Daily Chat Thread



  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Ali 40 pound dumbbells that is some grip you've got

    Sam it is early in the summer ... Can they get some play dates or camps so they are not on top of each other all the time?
    Mine do ok for a few days but I have had a few episodes when I said if you two don't stop annoying each other I will really annoy you

    Jamaica- that's a terrific compliment

    My workout stunk. I am using weights I used 1.5 years ago. I hope next week is better
    On the bright side my colonoscopy is next week instead of a month from now.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Beepejaye please post some progress pics!!!!
  • RGreenthumb
    RGreenthumb Posts: 22 Member
    Jamaican....Yay to you!!!

    Just coming off my Zumba high...I noticed since I cut down on cardio so as to build muscle, I am losing abit of cardio gains...but compared to how I am seeing definition in my body, I do not mind that one bit!!!

    Ohhh..the Brazil - Germany game was humiliating!! Yikes!! Well, all my fav teams are in the top four - and it gets harder and harder to choose a side!! Cannot wait for Sunday!!! :drinker:

    My boyfriend was getting so crazy excited about that game! I just felt really sorry for Brazil, especially when they showed a little boy crying!

    My legs have finally recovered from my first NROLFW workout. I think Body Combat really helped actually. I'm going to do Workout B tonight and I have to say, I am looking forward to trying the famous dead lift. The video someone (I can't remember who-I am rubbish) was super helpful so thank you!

    I've been pretty good with my calories this week, but getting enough protein is so hard! I'm vegetarian so that doesn't help matters, but blimey it is a challenge! I'm off to London for a few days on a school trip (I'm the teacher leading it-hope I don't lose anyone!) tomorrow so I'm not going to track calories. I'm foreseeing lots of Starbucks to keep me going, plus we're getting cooked breakfasts, Pizza and a burger meal. I think it's definitely best to bury my head in the sand until I return!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Beepejaye please post some progress pics!!!!
    I will :smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    samntha - I have to keep my kids in separate activities throughout the summer.....well, I guess the nanny does the heavy-lifting, frankly. But, I do the "organizing of separate events" (nanny executes on my plan!)

    I *am* glad I am tall in order to wear big patterns. And, YES, I have a killer pair of red shoes, but they are open-toe and as September nears, I won't know if the open-toe will work (very weather dependent)....wish I could find a pair of shoes JUST LIKE in the photo because I really like the nude/red/black combo in that shoe!

    Jamaica - I WANT PICTURES.

    Beepejaye - I WANT PICTURES.

    I don't even know what the h*ll "Whole 30" is, but I don't think I would like it, lol....

    I'm heading to the gym, today, for day 3 of weekday lifting. I am sore today - ain't gonna lie. But, will also 'reward' myself with a nice long walk after work since the weather is simply PERFECT.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member

    Jamaica - I WANT PICTURES.

    Beepejaye - I WANT PICTURES.

    I don't even know what the h*ll "Whole 30" is, but I don't think I would like it, lol....
    1. me, too!
    2. me, too!
    3. me, neither!

    I do want to make sure I say I love that dress, too!

    I'm hosting a tea party today!
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member

    I don't even know what the h*ll "Whole 30" is, but I don't think I would like it, lol....

    LOL....it's an elimination diet (lean, unprocessed proteins, lots of veggies, some fruit are allowed). After 30 days I can add food to see how it effects me mentally and physically. I need STRICT right now--get my mind back in the game. It's less about weight loss and more about mind-body-food connection. Giving up my wine and beer is going to be hard, but I think I am at a point where it needs to be done. Oh, and tortillas. I freakin' love tortillas.

    Beeps--can't wait to see a pic of the dress once you get it! You are going to look fantastic. I like the shoes in the photo as well. Good luck in finding them.

    DNAMouse--I hear you! Legumes will be one of the first foods I add back into my diet. I don't think I have an issue with them. But I do think that I might be dairy intolerant and that wheat does something to me as well. And sugar--well, it just makes me gain (surprise, surprise). We shall see. You sound like you have a pretty great diet!

    Runzalot--A tea party? Cool! Hope it's a blast.

    RGreen--have fun in London!

    Legs and booty still a bit sore from my second Stage 2B workout. Yay! My booty can just melt right off and it would be fine with me! Looking forward to 2A again today.

    My little ones are REALLY into hiking this year and they can go, go, go! They have finally reached an age where they have some endurance and it's FUN! I am taking them on a hike that I loved as a kid tomorrow after my chiropractor appointment.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I've caught a cold. Had plans to lift 4 days this week. Now it's ruined unless I lift 3 days in a row- probably not a good idea.

    The good thing is I have no appetite for a change.

    Lift on!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    That's right, Marieann! A tea party. I've never been to or hosted a tea party. I never played tea party. We just happen to have a collection of vintage tea china and I figured, Why not? We have lace. We have doilies. I've been taking pictures and I'll post them tonight or tomorrow :)
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    stage 4 workout B1 in the bag! and when I was done some guy came up to me to ask about the deadlift and said what I was doing looking really impressive. wohoo, I look strong!! I also told one of the trainers in the gym about the book so she got it and started in on Monday, she was talking today about how great it is, I like that I can spread the good word! :smile:

    Runzalot, a tea party sounds like a lovely idea. how cultured of you! :happy:

    barbell, I hope you feel better soon. i hate being sick and not getting my lifting in!

    beeps, i think i agree about whole 30, I'm fairly certain that I would hate it! But if it helps you to work out what you are intolerant to Marieanne then its a good idea. good luck with it! Also, the dress is gorgeous! can't wait to see pictures of you in it beeps!

    jamican, that is an awesome compliment!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    thanks, runzalot...yes, the dress is fab and now I have paid for it and ordered it and it will be shipped in the next couple of weeks, I guess.

    marieann - thanks for explaining "whole 30"....good luck and I hope it is everything you have ever wanted!!

    BBCowgirl - I just did my 3rd day of lifting in a row and my wrist is hurting. So is my elbow. I might take a rest day tomorrow....I am not supposed to, but I am SORE, lol. Tonight I will walk and see if that helps.

    runzalot - lace??? doilies??? geezuz, are you my gramma???
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    DouMc - lookie how the compliments just keep rollin' in - nicely done!

    have any of you been to a diner en blanc?!?!?!?

    I just got my invitation!! Now off to buy something ALL-WHITE....
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Jamaica, that is a heck of a compliment.

    Feel better Cowgirl.

    A Tea party sounds great, I am such a teetotaler.

    My passenger today offered to buy me coffee and I said no thanks I drink tea or cocoa. She got me the cocoa and my calories and blood sugar have been a mess since. I just wasn't hungry after drinking an 18oz hot chocolate, so not enough protein to level out my blood sugar. I really should know better.

    I'll be heading to zumba myself tonight. Before that, nap time.

    My children are used to being very busy in the summer. WHen I'm home every day is an adventure even if we just go to a park. I need to schedule more stuff for when I get home in the afternoon. Tomorrow will be our first trip to Six Flags. By this time last year been there 4 or 5 times already. That being said I am worried about their attitudes lately. Very negative.
  • bschoo01
    bschoo01 Posts: 175 Member
    Just wanted to check in so people didn't think I gave up already! lol I'm slowly but surely getting there. Still using just my body weight or just barbell weight for a few exercises. Unfortunately because of my work schedule I can usually only get in 2 lifting sessions a week. :( 2 is better than none I suppose... I'm still having a hard time hitting my protein goal most days but I am working on it. However I have been doing well with my calorie intake these last couple weeks.

    BTW I would love to see some progress pics too! :)
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    A day off for me today..... plans to spend a lot of the day on my butt..... which may be uncomfy after my run of workouts this week, but hey, I have JOB APPLICATIONS to start :noway: Yes that's right, this student will finish at the end of this year and grad programme applications open next month so I have a whole heap of paperwork to plough through.

    So Sunday I took hubby to the gym and we did a circuit type thing that I made up. He helped spot me on my dumbbell bench and with his help, I can fairly easily manage the 12kg (26.5lbs) dumbbells. These I cannot do alone because I am still unable to get them into position by myself (have been doing them single arm at a time). This has proven to me that I really need to work out a plan to improve these (without a spotter) as this is where I have made least progress. I need to move on to barbell bench I think but the bench height at my gym is made for guys, not girls! Even though its adjustable I can never get myself 'feeling right' for the lift. I will have to ask someone there - I just never seem to have time.

    I did NROL Monday - the supercharged stage 3 workouts are still taking me 70 mins and are hard!

    Tues I did combat - the new release is awesome and making me work.... love it!
    Weds I also did combat - different instructor and he called his mix 'the combat that will destroy your legs and shoulders'.... it did kick butt! Loved it though, was just what I needed to warm up on a cold night. Also helped that with my jumping lunges I can touch the floor with my hand and even the instructor couldn't do that for the duration - made me feel kick-*kitten*! :bigsmile:
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    The Whole 30 wouldn't be doable for me, as a vegetarian. Props to those of you even thinking about doing it! I am guessing coffee on that plan is a no no, and that is a NO NO for me ;)

    Seems like its the time for gym compliments as I got one today too: a guy at the gym commented that the stuff I was doing was hard. Yay!

    Summer with two young boys home is LONG! This is only the second week, my husband was even home with us last week, and I feel myself losing patience rapidly. All the silly 3 and 5 year old behaviours just get to me. September is so far away! I love being a stay at home mum but some days my wee boys just have way too much energy :P
  • 1LadyKate
    1LadyKate Posts: 78 Member
    Runzalot, I love peach pie! I am going to try and make a low calorie peach dessert

    My lunges are getting better. I think I might have been holding my breath.

    I will be honest: I use the Smiths machine for a many reasons but mainly because it is the only small bar in the gym. I was unable to even pick up the full-size bar before. Next work out I should be able to use it for squats. So I am excited and nervous about that.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    I will post progress pics...once I overcome the posting-my-body-progress-pics phobia lol!

    I hope everyone is enjoying Thursday. Lifting yester was great for me! I watched the first half of the World Cup (Argentina Vs. Netherlands), then went to the gym...and was surprised how empty it was! I had both the DD and Squat rack at my disposal!! Wohoo!! I then came back home to an exciting second half and two extra times of the World Cup!!! I just love this game!!! :drinker:

    Today is bicycling day!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hey Jo do you have a smith machine?
    I've seen it used to bench and without a spotter itmight be better .
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I can't wait to see your pics, bepee!

    My tea party. No, I'm not your Grammy :grumble: :laugh:




    My dress. I love this dress.