Daily Chat Thread



  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    DNA I loved the chia pudding I made it with blueberries- yum-

    Welcome chasin- this is afriendly group.

    I am still having abdominal pain and my pcp has no idea why.

    Nice work everyone
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    I'm gonna have to try this chia pudding craze :)
    Pmag, I'm sorry for the pain issues. Hope you can find answers and relief soon.
    Welcome Chasing! You'll learn so much from these badass ladies.

    Got back to lifting yesterday. At home, so had to adapt the workout to the equipment I had, but it was worth it to get back into a routine without having to drive all the way to the gym. Also took a lunch hike through a trail right by my work which I think I might make a regular thing. It was a great break from the day.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I stayed awake most of the night because I have pre diabetes. I have the diet and exercise thing all buttoned up just need to decrease my stress...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    ...I am RE-BOOTING my "do what you say you will" (internal) challenge.

    I have pasted, on my jewelry box, the 4 things I am going to DO. I NEED those visual clues to REALLY help me through the evenings. Period.

    Worked SO well when I did it at end of April and beginning of May.

    Hope you all have a super-swell day....sounds like everybody is getting their lifting IN-AND-DONE and that is SUPER-KEY!!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I burned my mouth on Sunday and eating just hasn't been fun :sick:
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    My lifting is done - only did 2 sets though. It's almost tax time and I may be a little behind on my bookwork :ohwell:

    Next week is my scheduled week off lifting! And first week of school holidays lol
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    I burned my mouth on Sunday and eating just hasn't been fun :sick:
    Oh no! Will you be ok? :flowerforyou:

    Just getting off my Zumba high...since I cut out cardio, I noticed that am a bit luggish in class. My heart rate does not go as high...but I am good with it. I will take that, considering the definition am beginning to see on my body...I will lift away!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I burned my mouth on Sunday and eating just hasn't been fun :sick:
    Oh no! Will you be ok? :flowerforyou:

    Just getting off my Zumba high...since I cut out cardio, I noticed that am a bit luggish in class. My heart rate does not go as high...but I am good with it. I will take that, considering the definition am beginning to see on my body...I will lift away!!
    yes, burning your mouth really sucks (and you just reminded me of my first date with my husband :laugh: )
    Bepeejaye, is your heart rate just getting more efficient?
    Beeps, those visual reminders are awesome. You got this.

    I hit the gym after work today, my first half day. 3-4 at the gym is AWESOME and I may either start swimming after lifting or hitting the 4:30 zumba. Got in, banged out my lifting session, got out. Then I spent my entire night baking brownies and cleaning my house. I love high energy week!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Just getting off my Zumba high...since I cut out cardio, I noticed that am a bit luggish in class. My heart rate does not go as high...but I am good with it. I will take that, considering the definition am beginning to see on my body...I will lift away!!
    yes, burning your mouth really sucks (and you just reminded me of my first date with my husband :laugh: )
    Bepeejaye, is your heart rate just getting more efficient?
    Beeps, those visual reminders are awesome. You got this.
    Sam..lol @ your first date with hubby :)
    My hear rate usually goes as high as 189, but this week it only went as high as 180...I think too that it could be because the room is nowadays full - since they cancelled the other Zumba class...and even though it as giant fans and super air conditioned, it can get stuffy.
    ROBINSTL67 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi everyone. I've been watching the conversations and learning from you all for a while, and think I've finally worked up the courage to start this program! I have anxiety about looking incompetent, being in the way of other lifters, etc. I've scheduled time with a trainer at the Y tomorrow evening to show me how to use everything correctly, then I'm doing the first workout Friday morning. I can't wait to get stronger and see what I'm capable of! So thank you all for making me realize I could do this, even though you didn't realize that's what you were doing!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Welcome Robin! And good luck with the workout. I get the fear sometimes too of going into the weights area in the gym but I honesty don't know why. The guys (and occasional girl) in there are lovely and I have been there long enough that now I have chats with some of the lads in between sets. No one has ever so much as looked at me funny.

    I haven't read any of the rest of the thread...too busy...will check back in later.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Aww Runz, I hate that!
    Bepee, yay for definition!
    Welcome Robin! The nerves are normal and will pass. The trick is to act like you belong there (because you DO!) and no one will notice anything besides the fact that you're a new face. Before long, you'll believe yourself :)

    Rainy day and menses are exhausting me today. I lost my oomph lol
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    bepee - you need to throw up some pictures here....I find PHOTOS very MOTIVATING!

    samntha - you can't drop a "like first date with husband" line and then NOT tell the WHOLE story!! Get typing...you gotz you some time!

    Hi Robin!

    WillLift - it is a rainy day here, too....I REFUSE to let it get me down! (Well, it's only day one of rain....if it is the start of a 3-day-er or something, check back with me....)

  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I've missed you all! Reading through this thread is so motivating- something I really need!
    I'm finally home after visiting family and a full weekend of my hobby(singing). It was really fun, but so very, very busy! I haven't lifted since Monday. I'm afraid all the time on the road with fast food has probably caused me to gain a few lbs. I'll lift tomorrow- today is laundry, housework, and yard work!
    Keep lifting heavy things!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Gah, I am SO hungry today. I cannot eat enough. What do you do on days when you are so hungry that you are going to blow over your calories, even exercise ones? I don't really want to work out again. I am trying to just trust in and listen to my body, and make healthy choices, but I am so huuunnnnggrrrrrryyyy....

    Stupid TOM :P
  • 1LadyKate
    1LadyKate Posts: 78 Member
    Robin, I just started too and I go to the Y as well. I did my first workout yesterday and I just went up there with my list. I was looking really lost and one of the guys who works there offered to show me how to do it all. Even though I was really new except for two girl using the bench press no one really paid me any attention. Good Luck to you!

    I am really sore, is there specific moves that you do for the biceps? I found one online but it was only ok. Do you think sitting in the hot tub would help?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Gah, I am SO hungry today. I cannot eat enough. What do you do on days when you are so hungry that you are going to blow over your calories, even exercise ones? I don't really want to work out again. I am trying to just trust in and listen to my body, and make healthy choices, but I am so huuunnnnggrrrrrryyyy....

    Stupid TOM :P
    Please come over my house for bagels and pancakes. We had a graduation breakfast for the kids today and the caterer gave us WAY too many pancakes and bagels. We said food for about 100. so they gave us 100 bagels. I have 15-20 sitting in my dining room and zero space in my freezer, because that's where I put the 50 or so 8" pancakes. Seriously they gave us 8 large shafers of pancakes, enough for each person to have two or three in addition to the eggs, potatoes, bacon, sausage, fruit salad, and donuts. I was a good girl and ate 1 pancake, and about three scrambled eggs, then 1/2 a bagel for a snack. Breakfast at Sam's for like the next month.

    Oh, the first date comment. We went out for pizza. I took a bite, burned my mouth, then the cheese slid off my crust, burning my hands. I flicked the cheese off my hands, onto the table and screamed. It's a miracle there was a second date. However, he and his best friend picked on me about the incident up until my wedding day four years later.

    Tonight, I Zumba!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Hi everyone. I've been watching the conversations and learning from you all for a while, and think I've finally worked up the courage to start this program! I have anxiety about looking incompetent, being in the way of other lifters, etc. I've scheduled time with a trainer at the Y tomorrow evening to show me how to use everything correctly, then I'm doing the first workout Friday morning. I can't wait to get stronger and see what I'm capable of! So thank you all for making me realize I could do this, even though you didn't realize that's what you were doing!
    Welcome Robin! You made me smile.WE all felt a little awkward the first time going into the free weight section. YOu only have go the first time once. Each time gets easier, then before you know it, you'll be the expert encouraging newbies here. Kate, NROL programs DO NOT target specific muscles. Each movement is designed to move as much of your body as possible giving you a total body workout each time. This is how we get away with only lifting three times a week. Maximum effort in efficient time.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Welcome Kate and Robin

    I am going to stick with my BT3 workout for one more week- It is going really well. I am starting doubt th ewhole diet- weightlifting connection. I have been eating less cals ( and mostly liquids) for a week and even though my abdomen feels terrible I am lifting well.
    My front squat last night was 90 lbsx 10 for 2 sets, then 85 lb x 10 for one set ( after a feew with the bar and 12x 75 for a warmup)
    The kneeling cable pull is also going well
    I can't tolerate much cardio just walking makes me have worse pain and nausea.

    Sam- your first date story is great - you obviously made the right impression.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Sam, I'll be there in how ever many hours it takes me to fly to you! I never think of buying bagels but there was a thread on here earlier today about them and I have been craving one since!

    Your first date story is hilarious! You know you have found the right man when he can get passed you throwing melted cheese at him on your first date! :laugh:

    I am so close to finishing stage 3. Tomorrow is my last B workout but I have to repeat the last A workout on Saturday because yesterday i wasn't feeling well in the gym and had to leave early. That means I still have a BWM to do! :grumble:

    I think next week will have to be a rest week before starting stage 4. ill be away for the week and don't think i'll have gym access. I am thinking of doing a TRX class with friends though. Has anyone done one of these? I think it might be too fast paced and therefore too much cardio for my liking.