Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Watch this squat video, it's long but you will thank me, or him, either way
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Stage 4 just wasn't interesting. I saw no changes in weight, measurements and whatnot. I did increase 20 lbs on my deadlift. I also changed my pushups from elbows out to elbows in. When I started Stage 4 with this change, I could barely do 2 pushups on the floor. Now, I can do all 8 with elbows in.

    That's it. I've been eating too much :grumble:

    The last few nights, I'll have a perfectly fine day and then snack like he!! at 11 pm. :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: Advice?

    I took a look at Drop 2 Sizes today. It pumped me up. Until 11 pm. :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
    Funny I just caught this now. I can do 12-15 push-ups on the floor elbows, but I CANNOT do any pushups elbows in. My body just won't go in that direction. I can't even do them against a wall standing up. Am I just weird?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    22.5" thighs don't need to be any bigger!

    Seriously?? I'm like 24.5" and I want to cry every damn day to get to 22.5, lol
    Me too Beeps, Me too (I actually just measured.)

    But you are both taller than me! You both look awesome.
    I"m only 5'6'', I'm hopelessly average with a really long torso and short legs.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Hey to all the newbies. sorry I can never remember who wrote/ asked what!

    The 6 ft barbell is the way to go. Scary at first, yes. Scary after a couple of tries? No. It just gets scarier again when you try and up your max squats, haha. At least it did for me!

    Those working out at home - do you all have squat racks? Otherwise how do you get your bar in position for back squats?

    Funny I just caught this now. I can do 12-15 push-ups on the floor elbows, but I CANNOT do any pushups elbows in. My body just won't go in that direction. I can't even do them against a wall standing up. Am I just weird?

    ^^ Do you mean tricep pushups? These are killer, I am totally crap at these. I can easily knock out 20+ push ups but tricep ones? My knees are still on the floor or my back arches horribly. I don't really do much in the way of tricep exercises really though. I don't often do tricep dips or any focused weights in that area. You could prob add in kickbacks and that sort of thing if you want to improve there. But it'll take a long time!

    So with supercharged stage 3 I think I am going to focus on 2 workouts per week. Or maybe 5 per fortnight. The workouts are LONG and focus on max lifts AND then hypertrophy (high reps for ++fatigue). And it is exhausting. I think I will get the most out of it that way without further injuring myself! So over a fortnight, 5 NROL, 4 combat classes = 9 workouts. Then I'll just add in a random 3 x walk/ run/ class to total 12 workouts per 14 days. Approximately. What do you think ladies?

    School hols here this week coming. It's pretty cold and wet and miserable. Hopefully I can keep kids entertained enough. I have them booked into crèche 3 times this week so I can go to the gym hahaha. My gym is part of the state aquatic centre so I might take them into the pools afterwards.... that might wear them out too :wink:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    How cold is it Jo? My friend's daughter is in Aus right now and she's wearing shorts in all her pics. I was like, hey isn't it winter lol.

    I got my lifting in early today. While I was there everyone just stopped what they were doing, including all of the trainers, because this woman was using the leg press machine with.....NINE HUNDRED POUNDS ON IT!!!! She looked like a big girl, but like those strong man guys, she was clearly all muscle. The problem for most people is that when they build that much muscle it often comes with fat. Yeah I'll just go put my 15lb dbs down now.

    I forget who asked, but please avoid the smith machine. It takes your body out of proper alignment. re: sharing equipment: always ask whoever is standing nearby if they are using something. The point and nod are enough, and always ask to work in if someone is being an equipment hog. I meet the best people this way. If they are jerks and say no, usually others notice and try to help you out, at least in my experience. Most people are nice.

    Welcome greenthumb!You only have to walk up to the bar for the first time once. We all started in different places. I was crazy weak and had to start everything with body weight exercises.Jo, I'm drowning in Basic Training. Can't wait for hypertrophy. If I go through again, I'm skipping basic 1-2.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Everyone on this thread looks awesome.

    I had to measure my thighs after all the thigh comments on the thread. At first I thought I lost .5 in and was flying high . Then I started to think too much -how do you measure a thigh? At the widest point?at the mid thigh?how do you remember where you measured ?
    And of course my thigh still looked fat to me even when I demonstrated a loss.
    I can't seem to lose inches off my waist.

    I will be back at the gym this week but I need to sign up again.

    Sam- nine hundred pounds on leg press is amazing!

    Welcome newbies

    By cowgirl-- maybe you have already built your glutes! I need to try your program because it seems like the most rapid weight building program ever .... I guess it's more likely water weight.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    It has been about 15 degrees C here in the day (max). It's different all over though. Queensland/ NT will be up around the 30's still. The problem here in South Australia is that houses are not designed for the cold weather - the walls aren't insulated, the windows only have single glazing and there are drafts from all the doors. The roof is tiled and not insulated, and we lose a lot of heat through our air conditioning vents. We need those in summer though when it's 45 degrees!

    Pmagnanifit - I would assume the widest part? I dunno, will have to go check mine now hahaha
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    21 inches at the widest part lol
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I measure my thighs at the widest part. Same with the arms.

    Today is my sister's baby shower = cake. I need to keep it under control cause yesterday I was home alone all day and while it was nice to have dh and my boys out of the way ;) I binged hard and feel horrible. Ugh.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Sam and Jo, I do mean tricep push ups. I had gotten to where I could do 20+ push ups on the floor with my elbows out. When I changed to elbows in for Stage 4, I didn't think it was going to be possible :laugh: I do feel really good about the progress I've made there.

    I didn't make those brownies yesterday. Today!

    I'm going to Costco and I have beef jerky on my list. Bring on the protein!
  • RGreenthumb
    RGreenthumb Posts: 22 Member
    I did my first workout and my goodness were those squats tough! I managed 14kg (30lbs) and I cannot imagine increasing that weight within a week. I think I might have to stick to 14kg for the next workout and not worry too much about it. The good news is that I didn't have any lower back pain whilst doing them, which confims my theory that the reps in BodyPump just were not allowing me to sort my form out properly as they were too fast.

    I subbed in lunges for the step ups as I had no step aside from the actual stairs in my house, and the cats would have been under my feet if I'd used that. I definietly went too light on the lunge weight, but you live and learn!

    I can't say I actually enjoyed the workout at the time because I really did find it hard, but after I finished, having not quit, I did feel good. Hopefully as I get stronger I'll start to enjoy it a bit more as I'm doing it. I think I'll also find some motivational music to keep me going next time!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Pmag, Brett C, the author, makes some pretty big claims about his program causing rapid results, but I'm doubtful. I'm certain it's all water retention. I measure at the widest point. Or you can find a mole or birthmark to remind you where to measure for progress tracking. I actually track upper (widest) and middle thigh. Sometimes I will see a difference in the mid thigh, but not upper. Eventually it evens out, but I would miss those changes if I wasn't tracking different places.

    RG, it's a good workout. I hope you continue to like it!

    runz, I stink at triceps push-ups. You're very impressive! I can do like 5 from the floor.

    Jo, you're so tiny! I like your workout schedule. That Stage of Supercharged IS challenging!
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    I did Strong Curves too. I can't say I got phenomenal results from it. I mean, my butt certainly got firmer and I got a lot of compliments on it. But it also got bigger which was more due to my bad eating habits than anything else. Goes to show, you can't out-exercise a bad diet. Now that I'm eating at a deficit and losing weight, my butt is definitely smaller. Firm mind you, but small nonetheless. Can't wait to get all this fat off so I can start building my butt again (WITHOUT the belly fat to complement it).
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Regarding tricep push ups, I didn't even know that that's what it was. I always thought I was just doing push ups wrong by doing them with my elbows out. When I started Supercharged 12 weeks ago, I tried to keep my elbows in but it was utterly impossible. So I resigned myself to doing them with my elbows out, which was still a struggle for me. I know I'm getting stronger though because I can now do 12 decline push ups on a 6" step.

    Oh wait, I just went to try the tricep push ups and I did 7 of them! So I AM getting stronger.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Just reporting in on my weekly progress
    To meet my goals, my plan this week:
    1. 3 days of lifting.
    2. 2 days of HIIT cardio.
    3. 1650 cals on non-lifting days, 1880 cals on lifting days. This averages to TDEE-14%.
    4. 26% of cals should be from protein
    5. 6 cups of water daily
    6. 3 days consisting of 20 mins of stretching
    7. No eating after 8 pm.
    8. Eat 3 servings of vegetables daily.

    1. Check
    2. Check
    3. Check
    4. Nope. Couldn't get my protein in this week. Had a carb fest :cry: . Averaged 23%.
    5. Check
    6. Check
    7. Mostly. Only 1 day I ate past 8.
    8. Mostly. Got 5 out of 7 days so not bad.

    All this translated into a 0.8 lb loss this week so I'm feeling good and motivated. Except, my lean mass decreased almost as much as the fat. I'm attributing that to not enough protein so I'm going to work extra hard to meet my protein goal this week.

    Oh, and I've been taking regular breaks from the computer and doing some stuff like jumping jacks, running on the spot, etc. Anything to break this sedentary lifestyle, cause, ahm, the housework thing didn't workout :blushing:
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    So much to catch up on here. I am back to the gym tomorrow after my week off from lifting (and pretty much from any form of exercise or counting calories, I am afraid to weigh myself for a while!). Can't wait to get back into the gym.

    From what I have read everyone is doing great. I am starting stage 4 tomorrow so I am mentally preparing myself for the pain my legs are going to be in! I also can't do the elbows in push ups, I realised at the end of stage 2 that I was doing the wrong ones, I was doing elbows out. I suck at both so I really need to build up my upper body strength.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Just reporting in on my weekly progress
    To meet my goals, my plan this week:
    1. 3 days of lifting.
    2. 2 days of HIIT cardio.
    3. 1650 cals on non-lifting days, 1880 cals on lifting days. This averages to TDEE-14%.
    4. 26% of cals should be from protein
    5. 6 cups of water daily
    6. 3 days consisting of 20 mins of stretching
    7. No eating after 8 pm.
    8. Eat 3 servings of vegetables daily.

    1. Check
    2. Check
    3. Check
    4. Nope. Couldn't get my protein in this week. Had a carb fest :cry: . Averaged 23%.
    5. Check
    6. Check
    7. Mostly. Only 1 day I ate past 8.
    8. Mostly. Got 5 out of 7 days so not bad.

    All this translated into a 0.8 lb loss this week so I'm feeling good and motivated. Except, my lean mass decreased almost as much as the fat. I'm attributing that to not enough protein so I'm going to work extra hard to meet my protein goal this week.

    Oh, and I've been taking regular breaks from the computer and doing some stuff like jumping jacks, running on the spot, etc. Anything to break this sedentary lifestyle, cause, ahm, the housework thing didn't workout :blushing:

    Wow! Great job! I need to be specific for my goals. That's really what keeps me motivated.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Back to supercharged today (back to lifting after a week off)
    I had a great weekend with out of town relatives .

    We went to mt St. Helens and out for a nice dinner.

    I am feeling better. So I didn't lose any weight for the past two years- eating well and exercising but lost four lbs in the past few weeks from nausea/ decreased appetite. I am eating normally again, and I hope whatever it was is over. My thighs are skinny even if I can't appreciate it.

    I want my usual energy and self back!!!

    We are restating family run tonight - which is based on c 2 5 Knut we are doing it as a family so we all exercise together.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Back to lifting today - felt brilliant! Smashed Stage 5A BWM in 1.40 secs :bigsmile: took 5secs off previous time.

    Did take it easy on the weights after a week off, but still managed to up it on the bent over rows at 28kg (ie, I was too lazy to take the big plates off :wink: )

    Okay, I'll be back at lunch time to read through. I'm supposed to be working right now, not procrastinating lol

    Oh yeah. The children left the building yesterday on their grandparent holiday. It's all kinds of quiet here today :laugh: