ago. Being home and not having everything all planned out is proving to be difficult! At least at work I was stuck eating whatever I had packed that morning. I'm kind of at the point of not caring, too, but trying not to over-do it with the junk food.

    I'm SO JEALOUS you lost your mucous plug! I had some mild contractions going while walking on the treadmill yesterday and started to get my hopes up, but they disappeared..... Nothing really strong, but a little more than my usual Braxton Hicks. Even those have died down today. :grumble: I spent a good chunk of time sitting on the ball today and went back to the gym again hoping I can bounce this baby out one way or another! :laugh:
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Not sure how you all do it. I am waking up at least three times during the night which is making my days horrible because I stay tired. After working all day I go home to make dinner and clean up after everyone by the time I get to sit down it is 7pm or later. How do you find the time or the energy to exercise right now I am so tired I can barely type. I know tomorrow I will get a workout in with trick or treating, but I am ready for bed now. I am also having problems with muskoskeletal stretching. It has to do with how I am carrying this baby and it is causing my pelvis to shift it makes my pelvic area hurt constantly and it becomes worse when my bladder is full to a point where walking can be fun (I usually hobble). I know I am complaining I am just wondering how those of you get through the day and are still in such high spirits.

    How far along are you? I had several weeks (about 32-38/39) where I felt awful. Drained all the time, I had a cold for several weeks, was not sleeping well, and had the same pelvis issues as you. I still don't sleep well every night, but it's better than it was. My pelvis is MUCH better now that I'm not stuck at a desk all day (I opted to start mat leave early b/c I was not getting over my cold and wanted it gone before baby arrived), maybe get up and walk around more frequently at work? I totally slacked off with my workouts for several weeks when I was feeling really crappy. I was lucky to make it to the gym once a week for a while. Would it be possible to reduce your hours at work a bit? Have your DH/son help out more around the house? Even if they just cleaned up after dinner while you take a short stroll around the block? If you're really drained, though, don't push yourself too hard. It's okay to take it easy and rest, and it's okay to let some chores slide once in a while!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Not sure how you all do it. I am waking up at least three times during the night which is making my days horrible because I stay tired. After working all day I go home to make dinner and clean up after everyone by the time I get to sit down it is 7pm or later. How do you find the time or the energy to exercise right now I am so tired I can barely type. I know tomorrow I will get a workout in with trick or treating, but I am ready for bed now. I am also having problems with muskoskeletal stretching. It has to do with how I am carrying this baby and it is causing my pelvis to shift it makes my pelvic area hurt constantly and it becomes worse when my bladder is full to a point where walking can be fun (I usually hobble). I know I am complaining I am just wondering how those of you get through the day and are still in such high spirits.

    How far along are you? I had several weeks (about 32-38/39) where I felt awful. Drained all the time, I had a cold for several weeks, was not sleeping well, and had the same pelvis issues as you. I still don't sleep well every night, but it's better than it was. My pelvis is MUCH better now that I'm not stuck at a desk all day (I opted to start mat leave early b/c I was not getting over my cold and wanted it gone before baby arrived), maybe get up and walk around more frequently at work? I totally slacked off with my workouts for several weeks when I was feeling really crappy. I was lucky to make it to the gym once a week for a while. Would it be possible to reduce your hours at work a bit? Have your DH/son help out more around the house? Even if they just cleaned up after dinner while you take a short stroll around the block? If you're really drained, though, don't push yourself too hard. It's okay to take it easy and rest, and it's okay to let some chores slide once in a while!

    I am 33weeks 4days. Yesterday I was so tired and then I still found myself awake and tossing and turning. I was wondering if the pain had to do with sitting at a desk all day. I think I will be leaving early too I wanted to work until a week before my due date but I now may be looking at 2 weeks. My boss (whose wife just had a baby in April) is better understanding he thinks I will leave for Thanksgiving and not come back and his father thinks I should work till due date. I wish I could reduce hours I do have dr. appt weekly so I do get a break. Tonight I should get in a decent walk with trick or treating, but this exhaustion is really getting to me.
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    I haven't been to the gym in weeks. Too tired. I think it has to do with my age (37) and the fact that this is my third. I hit my heating pad by 7 pm every night. I am a sahm, so I can get all the household stuff done during the day but I am still exhausted.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I haven't been to the gym in weeks. Too tired. I think it has to do with my age (37) and the fact that this is my third. I hit my heating pad by 7 pm every night. I am a sahm, so I can get all the household stuff done during the day but I am still exhausted.

    My husband told me that it could be my age (33) I thought he was just being mean, but the last time I had a baby I was 24 and that pregnancy was so much easier than this one. I did get really tired with that one but not until the last 2-3 weeks. My mom told me its because I am having a girl she had 3 girls and she said they were extremely rough on her. I think she is just biased because she wanted a boy and was stuck with us instead. My first was a boy and he was a fantastic pregnancy this one is just kicking my butt.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I haven't been to the gym in weeks. Too tired. I think it has to do with my age (37) and the fact that this is my third. I hit my heating pad by 7 pm every night. I am a sahm, so I can get all the household stuff done during the day but I am still exhausted.

    My husband told me that it could be my age (33) I thought he was just being mean, but the last time I had a baby I was 24 and that pregnancy was so much easier than this one. I did get really tired with that one but not until the last 2-3 weeks. My mom told me its because I am having a girl she had 3 girls and she said they were extremely rough on her. I think she is just biased because she wanted a boy and was stuck with us instead. My first was a boy and he was a fantastic pregnancy this one is just kicking my butt.

    i hear ya, although I am 23 almost 24. Lol. My girl pregnancy was a lot more of a breeze than this one. I am having a boy this time and its a lot more difficult. Maybe also because i have a very active 2.5yr old, but I was a lot more nauseous (and I still get nauseous at night!!) this time around and having more BH and aches and pains. I also find myself having a hard time breathing if I sit down too much, so I am usually up and about trying to stay on my feet. I try to stay active and exercise daily because it helps with fatigue and gives me a ton of energy during the day and I sleep a whole lot better at night. I haven't been exercising too much lately and I find it harder to sleep and because of that I am alot more tired during the day. ugh...
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Born at 6:19am
    8lb .5oz
    20.5 inches!

    He's a doll!!!! Congrats!!!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Anyone else finding it increasingly difficult to eat healthy at this stage??? I find myself just wanting fast food, candy or chips. Healthy food just does not seem appealing AT ALL

    Yes, I am with you. I am still trying to fit in fruits and veggies, but it's like I can't resist all the good-tasting bad sweets and fast food. And I've been drinking too much soda too! And I don't really care, I'm just going to keep trying to get in veggies and fruit and try my best to resist cravings....but that hasn't been happening :)

    Me too... except I'm to the point where I don't want to eat anything. I feel like I'm back in the first tri and have to force myself to eat. So when I do... those Snickers are doing the trick. Oopsie- I guess I don't really care at this point. I was due Sunday so I figure I'm on borrowed baby time- eat what I want, while I can...

    I ate pretty bad throughout the first 2 trimesters that this one is a total turn around for me!! I finally got my motivation back so I'm eating way better and exercising at least 4-5 times a week!
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    Anyone else finding it increasingly difficult to eat healthy at this stage??? I find myself just wanting fast food, candy or chips. Healthy food just does not seem appealing AT ALL

    Yes, I am with you. I am still trying to fit in fruits and veggies, but it's like I can't resist all the good-tasting bad sweets and fast food. And I've been drinking too much soda too! And I don't really care, I'm just going to keep trying to get in veggies and fruit and try my best to resist cravings....but that hasn't been happening :)

    Me too... except I'm to the point where I don't want to eat anything. I feel like I'm back in the first tri and have to force myself to eat. So when I do... those Snickers are doing the trick. Oopsie- I guess I don't really care at this point. I was due Sunday so I figure I'm on borrowed baby time- eat what I want, while I can...

    I ate pretty bad throughout the first 2 trimesters that this one is a total turn around for me!! I finally got my motivation back so I'm eating way better and exercising at least 4-5 times a week!

    I defiantly got my motivation back after seeing a 10 pound gain in the last month. LOL I do seem to crave more chocolate these last few weeks. Fresh fruit season is basically over in our area so i don't get too stock up on much of it like i did during the summer.
    as for the pain it helped A LOT to get my neck, back, legs adjusted by a chiropractor. The pain was taking up my energy. not too mention the double ear infection and sinus infection that seemed to last forever. which was the hardest part of the pregnancy.
    WIth 2 other little kids running around the only thing helping me keep up my energy level is the exercise.. When I stopped I was completely drained. Considering am only 24 I do have a lot more joint paint this time around. When It's bad it makes everything a lot harder.
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Anyone else finding it increasingly difficult to eat healthy at this stage??? I find myself just wanting fast food, candy or chips. Healthy food just does not seem appealing AT ALL

    Yes, I am with you. I am still trying to fit in fruits and veggies, but it's like I can't resist all the good-tasting bad sweets and fast food. And I've been drinking too much soda too! And I don't really care, I'm just going to keep trying to get in veggies and fruit and try my best to resist cravings....but that hasn't been happening :)

    Me too... except I'm to the point where I don't want to eat anything. I feel like I'm back in the first tri and have to force myself to eat. So when I do... those Snickers are doing the trick. Oopsie- I guess I don't really care at this point. I was due Sunday so I figure I'm on borrowed baby time- eat what I want, while I can...

    I ate pretty bad throughout the first 2 trimesters that this one is a total turn around for me!! I finally got my motivation back so I'm eating way better and exercising at least 4-5 times a week!

    I defiantly got my motivation back after seeing a 10 pound gain in the last month. LOL I do seem to crave more chocolate these last few weeks. Fresh fruit season is basically over in our area so i don't get too stock up on much of it like i did during the summer.
    as for the pain it helped A LOT to get my neck, back, legs adjusted by a chiropractor. The pain was taking up my energy. not too mention the double ear infection and sinus infection that seemed to last forever. which was the hardest part of the pregnancy.
    WIth 2 other little kids running around the only thing helping me keep up my energy level is the exercise.. When I stopped I was completely drained. Considering am only 24 I do have a lot more joint paint this time around. When It's bad it makes everything a lot harder.

    Maybe that's how i got my motivation back too! I had gained almost 10 in a months time too a few months back!
  • tinyjourney
    tinyjourney Posts: 198 Member
    I go in today for a pre op for a cesarean. My 38 check up yesterday showed that my little girl is still breech, going between frank and complete breech. Her butt is partially engaged so the chances of her flipping are pretty slim. So it's delivery by c/s on Nov 9.

    She is also a teeny tiny baby, right now she measures in 11-12% on growth charts and less then 6lbs. Because I'm pretty small my OB is not worried, but I definitely am. It's hard not to worry! I've quit gaining weight and my belly is stuck measuring 33-34 weeks.

    Because she is breech I'm dealing with some mid back pain instead of low back pain. I've got pain in my ribs too. It's all normal, but it is making me very grumpy and moody. I'm at the "I'm done" point. Anyone else?
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    Only 5 weeks left at work before my scheduled induction, and so much to do!! Hubby and I are going shopping this weekend to buy all of our necessities that we need before she comes! We are sooooo excited, and I can hardly believe the end is coming up so fast! Honestly, I'm still amazed that we've made it to this point, and very grateful everyday that she is thriving. It is such a miracle, and I feel blessed that we've seen her grow from a 5-day blastocyst into our daughter. Sorry, I am a sap! But after waiting 9 years for this, I can't help myself!

    I was not all that excited about scheduling an induction, but I do see my midwife's point. I am a high risk pregnancy, and she feels that since the baby will be full term at 38 weeks, she would feel more comfortable doing it then rather than waiting it out. I've had 2 rounds of steroid shots now, so we've done what we can to prepare our little girl for the big world! (I am still wired after my steroid shot from yesterday, yikes!)
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    I go in today for a pre op for a cesarean. My 38 check up yesterday showed that my little girl is still breech, going between frank and complete breech. Her butt is partially engaged so the chances of her flipping are pretty slim. So it's delivery by c/s on Nov 9.

    She is also a teeny tiny baby, right now she measures in 11-12% on growth charts and less then 6lbs. Because I'm pretty small my OB is not worried, but I definitely am. It's hard not to worry! I've quit gaining weight and my belly is stuck measuring 33-34 weeks.

    Because she is breech I'm dealing with some mid back pain instead of low back pain. I've got pain in my ribs too. It's all normal, but it is making me very grumpy and moody. I'm at the "I'm done" point. Anyone else?

    I'm not quite done cooking yet, but I am getting to the uncomfortable stage, so I bet "I'm done" is around the corner!

    That is so exciting that you have a date to meet your daughter! I wouldn't be too concerned about her weight, because ultrasound estimates are never right on. As my ultrasound tech said, they can do the measurements, but they can't determine how chubby their little arms and legs are. And, if you're small yourself, it just makes sense that she wouldn't weigh 10 pounds coming out. I'm sure you've heard many stories like this, but my mom is very petite, and when my brother was born, he was only 4lbs 9oz. He is a perfectly healthy pain-in-the-butt.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I go in today for a pre op for a cesarean. My 38 check up yesterday showed that my little girl is still breech, going between frank and complete breech. Her butt is partially engaged so the chances of her flipping are pretty slim. So it's delivery by c/s on Nov 9.

    She is also a teeny tiny baby, right now she measures in 11-12% on growth charts and less then 6lbs. Because I'm pretty small my OB is not worried, but I definitely am. It's hard not to worry! I've quit gaining weight and my belly is stuck measuring 33-34 weeks.

    Because she is breech I'm dealing with some mid back pain instead of low back pain. I've got pain in my ribs too. It's all normal, but it is making me very grumpy and moody. I'm at the "I'm done" point. Anyone else?

    She has probably just run out of room in there if your so small. I wouldn't worry too much about her weight my sister was under 6lbs when she was born and physically she is healthy and almost 40. They say at 37 weeks you are full term so her organs should be fully developed to enter the world. Can't wait to see your pictures I hope you will post a birth story. I am almost at the I'm done stage I still have 6 1/2 weeks but growing more uncomfortable by the day.