Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    Sooooooooooo, my month-end-June reporting is the lazy-kind....I didn't weigh. I didn't measure. My muffin-top is TOO BIG. The end.

    Soooooooooooo, now that my month of celebrations and company and events is OVER, I can spend July and August truly paying attention to what I put in my mouth, and so I SHALL!

    More water. Protein bars/shakes for the day. 1 x normal-sized evening meal - with protein veggies forming 3/4 of the plate and, wherever possible, skipping the starch. No after-supper food whatsoever. Booze on weekends only.

    By end of July, I should be in good shape and by end of August, I should be ready to actually step on the scale.

  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I get a 2/3. Protein and lifting goals are being met but my calories goals are not.

    We're having guests for dinner tonight. My DH is cooking but I'm making a peach pie from scratch. For the first time. I'm scared. I want it to be beautiful.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Last week was such a busy week for me. It's the end of the school year so lots of admin stuff to take care of, culminating in a Valedictory service yesterday. Thank God that's over, I can have some more time to focus on me for a change.

    In terms of my plan, last week was ok. I had 85% adherence to it, but the late night eating really threw me off track.
    To meet my goals, my plan this week:
    1. 3 days of lifting.
    2. 1 day of HIIT cardio.
    3. 1650 cals on non-lifting days, 1880 cals on lifting days. This averages to TDEE-14%.
    4. 25% of cals should be from protein
    5. 6 cups of water daily
    6. 3 days consisting of 20 mins of stretching
    7. No eating after 8 pm.
    8. Eat 3 servings of vegetables daily. This is hard for me because I hate veggies.
    1. Check
    2. Check
    3. Check(ish). My average was spot on, but didn't do well at the calorie cycling. Ate too much on non-lifting days.
    4. Check
    5. Check
    6. No. Only got in 2 days.
    7. Nope. Had 3 nights of very late eating.
    8. No. There were 2 days where I ate very little vegetables.

    My weigh in yesterday showed a 0.4 lb loss. Not much, but I'll take it. And the inches are still on a downward trend so that's good. I got a lot of looks and nods yesterday at the function, I was looking GOOD if I do say so myself. I think the biggest thing was my confidence. I had my makeup done, had on heels and I stepped like I owned the place :smokin: .

    I'm altering my plan just a bit for this week. I'm introducing another cardio day (it's either that or drop calories and... well... just NO), and I'm hoping to up my protein to 26% of calories. Yesterday seriously threw me off though, because of the function I ate pure junk and barely got any protein. Ah well, it just means that the rest of the week I'm going to have to do some serious damage control.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    robin, I eat cereal like an hour before lifting, and no it doesn't upset my stomach. I did fasted lifting for months and it worked well for me I think. But one day I almost passed out in the gym so I stopped doing it. It could be because I hadn't had much dinner the night before. Not sure. After lifting I drink a protein shake that's like 500 calories(!) in addition to eating my breakfast.

    sam, now you have me worried. I just purchased 2 bras from VS online and the size they recommended (based on my measurements) was actually a cup smaller than what I'm wearing now. Albeit, this is a different brand. I really really hope I don't have to return them since I'm all the way in JAMAICA :grumble:

    redlips, I'm sure you looked FABULOUS. And congrats on wearing that bikini. I just ordered 2 online but i know I'm going to be nervous when I'm to wear them. I haven't worn a bikini in 5 years.

    pudding, you most definitely SHOULD wear one!

    pmag, I hope they can figure out what's wrong, and soon.

    beeps, that's a great plan.

    runz, I'm sure it'll be beautiful, and delicious too!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sooooooooooo, my month-end-June reporting is the lazy-kind....I didn't weigh. I didn't measure. My muffin-top is TOO BIG. The end.

    Soooooooooooo, now that my month of celebrations and company and events is OVER, I can spend July and August truly paying attention to what I put in my mouth, and so I SHALL!

    More water. Protein bars/shakes for the day. 1 x normal-sized evening meal - with protein veggies forming 3/4 of the plate and, wherever possible, skipping the starch. No after-supper food whatsoever. Booze on weekends only.

    By end of July, I should be in good shape and by end of August, I should be ready to actually step on the scale.

    ME too I'm with you beeps. ME and you, lets do this. Seriously, I've really dropped the ball lately. Time to get my head on straight and get stuff done.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    robin, I eat cereal like an hour before lifting, and no it doesn't upset my stomach. I did fasted lifting for months and it worked well for me I think. But one day I almost passed out in the gym so I stopped doing it. It could be because I hadn't had much dinner the night before. Not sure. After lifting I drink a protein shake that's like 500 calories(!) in addition to eating my breakfast.

    sam, now you have me worried. I just purchased 2 bras from VS online and the size they recommended (based on my measurements) was actually a cup smaller than what I'm wearing now. Albeit, this is a different brand. I really really hope I don't have to return them since I'm all the way in JAMAICA :grumble:

    redlips, I'm sure you looked FABULOUS. And congrats on wearing that bikini. I just ordered 2 online but i know I'm going to be nervous when I'm to wear them. I haven't worn a bikini in 5 years.

    pudding, you most definitely SHOULD wear one!

    pmag, I hope they can figure out what's wrong, and soon.

    beeps, that's a great plan.

    runz, I'm sure it'll be beautiful, and delicious too!
    Copying just to ditto what she said. Red, congrats on the bikini and what Beeps said is dead on, and I have to remind myself sometimes too. I haven't put mine on, I'm stalling.
    Jamaica, I think you'll be fine. I hadn't bought a bra there in 7 years.

    Soooo, I tell my husband about the whole bra thing, and ask, "What do you think do they seem any different to you?"
    "Well your *kitten* is bigger so your boobs might be as well."
    Thanks babe, love you too. I would totally hate him if it weren't for the fact that's he's right. I measured, my *kitten* is bigger and not in a good way....and I'm up like 10lbs since April. No wonder I couldn't get anything to fit. No more blowing off the gym...except for today.

    Today has been a real *kitten* day, please allow my rant if you will.
    Last night hubby pissed me off by saying my *kitten* is fat, great. Today I get to work and get a text message from bank fraud depart and go on to find out that someone got my debit card number and cleaned me out for 1200, my rent for the month. Then jerk husband goes on to start an argument and blame me because hey it was my card. I'm passing in the gym tonight because my youngest has therapy tonight, though I may steal his appointment so I can have a proper freak out. If I go to the gym I am liable to throw a dumbbell into someone's head if they look at me cross-eyed. I also just spent the last hour making doctor appointments for tests I pray I can pay for by then. (God willing I get my money back by then). If I don't get my money back I will have given up four weeks with my kids to work summer school for nothing.

    I'm a hot freaking mess.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    That's terrible, Sam! I wouldn't be in the mood to go to the gym either.

    My peach pie real pretty. I'll post pictures later. Getting ready for dinner guests is a LOT of work!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    samntha14: --->>>"ME too I'm with you beeps. ME and you, lets do this. Seriously, I've really dropped the ball lately. Time to get my head on straight and get stuff done."

    ^^^ I AM A BRUTAL TASK-MASTER. Sooooooooooo, if you want me to be the BOSS OF YOU, I accept.

    meanwhile, I NEED A BRUTAL TASK-MASTER....if you are up for the challenge, sam, then have at 'er! I will permit myself ONE "maintenance" (i.e. NOT binge, NOT blow-out....but a true "M" day) day PER WEEK. Otherwise, it is "deficit", baby.


    (Also, I skipped my work-out today to go for lunch with a gf....gawd....)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    I'm passing in the gym tonight because my youngest has therapy tonight, though I may steal his appointment so I can have a proper freak out.

    ....I think you NEED a "proper freak out"....GO FOR IT!

    I skipped the gym to put *kitten* in my pie-hole!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW, THAT, is LAME.


    Anyway, tomorrow is JULY and TOMORROW, we play BY THE RULES. And we EAT LESS and we MOVE MORE and there are NO EXCUSES, BABY!
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Good morning all! Very cold this morning - I may need to dig out a beanie for the early starts.

    Last week was a 3/3 :happy: Lifted, drank water and am keeping to my low caffeine. Although that last one is a struggle some days :yawn:

    And there was a reason why I made this week a rest week - the kids are keeping me on my toes LOL I'm not counting down the days until they go away to my parents... much :wink:

    Next week I'm back into it hardcore. Trawling my way through Fitness Blender to get some ideas to incorporate some HIIT and cardio back into my routine. And trying to empty the garage one box at a time to make some space to get everything set up a little better. Very happy to have two bars though - a squat station and a separate section for deads makes things a lot easier.

    Also need a snack that has good fibre, reasonable protein and low-ish cals. I had one, but they discontinued it :grumble: I'll find one eventually...
    I'm passing in the gym tonight because my youngest has therapy tonight, though I may steal his appointment so I can have a proper freak out.

    I think you're quite entitled to a freak out! Hope it get's sorted quickly!

    It's July here already LOL This month is getting serious time! Deficit for me too and work my butt off. Well, starting next week - I've pretty much written this week off, and all bets are off when the kids are at home :ohwell:
  • 1LadyKate
    1LadyKate Posts: 78 Member
    I eat a Larabar ALT an hour before I go to the gym.

    I had the fraud thing happen to us before too. They wiped out our checking and a portion of our savings account. Visa was able to change the fraud quickly because my husband used his card in our home town 1000 miles away. Our credit union/VISA returned every penny in 4 days. I hope you are able to get it back too.

    I owned my workouts in the gym today. I was able to get through my entire cardio and workout 1.A. with energy to spare. Is it even possible to have strength gains this quickly?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Thank you ladies. Tomorrow is a new day and a new month. I'm putting in a 200 deficit. and my goal is three lifting days Sunday to Sunday. Keep me honest.
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    Not so sure how much I like Workout 2B. I really don't understand the prone cuban snatches. It feels so strange to be kneeling on the bench and even more strange trying to sit on the bench. I also didn't have time to do my HITT after lifts--so doing that in the morning.

    I always eat before I lift, even if it's only a protein bar or a few eggs. I usually follow it up with a protein shake. I seem to have better energy if I eat.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    The pie was orgasmic.


    I was wearing my workout clothes for hours expecting to do AMRAPs today. It's crazy the things I thunk to do for dinner guests. At least I was moving all over the place ALL DAY getting the house ready for guest.

    The pie was orgasmic.

    I've never done a fruit pie from scratch before or pie crust from scratch. WHEW!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Sam that is worth a freak out.

    Kate if you were doing lots of sets before it makes sense that you have more energy with less sets. You can lift heavier from the beginning but it may be from your cns not lots of new muscle early .
    Enjoy it

    I saw a gi md she doesn't know what's wrong either but thinks likely it was an irritable bowel flare. Since I am not lifting this week as a planned rest I didn't eat breakfast or lunch. I didn't have any near passing out episodes- so it was a good day. I had 3-10 times a day where I was feeling lightheaded and on my visits I was told it was due to dehydration. Somehow I don't think this strategy will work in the long run...
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Runza pie is difficult and yours looks delicious!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Runz, that's a gorgeous pie! I have given up on homemade pastry as I always end up crying :P and have now found a good friend in Pillsbury roll our crusts :)

    It's Canada Day here, so a holiday. That means a bbq dinner tonight, but I don't eat meat so I need to make some veggie burgers or something. The kids will be having smores and the grown ups will be having fresh picked strawberries and cream. But first I am hitting the gym for a bit of cardio. Very sore from 4A2 yesterday though; upped my weights for a few exercises and my glutes are angry ;)
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Sam ....I am so sorry....one feels so violated when security breaches such as those happen. I hope you will get all your moulah back.

    Run...the pie looks delish! How was it?

    Sorry, I forgot to check in yester....I hope it isn't too late to do so. I am checking in at 2/3. I did eat "visible" carbs this past week...lasagna on Monday, and sweet potato fries with a burger (1/2 the bun) on Friday. I also had a tall "Bellini"...I also ate sugar free home made cranberry almond cookies. I have been eating a lot of protein - yester, I clocked at 121g!! I also have been bicycling as well on Thursdays and Sundays (just until the other Zumba class is brought back - I hope).

    July is here ladies! C'mon then! Let's get to it!! :drinker:
  • Semarshman
    Semarshman Posts: 19
    Good morning everyone,
    Happy Canada day to all up north!!!
    I had a good week last week. I got all my workouts in, both running and lifting and I ate pretty healthy. This week I am focusing on getting protein at every meal and eating plenty of veg. I am also trying to cut out the bread. I get a little carried away with the bread sometimes. Workout wise, I want to run 3 times this week and lift 3 times too.

    Is it normal that the numbers on the scale (weight and body fat%) are not moving at all? I have been doing this program for just over a week, but started lifting in combo with running about 22 days ago. Since then I have not lost an ounce, my measurements are the same, my clothes fit the same. It is getting a little frustrating. How long before I should start to see some changes?

    Have a good day everyone.