Daily Chat Thread



  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Wow, you guys have been busy! I'm too tired after my first day back at work (and first 5 am gym session after a week of stuffing my face) to read back through more than a couple of pages, but congrats on all the great achievements! I looked at NR4Abs in a bookstore while on vacation, and I don't know...it looks like all the stuff that bugs me about NR. Lots of little fussy exercises. I think I may do a 5x5 program or similar--just to keep it simple. If my "eat-clean" challenge doesn't help me lose some of these m*****f*****g pounds during the last three stages, I may take a month off of lifting after I finish NR. I don't know. Sigh.

    On a positive note, it did feel really great to be back in the gym this morning!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I enjoyed one last day of vacation at home. Skipped the gym, and enjoyed some peace and quiet. Hubby actually took the kids to a skate park.

    Congrats to everyone's hard work. Sue, 90lbs is no joke. good for you. I'm going ahead with stage 6. I just LOVE the feeling of being stronger. Taking my book to meeting with PT Wednesday. Just going to do some cardio tomorrow. Maybe I'll take a class or something. I'm still going ahead with the abs in September. The ladies on FB swear by it, so I'm going to give it a try. If there is extra fat burn, then it will be exactly what I need. I'm 100% over the whole scale thing. Even when I was at 32% body fat I never really cared about my weight. I'm more concerned about how I feel, and feel freaking AMAZING!!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Somebody needs to do Insanity with me :flowerforyou:

    But seriously, I know that it isn't lifting really heavy, but the pushups my husband has to do with that program are horrendous. I still am pretty confident that I'll have quite a few strength gains with it (since I have lots of body weight to be up for the task).

    Then I'll circle back around to maybe do Rachel's program (I'm pretty interested in seeing her diet portion of the book) and then check out NROL Supercharged when it comes out.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I'm sad to read that you weren't that impressed with NROL4Abs, manic. I'll be reviewing it next week, while on vacation, but I'm pretty committed to doing it because most of the hardbodies on JPFitness Forum are recommending it (after NROL4W).

    I've got 3 work-outs left in Stage 7. But, I'll only get 2 in this week, before holidays, and I may never get that very last one in, since I meet with my personal trainer to go through NROL4Abs once I'm back from vacation.

    At some point, I still have to return to the last half of Stage 6, too. Heck, maybe with my trainer I'll just give a pull-up and a chin-up a try to see how far away (or close!) I am to those goals.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I don't like change, switching things up, or trying new things. That could be my problem with NR of abs.I'm always loyal to what comes first. LOL

    I mentioned in Stage 5 thread, it could be TOM or I'm just weary of the process. Nothing has changed except bigger shirts. I still have the jiggly, flabby, fatty thighs and butt. Several guys have taken notice of me and mention about me working out with "the big boys'. It feels great to be strong but I want less body fat. I hope NR of abs helps with that.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member

    Pretty good article on squat form. Don't have time to read thru everything now so will be back later.

    OMG did you see that guys step up with barbell? that is one big step!!

    I was watching the ladies track yesterday while at the gym.. that was motivating!! :)

    I also was told yesterday by a trainer at the gym that i was planking wrong...

    Apparently my elbow were out too wide, - so check yourself, Elbows should be in right under your shoulders.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I'm done with all the little fussy moves too. I'm ready t o move on to a 5x5 program for at least 12 weeks. Maybe I'll look at the Abs or Supercharged book after that, but I'm really getting impatient with all the little stuff right now. I will finish this, with Stage 6 included, but I can't wait to be done!
  • stfriend
    stfriend Posts: 256 Member
    I'm wondering about the cutesy moves, too. I wonder if a. they're necessary and b.are they in the men's book? Its at our library and I may check it out and see. I've gotten good results from squats and deadlifts.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I'm surprised at all the discourse about the "little fussy moves". Don't get me wrong, I think squats/deadlifts are KEY. But, what about the theory of diminishing returns?? If you are only doing bench press, squats and deadlifts, at some point, like any work-out, your muscles won't be working as hard on the same exercises, and results will stall (plateau).

    So, I think there *is* something to be said for "changing it up", for working on one leg at a time (or whatever), for choosing barbells for some exercises and then DB's the next time, etc.

    I'm a beginner. I have LOTS of different muscles that I need to strengthen. I have flexibility issues. Balance issues. Body issues. And I rely on the opinions of experts to help me figure out what is going to get me to a great shape, without injury.

    Yes, I want to lift BIG NUMBERS. But, more than that, I want to demonstrate a pledge to my own fitness and healthy lifestyle FOR LIFE.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    As a follow-up to my last post, though....for those of you who end up choosing Rachel Cosgrove's work-out, or stronglifts, or whatever, I really *do* hope you stick around here and keep posting.

    I learn SO MUCH from each one of you and I believe the support network created, here, is key to (my) success.

    So, whatever you choose to do, please also choose to stay and post here (about your exploits)!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I still get sore from the cutesie moves AND I like getting in and out of the gym so they're actually my favorite. It takes a lot of time to load 100+ lbs on a bar and then unload it. My favorite lift has been the single leg romanian deadlift. I get sore AND it works my core even more than a regular deadlift. It took me a good 4 sessions before I had the balance to do 1/2 of what I was regularly deadlifting, but then I figured it out!
  • stfriend
    stfriend Posts: 256 Member
    I'm definitely going to try the new moves a few times before I make my final judgement, lol. I just thought it was odd that the same author that uses the term "Barbie weights" would throw in exercises that aren't all that different from what I see in magazines. But I shall try them anyway. I'm sure they all work, as evidenced by the number of results seen on this page.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I decided if I really want to lose weight, I must take control of what I know is best for me. Cardio helps me lose weight so I went to the gym and walked for 30 minutes at a good decent pace. My plan is to do cardio even if it's only a steady pace on my days off of lifting. I need to MOVE. It's what works. My delusional thinking...... the lifting by itself would help me. It has been 4 months and I am still fat as I was in the beginning. PLUS, I need to stop reading yall's diaries!! It makes me want to eat!! LOL

    I like being stronger but I want to be smaller too. Weight lifting is in my blood. I will never give it up or this program. Adding cardio is my new goal. That's all. :flowerforyou:
  • TheGsMama
    TheGsMama Posts: 80 Member
    Somebody needs to do Insanity with me :flowerforyou:

    But seriously, I know that it isn't lifting really heavy, but the pushups my husband has to do with that program are horrendous. I still am pretty confident that I'll have quite a few strength gains with it (since I have lots of body weight to be up for the task).

    Then I'll circle back around to maybe do Rachel's program (I'm pretty interested in seeing her diet portion of the book) and then check out NROL Supercharged when it comes out.

    *Raises hand* I'll do Insanity. :bigsmile:
  • TheGsMama
    TheGsMama Posts: 80 Member
    Manic - I have been realizing that as much as I like lifting the cardio makes me feel good. I need the endorphins that come with a great Zumba class, Bodyrocking, ZWOWing, Spin, HIIT, etc. I need to figure out how to get both in my week.

    Oh and HI Y'ALL, I can't catch up so I am just jumping right back in.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Wish MFP had that like button, Beeps I would "like" both of your posts. Maybe I'm still to new with lifitng but I get a whole lot out of each of the exercises I've been doing, even as limited as they are. I see how much stronger I've gotten from all of them, hell I didn't even know what a prone jackknife was before this program and yea they really are working my core! I'm not saying you're wrong, only that for me they all are working, thankfully cuz I'm not the same flabby 60 yo that I was 6 or so weeks ago!
  • stfriend
    stfriend Posts: 256 Member
    Manic - I have been realizing that as much as I like lifting the cardio makes me feel good. I need the endorphins that come with a great Zumba class, Bodyrocking, ZWOWing, Spin, HIIT, etc. I need to figure out how to get both in my week.

    Oh and HI Y'ALL, I can't catch up so I am just jumping right back in.

    I'm with you on cardio making you feel good. I also need to do cardio to burn fat. Weights are great but they need some help.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Beeps, you're right--I definitely get sore from all the different moves, and definitely need muscle strengthening all over! Maybe I'm just cranky or maybe it's my hatred of ab work talking... Also, problem with a 5x5 program for me is that I don't have a workout partner, so getting into heavier and heavier lifting will be a problem without a spotter. Already I wished for someone to spot me with dumbbell incline bench presses! And I'm not using very heavy weights... I don't know what to do next, really.

    All you cardio lovers--me too! I love the way running makes me feel, so I added it back in a while ago. I'm hoping that the added cardio, a stricter diet, and stages 5-7 will finally do the trick. Because, like you, Manic, I'm stronger but not much smaller than I was when I started NR.

    (I feel like I"m repeating everything I just *****ed about in the S5 thread, so those of you who are there, too, please ignore!)
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Beeps - I don't discount that the "little moves" are working. I'm just tired of them and just want to work on the big moves for a while. Plus I really don't like the high reps at all. I plan on sticking around here because I LOVE this group!

    Mary - I'm with you on the cardio. I've got to get back at it, but I've got to get back to my normal routine of getting up early also. I really only see weight loss when I do cardio, as much as I love lifting and won't give it up.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I like cardio, too....I still make sure I get some cardio in every week.

    jennie - I don't like high reps either. If NROL4Abs/NROL4Life have "high reps", I think I'll just lower the reps and up the weight....now, at least, I am *comfortable* with doing that. 6 months ago, I wouldn't have had the confidence to alter the program(s) at ALL.

    Another reason NOT to give up lifting - because when you come back to it, and you KNOW you WILL (because it works....), just THINK of how AWFUL the DOMS is!

    That, alone, even makes me nervous about my week-long vacation coming up, lol.