Daily Chat Thread



  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    Sunshine--glad you are feeling great and are able to lift again!

    Sue + Sam--great attitudes and points. Really trying to get my mindset at that place as well. :)

    Dnamouse--awesome job scoring that squat rack. Have fun with your little ones before they go to Grandma's house.

    I almost wonder if I will do my other AMRAPS...maybe I will just try out phase 2 tomorrow, instead.

    I leave on Thursday with my kids to go to my cousins wedding in Kansas. We will have 12 hour drive to get there, two days there, and another 12 hours to get home before Girl Scout camp starts. Going to be a crazy busy weekend. My kids are freaked out about tornados. It's not something that happens in Montana (very often). I decided not to freak them out more by not showing them my aunt's barn that got hit this weekend.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Hurrah, my two week bloat has gone! Replaced by TOM of course, but I'll take that.

    Been busy at Uni past 2 days so not got to gym. Will go today - think I am on my last hypertrophy workout. Looking forward to the next stage of supercharged!

    AMRAP - I never bothered either!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    at some point this week I'll get back to the gym and restart Basic training 2. The three hour headache, most likely courtesy of this week's heat wave didn't help the cause. ouchie.

    I took my son out for fro yo tonight to celebrate his receiving a math award. Yeah I teach literature, he is definitely his father's child lol.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Marieann, did you try using the timer?

    I've had a good couple of days! Well on my way for 3 points this week :drinker:
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Just dropping in to say hi all! So yesterday I decided I should see a doc about the shoulder, and today, no pain, no twitch no ache, nothing. Seriously?

    I ate an apple today. In and of itself, not a bad snack but I looked at my protein for the day and realized a better choice would have been a protein shake or quest bar. That's the sort of thing I need to think about before I eat! But I had enough cals so I had 2 turkey burgers and that took care of the protein issue!

    I lift tomorrow! Squats, and other stuff. And now I'm going to sleep.

    As Beeps says - BOOM!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Did you ladies check in yester with your goals? :tongue:

    Aye, I never bothered with AMRAPS when I was doing NROLFW either.

    Just coming down off my Zumba high....HRM registered my max. heart rate today at 188!!!
    And I just hit 101g protein again!!
    This Friday am going for my monthly body composition analysis - I am hoping to have added a bit of muscle in my legs...

    Else, I do not like TOM....(sigh)...if only it were transferable...lol!

    Let's lift this ladies!!!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    So, I am home. It has been an exhausting 2-3 days. Tomorrow I rest and back on the workout track Thursday. I figured 2 days in this week and 3 days next week. Summer is not a good time for me. We are always traveling. I 'll be gone again in 2 weeks for 11 days .

    I haven't logged properly. I am sure my protein amounts were in the low 20-30s.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Marieann that's a long drive!

    Beepejaye and Runza keep up the good work

    I never did the am raps either
    I don't like sets with lots of reps

    I had a good session this am- one more and then I start BT 4
    I finally did a complete set of inverted rows - with bent knees but still I felt good about it.

    I am thinking about adding more kettle balls, but I might need to take a class
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    My workout is not going well :grumble:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Oh dear Runzalot, what's happening?

    I am trying to work up the effort for a run today. Last week I ran and hurt for 3 days, lol. But yesterday my new amazing runners arrived - woohoo. Brooks Glycerin 12's - they are so pretty :love:

    They'll make me run faster right?! :laugh:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    I had lunch with Hillary Clinton today.

    Well, me and 800 of my closest "friends".

    HILLARY IS AWESOME! I was SO SUPER-CHARGED when I left the luncheon. Came back to my office and realized I live a totally mediocre life.

    Ate a bunch of chocolate-covered almonds....


    Anyway, back-on-track tomorrow because there is NO way that Hillary did ALL the things she did while shoveling chocolate-covered almonds down her throat.

    Lesson learned.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps, that is beyond cool. What kind of even was it? And I'm sure Hillary has a good snack once in a while. She said her guilty pleasure is chocolate (cop out chick answer lol)

    I went to the gym and did my workout yeahhah! I did the supine hip extension with leg curl my rolling my feet on two dumbbells. OUCH!. Today was hot, yesterday was hot and tomorrow will be hot. Wouldn't be so bad but my students are made to suffer in a building without AC. I had a headache all day yesterday (hence skipping the gym yesterday.)
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Thanks Marie! Def feelin better, thank the lord.

    Beeps - that. Is. Seriously. Cool. I'd have eaten chocolate, too, though.

    Slammed stage 3A today and got the BWM. ladies that is a 90 minute workout ALL DAY.

    Stuck to protein and cals today, too.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Beeps- I ve heard Hillary is awesome- I want to take my daughters to hear her.
    Nice job sunshine and Sam .

    I have only gone running twice and the total running time was less than 7 minutes and my left glute hurts. So I am probably stuck with swimming.

    My youngest asked to do yoga- how can I say no? She is a pretzel.or maybe a rubber band. She can do a split and put her chest on the floor.

    I was off from work and spent most of the day oven shopping. Not my favorite thing- it seems like they should be a little less expensive!!!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Beeps- I ve heard Hillary is awesome- I want to take my daughters to hear her.
    Nice job sunshine and Sam .

    I have only gone running twice and the total running time was less than 7 minutes and my left glute hurts. So I am probably stuck with swimming.

    My youngest asked to do yoga- how can I say no? She is a pretzel.or maybe a rubber band. She can do a split and put her chest on the floor.

    I was off from work and spent most of the day oven shopping. Not my favorite thing- it seems like they should be a little less expensive!!!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Beeps, that luncheon sounds so exciting!

    I've made a terrible habit of overeating these last few weeks :frown:

    I had such a hard time focusing on my workout earlier today. I gave myself permission to do only two sets instead of three and didn't bother with the planks at all. Around 11 pm, I got a wild hair and did the third set. Still didn't bother with the planks.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    I had such a hard time focusing on my workout earlier today. I gave myself permission to do only two sets instead of three and didn't bother with the planks at all. Around 11 pm, I got a wild hair and did the third set. Still didn't bother with the planks.

    I have decided that planks can bite me.
    I think my body can do them but my brain is bored for anything longer than 90 seconds. Sooooooo boooorrred.

    Attempted upping the weights today on the Stage 4 front squat/push press... yeah... got 7 reps done and half the 8th press lol So I deloaded for the next two sets :wink: That was HARD. Shall keep pushing little by little :smile: I seriously LOVE having a real squat rack.

    We're not going to footy training tonight. I made an executive decision after I got soaked in a downpour at school pick up. I'm not going out in rotten weather. Of course, it's not raining now :grumble: Meh. Early dinner and bed again I think - I'm getting old rofl :laugh:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I could do with a motivational speaker right now. And choc almonds.

    Everything I'm doing seems half a**ed. Workouts, study, goal setting.... blah. The only thing that is not half a**ed is my eating.... which in light of the lack of effort everywhere else, could probably do with curtailing. Hmmmm.

    I don't know what it is.... winter? I hate the cold. And yes, I am all out of enthusiasm with study.... exams looming. Many stressful months have ground my determination and motivation down to a mere shred. I am trying to build enthusiasm for the 12km run they do here in Sept.... but I only want to do it if I can beat my previous PB and that seems highly unlikely given my lack of practice and lack of any 'get up and go'. The house is a state - dirty, dusty, needs decorating in areas still. Don't even mention the garden. Sigh. Lifting is still fun, but not managing to get there as much as I would like. And need to actually read the next stage. Strength and Power..... hmmm maybe that is exactly what I need right now. In all aspects of life!!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Marieann, wow thats a long drive! I hope you have a great weekend and don't get hit by a tornado!

    I hated the AMRAPs too. For the next time they come up I might try using the timer but if I still hate them then I am going to skip the rest of them.

    Congrats on getting through the BMW Sunshine! I did it yesterday too. managed to take about 45 seconds off my time but I am still exceptionally slow.

    Pmagnafit, I hope your glute is ok!! I hate getting injured! (although mid BMW yesterday I was kinda hoping for an injury so I could stop!)

    I changed my diary settings the other day since I haven't lost any weight since November. I decided to go with TDEE/IIFYM and now have a goal of 1750 calories everyday regardless of whether or not I exercise. Seems like it should be plenty of food but yesterday evening I had to keep drinking cups of tea to fight off the hunger and today I just had a big breakfast and I still feel starving!! Maybe I have been eating tons of food lately and thats why I wasn't losing! I also think its a psychological thing because I know I can't eat with abandon so it feels like I won't get any food for ages!! Ugh, this better be worth it!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I changed my diary settings the other day since I haven't lost any weight since November. I decided to go with TDEE/IIFYM and now have a goal of 1750 calories everyday regardless of whether or not I exercise. Seems like it should be plenty of food but yesterday evening I had to keep drinking cups of tea to fight off the hunger and today I just had a big breakfast and I still feel starving!! Maybe I have been eating tons of food lately and thats why I wasn't losing! I also think its a psychological thing because I know I can't eat with abandon so it feels like I won't get any food for ages!! Ugh, this better be worth it!

    Turns out I was wrong. Its not hunger. its low blood pressure. now I'm off to find somewhere dark where I can lie down for a while...