Progress so far



  • wiginn
    wiginn Posts: 147 Member
    Thanks Heybales - makes sense. I'll try decreasing my calories by about 100/day and see how it goes.
  • WeCallThemDayWalkers
    WeCallThemDayWalkers Posts: 259 Member
    That's what I'm doing too! Figure I've been eating up around 1900-2000 for 3 months. I can cut back and see what happens. Good to know I can maintain at that much. Hopefully I can work on slowly upping my metabolism with eating for future me.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I'm beginning to think that BodPod test for BF% is probably more useful tool than RMR test.
    At least with true BF%, you can see how the measuring estimates compare, see what level they are off, and know you can keep using them with that factor applied.

    I was going to wait, but I'm thinking I'm close enough, and have a problem overdoing things sometimes, I'd likely suppress myself again accidentally. I've done it for years, so I'm much better at that method. And then discouraged splurges don't help when suppressed.

    oh dang, $35 at KU, it's getting done.

    Have to see if they are equally cheap on metabolic profile. Though I looked at my VO2max test, and they had 2 min of resting measurements.
    Shoot, the studies that give the formula's for using the VO2 and VCO2 all cost money. I could know what my RMR was at that time, and decent estimate possible for now too. Ughhh.
  • WeCallThemDayWalkers
    WeCallThemDayWalkers Posts: 259 Member
    There's a bodpod here in Portland for 40$...thinking it might be beneficial!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Progress Week 13 on 5/5

    Current Katch BMR = 1844
    Goal calories = 2489 (extra 986 for extra long workout)

    Average calorie intake per day = 3134
    Average Exercise burn per day = 699
    Average Net Calories = 2435
    Net above BMR - 591

    Weight lost this week = 0.0

    Past week was carbo-loading for some non-existent event.

    I think problem started on Sunday being so hungry still from Sat's ride, but I ate the extra cal's on Sat.
    The ride according to Polar literally burned 2480.
    The credit already in the spreadsheet for the 1hr (538) plus another 1:50 hr (986) is 1524.
    So a deficit of 2480-1524 = 956 on just that day from exercise, plus the normal daily deficit of probably 400.
    No wonder hungry for several days.
    This week, going to make some up on Sat and some on Sun. Hoping that doesn't cause the week to be so bad.
    Because that 2480 workout was pretty intense, probably 80% carb burn, that means 1984 carbs burned. And eating back 986 extra total, which was not all carbs, just wasn't enough.

    So back to regular problem of doing what I enjoy, but it is too intense for deficit eating. Just sets me up for failure. Urg.

    I still lost some fat though, just not weight.
  • wiginn
    wiginn Posts: 147 Member
    Week 13 update - focused on getting more protein and tried to eat about 100 less per day = 1.2 pounds lost! YAY!!!
    Weekly spot check and confirmation

    Starting Weight date 5/1/12
    Starting BMR 1392
    Food Exercise Net
    1-May 1909 535 1374
    2-May 1782 305 1477
    3-May 1694 438 1256
    4-May 1729 0 1729
    5-May 1895 395 1500
    6-May 1715 508 1207
    7-May 1726 522 1204

    Weekly totals 12450 2703 9747

    Daily average 1779 386 1392
    Daily Goal Calories 1879

    Ending Weight -1.2 Pounds
    Ending BMR 1387
    Net above BMR avg 6

    Amazingly, my daily average was exactly 100 below my daily goal calories. So, do I stay that same course for this coming week? It was definitely doable - I think the focus on protein kept me from missing the 100 calories too much. I still had room for my nightly 'treat' - usually sugar free chocolate pudding. :-)

    Any worries about some of my workout days netting below BMR? Or is the weekly average that counts the most?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Week 13 update - focused on getting more protein and tried to eat about 100 less per day = 1.2 pounds lost! YAY!!!

    Amazingly, my daily average was exactly 100 below my daily goal calories. So, do I stay that same course for this coming week? It was definitely doable - I think the focus on protein kept me from missing the 100 calories too much. I still had room for my nightly 'treat' - usually sugar free chocolate pudding. :-)

    Any worries about some of my workout days netting below BMR? Or is the weekly average that counts the most?


    Stay at that level. If it doesn't stay consistent, but becomes less and less, then you actually went under and metabolism is slowing down again.

    Weekly balance is more important, the day won't be noticed. Day after day after day ..... would be.
  • wiginn
    wiginn Posts: 147 Member
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Well, since we were talking about Bod Pod and what not, got it done on my morning after rest day today.
    So comparing to measurement method (, and my Omron HPF500 dual impedance (hands/feet) scale, all this morning.

    Bod Pod - 18.8

    Scale - 16.4

    Navy - 19.54
    Covert - 16.95
    Avg measure - 18.2

    So the Bod Pod claims 2% accuracy or better, so 16.8 to 20.8. So that encompasses the other estimates.
    The scale to be 2% for men (5% for women), 14.4 to 20.4.
    Measurements 5%, 11.95 (Covert) to 24.54 (Navy).

    So what does this means as far as estimating BMR over these ranges?
    Let's take extremes of range of 11.95 to 24.54.
    Katch BMR 1928 to 1705, 223.

    If avg measurement value used with range of 5% accuracy - 13.2 to 23.2
    1906 to 1729 - difference of only 177 or 10% on low end.

    Anyway, I was using 16.95 and BMR 1839, so now I'll use 18.8 and BMR 1807 - negligible. Especially since the future me is based on Mifflin BMR calc because it's less cal's right now, so no effect actually except on confirming weekly checks.

    But at least I know the avg measurement method going down the road is within probably 2% of better Bod Pod estimate.

    So would I suggest it? Huh, for curious sake, as starting point, for knowledge of best other method to estimate with that is cheaper - sure.
    It's not changing my goal much at all.

    I don't think. The paper they gave had a newer study formula on RMR based on body comp, I want to see if how that plays out to the Katch BMR study formula.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Progress Week 14 on 5/12

    Current Katch BMR = 1804
    Goal calories = 2489 (extra 1076 for extra long workout)

    Average calorie intake per day = 2699
    Average Exercise burn per day = 702
    Average Net Calories = 1880
    Net above BMR - 76

    Weight lost this week = 1.0

    This weeks calories burns will be based on Garmin HRM, not the Polar. Has more accurate algorithms actually.
    Planning on getting out the BodyMedia for couple rest days too to confirm current TDEE without exercise.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Progress Week 15 on 5/19

    Week eating basically at TDEE, or seeing if that was indeed the case.

    Current Katch BMR = 1804
    Goal calories = 2489 (extra for extra workout)

    Average calorie intake per day = 2867
    Average Exercise burn per day = 586
    Average Net Calories = 2281
    Net above BMR - 471

    Weight lost this week = -0.8 (0.8 gain)

    Since it was an intense week of lifting and hard cardio, and I still think a tad below true TDEE, I know that is just normal variance. But it does confirm what I thought TDEE was.

    So several ways I could do this. I readjusted Eating for Future You activity calc to reflect change in planned workouts - so even 2500 now.

    So non-exercise TDEE around 2350, based on BodyMedia for 2 rest days. Pretty close to MFP Lightly Active with 1.35 x BMR = 2435.
    Avg weekly TDEE with exercise, 2875-2975 depending on longer bike ride.

    If I did a traditional 500 deficit off, 2375-2475.
    If I did 15% off, 2444-2529.
    If I did BMR + exercise calories = 2244 to 2344.
    If I did 0.7% weight loss goal 630 deficit = 2245-2345
    If I did non-exercise TDEE 2350 minus exercise deficit 440-540 = 1910-1810 (above BMR).

    I'm trying to decide if I really want the LBM I have now at goal weight, I never did have that much in the past. I know being older the extra LBM would be great, and just accept I'll weigh more. Or be willing to burn some off, or rather, stop increasing the lifting load to stop increasing LBM, and just finish off the weight loss.

    Huh, pondering. Gonna stick to 2500.
    Though the method of setting MFP to non-exercise TDEE (it would set 2490) as it is normally supposed to be used, but with no weight loss goal. Then back to logging exercise calories, but NOT eating them back so that creates the deficit.

    They are really all so close to one another. And I really like current method of planning on 1hr long workout on weekend. If I do more, than spreadsheet tells me the credit I get for extra exercise to eat. But I've been so hungry and having hard time holding back eating something on these heavy weekends.
    The spreadsheet calorie calc for those workouts avg 275-334, so there is deficit of up to 200 daily avg.
  • wiginn
    wiginn Posts: 147 Member
    Hi all - just wanted to check in as I haven't posted in the group in a while. Still plugging along - but seem to be losing and gaining the same 1.5-2 pounds each week. But, I'm still here. :-)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Hi all - just wanted to check in as I haven't posted in the group in a while. Still plugging along - but seem to be losing and gaining the same 1.5-2 pounds each week. But, I'm still here. :-)

    Since you reached steady state, did you back off an extra 200 cal and start losing consistently?
    Or stall again?
  • wiginn
    wiginn Posts: 147 Member

    Since you reached steady state, did you back off an extra 200 cal and start losing consistently?
    Or stall again?

    I need to be better about being consistent at backing off an extra 200 calories/day (read - too many parties/celebrations so far this summer). Trying to increase the cardio to make up for it...hopefully this week breaks this cycle. Next weigh-in is Tuesday.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Progress on 7/7

    Long time coming, backed off weighing while training for triathlon, also did not try to maintain deficit as much or all the time.
    From last post, I went with the eating at non-exercise maintenance, 2500, and let exercise create the deficit.
    Then on some training days, ate back some to keep the deficit at 700 max, and closer to race, 500 max.
    This method just wasn't working to provide enough cal's on my long bike ride on Sat, or other intense workouts.
    I knew the calculator underestimated!

    Current Katch BMR = 1804
    Goal calories = 2500

    Average calorie intake per day = ?
    Average Exercise burn per day = ?
    Average Net Calories = ?
    Net above BMR - ?

    Weight lost in last 3 weeks from last weigh-in = 3.2 lbs

    So I had 5 weeks of great workouts since last break, and now that triathlon is done, another rest week. Except for a VO2max test this Wed.
    Then I want to go back to 3 cardio days and 2 lifting days. With cardio being long intense bike, middle aerobic run, short swim.
    Just gotta work out good plan, and then figure out good weigh-in that won't have false weight gain from lifting DOM's, or false weight loss from glucose burn-off.

    I may also go back to Future You if not training for something, but do something different for long bike ride to provide enough.
  • Deleval417
    Deleval417 Posts: 9 Member
    Please Help! I am somewhat confused by the spreadsheet and need clarification.

    I have been on a workout program since April 6 2013. The workout consists of 3 days per week/kickboxing (563 calories burned) and 3 days per week/resistance band training (270 calories burned). Since April 6, I have only missed 4 days of workout because life got in the way. On those days, I made up the workout by running intervals on my treadmill for 45 mins. Prior to starting the workout plan I was laid up for about a year due to 3 breaks in my right toe. Although I have reduced some inches I have not lost ANY lbs nor any significant % body fat. I am still wearing the same size clothes. I am 5’1 tall and 164 lbs. I have had my thyroid tested and all is normal. I have been eating between 1200 to 1400 calories daily. I am frustrated because willpower and determination have never been a problem for me. When I set my mind to achieve my goals I do. This time around I am not seeing the results that I would expect for my efforts. I downloaded the spreadsheet and entered my numbers. Here they are………………

    From Tab 1 called “Simple Set-Up”




    Daily Def=506

    Future TDEG=1689

    I am confused by what to do next. The “MFP Tweak” Tab suggest adding back in and eating workout calories. The “TDEE” tab suggests that I eat varying amounts. In essence, I need help. I don't understand how many calories I should be eating. I don't understand cycling and rest days. Is there a link or thread that I could read to understand better?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Please Help! I am somewhat confused by the spreadsheet and need clarification.

    I have been on a workout program since April 6 2013. The workout consists of 3 days per week/kickboxing (563 calories burned) and 3 days per week/resistance band training (270 calories burned). Since April 6, I have only missed 4 days of workout because life got in the way. On those days, I made up the workout by running intervals on my treadmill for 45 mins. Prior to starting the workout plan I was laid up for about a year due to 3 breaks in my right toe. Although I have reduced some inches I have not lost ANY lbs nor any significant % body fat. I am still wearing the same size clothes. I am 5’1 tall and 164 lbs. I have had my thyroid tested and all is normal. I have been eating between 1200 to 1400 calories daily. I am frustrated because willpower and determination have never been a problem for me. When I set my mind to achieve my goals I do. This time around I am not seeing the results that I would expect for my efforts. I downloaded the spreadsheet and entered my numbers. Here they are………………

    From Tab 1 called “Simple Set-Up”




    Daily Def=506

    Future TDEG=1689

    I am confused by what to do next. The “MFP Tweak” Tab suggest adding back in and eating workout calories. The “TDEE” tab suggests that I eat varying amounts. In essence, I need help. I don't understand how many calories I should be eating. I don't understand cycling and rest days. Is there a link or thread that I could read to understand better?

    That will describe the tabs. Basically you use one tab or another, you don't mix methods.

    So stick on the Simple Setup tab only, sounds like your workout doesn't vary enough you have to worry about eating back calories when you actually do them.

    I'd say those 2 workout types is probably high cardio for kick boxing, minus time for warmup slow moving and cool down, more yoga like. And then medium cardio for the resistance bands, unless they still provide so much resistance you can only do about 3 x 8 reps of them and then form is bad because you are failing. If that's the case and you wait 1-3 min between sets, indeed use lifting activity level.

    Eating for Future You is an Alternate use as it says. At this point it's about equal, so if your workout program is very steady unlikely to change, you could just use that, and you'd eat that amount until goal weight is reached.

    In that case when the instructions say to change MFP to 1677, you'd make it 1689.

    Or use the normal current weight deficit, and follow the instructions in the center as to what to change.
    Follow the tips under Your Results.

    So yes, you've been eating almost what the body would like to burn if you just slept deep all day. But you don't.
    So this close to goal weight, your current deficit of about 883 is too much, body is stressed, and has slowed down, and you actually have no deficit in place at all because of the stress.

    So for each week starting, eat 100 extra calories daily. Figure out where that will go for the week.
    Then the next week, another 100 extra daily.
    Keep adding 100 until you reach 2100, yes, almost your TDEE.

    By then you might have gained some water weight, so keep updating your stats, but only go up to 2100.
    When that is reached for a week, see what the new TDEG is and start eating that daily now.