Daily Chat Thread



  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Grumble grumble grumble.

    My back started acting wonky during this morning's workout. I've done so well so far preventing further injury, and I work hard on form, even going lighter on weight just to protect my back. (I have an old herniated L4/L5, some degeneration, and some very mild scoliosis.). I am MAD. Flat out, plain old MAD. It isn't bad, but I am feeling it want to catch. I cut out my last set of RDLs, which I do in place of regular deadlifts. I also had to drop the reverse lunges and did planks instead of the ab stuff.

    Yesterday was my first day of physical therapy for my hip.

    I'm too young for this crap.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    NO panic, allowed, jnh. None.

    suelegal - the numbers I posted were comparing end-of-June measurements to end-of-July measurements. Period. I do have my measurements from end-of-Dec (when I started NROL4W), and I can go and compare what has happened over that 7 month period, if you'd like.

    I can say this....I am down 2 lbs. from Dec. to now. That is *it*. NROL4W is NOT a "weight-loss program". If what you seek is lost weight, this is NOT the program for you - I promise! (Unless, of course, you are overweight/obese to begin with, or were a non-exerciser to begin with....then I think there might be some weight loss along the way, too.)

    This is a program about "changing your shape".

    My shape HAS changed. That is seriously obvious in the pictures I have taken of myself. I have chosen not to post them on mfp....but, maybe I will once the Dec/11 - Dec/12 period has passed. We shall see!

    No Beeps, I was trying to remember when you said you'd measured the last time, that's all hun. The program is seriously about changing shape! Mine has already and I'm not even finished Stage 1! I hope the flabby stuff firms up, cuz I really don't like that stuff, but I'm really afraid it won't.

    I was to do S1 7A this morning but I was out with the girls last night and got home late, so I opted for the extra hour of sleep. Glad I did, too, I would have been grumpypants on 5 hrs of sleep! I'll do 7A tomorrow. Maybe that will give hubs the time to get the bench etal moved out.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Jess, I hope that back of yours eases! You ARE too young for that stuff!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Ladies - back away from the scales!!!! :laugh: Honestly though, it is frustrating to have the scale not move where you want it, but just remember why you are doing this in the first place. It's about changing your body.

    Jess - Hope your back gets better soon. Getting older really does suck! My hips and knees are constantly cracking and popping and making all kinds of great noises (this is especially great in a quiet yoga room). Thankfully I don't have any injuries, but arthritis and degenerative discs run in the family so I'm hoping that lifting will help keep everything together.

    Sue - there have been many mornings over the last couple months that I have chosen sleep over a workout. It's definitely worth it in my book.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,978 Member
    Sue, the winner of the 6-month-ladies challenge (Jan - June) that I participated in - on JP Fitness Forum, is 57. She looked "normal" (to me) when she started in January....maybe fleshy around the middle. By June, she looked ROCK HARD and, standing sideways, her waist was maybe 2" thick....not kidding. So, I have NO doubt that you will tighten up EVERYTHING, now that you are focused and determined.

    I did my 9th Stage 7 work-out. 3 more and I am DONE with NROL4W.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Only ONE more BWM to do!

    That's all.
  • joannezuk
    joannezuk Posts: 153 Member
    Only ONE more BWM to do!

    That's all.

    You are SOOOOO lucky! I still have 2 in this stage, and 4 more the next time around. Good for you!
  • ctacoronti
    Hey Ladies,

    I just wanted to share some awesome news: I did my first ever body weight chin up last week! I've been so excited that every chance I get, I walk outside, grab a tree limb, and do another one. I definitely credit this ability due to this program and the strength gains in my back.

    Also, yesterday, I said "I'm going to try a pull up" (I.e. palms facing away instead of towards my face). And guess what, I did it! Pull ups and chin ups have been huge goals of mine since forever. The only two goals I have left are 1.5 body weight deadlift and body weight squat. I feel confident that I'm moving in the right direction.

  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Wow!! That's stupendous! I so hope to follow in your footsteps!
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    CTA! That is the most awesomest story ever. Both pullup and chinup! GO YOU. I was able to do pullups when I did p90x, but it's been soooo long it seems very much beyond me. I hope I can get those suckers back, because nothing sexies up the back like those bad mamajamas! :)

    Beeps, I'm excited for you! 3 more! 3 more!

    ...i probably have like 100 bwms left. I don't even want to look. Miserable things. Delightful things. Oi. I can't decide.

    I'm a little chagrined about squats these days as I saw a woman who.. probably weighed 135 nailing 245lb squats. Her warmup is literally laughing at my 1 rep max.

    I couldn't remember what I was missing in my workout (didn't bring a sheet, just my notebook), so I did squats (I was missing the arm up, arm down squat, so not too shabby. I probably blocked that awkward thing out) I also did regular bench instead of DB incline because the gym was busy as bejesus.

    Got a squat PR, but it doesn't seem so awesome when I realize that my new 6 rep is that woman's bodyweight. Urrrrgh.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    FunBun, it just goes to show you lifting doesn't make you huge, if a little thing can lift that much! Also- build up to it. Progs like stronglifts have you increasing squats by 2kg each time, 3 times a week, it's totally possible!
    I found the 48kg and 53kg categories of the women's lifting in the olympics a bit humbling, with their warm up weights for overhead stuff being more than my deadlift....

    ctacoronti- that is some unexpected awesomeness! I think we all hope to suddenly do that soon.

    I'm supposed to do WO3 of my 2nd run thru of stage 7 tonight, but there's so much olympics on it's messing with my sched, and i'm staying up too late. I'll probably do it tomorrow pm when i have more time. Cycling in front of the TV is a good alternative!

    I'm am confused by my body composition progress, I am not much changed in weight, maybe 1 or 2 lbs down (this is good, maintenance) and I know i have more muscle, so it stands to reason that I have less fat- not really seeing it. Can't wait to take some pics and measurements in a couple of weeks and get an independent view.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    I just wanted to share some awesome news: I did my first ever body weight chin up last week! I've been so excited that every chance I get, I walk outside, grab a tree limb, and do another one. I definitely credit this ability due to this program and the strength gains in my back.

    Also, yesterday, I said "I'm going to try a pull up" (I.e. palms facing away instead of towards my face). And guess what, I did it! Pull ups and chin ups have been huge goals of mine since forever. The only two goals I have left are 1.5 body weight deadlift and body weight squat. I feel confident that I'm moving in the right direction.


    High five lady! That's beast mode!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I am such a happy camper! I did squats today in my very own SQUAT RACK!!! WOOHOO!!!! I stayed at 50 cuz man after doing them the other way, this is very awkward! But I know I will bump up faster now! I am so excited! FunBun, I'm just ignoring what you said about that little woman and presuming she's been lifting for her entire life! I will get there, well I want to get there and that's the first step right?

    Jen I know I'm way behind you but I sort of feel the same way. Everyone says wow you look grea etc (and I LOVE it)t and I know my body is changing - I'm much stronger and generally more energetic. But I see all that fat that still lays at my waist, arms and my thighs, even my calves. It's so hard to be patient! I keep reminding myself that it took me 25 years to grow all that lovely fatty flab, it's not going to turn to muscle overnight. :sigh:

    So I was looking ahead to Stage 2, and reaslized I'm already doing HIIT. I just need to increase the time I do it. I start out every workout with 10 min on the bike. And here I was all freaked out about it. So do you do HIIT on the same days you lift? Seems to me it would be more beneficial to do it on off days but not sure if that's his intent.

    Beeps, here me cheering you on to the finish line!! Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!

    Hope you all have a spectacular Friday and weekend!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,978 Member
    Wow, some GREAT news on the thread, today!

    Congrats on the pull-ups/chin-ups to CTA.

    TheFunBun, if you use petite-musclehead for inspiration, it's a good thing. You are WELL on your way, believe me!

    Jen - olympics are messing wih my schedule, too.

    sue - if you are *already* getting compliments from people, and you are still in Stage 1, I say HOO-RAY, because something is already working really, really well for you. Keep it up and it's cool to do HIIT throughout (I did) NROL4W.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    So I was looking ahead to Stage 2, and reaslized I'm already doing HIIT. I just need to increase the time I do it. I start out every workout with 10 min on the bike. And here I was all freaked out about it. So do you do HIIT on the same days you lift? Seems to me it would be more beneficial to do it on off days but not sure if that's his intent.

    Yep, optimum is right after you lift, if you have it in you. I'm not sure of the science, but it seems more beneificial to do it like that and have a day off following. Of course life happens and most of the time I ran out of time and did it the next day, but for fitness there are some solid arguments for HIIT right after lifting.

    Good score on the squat rack!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I am puny ladies (tom) and barely have the energy to type.

    Hopefully, next week I'll be back to my crazy encouraging self.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    So I was looking ahead to Stage 2, and reaslized I'm already doing HIIT. I just need to increase the time I do it. I start out every workout with 10 min on the bike. And here I was all freaked out about it. So do you do HIIT on the same days you lift? Seems to me it would be more beneficial to do it on off days but not sure if that's his intent.

    Yep, optimum is right after you lift, if you have it in you. I'm not sure of the science, but it seems more beneificial to do it like that and have a day off following. Of course life happens and most of the time I ran out of time and did it the next day, but for fitness there are some solid arguments for HIIT right after lifting.

    Good score on the squat rack!

    Yes, right after lifting is best -- not that I did it after lifting the entire length of Stage 4 but the next day is a million times better than nothing!

    Manic - it's great being a female sometimes, huh?

    I'm in the middle of my rest week and it's been great!!!!!!!!!!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    (Manic - it's great being a female sometimes, huh?)

    it's fantastic ! Awesome! Amazing!

    UGH! One thing for sure, being a female means I am always right so I'll take a few days of blahs :tongue:
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    My back is feeling better today. I'll do my workout, although I might make some extra modifications just to be safe.

    I've been thumbing thru Rachel's book and the NROL4A book, trying to decide what to do next. I want to lose these blasted 10lbs. I also am feeling really discouraged about my body. Not just the extra fat, but my capabilities. :-/
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Workout done with a few modifications. Only one more workout and I'm on to stage 5!