3rd Trimester



  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    BeckyJill - thank you for sharing your story :) congrats on your beautiful little girl!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Caitlin Drew's birth story... finally :)

    I woke up Monday (11/5) around 3 am sick as a dog with horrible upper abdominal pain. I could not get comfortable- sitting, standing, laying, couldn't keep anything down, just basically miserable. I had a 41 wk 2 day ultrasound at noon that I barely made. Baby didn't really move until the last 3 minutes of the appointment- she was practicing breathing and her heartbeat was strong. That was an uncomfortable u/s! Dr. had to go to the hospital before he could talk to me... I cried because my plan was to leave the Dr's office with a plan- an induction date. He wanted me to come back the next day at 9 am. One more day... ugh!

    Fast forward to 7:30 pm. I finally fell asleep on the couch but woke up to a strange feeling in my stomach. I got up and started walking around the house. The strange feeling escalated in to contractions. I had DH start timing them and they were coming hot and heavy between 1-4 minutes apart. I talked to my Dr. and he said to go ahead and head in to the hospital.

    We check in, I get checked and I'm only dilated to 1.5 cm but my cervix is quite soft. Labored for an hour, rechecked- no progress. The nurse kept telling me the Dr might send me home because this could be early labor... I freaked out a little because I couldn't imagine going through this at home... It hurt SO bad! The Dr. approved a round of NuBane (iv drug) and wanted to check me after another 2 hours. The NuBane was supposed to take the edge off the contractions but did nothing but make me feel like I was loopy. The pain was just as intense. Not fun! During these 2 hours, DH ordered and ate a pizza :) He wasn't allowed to breathe on me because of the smell! Oh also, I never lost my nausea. I was throwing up throughout the whole labor process.

    Progress after 3 hours- 2 cm dilated. At this point, Dr. finally let the nurse know I was staying and not being sent home. I was also approved for an epidural at this point. I jumped right on that... I was open to trying this without drugs but took the drugs without hesitation! Oh well! I loved my epidural and will have one again in the future, if we have another child! Anesthesiologist got there an hour later, loaded me up with the epidural and I was virtualy pain free 15 minutes later. So 3 AM and DH and I try to rest/sleep. Dr. shows up at 7 am, walks in, checks my progress (7 cm, yay!) and breaks my water. He said he'll be back when I'm ready to push!

    11 am- I'm feeling pressure and think I'm ready to push. Dr. shows up by 11:40 and I start pushing right away. I pushed for 34 minutes and Dr. decided she wasn't coming on her own so I got an episiotomy and she came right out! Dr. had her head and shoulders out and let me pull her out the rest of the way on my own! Such an amazing feeling! I pulled her right up to my chest and immediately fell in love with my baby girl. DH cut the cord after about 10 minutes (waited so long because it was still pulsating and doing it's job- kind of crazy!)

    Caitlin Drew was born at 12:16 PM on Tuesday, November 6- Election Day. It was amazing and wonderful!

    It's been almost 2 weeks and we're adjusting and trying to find a routine. I'm loving my baby girl and trying to sleep whenever I get the chance haha!

    Sounds like it was a little rough glad all is well. I am pro epidural too. Had one with my son having one with this one too.
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Caitlin Drew's birth story... finally :)

    I woke up Monday (11/5) around 3 am sick as a dog with horrible upper abdominal pain. I could not get comfortable- sitting, standing, laying, couldn't keep anything down, just basically miserable. I had a 41 wk 2 day ultrasound at noon that I barely made. Baby didn't really move until the last 3 minutes of the appointment- she was practicing breathing and her heartbeat was strong. That was an uncomfortable u/s! Dr. had to go to the hospital before he could talk to me... I cried because my plan was to leave the Dr's office with a plan- an induction date. He wanted me to come back the next day at 9 am. One more day... ugh!

    Fast forward to 7:30 pm. I finally fell asleep on the couch but woke up to a strange feeling in my stomach. I got up and started walking around the house. The strange feeling escalated in to contractions. I had DH start timing them and they were coming hot and heavy between 1-4 minutes apart. I talked to my Dr. and he said to go ahead and head in to the hospital.

    We check in, I get checked and I'm only dilated to 1.5 cm but my cervix is quite soft. Labored for an hour, rechecked- no progress. The nurse kept telling me the Dr might send me home because this could be early labor... I freaked out a little because I couldn't imagine going through this at home... It hurt SO bad! The Dr. approved a round of NuBane (iv drug) and wanted to check me after another 2 hours. The NuBane was supposed to take the edge off the contractions but did nothing but make me feel like I was loopy. The pain was just as intense. Not fun! During these 2 hours, DH ordered and ate a pizza :) He wasn't allowed to breathe on me because of the smell! Oh also, I never lost my nausea. I was throwing up throughout the whole labor process.

    Progress after 3 hours- 2 cm dilated. At this point, Dr. finally let the nurse know I was staying and not being sent home. I was also approved for an epidural at this point. I jumped right on that... I was open to trying this without drugs but took the drugs without hesitation! Oh well! I loved my epidural and will have one again in the future, if we have another child! Anesthesiologist got there an hour later, loaded me up with the epidural and I was virtualy pain free 15 minutes later. So 3 AM and DH and I try to rest/sleep. Dr. shows up at 7 am, walks in, checks my progress (7 cm, yay!) and breaks my water. He said he'll be back when I'm ready to push!

    11 am- I'm feeling pressure and think I'm ready to push. Dr. shows up by 11:40 and I start pushing right away. I pushed for 34 minutes and Dr. decided she wasn't coming on her own so I got an episiotomy and she came right out! Dr. had her head and shoulders out and let me pull her out the rest of the way on my own! Such an amazing feeling! I pulled her right up to my chest and immediately fell in love with my baby girl. DH cut the cord after about 10 minutes (waited so long because it was still pulsating and doing it's job- kind of crazy!)

    Caitlin Drew was born at 12:16 PM on Tuesday, November 6- Election Day. It was amazing and wonderful!

    It's been almost 2 weeks and we're adjusting and trying to find a routine. I'm loving my baby girl and trying to sleep whenever I get the chance haha!

    Amazing, thanks for sharing :-)
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Caitlin Drew's birth story... finally :)

    I woke up Monday (11/5) around 3 am sick as a dog with horrible upper abdominal pain. I could not get comfortable- sitting, standing, laying, couldn't keep anything down, just basically miserable. I had a 41 wk 2 day ultrasound at noon that I barely made. Baby didn't really move until the last 3 minutes of the appointment- she was practicing breathing and her heartbeat was strong. That was an uncomfortable u/s! Dr. had to go to the hospital before he could talk to me... I cried because my plan was to leave the Dr's office with a plan- an induction date. He wanted me to come back the next day at 9 am. One more day... ugh!

    Fast forward to 7:30 pm. I finally fell asleep on the couch but woke up to a strange feeling in my stomach. I got up and started walking around the house. The strange feeling escalated in to contractions. I had DH start timing them and they were coming hot and heavy between 1-4 minutes apart. I talked to my Dr. and he said to go ahead and head in to the hospital.

    We check in, I get checked and I'm only dilated to 1.5 cm but my cervix is quite soft. Labored for an hour, rechecked- no progress. The nurse kept telling me the Dr might send me home because this could be early labor... I freaked out a little because I couldn't imagine going through this at home... It hurt SO bad! The Dr. approved a round of NuBane (iv drug) and wanted to check me after another 2 hours. The NuBane was supposed to take the edge off the contractions but did nothing but make me feel like I was loopy. The pain was just as intense. Not fun! During these 2 hours, DH ordered and ate a pizza :) He wasn't allowed to breathe on me because of the smell! Oh also, I never lost my nausea. I was throwing up throughout the whole labor process.

    Progress after 3 hours- 2 cm dilated. At this point, Dr. finally let the nurse know I was staying and not being sent home. I was also approved for an epidural at this point. I jumped right on that... I was open to trying this without drugs but took the drugs without hesitation! Oh well! I loved my epidural and will have one again in the future, if we have another child! Anesthesiologist got there an hour later, loaded me up with the epidural and I was virtualy pain free 15 minutes later. So 3 AM and DH and I try to rest/sleep. Dr. shows up at 7 am, walks in, checks my progress (7 cm, yay!) and breaks my water. He said he'll be back when I'm ready to push!

    11 am- I'm feeling pressure and think I'm ready to push. Dr. shows up by 11:40 and I start pushing right away. I pushed for 34 minutes and Dr. decided she wasn't coming on her own so I got an episiotomy and she came right out! Dr. had her head and shoulders out and let me pull her out the rest of the way on my own! Such an amazing feeling! I pulled her right up to my chest and immediately fell in love with my baby girl. DH cut the cord after about 10 minutes (waited so long because it was still pulsating and doing it's job- kind of crazy!)

    Caitlin Drew was born at 12:16 PM on Tuesday, November 6- Election Day. It was amazing and wonderful!

    It's been almost 2 weeks and we're adjusting and trying to find a routine. I'm loving my baby girl and trying to sleep whenever I get the chance haha!

    Great story, thanks for sharing. You give me hope I will go into labor on my own. My induction is scheduled for when I'll be 41w2d
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Chicky- keep the faith mama!! Once I finally started to crack and decided I was going to be pregnant forever--- I went into labor haha!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    hello ladies. Had an OB visit today. Everything looked good, I was measuring 2 weeks behind so she ordered an ultrasound. Ultrasound had baby measuring right on due date so he's growing just fine. According to the u/s he weighs 4lbs2oz right now at 32wks. Not sure what that means, lol. But I assume he'll be around the 7lb mark. Blood pressure was good 100/60. Heartbeat on the doppler was a little low 125, but on the u/s it was 149, so he was probably resting when she listened on the doppler. Getting closer! I can't wait. We got a good picture with his face. He was resting his head on his hands. He is in head down postion. He's been head down for about 1 month already, so I am hoping he stay there. LOL. Thats my update for now! Ohhh and my weight is back to 25lbs, I had gained weight over the weekend from heavy eating (cakes and such) and a few days of being back on track got me back to where I was. I gained about 2.6lbs since my last OB appt 3 weeks ago, so I am right on track with weight gain. Hurray. lol
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    hello ladies. Had an OB visit today. Everything looked good, I was measuring 2 weeks behind so she ordered an ultrasound. Ultrasound had baby measuring right on due date so he's growing just fine. According to the u/s he weighs 4lbs2oz right now at 32wks. Not sure what that means, lol. But I assume he'll be around the 7lb mark. Blood pressure was good 100/60. Heartbeat on the doppler was a little low 125, but on the u/s it was 149, so he was probably resting when she listened on the doppler. Getting closer! I can't wait. We got a good picture with his face. He was resting his head on his hands. He is in head down postion. He's been head down for about 1 month already, so I am hoping he stay there. LOL. Thats my update for now! Ohhh and my weight is back to 25lbs, I had gained weight over the weekend from heavy eating (cakes and such) and a few days of being back on track got me back to where I was. I gained about 2.6lbs since my last OB appt 3 weeks ago, so I am right on track with weight gain. Hurray. lol

    Glad everything is going well!! I hope your little one stays head down! Mine is/has been for about 10 weeks now! 25lbs is not a bad gain at all! Wtg!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    hello ladies. Had an OB visit today. Everything looked good, I was measuring 2 weeks behind so she ordered an ultrasound. Ultrasound had baby measuring right on due date so he's growing just fine. According to the u/s he weighs 4lbs2oz right now at 32wks. Not sure what that means, lol. But I assume he'll be around the 7lb mark. Blood pressure was good 100/60. Heartbeat on the doppler was a little low 125, but on the u/s it was 149, so he was probably resting when she listened on the doppler. Getting closer! I can't wait. We got a good picture with his face. He was resting his head on his hands. He is in head down postion. He's been head down for about 1 month already, so I am hoping he stay there. LOL. Thats my update for now! Ohhh and my weight is back to 25lbs, I had gained weight over the weekend from heavy eating (cakes and such) and a few days of being back on track got me back to where I was. I gained about 2.6lbs since my last OB appt 3 weeks ago, so I am right on track with weight gain. Hurray. lol

    Mine was 4lbs 7oz at 32 weeks and just had another ultrasound at 36 weeks and she shot up to 7lbs 3oz. I would say he is just fine. Glad you were able to see a face all I ever get is the back of the head or a profile. Good job with the weight gain (never thought I would say that).
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Starting third trimester today (exactly 28 weeks).

    I have to say that I feel pretty apprehensive about it. My husband and I are having our first, and the pregnancy has started taking its toll on me. My legs swell so badly every day now from the knee down, and I feel like I'm going to topple over most of the time since my center of gravity is off. I've managed to maintain a healthy weight though, which makes me feel a lot better about things.

    I am also finding myself worried a lot about labor, delivery, and motherhood. I'm so nervous that something will go wrong or I'll screw up something.

    Anyone else feel like this?
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Starting third trimester today (exactly 28 weeks).

    I have to say that I feel pretty apprehensive about it. My husband and I are having our first, and the pregnancy has started taking its toll on me. My legs swell so badly every day now from the knee down, and I feel like I'm going to topple over most of the time since my center of gravity is off. I've managed to maintain a healthy weight though, which makes me feel a lot better about things.

    I am also finding myself worried a lot about labor, delivery, and motherhood. I'm so nervous that something will go wrong or I'll screw up something.

    Anyone else feel like this?

    I have been through this before so labor, delivery are nothing new for me and you really should not be scared. Believe it or not it is not scary and their is nothing you can do to screw it up. They talk you through everything. You can't worry that something will go wrong you will drive yourself nuts. I never swelled in my last pregnancy or in this one ( I am 37 weeks) so I can't relate their I would just try to stay off your legs and stay hydrated. Just be careful the center of gravity only gets worse. I have fallen twice with this pregnancy with no affects I also didn't fall on my belly once on the side of my leg at 16 weeks and once on my knees at 28 weeks. As far as motherhood unfortunately their is no handbook. Ask for advice if you want it. I turn to my mother a lot to help me if I feel overwhelmed. She stayed with me the first week I was home with my son and she will be staying a week or two with me this time. If you need the help ask do not be afraid if your mother is not available go to a friend or someone else you trust if your husband is not available you are going to need it.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Well "operation make room for baby" is almost complete. Finished my son's room today throwing stuff out and cleaning up his room it was a tough one took me and him 4 hours to complete. All baby stuff washed and put away. Diaper bag for hospital packed, and my bag halfway packed. Husband scrubbed the bathroom like its never been scrubbed in a while I do love barkeepers friend it is the best bathroom cleaner out there. We also cleaned baseboards and blinds. All that is left is rewiring everything in the living room and getting rid of the goodwill clothes and garbage from my son's room. All we will have left to do is wait for her arrival which should be 3 weeks from yesterday. Or in my case earlier since I delivered my son early. Getting very excited and happy that this will be done never thought it would. My son and husband last Wed. cleaned out the kitchen. Including the refrigerator and the cabinets so at least I do not need to do that. Now I need to complete Christmas shopping, decorating, get my Christmas cards out, and make sure I get the bills paid in advance so I do not have to worry while in the hospital. Thank god my mother will be here to make meals and get my son to and from school I will definitely need it. Well 37 weeks and counting!!!!!!!
  • Nerdybookgirl
    Nerdybookgirl Posts: 105 Member
    Well "operation make room for baby" is almost complete. Finished my son's room today throwing stuff out and cleaning up his room it was a tough one took me and him 4 hours to complete. All baby stuff washed and put away. Diaper bag for hospital packed, and my bag halfway packed. Husband scrubbed the bathroom like its never been scrubbed in a while I do love barkeepers friend it is the best bathroom cleaner out there. We also cleaned baseboards and blinds. All that is left is rewiring everything in the living room and getting rid of the goodwill clothes and garbage from my son's room. All we will have left to do is wait for her arrival which should be 3 weeks from yesterday. Or in my case earlier since I delivered my son early. Getting very excited and happy that this will be done never thought it would. My son and husband last Wed. cleaned out the kitchen. Including the refrigerator and the cabinets so at least I do not need to do that. Now I need to complete Christmas shopping, decorating, get my Christmas cards out, and make sure I get the bills paid in advance so I do not have to worry while in the hospital. Thank god my mother will be here to make meals and get my son to and from school I will definitely need it. Well 37 weeks and counting!!!!!!!

    You are one nesting mama!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Well "operation make room for baby" is almost complete. Finished my son's room today throwing stuff out and cleaning up his room it was a tough one took me and him 4 hours to complete. All baby stuff washed and put away. Diaper bag for hospital packed, and my bag halfway packed. Husband scrubbed the bathroom like its never been scrubbed in a while I do love barkeepers friend it is the best bathroom cleaner out there. We also cleaned baseboards and blinds. All that is left is rewiring everything in the living room and getting rid of the goodwill clothes and garbage from my son's room. All we will have left to do is wait for her arrival which should be 3 weeks from yesterday. Or in my case earlier since I delivered my son early. Getting very excited and happy that this will be done never thought it would. My son and husband last Wed. cleaned out the kitchen. Including the refrigerator and the cabinets so at least I do not need to do that. Now I need to complete Christmas shopping, decorating, get my Christmas cards out, and make sure I get the bills paid in advance so I do not have to worry while in the hospital. Thank god my mother will be here to make meals and get my son to and from school I will definitely need it. Well 37 weeks and counting!!!!!!!

    You are my hero right now! :)
  • Nerdybookgirl
    Nerdybookgirl Posts: 105 Member
    Hi! I will be 29 weeks this Wednesday. Just got over a bout of the flu. I cannot believe I'm ALMOST there! Persephone Jane will be joining us in early February!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    blink - you just wore me out reading all that you've been up to!! and I thought I was nesting! haha...that's awesome you're down to the wire and have everything in order. sounds like you have a good plan for taking care of your baby girl the first few weeks. not too much longer now!

    pregosaurus - in all honesty, I think I'm in denial about motherhood...I think my brain works in stages, where I'm focused right now on getting the house ready for baby and making sure finances are in order, insurance is up to date, wills, etc. The furthest my brain will really let me focus is delivery - I avoided thinking about it until birth class, and then I was petrified, and now I've calmed down about it again. Like blink said - worrying about it won't make it any easier, and if anything, will make it harder! I haven't really thought too much about being a mom, or those first few weeks, or anything after that - I honestly just don't think I have the space in my crowded brain at the moment. I figure I'll work it out when I get there, right? (sounds like a terrible plan now that I'm typing it out!) but, as for the symptoms, it's a constant work in progress. I've overall felt pretty good during pregnancy and I think a lot of it comes down to trying to focus more on the positive than the negative. I've had a lot of hip/pelvic pain and some days it's completely overwhelming, but it helps to try to think about what's going right (baby's strong heart rate, how cute he/she was at the last ultrasound, how good the nursery is looking, how blessed we were at baby showers, etc) rather than the pain that takes my breath away every time I try to move. Just my two cents :)
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Well "operation make room for baby" is almost complete. Finished my son's room today throwing stuff out and cleaning up his room it was a tough one took me and him 4 hours to complete. All baby stuff washed and put away. Diaper bag for hospital packed, and my bag halfway packed. Husband scrubbed the bathroom like its never been scrubbed in a while I do love barkeepers friend it is the best bathroom cleaner out there. We also cleaned baseboards and blinds. All that is left is rewiring everything in the living room and getting rid of the goodwill clothes and garbage from my son's room. All we will have left to do is wait for her arrival which should be 3 weeks from yesterday. Or in my case earlier since I delivered my son early. Getting very excited and happy that this will be done never thought it would. My son and husband last Wed. cleaned out the kitchen. Including the refrigerator and the cabinets so at least I do not need to do that. Now I need to complete Christmas shopping, decorating, get my Christmas cards out, and make sure I get the bills paid in advance so I do not have to worry while in the hospital. Thank god my mother will be here to make meals and get my son to and from school I will definitely need it. Well 37 weeks and counting!!!!!!!

    Ahhhh that's great you were able to get so much done! I bet you feel good!!!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    blink - you just wore me out reading all that you've been up to!! and I thought I was nesting! haha...that's awesome you're down to the wire and have everything in order. sounds like you have a good plan for taking care of your baby girl the first few weeks. not too much longer now!

    pregosaurus - in all honesty, I think I'm in denial about motherhood...I think my brain works in stages, where I'm focused right now on getting the house ready for baby and making sure finances are in order, insurance is up to date, wills, etc. The furthest my brain will really let me focus is delivery - I avoided thinking about it until birth class, and then I was petrified, and now I've calmed down about it again. Like blink said - worrying about it won't make it any easier, and if anything, will make it harder! I haven't really thought too much about being a mom, or those first few weeks, or anything after that - I honestly just don't think I have the space in my crowded brain at the moment. I figure I'll work it out when I get there, right? (sounds like a terrible plan now that I'm typing it out!) but, as for the symptoms, it's a constant work in progress. I've overall felt pretty good during pregnancy and I think a lot of it comes down to trying to focus more on the positive than the negative. I've had a lot of hip/pelvic pain and some days it's completely overwhelming, but it helps to try to think about what's going right (baby's strong heart rate, how cute he/she was at the last ultrasound, how good the nursery is looking, how blessed we were at baby showers, etc) rather than the pain that takes my breath away every time I try to move. Just my two cents :)

    I'm with you!!!! Right now I think all I'm capable of thinking about is the delivery lol I'm not scared or nervous but rather antsy and anxious bc of the unknown..not knowing when he will decide to come is definitely keeping me on my toes!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I've overall felt pretty good during pregnancy and I think a lot of it comes down to trying to focus more on the positive than the negative. I've had a lot of hip/pelvic pain and some days it's completely overwhelming, but it helps to try to think about what's going right (baby's strong heart rate, how cute he/she was at the last ultrasound, how good the nursery is looking, how blessed we were at baby showers, etc) rather than the pain that takes my breath away every time I try to move. Just my two cents :)

    I have had this hip/pelvic pain too and its unbelievable sometimes. Mine is usually worse from sitting in an office chair or from getting up after laying down for awhile. My son thinks its hilarious to try and watch me walk if I have been sitting for awhile. Honestly if I hear the doctor tell me one more time that it is some form of stretching I am going to hit him really hard. I never had this with my son, but I also carried him a lot different than I am carrying this one.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    I am also finding myself worried a lot about labor, delivery, and motherhood. I'm so nervous that something will go wrong or I'll screw up something.

    Anyone else feel like this?

    I worried a lot about this stuff, too, but it was all for nothing. Labour and delivery were not nearly as scary as I thought it would be, and like someone else said, there will be people there to talk you through it. As for motherhood, your instincts will take over. Trust me! Before Rose was born I'd only ever changed one diaper (with DH helping, on a toddler who was old enough to cooperate and it wasn't a messy diaper), and I would NEVER hold a crying baby. When I held my nephew/neice/friends' babies I'd pass them back at the first peep. Now when someone holds Rose and she starts to cry I want her back! Motherhood is one of those things you just do on auto-pilot, you don't really think about it!
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    So things finally seem to be wrapping up here.. I'm nesting like a crazy women. I get my new nursery furniture delivered on Friday! woopie!!! new crib set coming in too. Painting the nursery Saturday. Got my baby girls take home outfit ready & her little coat & new hat. Just need to back my hospital bag which I'll get to probably middle of dec. Considering due date is last day of dec.. I'm getting soooo excited!!!! I'm even excited for the labor. lol I feel like a first time mom even though it'll be #3!
    I LOVE the newborn stage and can't get enough of their tininess. It goes by so fast.
    SO new mamas hold those babies when u can when they are tiny. They get heavier pretty fast. lol