Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    I don't think a straight-leg deadlift and a romanian deadlift are the same thing....but am now unsure. I don't have youtube access at work, so will remain confused through the day!

    livlovra - congrats! I wouldn't start over....I'd just pick right back up where you left off and carry on!

    Straight-leg deadlifts do work my hams and my glutes - but I probably am not lifting enough weight.

    Today, I lift!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Are straight deadlifts the same as Romanian deadlifts? I did those for the first time last week and talk about a glute/hamstring workout. My hamstrings are still hurting.

    Not sure what you mean by 'straight' deadlifts but romanian are different than a standard deadlift and definitely work the hamstrings more.

    stiff leg deadlifts and romanian deadlifts are not the same. the range of motion is greater in SLDL and the knees can bend a bit in RDLs.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    DLs: Yep, what icuconley said. http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/training/rdl-vs-sldl.html
    Liv-congrats! I'd pick back up where you left off but ease into it gently and make sure you're eating and drinking enough.

    Hoping to lift today. Got some cardio in yesterday. The scale is down 0.8lbs today....it's going to be a great Monday!
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    Hi Guys

    I have been a bit quiet after my rest week (definitely needed it). Did S2 B4 yesterday - will do each workout one more time this week and start stage 3 next week.

    Hope everyone has been doing well! I haven't increased my weights much/at all really during stage 2 - is this usual?
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member

    I see... Stage 7 calls for Romanian. Maybe I felt it for the first time because I finally upped my weights. That and 4 sets of 15 reps.

    TOM for me... not motivated to do anything today but eat comfort food and curl up with a good book. Didn't lift. Ate like crap. Oh well...

    I upped weights a little in Stage 2, but the stages are so short, you can't really get too far. Most of stage 2 for me was all about balance and learning those new moves.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    I bookmarked that site on the SLDL v Romanian DL....looking at that, I can say that I've NEVER done the SLDL like that! I've only taken it to mid-calf level!!! But, yes, the Romanian DL feels more like a "squat" to me, frankly.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Hey everyone...so, I did a spin class today and am looking forward to wrapping up stage two tomorrow. How strict are you guys about the 48 hour thing? I worked out at 5p on Sunday, but I want to workout at 5a tomorrow.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Chiming in! We went to Disney World last week. I thought I would surely gain but got on the scale this am. Holding steady.

    Can't seem to get back in the gym though. Too much to do.

    Keep STRONG ladies.
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    Thanks everyone looks like I'll pick up stage 5 this week. Whoop woop
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    This morning was Stage 3 A1, I loved it. My legs hurt, but I really enjoyed this.

    That being said, I am in a strange place right now. I really do have 2 voices in my head (well not really, really).
    2 friends of mine - one has been doing the 3 day diet, has lost close to 30lbs and you can notice it. The other is a cardio bunny and not eating enough, but still the weight is falling off her and you can see it. I am busting my *kitten* and eating what I consider a healthy amount per day. I have not lost much weight the last 10 weeks, although I have lost some inches. But you can't see my results. So voice 1 is telling me to cut back on calories and start crazy cardio again.

    But then voice 2 screams at me for being stupid. Carry on with what I am doing, I know my results will be great in the end, theres no fast easy fix to this, I got fat, I need to work at getting healthy again.

    I will always listen to voice 2, however its hard at the moment. I want my pants to be too big. I want people to notice some changes. I want to see results in my body. And I want it fast. I want way too much, and I know this will pass. But today I want it all!!!!
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    @rachietuk I know how you feel, exactly....I keep in mind what I am going for...a healthy BF% and a smokin body. As the little muscles show themselves I am reminded that if I don't eat enough or burn too much those little bundles of joy I have worked so hard to maintain will get weak and sad looking. I try to remember that I started this book for a reason, keep at it because in the long run, you will come out the victor...

    edit to say, that I don't think it is a competion between friends, but your body will be stronger, faster and leaner
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Hey everyone...so, I did a spin class today and am looking forward to wrapping up stage two tomorrow. How strict are you guys about the 48 hour thing? I worked out at 5p on Sunday, but I want to workout at 5a tomorrow.

    So, I decided to wait to lift until tomorrow. Today I did an interval workout on the treadmill.

    Rachie - hang in there! There is a difference between looking good in clothes and looking good out of them. We are going for firm, not just skinny!

    Manic - did you and your family love Disney world? We've never been.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    lcuconley - just to answer your question anyway: I lift when I can! Ideally I lift M W F, but as my work schedule gets switched SO often it is common that I lift two days in a row. For example, my lifting days this week are Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. I figure I just gotta get it done when I can!

    Did Stage 4B3 today. It was all so exhausted for some reason and the reverse lunge from box with forward reach had me panting and I could NOT use my higher weight today! At least I did it! Finishing Stage 4 is only taking me twice as long as it should...

    I also have a ten miler in a few weeks that I am not at all feeling prepared for. BUT I bought new workout shoes (yes! another plug for barefoot running!) - I got the Merrell pacers dash glove. lovin them so far, first run in them on Thursday night with the puppy.

    Rachie - i totally hear you! Two of my friends just started weight watchers and one of them dropped 5lbs in a week! of course, she wasn't happy when I pointed out it was a lot of water weight. Also, they both are looking noticeably thinner...but they have both been on weight watchers before! so this i weight they have taken off before...which means it will come back again bc they are just on vlcd and not at all paying attention to fueling their bodies (one of them is a long distance runner!)
  • cphaneuf16
    cphaneuf16 Posts: 85 Member
    Snow day here. Tuesdays are my day off from NROL4W and usually too busy to get in any other kind of exercise. But now I have all day available, so I will probably do C25K and introduce an incline so I can prepare for my outdoor 5K next month!

    @rachietuk -- I know! Now that I'm three weeks into this and the scale still hasn't really moved, I find myself itching to do something more to make all this weight go away. NOW. But... I love that I can run up my stairs! I run up almost every single time because I still can't believe I can do it without collapsing into a heap! We're clearing out our basement so we can finish it (and set up some free weights, LOL), and I can actually carry HEAVY stuff across the house! I used to just look at something and automatically ask my husband to move it for me. Now I just grab it and go. WHAT?!?! I'd LOVE to be in a size 14 or lower, but I love even more that I can move the d@mn basement around without help. I'm giddy at the thought of being able to help put up the drywall!

    @ lcuconley -- my husband is following the body weight program from NerdFitness, but only on weekends. Though this past weekend, he ran instead, then worked on the basement with me. It kills me that he works in the same building as a huge fitness facility that focuses on free weights, but doesn't want to check it out (time, funds). I'm going later this week, since he won't! I think he'll catch the bug soon enough. He might even build me a power cage once we make room for it.

    ETA: Oh man!! While I was typing this, my two boys POPPED my exercise ball! They were trying to draw arrows with colored pencils to show which part was the top. Argh! I better go find something to keep them busy while I shower...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    Controversial or not, the calories in NROL4W did NOT work for me. I gained weight (fat) through that program. Truly, I was simply eating too many calories. When I dropped the calories down, and continued weight-training 3 x per week, the fat came off.

    So, be wary of the "EM2WL" philosophy. Unfortunately, it does NOT work for every BODY....sometimes you have to go back to the basics - calories in v. calories out is THE secret to weight loss. And, lifting weights is THE secret to make sure that the weight you are losing, in a calorie-deficit, is FAT loss (and not muscle loss).

    Just sayin'.....
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Cphan, I didn't know those were "poppable" ... ha!

    Beeps, I hear you on your "controversial" view. For 2 months straight I started eating just about everything back and logging simple walks, etc. and I felt like I was forcing myself to eat just because that's what I "should" be doing. No. I cut everything (workout vs. non workout days) by around 200+ cals and I am feeling more myself and my pants are fitting MUCH better now. I hear you that it isn't for everyone. Do I think people should starve themselves? No. But I also don't think eating a lot works for everyone.

    Heyyyyy all! Last night was my second A workout of S3. I love S3. LOVE. It's TOM so I'm headache-y and nothing seems to help but I made it through the workout last night and stuck to my meal plan. I'm hoping I can buck up and get in a 3.5 mile run tonight. The thought of bouncing around with this headache really isn't that pleasant though...
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Rachie, I was there all throughout the program. If you are losing inches, you are moving in the right direction. Losing weight the right way can be frustrating. Its much slower than the yo-yo dieting so people don't notice. Remember you CAN drop inches without losing much weight. I have the same measurements that I had when I was 10lbs lighter before I had my 3rd child.
    However, I will say that when I stall on weight loss/inches loss, I am eating too much. Like Beeps said, the calories in the book are a guideline. It's great to eat to fuel your workouts and prevent muscle loss and the theory of EM2WL WILL work for everyone, but our bodies all operate differently. If you are frustrated and feel like your progress isn't what you want, try adjusting something (lower cals by 100/day, do a little more light cardio on rest days, make sure you're measuring your food exactly, etc). You have to go by what your body responds to and what makes you feel good. Good luck!

    CP, I'm convinced nothing in my house is safe. My kids can ruin ANYTHING!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    We go to DW every year. I need a new vacation spot but I am outnumbered. oldest daughter is down there working in the College intern program so we visited her. Planning another trip in May for son's graduation trip and visit daughter too.

    Yes, Beeps, we both learned eat more doesn't help. I gained 6 pounds during the program. I love the program, but I am adding more cardio and eating less.

    The best compliment I got during the program, a guy walked passed me while I was squatting or deadlifting and said "strongest lady in the gym." :bigsmile: However, I didn't lose weight and my shoulders became wider. I had to increase a shirt size. Hopefully, it evened out my pear shape a little bit.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    I did catch up with "Mia" at my gym, yesterday....I would put her in her early 20's, and I caught her, out of the corner of my eye, probably 2 or 3 months ago...doing NROL4W!!

    So, whenever I see her at the gym, we usually stop and do a quick "chat" before getting back to our work-outs.

    Anyway, yesterday she showed me her Stage 5 progression! She isn't happy having "the body matrix" back, but she was POUNDING OUT THE BIG WEIGHTS because it's only 4 reps. Her one-arm overhead squat was AWESOME! She was using a 15 lb DB on top, a 30 lb DB on the bottom and her squat was SO F'ING DEEP it wasn't even funny.

    She looked GREAT!! And, I stopped to TELL HER SO...........
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,992 Member
    omg @ DW "every year"....there are NO words.

    Thankfully, we are in year 2 of a 5-year moratorium on theme-parks. I hope we stretch it to 7 years, actually....