Daily Chat Thread



  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    good morning all!

    I killed it on my 10k run this am (mile splits: 8:43/9:18/9:10/9:12/9:46/9:43)...can't wait to see what my next lifting session looks like! I would like to lift tomorrow am, but I have soccer tomorrow night and I generally rest Thursday am. It is going to be a crazy weekend, so I think I may have to squeeze it in.

    Samantha - ooooh, I am jealous! What did you have in mind for the BWM challenge?

    QUESTION of the day: do you have a favorite TV show?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    good morning all!

    I killed it on my 10k run this am (mile splits: 8:43/9:18/9:10/9:12/9:46/9:43)...can't wait to see what my next lifting session looks like! I would like to lift tomorrow am, but I have soccer tomorrow night and I generally rest Thursday am. It is going to be a crazy weekend, so I think I may have to squeeze it in.

    Samantha - ooooh, I am jealous! What did you have in mind for the BWM challenge?

    QUESTION of the day: do you have a favorite TV show?
    we're just going for time. Do it after your regular workout just like you wold in stages three of five, and post your time.

    QOTD: it was House. These days... I guess Once upon a time, but I watch Jon Stewart religiously
  • bmstee03
    bmstee03 Posts: 119 Member
    QOTD: I watch a lot of different shows, but only once they come out on DVD. We don't have cable and haven't had it for years - we still don't miss it.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    for those of you that stretch before lifting...food for thought:

    Samantha - I would be up for that if you want to run something...so 2x through and we post a combined time?
    The only show I watch is Daily Show, maybe 1x every other week...its on so late...
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Repeat with me: I WILL get up and work out tmw am. I WILL get up and work out tmw am. I WILL get up and work out tmw am. Since my 9 mile run on Saturday I have been SO tired and sleeping right through my am workout! This is no good! I never workout after work so this makes day 4 of no workout. And I am not even lifting this week! just cardio before the race! oy.

    Sam: I think it would be great to have more female trainers encouraging women to lift heavy! I always watch the trainers in my gym with their clients an am NEVER impressed with what they are doing. I'd love to get a trainer to yell at me to LIFT HEAVIER!

    QOTD: I last flew to Barcelona for my honeymoon. Also, I am an admitted TV lover. It is one of the ways I get myself to do cardio at home - I save my fav shows for only while I am on the elliptical. I love How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, the Colbert Report...basically I like when TV makes me laugh!
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Hello hello!

    Lcu, those are some great splits! Nice work :)

    I'm tired but I have been allowing myself to sleep in an hour for the past two days. I think I do better on 7 hours vs 8 hours. Last night I did a 40 minute tempo run. It wasn't terrible but I definitely felt a little sluggish. That's what lack of training does ;) Tonight I have too much to do and I'm just going to rest my muscles for my 10k hill run on Thursday. I don't know why I get so nervous for races. It's not like I'm going to win it so what's the point?

    QOTD: I don't really watch much TV. It's usually on as background noise, lol. I usually "watch" whatever my husband has on. I do enjoy "Fast N' Loud" though for some odd reason.
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    LB2LL - Good luck with the hill run on Thursday.

    My back is still really sore. I lifted some boxes at work yesterday morning, I am wondering if that was it. I just put in an accident report, I may go to the Dr. to get it checked out.

    QOTD - I have a few, The Walking Dead, True Blood, Bones, Big Bang. We got rid of cable a few weeks ago, and now have Apple TV and Huluplus. So we watch a lot less TV and spend more time with each other and I read more these days too.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sam, I'd say that someone telling you that you should go into fitness is probably the HIGHEST compliment ever! I think that people who have been through amazing transformations like yourself can relate more as PTs. You should consider it.
    I am with you on wanting to be ripped and strong. I guess I want to look similar to Christmas Abbot (http://www.gotceleb.com/christmas-abbott-photos-2012-11-20.html) or Jaime Easton. Probably never happen because I don't want to diet to get that lean.

    No BWM for me. My HIIT and metabolic exercises from Supercharged wear me out. I HATE the BWM! HATE it!

    Icuconely, What a great run! Wow!

    QOTD: Favorite TV show..hmm. I rarely get to watch any lately. Probably "Bones".

    I lift today. Looking forward to more planks and Romanian DLs.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    I am getting sicker.


    So, stayed home from work this morning (but have meetings to attend this afternoon), am downing the tylenol, and am skipping my beloved weight-training, today.

    Am sick of being sick!
    QOTD: Mad Men! And, it returns....
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Rachie - my experience with docs is that they are not the best to go to for back pain. I would recommend a physiotherapist or massage therapist first.

    LB2LL - I definitely do better with 8 hours of sleep. It is so hard to get the am workout AND enough sleep.

    Emgel - "you WILL get up and run tomorrow". Wow...honeymoon in barcelona! I love Spain!

    Beeps - so sorry that you have taken a turn for the worse!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I am getting sicker.


    So, stayed home from work this morning (but have meetings to attend this afternoon), am downing the tylenol, and am skipping my beloved weight-training, today.

    Am sick of being sick!
    QOTD: Mad Men! And, it returns....
    Oh Beeps, feel better quick. Let your body do it's thing.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Holy Hannah, I finally got a question into Alwyn during speed coaching. He told me to get a coach. WOW.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I am getting sicker.


    So, stayed home from work this morning (but have meetings to attend this afternoon), am downing the tylenol, and am skipping my beloved weight-training, today.

    Am sick of being sick!
    QOTD: Mad Men! And, it returns....

    I probably shouldn't tell you this, but my IT consultant has been sick for a whole month. Started out with what seemed to be a fast 24hr flu, seemed better, then wham, down for the count. He ended up in the hospital because he was dehydrated and unable to eat. Only just now beginning to feel well enought to work

    Please take care!!

    Sam, I thought the same thing, I've never seen the women trainers at my gym out on the weights floor, and I've only seen a few women lifting, only 1 lifting heavy like me. I'd be a good trainer!

    FYI some body weight exercises - Turbulence training has a whole series of them - you can find them on YouTube. So does Nerd Fitness! When I'm feeling "lazy" and don't want to go over to the gym, I'll sometimes do those.

    I'm not much of a TV "watcher" my husband likes all the science shows and sci-fi and some of those silly reality shows. My all time fav is Twilight Zone, followed by Friends. I seek them out. Oh and I like the old CSI with Grissom and Warrick.

    Em, you and I will be lifting together tomorrow morning! Meet you here after, ok?
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    I watch too much tv. I am a sucker for all of the Real Housewives aka trash tv, but am currently obsessed with Downton Abbey. Watched two seasons thru Netflix and now I'm jonesing for season 3.

    I made up my own lifting routine at the gym today. Even did some prone jackknives! NSV: they didn't hurt!! Also did some HIIT.

    I'm on DH's iPad and its too hard to type...so I will save shoutouts for tomorrow.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, get better and take it easy! So sorry you're still sick!

    K, I am a Downton Abbey lover too. Way to go on the jackknives!
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    Hey, Ladies! Been a super crazy week at work and school, so I've been unable to lift so far this week. It's also Spring Break for my kiddos, so they have been home as well. Only had time for quick walks or bike rides. I am hoping that I can hit it hard on Saturday!

    QOTD: I probably watch too much TV, but usually on weekends when I have more time. I don't think I could ever make it without my DVR..lol! My favs are Big Bang Theory, Mad Men, Revenge, Castle, and Duck Dynasty (reminds me of my family members, and who doesn't love Uncle Si?).
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    QOTD: What was the last book you read?

    Dang I forgot to answer my own question (forehead smack)
    I'm currently reading Book one of the Game of Thrones, and I'm reading "anything He wants" by Sara Fawkes. Total chick porn, but I LOVE 50 Shades.

    Heading to the gym for my second Lifting for Life workout. Zumba was good last night. We had a sub but it was the good sub. Just why is it that the instructor always wants to emphasize the part of my body that hurts the most? Yesterday I had serious DOMS in my core, which was kind of cool. Were we lunging and squatting? NO we were twisting and crunching, ugh.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Good morning ladies!!

    the last book I finished was Wild, by Cheryl Strayed. I really enjoyed most of it. Have you ever read her "Dear Sugar" columns?...google it, they are awesome if you like advice columns.

    Sam - sounds like a great Zumba class!

    jcjs - keep fitting in what you can!

    kmsai - cool that you made up your own routine...with PJKs!!

    beeps - how are you doing today...any better?

    sue - after you retire from law, you can leverage your fitness expertise!
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    I tried to edit my earlier post to answer the QOTD, but apparently you cannot edit a post an hour after is has been posted? That seems a little silly to me...:ohwell:

    QOTD: If we want to get technical, I am currently reading Accounting 1 for Business, The Book of Logic, and Basic Public Speaking..:laugh: There is no reading for fun during school, no matter how much I LOVE to read. :grumble:

    The last books I read for fun were NROLFW and The Hunger Games (At my son's request. I was surprised at how much I liked them!). I was only able to finish the first 2 HG books before the spring semester started, but I fully intend to read the 3rd this summer. I also have Water for Elephants waiting for me on my Kindle Fire.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Sam that sounds like a great workout!

    Beeps, feel better already will ya?! ;)

    Yesterday was a rest day, I had to run and pick up something an hour away and drive back so there was no time to workout. I also had a nasty headache again... definitely work/stress related and I feel it creeping back today. I need to fight it because tonight is my last hill run before the race on Sunday. I NEED to get this run in to feel better about the whole race in my head. Completely psychological but I need it.

    QOTD: The last book I finished was "Grand Delusion - A Jacob Burns Mystery" by Matt Witten. I pretty much exclusively read mysteries and thrillers. I get bored otherwise. I would like to start venturing into other genres.