Daily Chat Thread



  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Yay, 5th workout of Stage 7 in the bag. One more to go! I don't think I'm going to repeat the workouts (there are 6 and you can repeat for a total of 12). As much as I love the moves, I can't stand the high reps.

    My favorite color used to be purple when I was young. Now, honestly I don't think I have a favorite color. I really like teal and burnt orange at the moment, but I'm not attached to anything. I know: I'm boring.

    Rach - I would KILL my husband!!! About a year ago, I had a sleep study done because my husband moaned and complained that my snoring kept him up. I ended up getting a sleep machine - the whole nine -- and it helped. But after I lost weight, the snoring went away. My hubby doesn't do the loud annoying snore, but he breathes really heavy and it's just....well..annoying. I would wear ear plugs if I didn't have to keep the baby monitor on for my daughter. *sigh*

    lcu - soccor sounds like so much fun. They better give you some more playing time, darnit!

    Beeps - you crack me up. Is it wrong that I wish my husband would go on a business trip so I could get a good night's sleep? #luckyou

    jcjs - everything is better with sparkles. :)

    Have a great weekend ladies!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Good morning! Today's QUESTION (spurred by kmsai's post) is: do you have kids?

    I have 3 girls: 12, 9, 7.

    So this am, I did the BW matrix since skipped yesterday and a little yoga.

    Hope everyone has a great workout today.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Good morning! Today's QUESTION (spurred by kmsai's post) is: do you have kids?

    I have 3 girls: 12, 9, 7.

    So this am, I did the BW matrix since skipped yesterday and a little yoga.

    Hope everyone has a great workout today.

    I have 2 steps, a step-daughter and step-son - both grown and married, both have made me a gramma! Love them like my own blood, I adore my grandkids and cannot imagine my world without any of them.

    Answering the Thursday question - yes, Nasson College (a small liberal arts college in Maine that was poorly managed and died a sad death back in the 80s when so many small colleges went out of business)

    And the Friday question - my favorite color is RED!! I wear it nearly everyday. Yes it's changed. As a child and teen blue was my favorite. When I moved to NYC I trended and chose black more often than not and still do often times, however that's mainly because RED looks great with black! :laugh:

    I am done with my first A & B of Stage 5 and I am loving it! GAWD I am so much stronger than I was in Stage 3. Strong enough so I feel the muscles I'm working and can isolate the right ones. I'm a little frustrated because my back and shoulders continue to be my main weakness. I can only pull 75, either in bent over rows or wide-grip pull downs. I suppose I shouldn't complain, I started rows at 40 way back when, and my start for pulldowns was 25. I've improved a whole lot I can see. I'm well satisfied with my flexions and crunches, and I have bumped #s on a majority of the lifts. I don't even mind the BWM, tho I still HATE 120 planks!!!!

    ETA: I wish my husband could sleep in the bed with me again. His wound is healing nicely, they took the vac off and are just dressing it with silver-something whatever it's called. It's only 1/2" deep now (amazing, when he started with the vac it was nearly 4" deep) and he's getting stronger and sleeping better everyday! He used to snore like crazy, but since the surgery hardly at all!

    Hope you all slam it today!
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    I just did a crossfire clinic. WOW. It was so hard but fun. It is something I may consider after I finish NROL4W. But I still prefer lifting. I am going to hurt tomorrow.

    Today's answer, I have a 15 year old son. My husband also has a 19 year old step daughter from his first marriage, not sure what that makes me, her step step mother. However as far as we are concerned we are all family and that's what matters.
  • fratgirl713
    Hey Ladies!!

    I am going to jump into the thread too, better late than never!

    I am just starting stage 2 of the program. I actually started with Rachietuk in another group but had a few set backs with my parents' health and had to take some unexpected breaks. I am going to stick with it this time!

    I am 41 years old, with two children. My son is 5 1/2 and my daughter is 3 1/2, so I have lots of time to fit my workouts in (yeah,right!), thank goodness for the ymca programs and my hubbies home gym. :happy:

    My favourite colour has been blue forever and ever. I went to Mohawk College in Hamilton for X-ray and Ultrasound and I love my job, been doing ultrasound for 18+ years.

    I am looking forward to getting some of my inspiration and motivation from you lovely ladies, so no pressure! lol
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Good morning! Today's QUESTION (spurred by kmsai's post) is: do you have kids?

    I have 3 girls: 12, 9, 7.

    So this am, I did the BW matrix since skipped yesterday and a little yoga.

    Hope everyone has a great workout today.

    I have 2 steps, a step-daughter and step-son - both grown and married, both have made me a gramma! Love them like my own blood, I adore my grandkids and cannot imagine my world without any of them.

    Answering the Thursday question - yes, Nasson College (a small liberal arts college in Maine that was poorly managed and died a sad death back in the 80s when so many small colleges went out of business)

    And the Friday question - my favorite color is RED!! I wear it nearly everyday. Yes it's changed. As a child and teen blue was my favorite. When I moved to NYC I trended and chose black more often than not and still do often times, however that's mainly because RED looks great with black! :laugh:

    I am done with my first A & B of Stage 5 and I am loving it! GAWD I am so much stronger than I was in Stage 3. Strong enough so I feel the muscles I'm working and can isolate the right ones. I'm a little frustrated because my back and shoulders continue to be my main weakness. I can only pull 75, either in bent over rows or wide-grip pull downs. I suppose I shouldn't complain, I started rows at 40 way back when, and my start for pulldowns was 25. I've improved a whole lot I can see. I'm well satisfied with my flexions and crunches, and I have bumped #s on a majority of the lifts. I don't even mind the BWM, tho I still HATE 120 planks!!!!

    ETA: I wish my husband could sleep in the bed with me again. His wound is healing nicely, they took the vac off and are just dressing it with silver-something whatever it's called. It's only 1/2" deep now (amazing, when he started with the vac it was nearly 4" deep) and he's getting stronger and sleeping better everyday! He used to snore like crazy, but since the surgery hardly at all!

    Hope you all slam it today!
    Sue, as always you are awesome. I've had so many steps over the years I just try not get attached. I really liked the last set and my Dad screwed it up as usual. I know how you feel about hubby. Jim was in a separate room for three weeks after his accident. I barely eat or sleep when he has to go away. I sincerely hope Mike heals fast. You devotion is so lovely to witness. I wish nothing but many more years of happiness and health for you both.

    I have 2 boys soon to be 9 and 6. They are my world, and they keep me on my toes. They just amaze me, and genetics are a very special thing lol

    I am a Rutgers' Grad BA and MA. It's funny that it was a hellacious commute when I was there, and now it's in my backyard. I had my boys over there for an event today. Unless he gets a free ride somewhere else (fingers crossed) my nine-year-old may find himself at the graduate school of engineering over there.

    Favorite color is blue. It's my Signature color. Check my pics for the hot blue dress. Blue matches my eyes :bigsmile:

    This is fun, we know so little about each other. though I feel bad for not being on here as much lately. When I am on here it's all me me me. I've been blowing off the gym and eating like crap, ergo I feel like crap. The light has dawned. I can only promise to do better. It's the third quarter doldrums, and my birthday is around the corner along with both of my boys' birthdays. Depressing times.

    Happy lifting ladies!!

    Beeps, my kingdom for a challenge.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Welcome Fratgirl? What part of the world are you from? I notice your spelling of colour.
  • cphaneuf16
    cphaneuf16 Posts: 85 Member
    I have two boys, 6.5 and 3.5. That half year has made a HUGE maturity difference for both of them, so I always include it now LOL!

    I have several favorite colors. Today, I'd have to say green. Purple, orange, and bright pink are others. All in the jewel or autumn tones.
  • fratgirl713
    Welcome Fratgirl? What part of the world are you from? I notice your spelling of colour.

    Hi Samntha! I am in Canada, Ontario to be exact. Thanks for the Welcome.
  • fratgirl713
    I haven't noticed a question of the day yet, so I will ask!

    Do you work out at a gym or at home?
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Hey fratfgirl - I am in ontario, too. London. Though, I would never spell color like you do bcse we moved here about 3 years ago.

    I workout at a gym for my lifting. I run outside, though

    This am, I ran 5.5 miles. Been sitting ever since then. Long drive to my daughters bball tourney and sitting and watching all day.
  • fratgirl713
    Here we go with the small world again,,,,,

    lcu, I am just outside of London! Your daughter must play basketball and not baseball, cuz nobody is playing anything outside yet in this climate. I am so looking forward to springtime.

    I work out mostly at the gym but my husband has a pretty good setup at home if need be.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I haven't noticed a question of the day yet, so I will ask!

    Do you work out at a gym or at home?

    Hey there fratgirl, welcome!!

    I workout at a gym - I did all of Stage 1 at home but didn't have enough room or the correct equipment to continue at home. I like working out at the gym, I go real early in the morning, and see that most of the people there work hard and get going. Me too!

    Beeps, I agree with Sam! Love a new challenge!
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    I have two boys, 6.5 and 3.5. That half year has made a HUGE maturity difference for both of them, so I always include it now LOL!

    Yet another thing in common. I have a 3.5 year old :) and a 10 year old stepson.
    I work out at the gym mostly.

    Got my long run in! It was pouring down rain til about noon today. I was all psyched to run, but the rain and cold made it hard to get motivated.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Kmsai - glad you got your run in!

    Sue - I work from home most days per week, so I like going to the gym to at least nod hello to people.

    Frat - yes basketball. My 12 year old got gold (#1 team in all of ontario!). My 9yo got silver, but in a lower division). Phew, season over!

    So, no workout this am. My body needed to sleep in...

    Ok. Today's QUESTION: is there snow on the ground where you are? We just got a little dusting this am! (I actually love snow, which is not a particularly popular position, now that its spring??? )
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    Okay, I need to catch up! I have two children, an 11-yearl old boy (will be 12 next month), and a 9-year old little girl. They are awesome kids, and I am very blessed to have them! My son started middle-school this year and decided to join the X country team and the long distance track team. He is one of the top runners in his grade, and just broke below the 3-minute mark on his 800 meter sprint! May daughter is a Girl Scout and her troop just met their 4000 box cookie goal! Super proud momma here!

    Yes, there is a little snow here. I said that I wouldn't complain this year because our winter was so mild last year that we had a terrible time with bugs over the summer. I am now to my breaking point, and I want a certain groundhog's head on a plate!! :laugh: I live in the southern US, so it is supposed to start getting warmer and trees are supposed to be blooming right now. I would never make it in the north, I hate cold weather and snow! BLECH..

    We did our Color Blast race on Saturday and had so much fun!! I will be running this race again next year!

    This week starts my last week of Stage 2. I didn't care for this stage as much as Stage 1, so I am hoping that I like Stage 3 a little more.

    ETA: I missed Sunday's question. I do my lifting at a gym, but I do my running at home. I have a dreadmill, but I would rather use the great outdoors. Hopefully later this week! The forecast looks a little better after today!
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Lots of catching up for me!

    Today will be S3A3. I really love this stage. I did a short run Saturday but was plagued with stomach pain for the rest of the weekend (I guess that's what happens when you try and go back to a less strict diet!... never again!) so I wasn't able to get in my long run. That sucks big time because that means I will have exactly 1 long run before my 10K. I'm not too concerned since I know I can run that distance but I'm a bit competitive so I like to have some training backing me.

    Question Answers:

    Kids?: Nope
    Where do you workout?: Both in the gym and at home. NROL is definitely a gym workout for me. Running can be either at home/outside or at the gym.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    i'm kinda running out of challenges to "create"!

    I did start a challenge on another thread....but, it's a "caloric restriction" challenge. So, let me know if any of you heavy lifters are into that!.

    Here's how it works:

    YOU CHOOSE WHAT YOUR WEEKLY ALOTTMENT OF CALORIES IS (we're talking "net" calories here - I don't care if you do/do not "eat back your exercise" calories - they don't factor into the "net").

    To be "accountable", let's post, here, what our "weekly calorie alottment" is, and if you stay within THOSE calories, for the week, GOLD STAR.

    If you are UNDER those calories, for the week, PLATINUM STAR.

    If you are OVER by 1 - 500 calories for the week, SILVER STAR.

    If you are OVER by 501 - 1,000 calories for the week, BRONZE STAR.

    And, if you are OVER BY 1,001> calories for the week, NO STAR.

    (If we use "weekly calories", it works for those who are calorie-cycling - i.e. some lower days and then some higher days when you know you have parties, special events, celebrations, etc.)

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    Could commit to doing this through the month of April....although my other challenge has some women who (like me) are committed to doing it for April AND May.

    Because YOU simply advise what YOUR calories are, for the week, nothing else is recorded besides that.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Wow I missed a lot this weekend! First, catching up on the questions:

    1. I have no kids, just married. We have a cat and a dog and can barely handle them so kids would have no shot in our house.
    2. I lift at the gym and do cardio on an elliptical at home or run outisde.
    3. it IS snowing outside, my commute this morning was terrible, this weather is crap.
    4. O my favorite color is purple. Think eggplant. Everything I can make purple ends up purple from the dog's collar to the blankets on the couches =D

    Did an 8.5 mile run yesterday (getting ready for my 10 miler in two weeks) and have VERY odd hip pain today! I think it is muscular but I've NEVER had this before. Not sure what to do about it and not sure if I can lift later...

    Rachietuk - I've always been interested in crossfit but there isn't a convenient gym near me.

    I'm down for any challenge beeps!