Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    omg @ DW "every year"....there are NO words.

    Thankfully, we are in year 2 of a 5-year moratorium on theme-parks. I hope we stretch it to 7 years, actually....

    YES :grumble: Don't get me wrong, I love the place too. But going every year and sometimes twice a year like this year, it has lost the magic for me.

    Tmi: TOM is here. My plans were to be back in the gym today since I have all bags unpacked and laundry done. The fatigue has been too severe the past 2 days to do anything extra.

    OH, update on my back. I've been taking Lodine 2xdaily. ZERO pain in weeks.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Controversial or not, the calories in NROL4W did NOT work for me. I gained weight (fat) through that program. Truly, I was simply eating too many calories. When I dropped the calories down, and continued weight-training 3 x per week, the fat came off.

    So, be wary of the "EM2WL" philosophy. Unfortunately, it does NOT work for every BODY....sometimes you have to go back to the basics - calories in v. calories out is THE secret to weight loss. And, lifting weights is THE secret to make sure that the weight you are losing, in a calorie-deficit, is FAT loss (and not muscle loss).

    Just sayin'.....
    Very true. I eat at a high calorie level but it's still my TDEE. Some people lose doing cardio, I'm not one of them. Sometimes experimentation is he only real way o find what works for you.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    omg @ DW "every year"....there are NO words.

    Thankfully, we are in year 2 of a 5-year moratorium on theme-parks. I hope we stretch it to 7 years, actually....

    YES :grumble: Don't get me wrong, I love the place too. But going every year and sometimes twice a year like this year, it has lost the magic for me.

    Tmi: TOM is here. My plans were to be back in the gym today since I have all bags unpacked and laundry done. The fatigue has been too severe the past 2 days to do anything extra.

    OH, update on my back. I've been taking Lodine 2xdaily. ZERO pain in weeks.
    I don't know how people do DW every year. The one year nearly killed me. 3,500 for 5 days. It takes my over two years to save that much. I'm sure I could do it cheaper, but where's he fun in that? We LOVE theme parks. Six Flags GA is practically in our back yard, well less than an hour away. This year we will do a quickie vacation to Bush Garden hopefully. time will tell.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Rach - keep doing what you're doing! I know it must be hard watching your friends drop weight like that. But slow and steady wins the race! I did not follow the New Rules calories. I kept mine at 1550 and ate back exercise calories. I lost weight steadily doing that. I'm still figuring out my TDEE. I don't want to believe it's "only" 1800, but given my age and height, I may have to accept that reality. I don't think I can eat more to weigh less either. So far at 1600-1650/day, I've plateaued. :-/ I found that I lost more JUST doing lifting and not a lot of cardio too, btw.

    I go into the office one day a week -Tuesdays - and I was determined to run on my lunch hour today. Packed up all my stuff, left my desk at 11:30 to beat the lunch crowd, got to the gym, and realized I had forgotten my friggin running shoes!! It all worked out though. I ended up running at 7:30pm and because it was getting dark, I ran fast (for me).

    I haven't been to DW in YEARS -- since college actually. Have only been there twice in my life. I would love to take my kids, but we haven't been able to afford it. I can see how it could get old every single year though.

    TOM here too. I went crazy nuts eating yesterday. Back on track today thankfully.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Cphan - I always do a 1.5 incline on the treadmill. What are you going to do?

    Kmsair - I am totally with you on not wanting to believe my TDEE is going to decline as I get "older"...it's just going to keep me going on the workout side, I guess
  • cphaneuf16
    cphaneuf16 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm going to start with a 1.0 incline and try 5 or 10 minutes of running to see how I do. I didn't get a chance to try it today. Do you find that 1.5 translates pretty close to outside running?
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    cphan - that is what I have heard. However, I can run SO much faster on a treadmill, I am not so sure.

    great wrap-up to Stage 2 today. I felt really strong. Hopefully, Stage 3 on Friday am. Two kids have basketball tourneys this weekend, so I will be very hard to get to the gym on the weekend.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    I've never been to DW :(:(

    Cphan, I have also heard that about the incline and do it every so often. I think it's more that, very rarely will you run a completely flat run outside so always having a bit of an incline will sort of mimic that. I run quite a bit faster on the treadmill than outside though as well. Also, the pullback is annoying. I'm hoping to start limiting my time on the treadmill once it warms up.

    Today I will be doing S3B2. I am really loving this stage! Last night I was supposed to do a 3.5 miler but TOM won big time. Oh well. I do pretty good on most days so I'm not going to let it bug me. I will get back with the running on Thursday. Plus by then my shoes should be in! Then only two weeks to break in shoes and actually train for this race.
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    Hey, Ladies! Sorry I have been MIA for a while. Still doing Stage 2, but have had quite a bit of personal stuff going on.

    I have a question....I did S2A3 last night and felt a pull at the top of my left knee while doing the lunge. Put on some Icyhot before bed and took some Advil. Still feels pretty tight today and a little sore. Has this happened to anyone else? What did you do?

    ETA: I felt the pull on the knee that was on the bench, not the leg that lunged.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    manic - glad that back pain is done, for you. I had supper last night with a gf who fell, landed on her back, and has been in constant pain since (going on 2 months). She flew to another city, had an MRI, and is going at the end of April to yet ANOTHER city, to have a non-surgical "ozone" treatment and, if that doesn't help her blown disk (it needs to heal...), then she's headed for surgery.

    She is a lifter and has been on NO exercise since this happened - doctor's orders! Now, at least, she can walk up the 6 flights of stairs to her office, but that is IT.

    I think it would be TERRIBLE to just NOT be permitted to do ANY exercise!!

    Anyway, today I lift!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    So, May 30 it is. Write that date down. That is the date that I OFFICIALLY leave the "last 10 lbs" club and join "maintenance".

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Woo Hoo. GO BEEPS!! You go this.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    To all the Stage 3-ers: more power to ya. I hated that stage!! The A workout was cool, but I did. not. like. the B workout.

    I'm kind of ready to finish New Rules. Stage 7 is hard and tedious with the zillions of reps. I lifted this morning (6am - woo!) and completed the 4th workout: 2 more to go and I'm DONE (unless I decide to repeat which I probably won't). It's such a short workout, but I'm so tired after I can't do anything else. So the plan is to run tomorrow (4 miles) and lift again on Friday.

    jcjs - welcome back. not sure what to say about your knee. I had knee issues during the intial stages, but I think (hope?) my muscles and tendons got tighter or maybe my form got better. For whatever reason, my knees are not bothering me. Hopefully you just pulled something and it'll heal up quickly. Of course if it continues to bother you, see your doctor!

    Beeps - Woo hoo for maintenance. You're SO close!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    I'm not sure I'm remembering this correctly, but I REALLY liked Stage 3 and Stage 5 of NROL4W...I think it was 2/4 that wasn't my favourite. And, I did do Stage 7, twice....just to see if I could actually "up" my weights in that second go-round. Mind you, I *never* did the 30-sec rests....my heart was pounding and I pretty much was in the 45-60 sec rest club.

    I *still* haven't finished Stage 6! I only did 1/2 of that stage (suffered an injury - never went back to Stage 6 and just picked up at Stage 7).

    So, what's your plan for post-NROL4W, kmsai??
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    lb2ll - can't wait to join you in stage 3! I am going to get new shoes soon, but i think I am going to try emgel's advice. I would like to try the barefoot thing for both running and lifting.

    kmsai - wow...you are so close!! I hope you hang around like beeps!

    Beeps - May 30. got it!!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    So, I thought it might be fun to start a question of the day in this group to get to know each other better. I will start with tomorrow's question, but anyone can pose a daily question.

    Thursday's question: did you go to college? where?
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Holy crap, there's a whole lot here again! I hope I remember everything!

    Mary, I would die! Every year? I did Disneyland in CA 1 time and that was more than plenty. But I really glad your back is feeling better!! Yea!

    Rachie, I'm 60, and I have a relatively sedentary lifestyle despite lifting 3x/wk. I just don't have time for much more than that so my TDEE is slightly less than 1700 according to Scooby. That's with little exercise. I eat 1500 cals on low exercise non-lifting days and 1800 +/- on lifting days or if I happen to get more exercise in. I have put on 3 pounds or so since starting the program and although everyone tells me that they see a big difference and yes I am in a size smaller pants, I haven't lost loads of inches and I still have a whole lot of fat to convert. I am sticking with this for the time being because I want muscle and I know I have to feed muscle with protein and cals and so that's what I'm doing. The real deal for me is accepting that I'm 60 and nothing does anything fast anymore! Sometimes it's frustrating, but I know I'm doing the right thing for me for right now. I love lifting, I love the feeling of hitting form and moving big weights. It's satisfying enough for me for now. I might change my mind in another month and decide to cut cals, but for now, nope.

    Beeps! Maintenance! How great! I'm so happy for you! And I'm with you, I really loved Stage 3, and now looking forward to Stage 5! I was supposed to start Tuesday but we got wacked with snow yet again! Bleh... But I lift tomorrow! I'm looking over my logs from 3 and getting ready for bed now!

    Sam, I LOVE your profile pic! You look awesome!

    Emgel, your schedule sounds like mine! I think it's great that you get those runs in and still make room for lifting too! I'm not a runner but I sure love to hear about it!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I hated stage 3 & 5. Dang BWM.

    K, you can do it! I did a total of 7 or 8 workouts and decided that was enough. Too. Many. Reps.

    Beeps, wow! That must be an amazing feeling to be so close to goal.

    Sue, you are such an inspiration.

    Sam, you are looking amazing. You are much lighter than me, but I think we are body type twins. It's nice to see there's hope for me!

    Icuconley, good idea. I received my BSN from The University of Oklahoma.
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    Stage 3 B1 this morning. Although I am loving stage 3 so far, A is my fav. The YTWL thingys are tough. I started out thinking, wow, these are nothing and finished thinking, wow, these burn.
    I am feeling stronger with each stage. I will concentrate on this at the moment, and not my inch/weight loss. Of course I need and want to lose inches/weight, but something is working. I pick up heavy things, and it feels great.

    I went to college in England, in the town I lived in. It feels like a long time ago.
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    lcu: Nice idea! I went to college the first time at a branch of the University of Kentucky. I quit because I decided to get married. 16 years later, I'm back! I've almost completed my AA Degree with Transfer and will be attending either Western Kentucky University or Brescia University. When I'm finished, I will have my Bachelors in Business with an emphasis on HR (hopefully before I'm 40..lol!) Still deciding on my Masters....

    I've been in the field for years and have had tons of training, but never the degree to back it up. I'll admit it's been hard, but I get to show my kids a valuable lesson.

    Excited to hear about all the other ladies!! :happy: