Daily Chat Thread



  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    Beeps - feel bvetter.

    LB2LL - I hope you fight it and have a great run tonight.

    I took another rest day, my back is so much better, but I can still feel a little pain. Who would of thought I would be mad because I couldn't work out....oh how things have changed!!!

    QOTD - I just read A discovery of Witched and Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness. She has not finished the 3rd book yet which is frustrating as I hate to wait for anything.
    I am now reading a Lee Childs book, can't remember which one.

    jcjsjones - Water for Elephants is one of my fav books.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    I was still completely fevered last night....but, with tylenol, I feel a bit better and am at work because staring at the ceiling (i.e. not sleeping when I'm fevered!) is boring me to death.

    I have a luncheon today. So, no exercise.

    Am desperate to exercise, though....hopefully I can lift (even a little bit!) tomorrow and get my cardio in on Saturday. Will then aim for a BRAND NEW WEEK on Monday - hope to feel better.

    Because of being home sick, yesterday, I finished my book club book - Ann Patchett's "Patron Saint of Liars". LOVED IT!
  • RalphthePutz
    RalphthePutz Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Ladies! I just finished workout B1 Stage 1 (not sure about the nameing - anywho it's the 2nd workout in stage one) and am drinking my shake. I've been immersing myself in the Nrol4w and EM2WL for the past week to essentially brainwash myself and hopefully fuel some new good eating and workout habits. I've got to say - if I didn't have MFP to track everything - I'd be eating all the crap all the time like I used to (as in 3 weeks ago) lol. My hubby has been lifting for quite a while (all his life) and he's just staying out of my way - I think he's afraid anything he does might derail my new lifestyle. I've done all the calcs and think my calories are just where they need to be - but can't stand the fact that I have to wait and see. I want to know my numbers are all right, right now!!! Moving on.
    Can I just say - I thought I would hate the deadlifts - but don't. And I knew I would hate the lunges and they are just as bad as I remember. Need to get a bigger swiss ball - I'm way too low for the crunches.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Last book I read was Cloud Atlas. Saw the movie and hoped the book would be better (it wasn't).

    Really needed to run 4 miles today, but it's cold and rainy and I'm not the type that can run in the cold and rain (just ain't happenin'). I could go to the gym, I suppose, but I just want to curl up by the fireplace and stay warm. The weather has been so weird. One miniute it's gorgeous, sunny, and warm. The next it's freezing and yukky.

    Ralph -- congrats! I was so afraid of deadlifts before I started, and now they are my absolute favorite thing to do. Have fun with it!

    Jsjc - I loved the Hunger Game series. I read it "just cuz." :)

    Rach - glad your back is feeling a little better. I hate when our workout plans are thwarted!!

    Beeps - that book sounds good. I'm going to check it out!

    LBLL - what exactly does your hill run consist of? It sounds hard. I don't really have much of a training plan other than to run a few times/week (with one being HIIT) and do a long run once a week. I always like hearing about tempo runs, hill runs, etc. and what all it involves. Kudos to you for doing it too! I'm sure you will do great in your race.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Km, my tempo runs are constantly increasing until I hit half marathon day. Right now I'm up to a 40 minute tempo. I typically do a 10 minute warm up then increase to race pace or a bit below for 10 minutes then do increases every 5 or so minutes. I then do a 5 minute cool down which is at my warm up pace.

    My hill run is outside. There is a road that's a few miles long that is chock full of rolling hills. Where I start the run from has sharp inclines and after the rolling hill road there's about a mile of flat and then it's back to some moderate hills until the finish. It hurts and it's hard but it's great. On the treadmill I like to switch it up and do gradual inclines to about 12-15 (obviously my speed is MUCH slower during these) and go back down to flat where I will do a 1-2 minute sprint. I haven't done one of those in awhile.

    Yikes this was long...
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Hi all - just made myself an aweseme stir fry for lunch! light on the protein, tho. I had the eggwhites out, but was just too hungry for that extra step.

    kmsai - I work with someone who says "there is no bad running weather, just bad running clothing." Do you have some dryfit running gear to keep you warm and (relatively) dry? My hubby got some for me about 5 years ago when I first started running and its awesome. You have proven that you are good at following a program...you should get a running program going!

    ralph - welcome! you are on your way!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Ok, now that was a workout. 2x15 @ 85 for Deadlift. I even surprised myself with that one. I did get some stares when I was doing my inverted rows though. I'm hoping they were staring at my deltoids popping from my tank. Oh yeah take that boys lol I did the BWM as my metabolic workout today. First run was 3:13 and second was 3:54. I didn't dry heave, but I did have to sit down for a few minutes because my legs were shaking so bad. My best ever was 2:32. I was actually shocked when I looked at my stop watch because it felt way slower.

    As a side note I really need to stop eating fast food. Even though I choose low calorie options, the food doesn't stay in me long enough to be of any nutritional value. ALso, I will NEVER go commando at the gym again! I had to wrap my sweatshirt around my waist before leaving.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Ha Sam! I can never pull of the commando thing either.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    here I am!!

    Starting over today and it was brutal. 24 body weight squats almost caused me to pass out. I did 24 (total) lunges with 10 pounds in each hand because my pride was hurt.

    I tried something different. The first round of Nrol4w, I did cardio last. Today and future workouts I will do cardio first. I hate getting on the treadmill/elliptical when I am physically spent. My goal this time is to lose fat. After I lose the fat I will increase the lifting and less cardio. What do you think?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    what does "commando" mean in this sense?? (Just no panties??)

    manic - I think you'll be spending precious energy that should be spent on LIFTING on the dumb cardio machines....that's what I think.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    How fast can I down a diet coke so that:

    a) my tummy feels REALLY FULL; and
    b) I won't make dumb food choices??

    Bets?? Anyone??

    (I'm under calories quite a bit this week, given how sick I've been - and I want to step on the scale tomorrow and see some AWESOME number....but, if I start shoveling food into my gullet, like I want to right now, this WHOLE SICK THING will have been an UBER-waste!)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    what does "commando" mean in this sense?? (Just no panties??)

    manic - I think you'll be spending precious energy that should be spent on LIFTING on the dumb cardio machines....that's what I think.
    God I love Diet coke, I had to ban it from the house but that doesn't stop me from hitting a damn drive through. At least then I'm only having one instead of four even though the cost for 1 is the same as a damn 2 liter. Lots of water Beeps, feel better :(

    Commando is no panties what so ever. I didn't do laundry and said eh what the hell. Never again.

    By the Way SIZE SIX. Yes I dropped from an eight to a six (same brand) and I LOST ZERO SCALE WEIGHT!!

    Mary, I am burning fat like it's nobody's business. All I've been doing through March was NROL4W stage 1, 2 lifting session a week 1 cardio session a week while eating at max calories. In fact I wasn't even tracking my calories, or even eating very clean for that matter.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    yeah, Sam! You are burning more calories due to the increased muscle and less fat!!:drinker: :love:

    If I ever get there...........
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Beeps - 45 seconds.

    Samantha - congrats on size 6!! Every time we have a party, i enjoy the diet soda for days, but I work from home, so I can't buy it for me...I will drink a six pack a day, easy. I always go commando at the gym....were your pants too sheer?

    Manic - I think you should always do what is more important to you first. For me, that is lifting. I run a mile to warm up and then lift. I totally am with you on being spent after lifting. On top of that, I often run out of time. Maybe do your cardio on a different day?
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    what does "commando" mean in this sense?? (Just no panties??)

    manic - I think you'll be spending precious energy that should be spent on LIFTING on the dumb cardio machines....that's what I think.

    but but BEEPS! :tongue:

    i didn't lose weight last time or fat because I didn't do much if any cardio. WHy is it when I say I am in, I want junk food and to eat like crazy.

    Ok, I posted this on my diary but no one answered. So here's my stupid question, Do you measure the beans only and no juice? I measured beans only tonight since they have the calories then added some juice.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    what does "commando" mean in this sense?? (Just no panties??)

    manic - I think you'll be spending precious energy that should be spent on LIFTING on the dumb cardio machines....that's what I think.

    ditto on commando and Mary Mary, I agree with Beeps. LIFT! LIFT heavy!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I wear a skirt to work out in . Can you imagine if I went COMMANDO!!:noway: The poor young men in there. It would be like seeing their momma.:bigsmile:

    Anyway, I am feeling the soreness. getting up from bed tomorrow will be a challenge!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Manic I think you did it right with the beans. A lot of people have success with nrolfw w/o cardio, but you must control your cals and the junk food!
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    I have a lot to think about and consider this weekend. I am not happy with my results. In the 3 months I have been following NROL4W I have not lost any scale weight, my body fat goes down a little but then back up. I have lost maybe 2 inches from my waist and a little from other places. I still have a lot of fat to lose.
    Now I do know that my eating has to change, and I have partied way too much the last few weeks. That is changing starting today.

    I workout in the mornings, this is what works best for my family, so I want to keep to mornings. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays are lifting days, Wednesdays and Saturdays are cardio.
    For me to lose the fat I need to make more time for cardio, lifting is not enough at the moment. However I do not have time on lifting days to do any cardio.

    I am considering finishing stage 3, then taking a break from NROL4W (this thought does make me a little sad). We have everything I need to do stronglifts at home. So I have to make the decision.
    Cardio 3 mornings in the week and 1 weekend day. Lifting - Stronglifts 3 evening per week at home. Working out at home in the evenings is fine for my family, so this will work.

    If I do this, I will come back to NROL4W, as I do really like it, I'm just not sure if this is the right time for me.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    LOL, @ commando! I've always considered doing it at the gym, but I have this horrible vision of my pants coming down while I'm doing jump squats or something. No one wants to see THAT.

    Mary, have you considered just doing HIIT with every workout instead of steady state then maybe just walking on non-lifting days? Good luck with whatever you decide!

    Rachie, I hope you chose to stick with NROL4W. I would contend that lifting IS enough to lose fat (it certainly was for me). Eating at a deficit is what makes the difference. But I understand the need to explore all your options.