Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I hope no one leaves our group here.

    I need yall. Yall smack my butt in place.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    OMG... I just thought about my 2 weeks in Arkansas out in the wilderness coming up at the end of Sept. Oh no! I'm gonna have that awful pain all over again!?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Shh Sue I've been off for two weeks and my week in the mountains didn't hurt me. in fact the scale this morning said 145.8, only .4 from absolute lowest. I'll let you know about the DOMS tomorrow, but I always hurt bad the first week of a new stage.
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    Had a little mini-victory today. I'm on stage 1 and I've been struggling with my squats. I started out thinking I was pretty strong at squats (because I run all the freaking time and I'd done Body Pump for months). I think the first session I did just the 45lb bar and quickly moved up to about 75-80lbs.....BUT....I realized my form sucked and at those heavier weights I wasn't getting my butt down very far.

    The last couple times I've done workout A I've been dreading squats, I was taking just a *smidge* (like 5-10lbs) of weight off and trying to work on my form and struggling - leaving each session feeling frustrated.

    Today I was like, I'm gonna bust out these 3 sets of 10 squats and use GOOD FORM and not worry about the weight. I had to take it down to 55lbs but I did 3 great sets of A2G squats and I felt great when I was done!
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    I hope no one leaves our group here.

    I need yall. Yall smack my butt in place.

    Me too..I am just now getting more comfortable on the board :) and with lifting :) though, I only truly check in at work (4p-12a)...so I always feel I am playing catch-up.
  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    Did my first set of 92lb dead lifts today, I won't lie and say it was easy but it was done!

    Sue, I'm going to be away for two and a bit weeks in September too. I think there is a gym available for the first week but not for the rest, so will be taking running shoes and HRM with me. Perhaps a wee break might be good for us, it's not as though we are going to be inactive.

    I'm with the rest who love cardio, I couldn't do without walk/run days between lifting, it gives me such a high.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Had a little mini-victory today. I'm on stage 1 and I've been struggling with my squats. I started out thinking I was pretty strong at squats (because I run all the freaking time and I'd done Body Pump for months). I think the first session I did just the 45lb bar and quickly moved up to about 75-80lbs.....BUT....I realized my form sucked and at those heavier weights I wasn't getting my butt down very far.

    The last couple times I've done workout A I've been dreading squats, I was taking just a *smidge* (like 5-10lbs) of weight off and trying to work on my form and struggling - leaving each session feeling frustrated.

    Today I was like, I'm gonna bust out these 3 sets of 10 squats and use GOOD FORM and not worry about the weight. I had to take it down to 55lbs but I did 3 great sets of A2G squats and I felt great when I was done!

    It's hard to pull the weight off the bar for good form so I know how big of a deal it is. It's crazy how big of a difference going a couple inches lower makes!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    So, I had some blood work done last week because the last time I got my hair highlighted, a TON of it fell out. I was TOTALLY freaking out. I never lose hair. It's never in the drain or even in my brush. My husband thought it could be from overprocessing (which it totally could have been) but it has never happened before so I just wasn't comfortable letting it go. Anyways, I googled it (man, I'm sure doctors just LOVE the internet ;-)) and realized I had quite a few symptoms of an under active thyroid so I called and made an appt. When I was leaving, she told me she would call with the results and if they were normal, no follow up apppointment would be neccessary. Well, her nurse called and made a follow up. I asked her "um...is it like, bad news?" and she said it wasn't at all but the doctor wanted to go over the different mediciationS (with an S!).

    So anyways, my appointment is early tomorrow morning. I'm super interested in seeing what she has to say. I do hate the possibility of any long-term medication though. Depending on what she says, I may be making an appt with my homeopathic doctor!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    JNH, I'm sure everything will be fine. THyroid conditions are very prevalent in my family, so I was tested in the fall. luckily I only have small nodules, but I KNOW they are there so they can now be watched and I don't need surgery or medication ...yet. My mom has 6 sisters and they all have some kind of thyroid problem, under-active, over-active, tumors, cancer even, and of course nodules. They all lived perfectly fine so long as they were managing their conditions properly, which you are already on the road to doing.You are going to be fine though I can understand the frustration of having to take medications. I won't lie and say that weight control may become an issue. You may see it see saw, but the medications will really help with that.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    JNH, I'm sure everything will be fine. THyroid conditions are very prevalent in my family, so I was tested in the fall. luckily I only have small nodules, but I KNOW they are there so they can now be watched and I don't need surgery or medication ...yet. My mom has 6 sisters and they all have some kind of thyroid problem, under-active, over-active, tumors, cancer even, and of course nodules. They all lived perfectly fine so long as they were managing their conditions properly, which you are already on the road to doing.You are going to be fine though I can understand the frustration of having to take medications. I won't lie and say that weight control may become an issue. You may see it see saw, but the medications will really help with that.

    I was wondering if it was effecting my weight. I mean, I'm thin but I feel like I work REALLY hard to wear a size 12 (but who doesn't feel that way, ya know)?
  • TheGsMama
    TheGsMama Posts: 80 Member
    So, I had some blood work done last week because the last time I got my hair highlighted, a TON of it fell out. I was TOTALLY freaking out. I never lose hair. It's never in the drain or even in my brush. My husband thought it could be from overprocessing (which it totally could have been) but it has never happened before so I just wasn't comfortable letting it go. Anyways, I googled it (man, I'm sure doctors just LOVE the internet ;-)) and realized I had quite a few symptoms of an under active thyroid so I called and made an appt. When I was leaving, she told me she would call with the results and if they were normal, no follow up apppointment would be neccessary. Well, her nurse called and made a follow up. I asked her "um...is it like, bad news?" and she said it wasn't at all but the doctor wanted to go over the different mediciationS (with an S!).

    So anyways, my appointment is early tomorrow morning. I'm super interested in seeing what she has to say. I do hate the possibility of any long-term medication though. Depending on what she says, I may be making an appt with my homeopathic doctor!

    As far as I understand, from my plethora of natural minded health care providers, thyroid is generally indicative of other problems. It's a symptom. I have adrenal issues since the birth of my second kiddo and many of the symptoms are similar. I would see the homeopathic doctor after you have an idea of what the blood work shows. I have been treated for hypothyroid by a naturopath and it was immensely helpful and the reason I was able to get preggo with my first kiddo.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    ebaymommy - great job taking the time to get proper form. It will really help in the long run.

    Runn - I only check in at work too, but it's during the day, not at night.

    jojo - Excellent job on the deadlift!!

    jnh - I lose tons and tons of hair and have had my thyroid checked and everything is still OK with mine. I would definitely make an appointment to see your Naturopathic doctor once you find out the test results. I have never seen one, but have taken my kids when dealing with allergies and eczema and it made a huge difference.

    So my 12 year old is doing strong lifts. He's 5'7" and 153 lbs and is still hanging on to a bit of baby fat. He has tons of muscle and is not fat my any means (he has a 28" waist), but I was hoping lifting would help him lower his body fat a bit and just help him get stronger for football, soccer and wrestling. Anyway, I was helping him with his form last night and he had 120 lb for his deadlift (in stage 4 I think I got to 110 or 115) and I was able to lift the 120 no problem to show him proper form. And of course he, being a pre-teen punk, says "are you sure you can lift that mom?" HA, I showed him! He said the same thing with 65 lbs on the overhead press.
  • laurenmdaley
    laurenmdaley Posts: 40 Member
    Man you guys make me feel whimpy! I sort of re-did workout 1 stage one today, did it last week but then changed up my schedule a bit so decided to just start over today. I was pretty happy with my 40 lbs step ups and 70 lbs seated row, but my squats could only handle 25 lbs while keeping form! I thought that was decent until I started seeing everyone else's weights, damn girls!

    How long did it take you guys to start feeling strong enough to up your weights?
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    JNH-- I recently started thyroid medication. I was started at a super low dosage, and I'm pretty sure it isn't enough. I am really hoping that once the dosage is correct I'll have more energy and start to lose some more weight. It has been such a struggle to lose any weight, and I have tried pretty much every approach. I have been trying learning more about it. It seems like lots of things can influence your thyroid. :-/. Hoping you can get it all figured out.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member

    So my 12 year old is doing strong lifts. He's 5'7" and 153 lbs and is still hanging on to a bit of baby fat. He has tons of muscle and is not fat my any means (he has a 28" waist), but I was hoping lifting would help him lower his body fat a bit and just help him get stronger for football, soccer and wrestling. Anyway, I was helping him with his form last night and he had 120 lb for his deadlift (in stage 4 I think I got to 110 or 115) and I was able to lift the 120 no problem to show him proper form. And of course he, being a pre-teen punk, says "are you sure you can lift that mom?" HA, I showed him! He said the same thing with 65 lbs on the overhead press.

    Funny! Punk kids! Lol!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Jojo, that's a great deadlift. You are moving right along. Pretty soon you will be in the 100's. That was exciting for me.

    Ebay, I don't think I have proper form YET on the doggone squats.

    OK, time for a nsv that I have been keeping to myself. Previous stages I have not been able to perform a barbell squat because of my shoulder injury. WELL, I've been working on them and I up to 75 POUNDS!. I had to bite the bullet and just do it. My son's friend was at the gym one day, and he helped me. We lowered the bar so I could use my entire body to lift the weight off the rack ,AND he found me padding to wrap around the bar to protect my shoulder. I started out with the OLY bar only and quickly progressed to 75 pounds these past couple weeks. This is HUGE for me. I thought I would be forever impaired with that shoulder (nerve injury) but this program has progressed me further than months of physical therapy ever did. My shoulder has lifted somewhat still sags but nothing like before. I still have the winged scapula but I am hoping that improves with time.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Man you guys make me feel whimpy! I sort of re-did workout 1 stage one today, did it last week but then changed up my schedule a bit so decided to just start over today. I was pretty happy with my 40 lbs step ups and 70 lbs seated row, but my squats could only handle 25 lbs while keeping form! I thought that was decent until I started seeing everyone else's weights, damn girls!

    How long did it take you guys to start feeling strong enough to up your weights?

    I made really good progress in everything, except push ups and squats. I really struggle with loading weight onto my squats and keeping form. I'm no where near the other's in squats. BUT, you may be surprised how quickly you move up. That seems to be the case for most here.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Jojo, that's a great deadlift. You are moving right along. Pretty soon you will be in the 100's. That was exciting for me.

    Ebay, I don't think I have proper form YET on the doggone squats.

    OK, time for a nsv that I have been keeping to myself. Previous stages I have not been able to perform a barbell squat because of my shoulder injury. WELL, I've been working on them and I up to 75 POUNDS!. I had to bite the bullet and just do it. My son's friend was at the gym one day, and he helped me. We lowered the bar so I could use my entire body to lift the weight off the rack ,AND he found me padding to wrap around the bar to protect my shoulder. I started out with the OLY bar only and quickly progressed to 75 pounds these past couple weeks. This is HUGE for me. I thought I would be forever impaired with that shoulder (nerve injury) but this program has progressed me further than months of physical therapy ever did. My shoulder has lifted somewhat still sags but nothing like before. I still have the winged scapula but I am hoping that improves with time.

    That's awesome, Mary!
  • bartlett5
    bartlett5 Posts: 29 Member
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Mary - AWESOME NSV!!!!! You are doing great in all your lifts with that shoulder! So great to see what lifting can do for you.