Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member

    Beeps, he was cleaning the carpet the other night and picked up my barbell to move it out of the way. He told me, "Your weights are getting too heavy for me! I think I aggravated my hernia." I laughed :laugh:

    Alright, that *is* funny! Nicely done!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    I am totally not doing house-work. Good gawd....

    I didn't try the 45-minute work-out yesterday, but really am going to do that M-F next week.

    No lifting for me, today. But, I kept my calories very low yesterday and I did both a lifting session (plus stretching/rolling) and a 75 minute walk. So, I am feeling fine taking my usual Thursday "rest" day.

    I have a patio event after work, with gf's, so I will be drinking....and will just skip all snacks today to meet my calorie targets.

    i totally think I can drop the FLUFF by end-of-July if I am consistent and don't waiver. And then, by end of August, I should be in striking distance of meeting my 2014 goals.

    I'd like to then take Sept/Oct/Nov to SLOWLY meet my 2014 bodyfat loss goals....

    I really f*cked around too much the first 6 months of 2014 and now am kind of "starting all over" as if it was January 1st. That is DUMB. But, it is what it is.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    jdgro - I really had to recognize that some days of lifting I would move up in weights, and some days, would have to back off....but, over time, the weights went UP. So, if you are getting to the end of your set, and you aren't feeling "fatigued", in my opinion, it is time to move to a heavier weight.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    samntha + BBGirl - please report in with your calories!! It's time to get SERIOUS and I want to know that I have COMPANY over on the deficit-bench over there....

    My Tuesday was a decent fast. My Wednesday was a decent calorie-deficit day. I am hoping my Thursday will be a deficit day (but more slight) and then tomorrow (Friday) will be a decent calorie-deficit day (similar to Wednesday).

  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Jo, good to hear you're back at it and rested!

    dna, glad to got it all sorted. I can definitely understand not minding having the ride to yourself!

    Bepeejay, Hope you enjoy your rest!

    Jdgro, only you can tell if you're challenging yourself. Fatigue without compromising form is the best gauge.

    Beeps, ill get back with you. Need to do some figuring!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I like Tony Horton. I appreciate corny jokes and my eyeballs like him, too :laugh: Plyometrics is my favorite. I like the first and last 30 minutes of Yoga X. The middle 30 minutes is just :noway: :noway: :noway:

    Jo, I love the sound of your workout! And I love feeling crippled the next day :laugh:

    I don't know anything about belts but I like Jo's advice to focus on the core. Makes sense. Barbell also mentioned checking your form. I've been working on this for over a year and I still go back and watch videos and read about form.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    HI everyone. I don't have time to read over the million or so pages of comments since the weekend so I am just quickly checking in. I know I am late but last week I got 3/3. This week it looks like I will get 0/3 because I was away monday and tuesday and now I am preparing for a job interview so am sitting at my laptop from when I get up to when I go to bed. I did manage to go to a TRX class last night. It was hard!! But I definitely prefer heavy lifting. I tend to be a bit lazy so with lifting I can push myself to go as hard as I can for 6-10 reps but anything after that I lose focus. TRX has you doing exercises at speed for 30-40 seconds and then moving on to something else which is the type of workout that leads to me looking for short cuts and opportunities to take it easy. I am looking forward to monday when I can get back to the gym!

    Last Saturday I got my bodyfat % tested in the gym again. The last time I had it done was in January before I started any lifting and I was at 37%. On Saturday I was STILL at 37%!! I am getting really sick of my lack of progress. and this week of over eating and very little exercise is not going to help. :explode:
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Thank you ladies for the advice, I'll forget the belt, I felt silly wearing it anyway. And I'm sure my form is crap, I should have my BF help me with that, it just feels awkward to have him see me working out. I know thats stupid and I know I am my own biggest obstacle. Dna, I love that you are tiny like me.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Thank you ladies for the advice, I'll forget the belt, I felt silly wearing it anyway. And I'm sure my form is crap, I should have my BF help me with that, it just feels awkward to have him see me working out. I know thats stupid and I know I am my own biggest obstacle. Dna, I love that you are tiny like me.

    I'd hate my hubby watching me - I use the mirrors :-)
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    I second the mirrors.

    I did planks with my (totally unfit lol) husband once. He kept trying to make me laugh. I punched him :grumble: :laugh:
    Dna, I love that you are tiny like me.

    Us shorties have to stick together :bigsmile:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    samntha + BBGirl - please report in with your calories!! It's time to get SERIOUS and I want to know that I have COMPANY over on the deficit-bench over there....

    My Tuesday was a decent fast. My Wednesday was a decent calorie-deficit day. I am hoping my Thursday will be a deficit day (but more slight) and then tomorrow (Friday) will be a decent calorie-deficit day (similar to Wednesday).


    I set my goal with a 200 deficit and I've been under even that GO ME!!. I hit the gym already three time this week and my third lift will be Saturday, goal will be achieved.

    Got my lifting in today and an older gentleman using the cable machine next me pops out his ear bud, "You're doing some advance stuff there, I see you supersetting, you get on with your bad self." Why thank you kind sir. I still feel weak though. This 10 rep light stuff isn't doing much for my ego and seems to hurting my waistline. I have some real gentlemen at my gym. There's a few loud mouth douches from Staten Island (you know the Jersey Shore type people that are really from New York) but they are few. Another very kind gentleman shared his 25s with me.

    Never used a belt, I just built my core. There is a difference between, ouch my muscles feel like they worked hard, and OUCH the really freaking hurts!. The first is a good thing the second is bad, very bad.

    JD, if you feel like you could do 2 more, time to increase the weight. Everybody is going to advance at their own rates. The only person you need to gage yourself by is yourself. I'm unhappy with my weights only because I've lifted WAY HEAVIER in the past, and I don't feel like I'm making progress.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    So... TOM turned up today, a whole week late. You know why? Because the kids are going away this Sunday, that's why.

    I swear there are days my body thinks it's just sssooooooooo funny.... :grumble:
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Thank you ladies for the advice, I'll forget the belt, I felt silly wearing it anyway. And I'm sure my form is crap, I should have my BF help me with that, it just feels awkward to have him see me working out. I know thats stupid and I know I am my own biggest obstacle. Dna, I love that you are tiny like me.

    I'd hate my hubby watching me - I use the mirrors :-)
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    sam, I hate the high reps stuff too! BUT I do feel like it works. Right now I'm in a 12 reps phase and by the time I get to 8 reps I'm dying and start to question if maybe the weights are just too heavy for so many reps. But I get it done.

    I can't wait to get back to the 5 reps stuff but I think the different rep ranges are important and good for SOMETHING.

    dna, oh no! :flowerforyou: My body works EXACTLY like that
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    I am going to LIFT, today!

    The end.
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    I am going to LIFT, today!

    The end.

    I got mine done nice and early.

    Happy 4th of July to my fellow Americans. I'm hoping I can manage going to the festivals without eating too much junk. There is nothing healthy to eat or drink at these things and all they left you bring in is a gallon of water each, because that what I want to carry for 5 people. You know I'm the one with a purse so they all ask me to carry their stuff. I got liter bottles and they can carry their own, Will is too big for the stroller this year ( 3 :cry: ) so putting on the bottom is not an option. Besides my older son & nephew are way to weak for 11 yrs old. Andy complained that water in the shopping basket was too heavy to carry last night at the store. 5 liters is not heavy, time to put down the video games & get some exercise. I'm also going to try to get them all to eat before we go. $5 for a little greasy hot dog does not sound appealing.
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Got my lifting in today and an older gentleman using the cable machine next me pops out his ear bud, "You're doing some advance stuff there, I see you supersetting, you get on with your bad self." Why thank you kind sir. I still feel weak though. This 10 rep light stuff isn't doing much for my ego and seems to hurting my waistline. I have some real gentlemen at my gym. There's a few loud mouth douches from Staten Island (you know the Jersey Shore type people that are really from New York) but they are few. Another very kind gentleman shared his 25s with me.

    Where are you from? I grew up on Long Island and miss NY. I love the compliment from the older guy :smile:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    AMRAPs for Stage 4 are done :drinker:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    ....and?!?!?!? Aren't you going to post "results", runzalot?!??!

    I remember when we would all crowd around and post what our "lifting results" were after a certain stage, or whatever!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I'm impressed at all you lifting ladies!

    Dna,boo for TOM!

    Sam, you ARE bad, he was right!

    Yes, runz, what are your results so far?

    Ali, at least you get some extra exercise from carrying all that?

    I did my first "B" workout of Strong Curves yesterday. Today my obliques hate me! And I only *thought* I knew how to activate my glutes- need to work on it some more! I took a few measurements this morning. My scale still has me up about 4lbs from what I was at the end of May. Waist is the same, but thighs and butt are up nearly an inch each! I knew my butt looked visibly bigger, but I can't figure out if it's the product of water retention from all the lower body work this week or what. It doesn't look fatter or flabby just bigger. Same with my thighs. Maybe a few good weeks of adjusting to this new workout and better eating will get rid of it. I'm fine with firmer, but my almost 39" hips and 22.5" thighs don't need to be any bigger!