Daily Chat Thread



  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    It's lifting day! Going to start Stage 3, and I am really excited! Was looking at the exercises and I think I'm really going to like this stage. I'll update later!!

    QOTD: I am embarrassed to say that I haven't flown since my honeymoon almost 14 years ago. We flew to the Bahamas.
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    Hapy Tuesday.

    Lifted this morning. Everything felt fine in the gym, but now my lower back is killing me. I hope I didn't do anything too bad. Tomorrow is cardio so I will be good for Thursday lifting!!!!

    jcjsjones - I love stage 3, A is my fav. Good luck and have fun.

    QOTD - the last plase I flew was home to England, December 2011. I am going back in December 2013, can't wait to get home again.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    Got in a run this morning. It was tough, but I did it. For some reason, I'm having trouble running these days. Legs are tired and heavy...

    Sue - OMG. I cannot believe you mentioned IRC. I think you're the only person I know outside of my college friends that ever used it. It was totally pre-AOL-chatroom and I used to do it! **geek alert** :)

    I met my hubby on match.com in 2006. We got married in 2008. Last place I flew was Frederick, MD for work about a year ago. I used to train as part of my job, so I got to travel once a month. But now I'm strictly writing procedures. I miss traveling and racking up frequent flyer points. :)

    Rach - oh no. I hope your back is ok. Take it easy!

    Jcjs - Congrats on starting Stage 3!

    Sam - wow, what a cute story of how you met your husband. :) I was trying to imagine marrying the kid I had a crush on when I was 14.... I do sometimes wonder about him. :)

    Cowgirl - you're a woman after my own heart - chocolates, Starbucks, and all!

    Beeps - feel better!

    Emgel - sorry to hear about your hip (ouch), but congrats on your 9 mile run. I was supposed to do 10 on Sunday, but just couldn't do it. I was not there mentally AND my right leg was hurting. I'm thinking maybe I need to start stretching a little beforehand and/or walk before I start running. I think I eeked out 6 miles. I don't know what is happening, but running seems to get harder each time I go out and it's making me not like it very much right now. I'm looking forward to this half marathon being over and getting back to just lifting heavy stuff (with a few bouts of HIIT thrown in for good measure).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Look at all you Tuesday lifters! Nicely done!

    I fly all the time....business, pleasure, etc.

    As for my lifting session, yesterday, when I am "tired", I NEVER go into a lifting session thinking I'm going to "bang out" some PR or something. I aim for a "medium" work-out....take my weights down a notch when I am feeling weak-er, or my heart is racing, etc. So, I'm not worried about "injury".

    My cardio-session last night wasn't very good. I wasn't aiming for very much, but my daughter pooped out about 15 minutes in! Then, she just became a distraction to the class as a whole. I made it to the 30-min mark and then kinda thought, "what the heck am I doing, here?? I'm SICK!" So, we packed up and left.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I ate too much last night....so, my appetite must be returning, lol!

    have a great day, ladies!
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Emgel, hope your hip feels better and GREAT job on that run!

    Last night I had a migraine so I ended up doing bike instead of some weights. I'm still not re-doing Stage 3 until Monday. Tonight I will hopefully do a 40 minute tempo run. Otherwise I'm taking it easy this week and doing another 6+ hill run on Thursday to prep for Sunday.

    QOTD: I have never flown and I am terrified of planes.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    QOTD: My last flight was to see family in Utah 9 years ago. That's just sad. Hubby took his first plane trip last year so maybe we'll start flying. (we Drive EVERYWHERE)

    I hit the gym this morning for my first NROLL workout. IT wasn't very tough which means I need to make it tougher. I was doing level 4 exercises for most things except core and power. Those are new moves for me so I backed it off to level 1. IDK I think I want to get into power lifting type stuff. Is it wrong that I want o be able to pick up a grown man and throw him.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    RIGHT, this challenge starts today, lol.

    Sorry for the confusion....I started the "same" challenge, on another thread, one week earlier.

    CARRY ON....

    Phew! Last week's total for me was higher than usual!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    samntha - I think it is an AWESOME goal to want to "pick up a man and throw him"....now tell me, is there a "particular" man that you have in mind, lol!!

    LB2LL - migraines must suck....hope it dissipates quickly!

    I am bailing on my lunch-time walk. I just have NO energy. It's okay, at best it might have burned 100 or 150 calories, so I'll just make sure I dial back my calories by that many and I'll be fine.

    I have a hair appt after work and I can just sit in her chair and vegetate....it will be an early evening tonight!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Ha, pick up a man and throw him... I like that!

    Lifted this morning and still loving this stage but really looking forward to 6! Oh and I've started taking Creatine. There have been numerous artcles that suggest that older people taking creatine and exercising maintain more strength, can help fight osteoporosis and a whole bunch of other benefits. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/donna-mincieli-pti-rd/creatine-supplement_b_1948144.html is just one article, check out livestrong and bodybuilding fo rmore info if you want. I don't know if I should be feeling any effects yet or not, but my YTWLs were spot on today and I didn't just throw the weights around, I controlled them. Might not have anythign to do with the creatine, since I've only been taking it for 5 days, but who knows.

    LB I get migraines too - the just knock me flat on my backside. I have to hide in my bedroom with no noise no light no nothing and hope it goes away quickly.

    Beeps, I know you will take care of yourself, but you know we all will worry about you too. Glad you are feeling better and your appetite is returning.

    Mary Mary, you have been silent for too long!! Where are you?!

    Rach, we're doing the same lifts, just different stages. This is definitely my favorite Stage so far. I am done with 2 full As & Bs. I'm really going to push these next 4!

    My last flight was in January down to FL to do our annual LHS1970 girls gone wild weekend and to visit my pops and sister. I am not a huge fan of flying, but I don't not fly because of it.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Sam, that's a pretty great goal in my opinion!

    Beeps, I can't wait for my next hair cut. It is SO relaxing. Probably one of my favorite things.

    Sue, that was pretty much what I had to do last night. Sitting on the couch didn't help... the only thing that did was sitting in a dark room that was silent. I'm surprised I even fell asleep because the pain was so bad. Thankfully today is better! Just drained.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    More of a self-defense kind of thing. I do work in a city after all. I'd love to take up a combat sport. Really I want to be one of those little girls who walks into the free weight area and bangs out 300lbs. Everyone keeps telling me to stick with NROL to maintain and build strength. I'm sure they are right. But I really do want to go big. I was looking at myself in the mirror at the gym today and I think I've hit "skinny *****" status. Now I want "Ripped chick" status. Does that make sense?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Oh, I had lunch with a friend from HS today. She lives in Europe and I haven't seen her in 10 years though we talk online all the time. Anyway, she was amazed by my transformation, and we spent a good chunk of our time talking about training and fitness. SHe has stalled, and feels she is still too bulky in some areas though she is in fact quite fit. She said I blew her mind when I told her my total body transformation was through weight training alone, and she said I should consider becoming a trainer or instructor. I've toyed with the idea. I'd love to be in a position to inspire other women and help them on their journey to better health and a better self/body image.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Well, samntha, there is NOTHING WRONG with your goals morphing into "strong-man"-type competitor status - so long as you recognize, frankly, what sort of "shape" you end up having?? Meaning: actually being able to bench 300 lbs or squat 500 lbs gets you a particular "look" - and it might be QUITE different than you think. Think of what a (female) olympic body-builder looks like - you know, the gal that can walk up to a 300 lb barbell and do a clean-and-jerk?? They look pretty "bulky" - they don't look like a "fitness model", for example.

    So, I think you just have to figure out what you WANT. And then, GO FOR IT!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    For me, I want to have more of a "fitness model"-type look. So, nope, I can't walk up to a 200 lb barbell and swing it around my head like a broomstick. But, the fitness routines/nutrition plans that I focus on will help me get closer to a "fitness-model" (off-season!) type look than the "look" I would end up with if I could spin a 200 lb barbell around like a broomstick.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    She doesn't look so big to me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8TASSqFUdc (World Record squat)
    Or her http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2eANQYp5GE. I think body type has more to do with how Big someone looks in the end. I freind of my husband coaches a female power lifter. SHe's 5'2'' about 110lb and bangs out over 300 on the regular
    I like this one best http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pM3Qf0sgUN4

    Sadly the diet for competitive body building weather for fitness or for power lifting is insanely strict and regimented. Not sure I could hack that. One of the trainers at my gym is a fitness competitor and she tell tales of eating fish at 5am during her cut cycle. not very appealing.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    samantha - I agree that you don't have to look like a power lifter to be a power lifter. Women can build incredible strength without getting to big. I think a lot of the female power lifters you see simply have a higher body fat over the muscles because their goal is lifting very heavy, not rocking a bikini. I have also thought about a fitness career after I retire from banking...I think it would be fun. In order to progress from skinny girl status to ripped girl status, I think you need to start doing bulking/cutting phases: eat to build muscle (and unfortunately fat) and then cut, hopefully keeping the muscle and shedding the fat.

    LB2LL - sorry you are suffering...hopefully tomorrow is better!

    jcjs - welcome to stage 3! How did you like it? Wow, I can't believe you have not been on a plane in 14 years!

    rachie - how is your back?

    Sue - looking forward to hearing more about your creatine use. I had not heard anything about helping you as you age...might be something for Samantha to look into...

    So, I was very good today. Did not log any excersise, but dragging my suitcase on and off 4 planes counts for something. mahi mahi and steamed veggies for lunch and an EXTRAORDINARY salad from Freshii for dinner. I am still a tad hungry, but I am in my hotel room and I WILL NOT go downstairs for a drink! Running along the lake in the am...

    I fly regularly for my job...went to Des Moines today.
  • fratgirl713
    Wow! One long weekend away from the laptop and I miss so much! My phone app doesn't let me access the message boards, grumble grumble.

    I hope that everyone's hips, knees, backs, noses and heads are on the mend. :flowerforyou:

    LBL, I always found migraines very weather dependent for me. When the barometric pressure is wacky, you just have no chance it seems.

    Everyone else just take it one day at a time and like everybody else mentioned, DON'T OVERDO IT! Baby yourself for a bit and come out swinging!

    Just finished stage 2 workout A3 today. I am not feeling the love for the front squats, I tried a lot of different suggestions from the boards but my wrists still seem to take the brunt of it. I powered through 50lbs though, new PR. I won't be sorry to see them go!

    Questions: Silver car
    : Met my husband in a mutual friend's basement, lust at first sight for both of us. Now together for 16 years.
    : Last plane ride to Charleston, SC. Beautiful City! We were married there and my hubby spent half his childhood there.

    I have the utmost respect for runners. I am one of those people who will only run if something is chasing me, and it better be bigger and madder than me!

    Everyone have a wonderful evening!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    My core is sore. Didn't expect that. However, I will be changing my "hinge" and squat exercises. My legs don't feel like they did anything. I've been encouraged to keep on with NROL for now to build real strength. So I will. Someone on FB just posted a BWM challenge. ANybody down with that. Some of us haven't done it in a good 6 months or more. Not for nothing but I was glad to see it gone with the hopes of never doing it again. The newer metabolic exercises aren't nearly as tough.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Deleted. TMI just random thoughts going through my head.