Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    manic - once you start working on "posing", you'll find ways to stand to minimize hips - and take photos of THAT and feel GREAT about your progress!! (This is what *I* do. Yes, it is "smoke and mirrors". No, I don't care.)

    runzalot - you've been consistent and your progress pics will show it - EMBRACE the progress photos!

    I ate poutine for lunch.....and, that'll be about the last thing I can shove in my mouth today. Except for (lite) beer. MORE BEER!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Maniac and Breeze, great progress. Mary, that's wonderful belly loss.
    I only loose fat when I lift. Also, it's near impossible to build muscle on a deficit. You just burn fat covering the muscle you have (cut cycle) You build muscle on a surplus (bulking) This is why my 5'3'' zumba instructor/fitness competitor weighs 170 but looks 110

    I went to zumba tonight for the first time in a few weeks. Couldn't hit the weights this morning because I was babysitting for my cousin. I missed zumba, but it gets really confusing when two instructions will use the same song with different moves lol
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Beeps, I want more than "smoke and mirrors". I want it all . :bigsmile:

    Thanks, Sam. Yeah, the belly fat was quick to go. It doesn't feel like it at the moment. I am anxious to see what next month brings. I measured my arm. TWELVE INCHES! that can't be right. RIGHT?

    Runz, can't wait to hear your progress.

    Sue, what about you? Have you been measuring?

    UGH! 3 days before TOM and I really did a number on my calories and carbs. 3 cookies and 2 cups of Golden Graham cereal, spaghetti, and an enchilada today!! I didn't log all that. I am not interested in knowing the damage right now. AT least I'll have the energy to lift tomorrow. :ohwell:

    It's way past my bed time. Good night all.

    OH, and Beeps? .......... I just looked at your pics. I see slimmer hips and smaller bottom. And you were NOT posing but a full frontal shot and back shot. :love:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I've been getting on the scale every day since I bought new batteries for it and it's killing me :explode:

    I finished my last workout for Stage 2 Workout A.


    ETA: Looks like I forgot to fill in Set 2 for C1, C2, and D2! I did do them and they're the same as Set 1. :tongue:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I still fall over on the one point rows :laugh: Also, I had to modify for horizontal wood chop. I lay on the floor and "chop" with a dumbbell.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Runz, why are you weighing yourself? Don't do that. The variances between day to day will be enough to drive you crazy. You will weigh more after lifting day and at different points in your cycle.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Sam, I think I just like to make myself crazy :laugh:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    can yall see a difference with my clothes on? It's ok. Be honest. I can't see it with my clothes on . But I am NOT about to post pics of me in my underwear.:tongue:

    I haven't been on the scale in 2 weeks! That's a major improvement for me.

    No cardio today. The gym was too hot. Hopefully, the no rest between lifts will be enough burn for the day.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    I think you look slimmer, manic - put on some fewer clothes (bike shorts and a sports bra will do), though....it will be LIBERATING, I promise you! YOU DON'T NEED BAGGY CLOTHES!

    I've stayed off the scale for a couple of weeks, too....yet, I'm still VERY in control of what I'm putting in my mouth. So, I think that IS a step in the right direction, for me. I will weigh myself this week, though, before vacation, so that I have some kind of "benchmark" for what I want to return to.

    runzalot - yay for completing Stage 2!! Awesome job!!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Ha! Beeps, I'm the conservative religious chick. I thought you knew that.

    Anyway, thanks. I think I look slimmer through the hips and of course, that belly fat isn't around my tummy as much either.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Mary, I see a difference. You've made good progress! You're already small- now you look even thinner. I don't bare much skin either. I was raised wearing long skirts and very modest shirts- still dress conservative.

    Runz, the scale is evil.

    I've eaten two days worth of cals today. Been at a women's conference without kids. Yesterday, I finished Hypertrophy I and I did fine food wise. Today we ate EVERYTHING. Biscuits and gravy, croissant sandwich, ice cream, Italian dinner. I've thoroughly enjoyed myself, but will probably fast tomorrow. It was worth it.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone! Such a beautiful day here in NJ. I'm getting ready to go have a late lunch with a friend from MD who is coming up to visit her family near here. Yup, taking the bike and taking the long way! :D

    Did my last Stage 7 #5 workout. I'm quite please - pressed #65 and made #90 on upright rows, increased static lunges by #5, did at least some of my push-ups closer to the floor and with good form, stayed the same with RDLs and increased bent over rows by #5 and did 4 full sets - recently, I've only been able to get 3 sets due to time and energy. I'm happy with those results.

    I am pretty much decided to move to 5/3/1 at least for a little while. 1 compound lift per workout, with as little or as much accessory work

    Have any of you ever looked at Strength Standards? http://www.strstd.com/ It also gives some potential 5/3/1 and accessory work which I am going to use as a guide.

    Cowgirl is right, the scale is evil! So is BMI - I weigh 3 pounds more than I did when I started NROL4W but I'm in 2 sizes smaller and see the change in nearly all parts of my bod! I will take measurements again when I finish #6 on Wednesday. Step away from the scale Runz!

    ...and nice Stage 2A stats!!!

    Yesterday, despite eating pizza, I was well within my cals and it felt real good to know that I can do that occasionally and not go off the deep end. My usual would be to eat not just 1 or 2 slices but 1/2 pie plus breadsticks etc! I'm trying to focus on knowing when enough is enough. I've tried really hard to slow the speed with which I eat (I'm a shoveler from way back!) and give my stomach time to catch up with my head. I can't do lots of small meals, my day doesn't allow it so I tend to have larger meals 2-3x per day. It's very easy to overeat in those circumstances so I'm trying to be more consistent with everything.

    Mary, I see a waist and smaller hips! You have to find some workout pants that aren't so close fitting so you'll feel comfy in them so you can see your improvements! And look at those inches lost! Fantastic!!!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I gained .4 lbs from last Sunday and logged it. However, there's no way that's a true gain. So, who cares.

    I'd feel better if the tape measure would move but it's not :indifferent: Hopefully, the pictures later this week will have something to say.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    MAry, I can see a little difference. It would be more noticeable in a smaller T-shirt maybe :wink: and I don't mean a skin showing type t-shirt either. Also, does it have to be a full pleated skirt? A long straight skirt may show more curves while still being modest. Sorry I'm the last person to be giving fashion advice lol.

    SUe have fun. I need to get out of this house on this beautiful day too. It's a breezy 76.I may need to take a sweatshirt to the park.

    Runz, where are you at in the program now?

    Cowgirl, some days are like that. Life is for the living, glad you had fun.

    Beeps that sounds like a plan.

    I made it to the gym this morning. Very busy for 9am on a Sunday, especially on a beautiful day. I wrecked myself. I walked in tired since I didn't sleep so well last night. I still managed 2x15@105 DLs. My DB BB was with the 20s. I don't feel comfortable going over 25s on those without a spot so I may switch to BB when I'm ready to go over 50lbs. Little more stability with the BB. My wide pull downs were a disappointment. 2x12@75 was my second set. Couldn't quite finish my reps I've been bad and skipping metabolic.

    Oh, question, though I my need to ask a power lifter I know. There was a lady in the gym today that I haven't really seen before. SHe "looked" like a power lifter, totally ripped rocking her weight belt. Anyway, she was doing squats on the smith machine, lifting about 160, heavy but no insane. I did notice that she was barely going halfway down. seemed odd to me. I also noticed that her feet were pretty close together. Looks like a Hack squat I guess except at 90 degrees instead of 45 degrees. Is this a squat variation, or does she "look" like she knows what she doing, but really doesn't?
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    that's my workout skirt with biking shorts underneath. I wear those big baggy shirts to workout in. I gotta be able to move.

    Sunday outfit. Better ? :bigsmile:
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member
    Manic - CONGRATS on the inches lost - WOW!! I hope you are holding your head high and proud!! Good work! I would much rather have inches lost than scale weight loss (though I am happy with both).

    Runz - good job finishing stage 2 :-) I can't wait to see progress pics.

    Samantha - your zumba comments make me want to go. How do you rate it on a scale of 1-10 of fun and calorie burn?

    Cowgirl - your food comments made my mouth water. UGH! Fasting now for wedding 2 weeks away and anything makes me hungry.

    Sue - hope you had a nice ride :-) Congrats on almost being done with nrol4w!

    I just finished stage 1 and excited to start stage 2. I took my measurements home from when I started and tried measuring myself to see the difference. Strangely all of my measurements are larger on both me and my hubby (he is doing NROL for men). We know we are not larger, since we have both shed a few pounds and our cloths are looser. We did not measure ourselves on a workout day. She (the trainer at the gym) just must measure us differently, or maybe shaves off some to make people happy?? Anyway, I am measuring myself prior to stage 2 and noting exactly where I am measuring and hope to have something to share at the end of stage 2 or 3. I can tell that my upper outer thigh/ saddlebag area - one of my biggest problem areas - have lessened. They are definitely smaller, so I know things are moving in the right direction. Plus my hubby says my behind is getting lifted, so GOOD things are happening :-))))
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Maniac, Now that is a beautiful picture! Your progress is showing for sure and so elegant.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    THat sounds wonderful Jewel. You may not notice a huge difference from stage to stage, but there should be a pretty decent difference form beginning to end. As to your Zumba question, it all depends on the instructor. I have one instructor where I average 128 BPM. I started with her, now I pretty much avoid her because at that rate I barely burn 300-400 in an hour. She's a 5. My Friday Instructor Christine, is in the middle. She's fun and it's a decent workout, she's 7-8. I burn about 500 with her. Now Anniely, my Wednesday instructor, is hard-fing-core. Her class in at 9pm on a wednesday and she'll have 70-100 people. She's a 10!! I will burn between 600-700 with her. She is fast-paced and fun. I smile the entire time she is trying to kill me. I hit my max HR almost every time around 165. Moral of the story, you may have to try a few different instructors before you find one you really like :)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    workout clothes and Sunday wear

    Thanks yall but I'm not small. (although, it does make me feel good that yall think so :blushing: )

    Eating wise, today was not a good day. Sundays usually aren't. But adding TOM in makes it much WORSE.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I almost hit my protein goal. Almost. I had a protein shake planned but tossed it. I hate protein shakes.