Daily Chat Thread



  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Bicycling around the neighborhood for an hour wearing HRM - check!
    Protein met today - 104g!! Wohoo!!

    Jd..I do not...they say it is unproven? Lol! I bet there is an equal opposite group to prove its efficacy.
    Re: The bra - do you wear underwire bras? Or maybe your chest is growing out too! Or just the usual weight fluctuation. Do you take progress measurements?

    Wait, brownies? Who said brownies? :drinker:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Sue did you pull 165 for your dls?


    I am going to lift now
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I thought I was the only one who read the main forums for amusement
  • bschoo01
    bschoo01 Posts: 175 Member
    So I finally did it!!! I went to the gym and did my first day of NROL4W! I felt like such a dork walking in with my book and my lifting log lol good thing there was only 1 other person there... I was surprised that even including my 5 minute warm up run, it only took me a half hour to finish the entire workout. Is it supposed to be that quick? I'm feeling really good about this program after reading most of the posts on this thread! I really hope I can stick to this and see some results... I am nervous though because people keep saying they get bloated and can't wear their clothes! Unfortunately I tend to give up if I don't see results :(

    Anyways... I just wanted to say hi! And if anybody wants to be friends feel free to add me! I would love some extra motivation from people who are doing the same program :)
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Welcome to all the new ladies-
    Kate you are very motivated 5 sets - is a lot. It's not wasted effort some time when you are discouraged we will remind you how capable you are.

    Bb if your back still hurts search yoga for a healthy back on YouTube-there are some short ones that can help you feel better.

    Bschool you might be skipping part of the workout
    I bring a binder with workout sheets. And my book. I tried just using memory and I don't increase weight enough over a series of sessions. Don't feel dorky feel good about doing it right!
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Hey, congrats on starting! I found it a natural progression from 2 to 3 sets, although the workout does get longer. Have also found that I can lift more in subsequent sets, so like I'll start off lighter and I'll be able to increase weight on the last couple. Then next time I'll start off with the weight I finished with last time and start increasing again. Something about warm up sets seem to help a lot. As I started to get into higher weights it's almost like I need warm up sets to mentally face the higher weights. Or something like that. :)

    I could see HIIT taking a toll on a person who has been sedentary for awhile. They seem to be very efficient though, and have definitely helped my running pace, etc. Maybe the show is warning people who might be out of shape from jumping in too quickly.

    Man this thread takes off every day, I can't keep up. So great to see all us motivated strong women doing something!

    Sometimes I read the main forums, too. The entertainment value is enough to Give great distraction from my pressure filled job! :))
    Me again! Okay so tomorrow is the day in stage 1 when I switch from 2 sets to 3 sets. It feels like it's going to be a lot. How did most people do this? Like did you do the same amount you did most recently and just bump up to 3 sets rather than 2? I just increased weight this week so arleady feel like I'm pushing myself but then that's what I want to be different about this program: that I **do** push myself.

    Oh BTW anyone ever listen to "Doctor Radio" on Sirius/XM radio? Today the sports medicine show was talking about HIIT and I was shocked that they are all SO down on it. They feel it is unproven, trendy, a fad that will pass, and dangerous. What do you all think?
    ROBINSTL67 Posts: 50 Member
    I met with the trainer at the Y last night and went over all of the lifts for stage 1, and I'm feeling far less awkward about them now. I found it interesting that he said nobody ever asks him how to do dead lifts. He seemed surprised that I wanted to do them. 6 a.m. tomorrow morning I will begin for real!. Have a great Friday everyone!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    So I finally did it!!! I went to the gym and did my first day of NROL4W! I felt like such a dork walking in with my book and my lifting log lol good thing there was only 1 other person there... I was surprised that even including my 5 minute warm up run, it only took me a half hour to finish the entire workout. Is it supposed to be that quick? I'm feeling really good about this program after reading most of the posts on this thread! I really hope I can stick to this and see some results... I am nervous though because people keep saying they get bloated and can't wear their clothes! Unfortunately I tend to give up if I don't see results :(

    Anyways... I just wanted to say hi! And if anybody wants to be friends feel free to add me! I would love some extra motivation from people who are doing the same program :)
    Welcome bschool...when I first begun NROLFW, the first workouts took such a short time as well. I think it is designed that way, then get progressively longer as you go on...I think somewhere in between is a stage that will be very short too.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Congrats on all the lifting SUCCESS stories right on this thread! LOVE THAT!

    I will get my 3rd lifting session of the week in-and-done, today! That's MIRACULOUS considering the past 2 weeks I was stuck at 2 x per week. So, I am verrrrrrrrrrrrrryyy grateful!

    I am also grateful:

    1. it is Friday
    2. we get to go out to dinner to celebrate my mom's bday and my middle son's bday
    3. after which hubby and I sneak off to a hotel to celebrate our wedding anniversary
    4. then my parents LEAVE when we check-out and we actually get a little family weekend WITHOUT company before MORE company (friends...not family....) descent on us.

  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Good morning Ladies, I'm another newbie, I just started Nrol4w I'll be doing my 2nd workout tonight. It looked like it wasn't to difficult on paper, but I'm feeling it in my shoulders. I lucky enough that I don't have to go to the gym since my bf has a power rack at home, now if I could just get the kids & everyone to leave me alone when I workout. I seem to be incredibly shy about being seen while working out. I'm hoping that this workout wil take off extra fat & make me buff lol. I was just curious but are any of you following the diet they have in the book? I looked at it & there is hardly anything I like and I'm not sure if its ok to piack apart the meal to take out things I don't like or just wing it with my own meal plan. Any advice would be helpful, thanks ladies.
  • Semarshman
    Semarshman Posts: 19
    Hi Everyone,
    I am new to this group. I have just completed week 1 of my NROLFW workouts. I also run on alternate days. I am 47, and have been working to get my weight under control for about a year and a half now. I recently had a bad A13 test that results in me being pre-diabetic. I am working to get my sugars under control for a retest in October. To do that I am eating clean, becoming more consistent with my exercise, adding weights to my routine and taking daily vitamins and supplements. I used to lift a number of years ago, and loved it. I don't know why I ever stopped. Anyway, I am glad to be back. I really like the look of this thread. I am sure I will have a lot to learn from all of you with more experience here.

    Nice to virtually meet you all.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    So many new ladies! Welcome!!!!! And don't be discouraged by the scale or bloating. Stick with your CALORIES and you will be happy. If you don't like your results after Stage 1, reassess your CALORIES and go from there. Lift heavy things!

    Beeps, sounds like you've had a very busy month. Great job staying on track despite the chaos.

    Regarding HIIT: I think one has to be very careful that they don't overdo it. It works the muscles in an anaerobic manner. So basically lifting and HIIT affect the muscles in the same way. If you're doing HIIT workouts on your non lifting days, I think one has to be very careful and pay attention to their body. I also think most people don't understand what true HIIT is. Especially when I see them posting that they did 45 mins. But that's a entirely different conversation. I personally do HIIT because it burns a lot of calories in a short amount of time and has increased my fitness level in a way I didn't think possible. But I only do less than 10 mins after my lifting sessions.

    Sam, it sounds like calories were well-used!

    Yes, when I have time to kill, I go to the main forums. Unfortunately most of the comments that newbies make are something I once would have said.

    Pmag, yes, I need to be stretching- thank you for the reminder. I've been doing the Limber 11 routine and it's very helpful for DOMS and flexibility.

    Kate, wow! 5 sets. Ouch.
  • elliebellie78
    elliebellie78 Posts: 41 Member
    Wow, this is a busy group!

    I just had my NROL4W book delivered but than someone else was telling me about the same author - SuperCharged book... now I am wondering if i made a good choice or not?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    I also think most people don't understand what true HIIT is. Especially when I see them posting that they did 45 mins. But that's a entirely different conversation.

    Ain't that the truth....I have other thoughts on HIIT, but maybe that is because I don't practice HIIT.

    In the end, people are gonna do what people are gonna do and it's TOTALLY OKAY to DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU!!

  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Wow, this is a busy group!

    I just had my NROL4W book delivered but than someone else was telling me about the same author - SuperCharged book... now I am wondering if i made a good choice or not?

    If you are just starting heavy lifting, I think NROL4W is a better beginning point. I started with it and it gave me a great "taste" of lifting. I did Supercharged after 4W. If I had started with Supercharged I would've been lost- it's such a great program, but I don't think I would recommend it for a beginner unless you are being coached through by an experienced person. I feel like it's harder to keep track of progress changing exercises so often like the Supercharged program does. As a newbie, I needed to see the steady increases to gauge my overall progress.
    If you're already familiar with heavy strength training, it's a great program. But that's just my two cents.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I cant remember who posted what but here are my responses, lol

    1) The workouts never took me as little as 30 mins.... I'd double check you were doing all the reps etc

    2) NROL4W is a great start. I'm doing supercharged now and it'd be quite hard to start with as you have to design your own workout. In NROL4W, this is done for you.

    3) HIIT - I do this on occasion. It's a love hate. Never used Youtube though, I tend to design my own

    4) Celiac kid? That sucks. I'm celiac..... I manage fine (diagnosed as an adult) but would HATE for one of my my kids to have it for those exact reasons - school/ kids parties etc where they'd have to miss out. That said, GF is a great 'diet' so other than celiac you probably have a really healthy kid :bigsmile:

    I haven't posted much this week - I am sick and buried under revision. I did my first stage 3 workout early in the week but wasn't 100% - will probably repeat and start over next week after exams. I am ditching workouts this week - I rarely say that but I'm needing the revision time and as I'm sick I can make my peace with that. Call it an unannounced 'rest' week. Hopefully my elbow will benefit from it also.

    Lift on ladies..... I'll join you next week :wink:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    So I finally did it!!! I went to the gym and did my first day of NROL4W! I felt like such a dork walking in with my book and my lifting log lol good thing there was only 1 other person there... I was surprised that even including my 5 minute warm up run, it only took me a half hour to finish the entire workout. Is it supposed to be that quick? I'm feeling really good about this program after reading most of the posts on this thread! I really hope I can stick to this and see some results... I am nervous though because people keep saying they get bloated and can't wear their clothes! Unfortunately I tend to give up if I don't see results :(

    Anyways... I just wanted to say hi! And if anybody wants to be friends feel free to add me! I would love some extra motivation from people who are doing the same program :)
    stage one was about 40 minutes for me, so I added a little cardio to make it an even hour. THe later stages and later programs run at about an hour. I think the stages with the BWM (body weight matrix) was about an hour and 15 or so.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Wow, this is a busy group!

    I just had my NROL4W book delivered but than someone else was telling me about the same author - SuperCharged book... now I am wondering if i made a good choice or not?

    If you are just starting heavy lifting, I think NROL4W is a better beginning point. I started with it and it gave me a great "taste" of lifting. I did Supercharged after 4W. If I had started with Supercharged I would've been lost- it's such a great program, but I don't think I would recommend it for a beginner unless you are being coached through by an experienced person. I feel like it's harder to keep track of progress changing exercises so often like the Supercharged program does. As a newbie, I needed to see the steady increases to gauge my overall progress.
    If you're already familiar with heavy strength training, it's a great program. But that's just my two cents.
    What she said and what she said in her previous post too lol. Cowgirl always taking the words out of my mouth.

    HOrmone induced fatigue so there's a couch calling my name. LAter ladies.
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Yes! Cowgirl you explain these things in a really helpful way!
    Wow, this is a busy group!

    I just had my NROL4W book delivered but than someone else was telling me about the same author - SuperCharged book... now I am wondering if i made a good choice or not?

    If you are just starting heavy lifting, I think NROL4W is a better beginning point. I started with it and it gave me a great "taste" of lifting. I did Supercharged after 4W. If I had started with Supercharged I would've been lost- it's such a great program, but I don't think I would recommend it for a beginner unless you are being coached through by an experienced person. I feel like it's harder to keep track of progress changing exercises so often like the Supercharged program does. As a newbie, I needed to see the steady increases to gauge my overall progress.
    If you're already familiar with heavy strength training, it's a great program. But that's just my two cents.
    What she said and what she said in her previous post too lol. Cowgirl always taking the words out of my mouth.

    HOrmone induced fatigue so there's a couch calling my name. LAter ladies.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    So many new ladies joining us...love that!

    I usually lift in Fridays but my older son finished school early today, for the last day, so I just did a half hour of walking and jogging on the treadmill instead. I will lift tomorrow and it's also my cheat day; I am making a chocolate fudge cheesecake :D

    It was a super emotional day for me today so I was glad to be able to fit in some wine and pizza. My son finished kindergarten, his amazing teacher is leaving the school, it's TOM *and* I broke my iPhone....WAH :(