Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    jdgro - have you had a DXA scan done?!??!?! Until you have that exact data in your hand, I would question what your bodyfat is....you might be surprised!! I could go into some long-winded explanation that some people, genetically, have more lean body mass to begin with, some don't,e tc., etc. and none of it would MATTER when comparing you-to-you.

    Get a DXA scan done.

    You will be fine.

    Weight-lifting is ALWAYS the answer.

    And, let's face it, if you really do NOT like "the look" you end up with....you can always go back to cardio, cardio, cardio.

    ^^^ what Beeps said. Sue is post-menopausal and a total lifting diva. Sue Boo where are you? If you feel your BF is too low or you are looking "skinny" then eat at maintenance or above. You won't necessarily gain weight, or at least not fatty weight. Like Beeps said, lifting is always the answer, especially in women. What most "cardio queens" do not understand is that they are destroying their bone density and are at greater risk of osteoporosis and bone issues. Weight bearing exercise helps stave that off. My hubby learned that the hard way.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Got to the gym today for a very bizarre zumba class. There was a sub instructor, and gentleman of the Asian persuasion. Had some decent routines, but the man had no sense of the down beat. I had to stop watching him after a while and just look at myself and count in my head. And male instructors always try to "dude" it up and be more hip hop with it. I guess it's hard to maintain your masculinity when you are shaking your hips and what not.

    Second bonus of the day, I passed on my previous NROL books to another woman today. She's is good shape, but wants to build strength. She recently started doing these obstacle races people are now into and needs to develop more pure strength compared to body. She came to the right place :)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member

    Congrats manic- why the bad mood?


    No clue. It's not really a bad mood . It's a don't wanna do anything, tired, lazy, gloomy feeling. Waiting on bloodwork report. Dr checked thyroid levels. Since I was radiated in the neck, I do have a higher chance of getting thyroid cancer or hypothyroidism. Maybe that's the problem??? Or I have the lazy bug.

    YES,our SueBoo is a BEAST! She's da woman.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    I don't know what it is.... winter? I hate the cold. And yes, I am all out of enthusiasm with study.... exams looming. Many stressful months have ground my determination and motivation down to a mere shred. I am trying to build enthusiasm for the 12km run they do here in Sept.... but I only want to do it if I can beat my previous PB and that seems highly unlikely given my lack of practice and lack of any 'get up and go'. The house is a state - dirty, dusty, needs decorating in areas still. Don't even mention the garden. Sigh. Lifting is still fun, but not managing to get there as much as I would like. And need to actually read the next stage. Strength and Power..... hmmm maybe that is exactly what I need right now. In all aspects of life!!
    I am just the opposite. I hate hate HATE the heat...I cannot stand the summer! My perfect day? Cold, dreary-looking, heavy cumulonimbus clouds in the sky and very rainy...aahhh...that is heaven indeed!! :drinker:

    You should go live in England. LOL
    I have...I love it!! Wohoo! Lol!
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member

    A friend (ok, same friend who told me I shouldn't be lifting heavy things lol) invited me to a CrossFit class thing.
    As it was, I couldn't go because it was this morning, we had peeps here, I had to work, and I couldn't afford it lol


    What exactly is CrossFit? I mean, what would a normal session thing be like? Is it a mix of strength and cardio?

    A little confused LOL
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Are you sure this friend is the same person? lol

    CrossFit is pretty bad *kitten*. My sister does it (I can't afford it). They lift some heavy *kitten*. They have different workouts every session - mostly HIIT from what I can gather but when I see ads all I see is pull ups and big plates!

    An old instructor of mine has qualified for the CrossFit masters games in California - I have seen a pic on her FB with what appeared to be a 130lbs bar above her head. She's in her 60's. Freaking awesome.
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Soooo how does one get a DXA scan? What is the cost?

    Manic congrats on cancer free, that's got to be a total relief. Did I hear correctly that the longer you stay in remission,the more future risks go down? anyway I'm so happy for you. As for the bad mood, I guess we all still have life on lifes terms, it's a *****.

    Beepeejaye - you have not lived till you've been to WNY. ... LOL

    Beeps - I guess I must have the same BF % as you, my bod sorta looks like yours :)

    Not a great day yesterday, had a date w a bag of toffee covered peanuts. I'll be paying for that the rest of the week. Grrrrr.

    My problem is I love food of all kinds.

    Jd, depending on your body type I bet you could pack on some muscle maybe not 8% but you could def get a sculpted look. I would kill to have weight to gain, myself. :)
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Are you sure this friend is the same person? lol

    CrossFit is pretty bad *kitten*. My sister does it (I can't afford it). They lift some heavy *kitten*. They have different workouts every session - mostly HIIT from what I can gather but when I see ads all I see is pull ups and big plates!

    An old instructor of mine has qualified for the CrossFit masters games in California - I have seen a pic on her FB with what appeared to be a 130lbs bar above her head. She's in her 60's. Freaking awesome.

    LOL That's what I was thinking about CrossFit - but the video on the site she linked me to... well, it just looked a lot like HIIT with some pullups/monkey bars thrown in - sort of like a slightly more intense pump class, but in an old warehouse. A lot of the people were using just barbells and everyone had their own little sections? I know she is going to a 'mummy' class, so I have no idea what that means :laugh: They'd have to lift me up to the monkey bars or give me a really tall step to climb up on :laugh:

    Ah well, I can't afford it and I need to work, so it's out for me anyway.

    I'll just keep on keeping on in my slow and steady way :smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    jdgro, because i know you, i TOTALLY agree that going by how clothes fit is the RIGHT course of action. (That's what i am doing, too!)

    DXA scans showed me my bone density AND bodyfat per cent. In alberta, it cost me seventy-five bucks to get it done.

    I have very LOW lean body mass fir someone my height (as shown on the DEXA)..... Like 92 or 95 lbs when "predicted" was 105-110! So, a woman, of my height, with genetics of HIGHER lean body mass, would have a much lower bodyfat percentage, but might not LOOK all that different.

    I want a bodyfat percentage under 25.....that means a 10 lb weight loss, from my oct/13 weight, with zero lost muscle. Hard....but i am trying!

  • jdgro
    jdgro Posts: 30 Member
    Beeps, I 100% think that DEXA for you was wrong! There is NO way. I saw somewhere (on some My Fitness Pal board but don't rmeember which) a chart with example pictures of various bodyfat percentages. There is just no way you are what that DEXA result said. Could something really weird have been going on with you with hydration? Like maybe that threw off the results somehow?

    CrossFit -- I have so many friends who are really into this and I have to say, everyone seems to get major, serious injuries, and not just things you might expect as typical for an active life, but "blown out" body parts needing surgery etc. I think there is a very "hoo-ra!" no pain-no gain attitude to just suck it up and be tough so people are pushing through a lot of pain and get hurt. That being said, a lot of these Cross Fit folks are in seriously amazing shape.

    Kids & husband are gone and I am off to play some golf today:-)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    The DEXA scan PROVED that my bone density is EXCELLENT! (on par with a 29-year-old, I think....)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member

    Manic congrats on cancer free, that's got to be a total relief. Did I hear correctly that the longer you stay in remission,the more future risks go down? anyway I'm so happy for you. As for the bad mood, I guess we all still have life on lifes terms, it's a *****.

    My problem is I love food of all kinds.

    YES, my ENT head/neck cancer specialist said " you are finished with this cancer mess". :bigsmile: He's great . He lets me come in whenever I want. He says, " alright, Mrs. Conley, when do you want to come back?" My big milestones were 6 months, 2 years, 5 years, and TEN years. The radiation oncologist still follows me yearly because I was 32 years old and pregnant at the time. He loves me. LOL

    Yeah, I love food too.

    As for the Dexascan, I would say it would be wrong BUT it is the most accurate. Pictures and BMI are not accurate. :frown:
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    CrossFit -- I have so many friends who are really into this and I have to say, everyone seems to get major, serious injuries, and not just things you might expect as typical for an active life, but "blown out" body parts needing surgery etc. I think there is a very "hoo-ra!" no pain-no gain attitude to just suck it up and be tough so people are pushing through a lot of pain and get hurt. That being said, a lot of these Cross Fit folks are in seriously amazing shape.

    i heard this from more than one person too. otherwise i would try it. its expensive by me too like $125-$150 a month. too rich for my blood
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    I totally do NOT believe my DEXA scan was wrong!! Quite the opposite!! It was the bench-mark I was looking for....now I know that I *do* need to lose bodyfat and that is an "okay" message to receive!

    I do NOT need to lose it in "4 weeks" or "12 weeks" or whatever, but, for my own personal goals, I *do* need to lose bodyfat.

    I gave myself a year to do it....and I am more than 6 months into that process. And, I am certainly STRUGGLING with my calorie-intake.

    However, even if it takes me 10 YEARS to get down to <25% bodyfat, who the h*ck CARES?!?!??! It means I have spent 10 years in a TOTALLY AWESOME pursuit! It's not like I am SLAPPING ON bodyfat!! I am TAKING IT OFF!!

    ....and, in the meantime, I keep lifting weights....and I look TOTALLY FINE in clothing. 100% totally fine in clothing and certainly don't "LOOK" like I am 33% bodyfat. So that is A WIN!!
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    jo, sorry to hear you've lost your mojo. It's happened to us all. I just got out of my funk a few days ago. Just keep pushing through, you'll get past it pretty soon. And congrats for getting to S&P, I just started BTIII.

    dou, 1750 is my new cal goal as well. I'm only 5'1, and weighed 130.6 lbs when I weighed in on Sunday. How about you? I'm eating 1650 on non-workout days (and yes, I felt like I was starving) and 1880 on workout days. I also think I was overeating before. Although I've been going with what NROL4W suggested...I think. Anyway, I've cut back this week and am really hoping the scale will budge for this week's weigh in. I've been in a plateau for a few months now and its frustrating.

    manic, congrats on making it to 10 years! Here's to another 10!

    AFM, been meeting most of my goals so far. Except for yesterday. I didn't plan properly and ended up at work with tons to do and nothing to eat. Ended up buying a doritos just to stave off the hunger. Still I was able to keep under calories but didn't meet my water or protein goal. Still, I'm really looking forward to my weigh in on Sunday. I just feel like I've done mostly everything right this week for a change. I hope I don't end up disappointed.
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    Beeps: that Dexa scan blew my mind. Like seriously. If that's 33% BF I'm in trouble. But as always I LOVE your attitude and how you approach your weight loss journey
    Manic: 10 years cancer free! Go head with your bad self! That's absolutely awesome!
    Jo: You can break out of the funk. Even if you can't go pick up the weights anyway. I did! I'm still not in the mood but I got the work out done.
    Sunshine: I've heard this too. I don't know anyone that's done crossfit for any extended length of time without messing up some part of their body.
    Jamaican you got this weigh in!

    I have one additional work out left in my first round of stage 7. I'm going to start another round on Monday. I'm officially down five pounds from my heaviest weight and 1 pound away from my original goal weight. And I've lost half an inch off my waist since I started stage 7! More importantly I'm really noticing a visible change in my body. It's not a small change that I can talk myself out of in a moment of weakness. I really am slimming down. Excited!
    Stage 7 is rough and this is about the time when I start getting bored with the workouts but I'm getting such good results that I don't want to quit.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member

    Manic congrats on cancer free, that's got to be a total relief. Did I hear correctly that the longer you stay in remission,the more future risks go down? anyway I'm so happy for you. As for the bad mood, I guess we all still have life on lifes terms, it's a *****.

    My problem is I love food of all kinds.

    YES, my ENT head/neck cancer specialist said " you are finished with this cancer mess". :bigsmile: He's great . He lets me come in whenever I want. He says, " alright, Mrs. Conley, when do you want to come back?" My big milestones were 6 months, 2 years, 5 years, and TEN years. The radiation oncologist still follows me yearly because I was 32 years old and pregnant at the time. He loves me. LOL

    It's really great news Mary. I remember when I was 14 and went for my ten year check up, the Dr. Said, you're good to go, I never need to see you again." lol I think will go down as just about my mom's happiest day ever :) Early detection ladies. My family may drop like flies when it comes to heart disease, but we know how to kick some cancer *kitten*.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I had a truly fabulous day...with some caveats. LOL.
    Today was Exit Day, it is like a dress rehearsal for graduation/awards ceremony followed by the eighth grade dinner dance, or this case,luncheon dance. I was so proud of our students. Let me tell you how absolutely wonderful they are. Not only were they well-behaved and mostly appropriate, they all just had a good time and included everyone. All students danced and if a "wallflower" was sitting, at some point they would get dragged to the dance floor too. Nobody was left out. The boys were so handsome and the girls all so beautiful. and I ate. THe food was catered and delicious. I very special treat for our city kids who have never seen anything like it. The look on their faces was priceless.

    Then I went shopping after work. I tried to buy shorts. I tried on 20pairs in size 6-9 and only found 2 that I could even get passed my knees. WTH?not even that they were tiny or my butt was hanging out. I physically could not get them up my legs.

    Then I felt guilty about eating so much at the lunch, which I did thinking I was going to the gym. Hubby had to work late and let me know too late to take advantage of child care. Oh welly.

    I'll leave with this NSV: " Mrs. V, you look so beautiful today!" I'll take it.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    SAMBAM! TAKE IT! " You're beautiful . You're beautiful. You're Beautiful. It's True." ( in my not so perfect James Blunt singing voice)
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    It sounds like good news all round!
    Congratulations ladies!! red, keep going!! Manic, congrats!!

    My body comp. analysis went extremely well this morning! My Lean Mass has increased from last month by 2.8lbs!!! % body fat has gone down further, and I have increased muscle in both my legs!! Yayy!! I take monthly progress pics too - just to see where I am at.
    Cannot wait for next month's analysis!!

    So I rewarded myself with three pairs of yummy shoes, right after my monthly relaxing massage.....aaahhh.....

    Lifting was great this morning. I am glad to see that my uptake of protein, and the extra workouts that I dedicate to my legs is working...today I stand at 101g of protein...I will try to keep at it.

    Lift on ladies!