Daily Chat Thread



  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Yikes, I've missed a lot this weekend.

    I am IN LOVE with my New Balance Minimus for lifting and HIIT. I was just lifting barefoot or in my Nike Free, but these are perfect for me. I bought them last week and I've hardly taken them off. Now I know what I size I wear (had them fitted at the NB store), I will just order them online for like 2/3 the price. Thinking of getting a pair of Trail Minimus for running on our country roads.

    Freezerburn, I am doing Supercharged and it is a perfect transition from NROL4W. It's not so much "design your own program" as much as you adjust it to your level of fitness. I seriously LOVE the workouts and I'm so stinking' tired after each one. They incorporate a type of metabolic training (HIIT and similar exercises) into each workout. I'd probably like any lifting program just because I really like lifting, but I feel you can't go wrong with trying another NROL program.

    KM, Stage 7 is BRUTAL! I seriously thought I was going to pass out on the 3rd set of EVERY workout. The lunges were the worst part for me too. I found myself dialing the weights waaay back on some of the exercises.

    Regarding body issues: Like every teenage girl, I thought I was fat when I weighed 125lbs. Once I was in college and after, I just tried to focus on not gaining weight. I gained 15 lbs in nursing school, but quickly lost it when I graduated. I really didn't have many body image issues until I realized how overweight I had become last year. Now I see EVERY fault. I look in the mirror and see every stretch mark, every cellulite dimple, every fat hump. I think sometimes once we realize we need to make a lifestyle change, we suddenly get very hard on ourselves. I also see pictures of women who have worked for years to get the body they have and compare myself to them.

    I lifted today, but it was one of *those* days. You know those days that everything feels heavier than it did last week and you just want to lay on the weight bench and take a nap instead of lifting? I'm thinking it's a combo of the time change and PMS. So I upped my weights on everything because I didn't want this FUNK to own me.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    I just compared the reviews of Supercharged to For Life and For Life got slightly better reviews. Beeps, which would you recommend out of the two? The one negative I read about Supercharged was that the workouts can be super long. I'm still not sure what I'll do after. Part of me wants to try something totally different. But I also want to learn more about what is happening to my muscles when I lift vs. cardio and what exercises are best for what. It would be nice to not always carry a pad and pencil around the gym, ya know?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    I think supercharged is nearly identical to NROL4Life - except they *aimed* NROL4Life at the "over 50" set (i.e. who is REALLY going to buy THAT??)....so, they re-packaged the formula, called it a sexy name ("SUPERCHARGED") and, voila, people buy it!

    I think NROL4LIfe is a good program - it is well-explained. (i.e. in each work-out, you do a "push" move, a "pull" move, a "hinge" move, etc, etc.) I think I'd do that one, frankly. "Supercharged" is only "10" work-outs....I think (I haven't read the whole book, but THAT IS WHAT IT SAYS ON THE COVER!)

    NROL4Life, you could mix it up forevermore, frankly.

    I am choosing NOT to do "supercharged" at this point in time....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    It is TOTALLY DEPRESSING to read that "body issues" remain sooooooooooooooooo universal!! How sad. This is a sad, sad commentary on the socialization of females, frankly.


    It doesn't make me very excited for my daughter's future, either.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    I started Phase 2 of Venus Index, today. Holy crow, this is gonna be TOUGH. It was 70 minutes long! (And, that does NOT include my 3-minute rowing warm-up, nor my 10-15 minute stretch/rumble roll at the end.)

    Sneaking in/out of work is gonna REALLY stress me out over these next 12 weeks!

    On the other hand, over at the VI forum, EVERYBODY says it is "phase 2" where your muscles really "pop" - good, I'M READY!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I think supercharged is nearly identical to NROL4Life - except they *aimed* NROL4Life at the "over 50" set (i.e. who is REALLY going to buy THAT??)....so, they re-packaged the formula, called it a sexy name ("SUPERCHARGED") and, voila, people buy it!

    I think NROL4LIfe is a good program - it is well-explained. (i.e. in each work-out, you do a "push" move, a "pull" move, a "hinge" move, etc, etc.) I think I'd do that one, frankly. "Supercharged" is only "10" work-outs....I think (I haven't read the whole book, but THAT IS WHAT IT SAYS ON THE COVER!)

    NROL4Life, you could mix it up forevermore, frankly.

    I am choosing NOT to do "supercharged" at this point in time....

    Beeps, I think you'd probably have to read the book to be able to compare them.... I haven't read NROL for Life so I can't say how similar they are. Supercharged sounds similar in that they have you do a hinge, dynamic stability, stability, push, pull, etc. in each workout. Not sure what you mean by 10 workouts. The program is designed to last around 6 months. He explains the program very well...
    I don't know.....so far I like it. But maybe I'm enough of a noob I just bought into the sexiness of the title....:laugh:
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Whelp, it wasn't pretty but I finished Stage 2 last night. I reduced a lot of my weight between 10-15lbs to go easy on the knee and plus with the almost week of not lifting I felt like I barely had the strength that I did. It was frustrating. BUT in hindsight I think that was the best way to go about things.

    I really love my Mizunos so I think it will be hard to go to a minimalist shoe. The Mizunos were the first shoe where I never had any problems so I get nervous to switch. I will go to my running guru and see what he thinks. I know Mizuno makes a minimalist so I could possibly start there depending on what he thinks for fit. In all likelihood I will just stick with my Wave Riders. I hate change, can you tell?! Lol! (FWIW, I lift in a different, more flat shoe and not my runners)
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    Last workout of STAGE 2 A this morning. I really pushed myself and it felt great.

    I have been reading Stage 3 again to get ready for it, I'm excited. I never thought I would get excited about any exercise, so glad I gave this a try.

    There was a new man in the weight section this morning. I caught him staring at me way too much. Now I know he wasn't admiring me - I had bedhead and sweat all over me. I think he was just interested in what I was doing. It felt strange, nobody takes any notice of me anymore. Its the same people each morning, we nod hello and get on with our workouts.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Congrats Rachie!

    Also, that's a good feeling isn't it? ;)
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Holy DOMS!!! I did Stage 4B2 yesterday (yes yes, SLOWLY working my way through stage 4) and I can barely stand up this morning! I really pushed myself yesterday on my weights with reverse lunges and BSS and i can feel the burn!!!!! WOW! With how sore I am I feel like I should look in the mirror and see one toned butt! I was too sore to get up and workout this morning but I have scheduled in some cardio time after work (walking the pup and then elliptical! - if it wasn't horribly raining the pup and i would go on a run)

    LB2LL - I totally understand not wanting change! and if you're shoes are working for you then def don't change! I only suggested the minimalist shoe because it might help with your knee pain!

    Rachie - he was prob admiring the crap out of you working your butt off!!! Sometimes I think people are starting at me in the gym because I am in the only one who pulls out the aerobic step and the weight benches for lunches and stuff...but i don't care lol.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    chubby - I'm sure you're right that I'd have to read both NROL4Life (which I have - cover to cover) and supercharged (which I have only skimmed) to properly compare them. Truth is, I'm not a fan of the "dynamic" warm-up, anyway....I skip-it and just row for 3 minutes to get my heart-rate up. (I didn't like the warm-up in NROL4Abs, either, even though I did it faithfully.) I will say that it seems very intuitive to include a "push", a "pull", a "hinge" etc. Just makes good sense.

    I think it's totally cool that people are noticing you at the gym, rachie. Be flattered....move on...
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Sounds like a few of us are suffering from DOMS today. I am SERIOUSLY SORE. I can barely walk. Gee, could it be the 60 squats or the 60 deadlifts? Hm, I dunno. I'm really astounded at how I'm feeling. This is worse than Stage 6 and way worse than when I first started Stage 1.

    But it hurts so good! I'm excited for the second Stage 7 workout tomorrow. Incline bench press! I've never done one before, so I'm nervous, but excited. Not going to get crazy with the weights since I don't have a spotter. And step-ups are back. YAY! Used to hate 'em. Now I love 'em!

    Congrats Rachie and LB for finishing Stage 2!
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Another Stage 4 workout today! Today was A3 and it was BRUTAL considering how sore my glutes and hammies are! I used 10lb dumbbells (not my usual) for the static lunge with rear foot elevated and i think I was squeaking out loud I was so sore! But I OWNED my FSPP! I haven't been able to up it from 40lbs (the next up is 50lbs) but today I did two fulls sets at 40lbs without wavering!

    The sad news of my day: went to make my usual pre-gym protein smoothie this am and the blade for my magic bullet is missing!!! So now I am starving and going to see if I can find a not too unhealthy breakfast option out in the world. O magic bullet - I can't live without you!

    Hope everyone has a great workout today!
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Em, I REALLY want a magic bullet. I hate whipping out the huge blender on my lifting mornings.

    GUYS... I swear I am accident prone. First unknown knee issue and then last night I was reaching for something in the bathroom after my shower and I slipped on condensation and hurt my bad ankle. I iced/ibuprofened immediately and thankfully there is no swelling or bruising today. It's just mildly irritated and on the same leg as the knee that was giving me issues. This is getting ridiculous!

    I'm planning on starting stage 3 tonight as long as my ankle still feels fine at the end of the day. I'm a bit nervous but I'm looking forward to the change. I'm also going to try better at eating. I've sort of slacked the past two weeks. I haven't been terrible but I could improve a lot upon what I'm currently consuming.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Oh my stage 2 is going to kick my *kitten*. I'm also going to have huge time issues with this stage. Reading it, workout B takes longer than workout A right? It's going to be interesting trying to get them done in my limited time.
    Also the one point row is fun because I have no sense of balance, never have. Half the fun is just getting into position. Top that off with a natural shake and look hilarious to anyone watching. Not that they are.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    yes! get a magic bullet! I SWEAR this is the only other fitness/health thing about which I am a zealot other than minimalist running shoes! I have had a magic bullet for years (I love infomercials, always have!) and it is AMAZING! Not as good as a vitamix...but at about 1/8 the cost - i'll take it! I make smoothies in there every morning! You can usually find them on sale on amazon!

    Re stage 2: don't be afraid to make modifications to make it fit your time crunch. If you don't have a time crunch that is great! I get 60 minutes in the gym and couldn't always do everything so I just made sure to hit the main lifts (maybe I don't do HIIT or the lateral flexion, etc...). lift hard and be proud.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    I think all this "magic bullet" talk is very TIMELY! I'm thinking of getting a Cuisinart 4-cup work bowl....I'm told they make all the 'chopping' a BREEZE! (I hate chopping.)

    Weight-lifting day, today.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Em, I know a few people who have the Vitamix but I just can't justify the cost. I'd like to start making some more smoothies so I should check it out. Also, any good smoothie recipe recommendations are welcome ;)
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    Magic bullet - I use mine lots. Its not the greatest but it gets the job done.

    I have one last Stage 2 to finish. It should be tomorrow morning, however I have to take my son to an early appointment. I think I will do it on Saturday. Sunday I want to go to the gym and go over Stage 3 with the husband. I make him come and look at my moves/form to help me get my head around the new moves. I am not sure if I am taking a week off between stages, I will see how I feel on Tuesday next week - thats my lifting day.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sounds like a few of us are suffering from DOMS today. I am SERIOUSLY SORE. I can barely walk. Gee, could it be the 60 squats or the 60 deadlifts? Hm, I dunno. I'm really astounded at how I'm feeling. This is worse than Stage 6 and way worse than when I first started Stage 1.

    Why are you doing 60 squats for workout 1 of Stage 7? My book only lists 2 sets of 6-8 reps. I hope that was a typo, lol. If not....ouch!

    I'd love to have a Magic Bullet, but I doubt I would use it enough to buy ANOTHER kitchen gadget. I just pull my blender out and put it in "smoothie" mode when I want to make a protein smoothie.

    Thankyou, I did my HIIT on off days when I was pushed for time. Or I would just do it at home later.

    I woke up this morning wanting chocolate!!! TOM is near so I hope this passes quickly. I really don't need another "bad" day of eating. I just made red velvet M&M crinkles and the whole batch is calling my name!!!
    Does anyone else feel like their face hasn't caught up with the rest of their body shrinking? My face is still fat and my double chin doesn't look like its getting any smaller at all:(