I have a crush.



  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    Sounds like nothing else I've ever heard with a guy being friends. I still swear we're in the same situation but only time will tell. I've just learned to enjoy it now, I'm not panicking or worrying about it any longer otherwise I won't enjoy it and it will be gone before I know it. I might get a bit hurt but that's not as bad as not knowing what might have been. You get along great as friends or more so take that as a good thing, get out there and have a blast :)

    The texting and phonecalls thing is still alien to me, I don't text many girls or ring them unless I like them, yeah I'll text friends and ask how they are but I don't have hours of endless texts and I certainly don't just text friends when I've done something good. I text family, then close friends and then I guess post it on facebook, that's how someone like this guy if it was a girl would find out. I'm on the phone for barely 5 mins to any of my friends that are girls and 2 of my best friends are girls.. it's just not one of those things I do so I find it really strange. The only person I'd sit on the phone with is someone I liked!
  • Learning2LuvLindsay
    Learning2LuvLindsay Posts: 1,142 Member
    I also have a crush and the whole situation is driving me crazy! We have been hanging out since the beginning of November but I’m not totally sure where this whole thing is headed. We talk everyday and hang at least once a week but I’m ready to either take this relationship to the next level and hang out/talk more or move on. His life is very busy at the moment but my life is just as hectic and I manage to make time. To me this is a warning sign that he just isn’t that into me. Yes I read the book and I think it made me even crazier lol! However, I also think I may be over analyzing his actions and he just wants to take things slow. Is three months a long time in dating terms? I’ve always jumped into relationships and obviously none of them worked out so I’m no expert. He did recently invite me to meet the parents so that is a good sign right? Why do men have to me so confusing? I’m wondering if I made the mistake of putting too many eggs in one basket and now I have no idea what to do. He is a great guy and we have a blast together but I hate being in limbo.

    The book is good but yes, I went to overdrive in my already crazy overanalyzing skills!!!
    Are ya'll exclusively seeing each other only? Have you had the talk with him? 3 months is a long time to not know where you're at.. especially if he's the only one you're seeing. I'd be in the asylum by then if it were me!!

    That’s the thing…I have no idea! I’ve asked him if he was dating other people and he said no and that he didn’t have interest in meeting anyone else. However, every time I try to bring up the relationship/exclusivity thing he doesn’t really say much. He also calls me babe and says he misses me all the time. So of course it is driving me crazy! I’m a girl I need his to share his feelings more with me. I’d rather him tell me he just wants to be friends than continue on this path of not knowing. There is one thing though; he might get deployed in June. I’m not sure if this is the reason he is holding back….
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    You need to just sit down and talk to him. I got La_amazona (I know I know your name but still :p) to do the same and now she knows so she can move on with things. You've just gotta take the plunge, both of us have done it in the last couple of weeks!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    You need to just sit down and talk to him. I got La_amazona (I know I know your name but still :p) to do the same and now she knows so she can move on with things. You've just gotta take the plunge, both of us have done it in the last couple of weeks!

    I agree... especially after 3 months. I'd talk to him. Being deployed in June could be it but if a guy really is into you, then he'd try to catch you before he left so he didn't lose you. I would have "the talk", as scary as it is.
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    Then tell us after you have! We're swiftly becoming experts in this field haha ;)
  • cece8003
    Oh girlfriend, crushes are a wonderful feeling! Enjoy the moment!
  • Learning2LuvLindsay
    Learning2LuvLindsay Posts: 1,142 Member
    I had a feeling you guys were going to say that. :laugh: I'm having dinner with him and his mom tonight so the talk probably wont happen. I’ll let you know when it does though!
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    Make sure you do! Just put it this way, would you rather that he went on service without knowing how you felt? It's not the nicest out there remember and anything could happen. Least if it all works out he'll have you on his mind the whole time he's away too :) May as well take the plunge and find out or you'll regret it..trust me.